Star Army

Star ArmyⓇ is a landmark of forum roleplaying. Opened in 2002, Star Army is like an internet clubhouse for people who love roleplaying, art, and worldbuilding. Anyone 18 or older may join for free. New members are welcome! Use the "Register" button below.

Note: This is a play-by-post RPG site. If you're looking for the tabletop miniatures wargame "5150: Star Army" instead, see Two Hour Wargames.

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RP: 21st Fighter Sq [Mission 8.0] Whispers in the dark

Yaeko glanced over her shoulder to look at Silic. "Never," she said with a smile. She waited as the fighters slid into place. When the lights flashed red and the blast doors began opening, she closed her eyes and took a deep breath, mentally preparing herself for the mission ahead.

"Alright Diamonds, final checks before we launch. Is everyone ready?"

Elisto hurried himself to his fighter, pushing off the deck and gliding over to the cockpit where he pulled himself inside and gave one of the mechanics a thumbs up.

The cockpit closed, and sealed up afterwhich, he began to run the preflight check while glancing over the information Konpeki had given him. "Possible IWL...." it did make him ponder whether this was a wild goose chase or if there was more, but it wasn't his job to question that, his job right now was to find proof and to catelogue it for the future; plus anyone who possibly threatened the Empire was fair game in his opinion.
Kayo did one last check, then signaled "Zero-one-seven-two, all systems go. Ready for launch." Her hand poised above the throttle, just waiting for the command to launch.

Akemi was satisified with her system diagnostics, "Zero-zero-niner-seven all systems nominal. Ready for launch." she said with her hand on the throttle.
"Alrighty!" Yaeko called out as she reviewed some of their intel. "I'm calling a last-minute roster change. Anne, can I get you backseat with Akemi?" Yaeko gave the two a minute to get resettled.

"Launch!" She punched the thrusters and accelerated out of the bay, trusting that her squadron would be close behind.
Anne climbed into back-seat of Tamahagane-san's Kawarime. Anne did not miss flying on her own too much. It was fun doing so in training runs or simulator, but not in mission. She did not trust her piloting skills too much. Beside this let focus on the wavefront module and healt of the squadron.

"Greeting Tamahagane-san," Anne said to the pilot and smiled. "Fair space-winds to us!" It was a little joke that Anne wanted to say for a while.
Well this is going to be different. Not used to having someone behind me in the cockpit. Akemi thought. "Well I do not about fair winds, but I will do what I can to make it a smooth flight. Of course, that really depends on what we encounter. Please make sure you are secure in your seat when we launch." She did one last check and hearing Yaeko.

"Here we go." She said throttling up. "Zero-zero-niner-seven Launching." she sent over the comm as she released the brakes. The fighter leaped away from the Heitan and she adjusted her trajectory to form up on Yoshi.

Kayo followed after Akemi, launching a second after her friend. "Zero-one-seven-two Launching." she called out and once clear adjusted her course to line up on Yaeko.
Elisto double checked his diagnostics before pulling down the faceplate of his helmet. "Zero-One-Zero-Three... all systems green, launching!" he said after his fighter was placed into the launching system, he pushed the throttle full and rocketed out of the hanger and out into space.

He spun the craft left, and then right, ensuring that all avionics were operational before dropping into formation.
The squadron flew through the void and shortly their sensors detected the Heitan leaving to drop off the next squadron for their patrol. The carrier would return to this region six hours later unless the squadron signaled otherwise.

The fighters were flying through interstellar space with the nearest star several lightyears away. After an hour of flying through the dark void their sensors started painting multiple objects ahead.
"This is Spinner, I got multiple contacts up ahead," Anne said, modulating her wavefront module. She played with the sensors trying to find out what they was. "I can't identify them on passive scanner Hunter. Can I fire up active scanner to find out more? If they are enemy they will know right about us though."
"Negative Spinner. Let's get a bit closer before we start announcing our presence." Hunter replied

As the squadron continued, there were intermittent bursts of static from various locations near the target area. They were too brief to triangulate.

Then several chunks of debris glanced off the shields of Akemi and Elisto's fighters. They looked like pieces of a hull.
Utilizes the passive scanners, and his own set of scanning software along with that provided by SAINT; Elisto carefully charted each piece of debris, he used his eyes to create a detailed scan of each of the debris pieces so that he could later piece them together - perhaps to form a bigger picture of what they once were.

When he noticed his shields flare a bit, he banked a little bit to the left to evade some of the more larger pieces.
Akemi started seeing some minor fluctuations on her sensors, sporadic energy emissions.

"Scrapyard, Spinner light up your sensors. We are getting hints of something. At this range we can risk using our full capabilities." she said as she slowed the fighter down but kept shields at full potential.
"Got it," remarked Elisto as he brought the sensors online and began to search for anything out of the ordinary, or rather, anything that just didn't fit right now given the missions perimeters.
"Roger that," replied Anne as she hit her control board and activated her sensor suite at full. She used ladar just for starts to find physical object and then scanned those with other things on the Kawarime. She was especially looking out for any kind of enery source, that could hint a propulsion system.
The sensors showed a large number of small objects drifting away from each other. Beyond the flotsam a pair of large objects was detected. The scans showed them as being flattened spheres with large protrusions

The objects were each approximately 45 meters in diameter and 15 meters high. There were no major power sources detected. Though a small energy source was found on each. They appeared to be fusion based.

A pair of heavily damaged 'Jackal' Multirole Fighters were detected drifting dead in space.
"I don't like this." Silic muttered. "All this wreckage and those two things are sitting out there like pretty daisies? Recks of trap."

Silic turned to look at the two wrecked fighters. "Maybe those two wrecked things that look rather more human? Perhaps they can tell us something? Who knows, maybe there's still a pilot in there."
Akemi listened to the input from Silic. She was of a mixed mind about the soldier. He was good with machines, but authority and members of the opposite sex seemed to be traps for him.

"Tin Man, I suspect that we may have been late to whatever party happened here. Do a visual recon of the damaged craft and give me your engineering opinion." she said across the channel.
Elisto rubbed his chin as he stared at the sensor readouts; he flipped through the available sensors, and began to run additional scans and analyzes of the debris. "Certainly seems suspicious," he said and glanced through his fighers cockpit toward the distant debris. "Smells like a trap, looks a trap, talks like a trap...."

Posted for Kyle
"Not much I can pick up on those fighters from here, but it doesn't look good." Silic replied, peering out of the canopy and then back down to his screen.
The fighters had no unit markings, and their fuselages were a variety of colors. The hull was peppered with 4 cm holes. After a few minutes Silic could see the cockpit section of one of the fighters as it tumbled. The canopy of the cockpit had been cut away, and the pilot seat was empty.

The second fighter the cockpit was a blasted twisted region on the fighter.

Anne's sensors showed a number of ion trails in the area. They criss crossed the the area. Indicative of Paragon Fighter engines, and some other type. Unfortunately there was nothing identifiable in the secondary traces. There were multiple smaller ones, and a large one that lead towards the two large objects. Sensors showed the trails moving off at a vector.


Elisto enhanced sensors were picking up human life forms from the two large objects. They also picked up a number of small EM sources. It also detected that the two large objects were venting plasma from multiple locations