Name: Suzuki Akira
Delivery: Red Sands City, Fujiko IV
Thankful for YE 45: Earning enough to purchase my first ship.
Plans for YE 46: Find some adventure, security consulting is a bit boring.
Name: Kamiya Misakura
Delivery: Rikugun Base Fujiko
Thankful for YE 45: Being assigned to a great unit.
Plans for YE 46: Finding someplace warmer to serve.
Name: Kurita Tomomi
Delivery: Shenhong City, Fujiko IV
Thankful for YE 45: My current employers rock, they give me everything I want and more.
Plans for YE 46: To finally finish my project.
Name: Xu Yanfei
Delivery: Shenhong City, Fujiko IV
Thankful for YE 45: Adventure with those cute fox people.
Plans for YE 46: Getting back to Fujiko from my current assignment.
Name: Takeda Junko
Delivery: Shenhong City, Fujiko IV
Thankful for YE 45: Serving Yamatai as a reservist.
Plans for YE 46: Continuing to serve Yamatai and my full-time employer.