Star Army

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RP: 21st Fighter Sq [Mission 8.0] Whispers in the dark


SARPaholic & Admin
Retired Staff
Inactive Member
Convention Veteran
Libra Star Fortress
3 months after Operation Pay Back

The 2XF has spent the past several months back at their home base of Daichi. Ship's have been repaired and replacement ones are being constructed.

The Squadron's of the YSS Heitan had been spending their time training, or doing patrols while the carrier was repaired. The war with the NMX had entered a lull. No one was sure if it was a true peace or just the various folks regrouping.

Having returned from a weekend pass the evening before, the members of the squadron received the following message as Reveille 0500 hrs sounded.

"Attention 2X-F21, report to Alpha flight deck at 0800 hrs."

Shortly after the message was received, the Heitan left the Daichi system with its escort.
Elisto tossed and turned in his bed, glancing up at the ceiling and... not really wanting to get up right now. Although, after a few, he realized that he had to and got up anyway.

He undressed and grabbed his uniform then paid a visit to the showers to wash up a bit before drying off and putting his uniform on. He stared into a mirror and checked to make sure that the uniform was on properly, no creases or anything, it was nice and clean and straight.

Double checking the messages, he went back to his cabin and grabbed his ICP and began to make his way to the flight deck.
It had been a total of three months since being stranded in space, witnessing that horrible battle while floating, hiding within that debris field. The days, even weeks prior had been hard for the blue skinned neko, her dreams filled with those burning ships, plummeting towards the planet's surface, taking all those poor souls with them.

As horrible as that experience had been for her, it had clarified many things for her. Specifically, it gave her a vision, a vision that she aimed to fulfill if it was the last thing she ever did. They weren't strong enough, this navy, its ships, were not powerful enough to win this war, not without the scenes that she had seen played out before her. A war won solely with numbers was not a war won at all in her eyes. Naive, perhaps..but she could not believe that that was the only way.

Closing the zipper to her flight suit, Arinori would stare into the mirror. She had changed a bit since that day..her eyes mostly..they were duller, more sallow. She hadn't been sleeping so well, that perky spark in her eyes long gone. Would it ever come back ?

Moving out of her quarters, she took her helmet and made her way to to the flight deck for the briefing.
Anne had been woken up by the message. Back to war it seemed. Last three months were fairly simple and nice. She could focus on her duties and her studying. The whizz of engines made sure to tell her that the ship was leaving. Anne got up, exercised for a bit and then got a shower. Then a simple nutritious breakfast.

When the time was right she got into her flight-suit, geared up and moved to the flight-deck. She was not sure if the suit will be needed or not, but it was simpler to take it. She can always take it of if needed.

She met Elisto at the deck. "Good day," she told him with a slight bow. "Any idea what is in front of us?" She asked him, watching carefully his face and body-language. It was time to start utilising her study of psychology after all.
Elisto waited for a moment to respond; knowing full well that not everything he was told would be public information. "There have been an odd assortment of transmissions that have some curious, to say the least. My guess is our mission will be investigate these transmissions and figure out their origins, could be NMX to be honest given how they are still a pretty big thorn in our ass..."

The intel operative knew better than to expose everything he knew, and his face showed no signs of being deceitful in his response even though he wasn't telling the full story.
Flight Deck

Konpeki entered the flight deck wearing her type 35 duty uniform. Her black panel readily identifying her position. She carried an ICP and several data pads. She walked over to the Diamonds.

She approached Elisto, "Good day Tereane-Heisho, your intelligence briefing." she said handing him a datapad.

Konpeki turned to Anne and Emiyu, "Good morning ladies. Good day for flying. Wish I was coming along, I miss the thrill of being strapped into a fighter pushing it to the edge. Now it is just reading Intel reports and doing briefings." she said wistfully.
Flight Deck

Yaeko came strolling in mid-conversation. Being her normal self, she jumped right in.

"Oh, but then you would miss the excitement of the Battle of the Contradictory Evidence Reports, and the Mission of the Lost Stapler."

Grinning, she walked over and plopped into he normal seat.

"So how's the clerical life been treating you?"
Konpeki turned to Yaeko, "Fortunately, I get to avoid those. I leave them for new officers to worry about." she said with a grin. "I get to review random bits of information from various sources, and try to come up with a cohesive picture. Kind of like working on a jig saw puzzle when you can not see what the result is supposed to be." She handed Yaeko her datapad, "Your mission orders ma'am."
"And the pieces usually don't like to fit together," she added as she accepted the datapad and started reading through it.

"Routine recon?" She asked with a sigh as she looked back up. "I'll tell ya, things were a lot more exciting when I actually had something to shoot at."
Yaeko's data pad displayed.

2XF21 Orders
Upon drop off at point Able, proceed towards point Bravo. Investigate location.

Point Bravo until recently was the source of multiple-band electromagnetic emissions. These emissions were occurring on a regular basis.

You are authorized to investigate the site, and anything found there. If possible determine the source of the emissions, the responsible parties, and why they have abruptly stopped.
"Yep," she confirmed to herself after glancing through it once more. "Recon."

Glancing up at the room, she looked around. "Is this everyone?" She glanced down at her watch. "We'll give them a few more minutes. So what did everyone do with the weekend?"
Akemi and Kayo came jogging over to the others with their helmets under their arms. Akemi looked at Konpeki, "Well, since our Intel Officer is present, guess that means we are not doing a training mission. That is good. Bloody tired of shooting at target lights."
Elisto thanked Konpeki and looked at his intel report; scrolling down through the assorted information and finding that things were going to get quite interesting it seemed.

He took his seat and continued to stare at the report.
Anne gave others a nod when they arrived. She looked at Konpeki though. "Maybe we should swich jobs. You like flying and I like reading and thinking." She joked with a smile, before she sat to Elisto.

Her attention then went to Yaerko. "Recon?" She repeated. That sounded good. It meant she gets to play with sensors and it should not be something too dangerous. Like going into giant battle or bomb-runs. "Hopefully we won't have to shoot at all on this one."
Silic appeared at the door, surveyed the room, his eyes immediately riveting to Konpeki and her little conspiratorial circle around her of that other black panel and Yaeko.

"Nope." was the tiny conclusion as he turned around and went for the exit.
Yaeko scowled.

"You too are no fun! Shooting stuff is the best, especially when it shoots back."

Looking around the room, she was satisfied that everyone was there. Standing, she walked in front of the table.

"Take seats. I'm going to make this short. There were electromagnetic emissions coming from an unknown source at objective Bravo. They have suddenly stopped. We are to investigate the site and determine the source of the emissions and why the stopped. I'll forward you all our full mission orders. Anything to add from the Intel side?" As she said this last part, she turned to look at Konpeki.
"Only that there have been a number of fold events in the general area of the source. We are too far away to determine if it was at that location or not. Given that we are still technically at war, approach any object with suspicion and caution. After all there is always the chance that this is some sort of trap laid by the NMX. The primary objective is to gather as much data as possible. Contact us once you have something to report."

She turned to leave spotting a soldier heading for the exit. "Seems someone has other plans."
Silic's body flinched in panic and he leapt for cover behind some seats as though the finger were some sort of weapon. A red-haired bush of hair and a pair of shades popped up over the top of a seat fugitively.
"God damn it Silic, get your ass into one of those chairs." Yaeko said exhaustively. "And don't think acting like a child will get you transferred. You're staying, and we're flying, and that's final."

Turning towards the rest of the squadron, she spoke plainly.

"You have twenty minutes. Grab chow, hang out, do whatever, but be geared up and standing next to your fighter at that time. Dismissed."
Elisto watched with silent disappointment, although perhaps he shouldn't be all that surprised at Silics actions. He continued to sit there, wanting to talk to Konpeki after things were done to see if he could get more information in case the briefing he had in his hand wasn't mentioning everything.