Star Army

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  • 📅 September 2024 is YE 46.7 in the RP.

RP [13th Precinct] Monster Factory

Charmaylarg Dufrain

🎖️ Game Master
RP Date
YE 41
RP Location
Roger Wilco City
3,553rd United Church Of De'mon

The massive blood red double doors of the church loomed ominously at the top flight of over a hundred stairs that lead up to the almost massive cathedral that dominated the block and demanded the attention of all who passed it in a gaudy display of looming spiral towers and an odd, Very un-nepleslian way of forgoing the typical metal construction of its walls in favor of things like stone and concrete.

Atop its massive stairs and into its great congregation halls the targets casually mounted the stairs and entered the cathedral in small groups. Dark crimson robes hid their visages behind thick cloth hoods as they flooded into their church in the twos and threes until the last of almost thirty had passed through its now closed doors.

Across the street, A nearby apartment complex had been secretly rented out and transactions had been paid through money orders and never face to face. Its occupants never entering through its street doors, And instead always through a rear entrance down an alley and off the main street so as not to be seen and blown their cover.
For three hours the DTR team of the 13th precinct hadn't left the confines of the three story, Nine unit complex. Waiting, Watching, The opportune moment to strike.
And the day had finally come as the group before them hustled into the church.

For weeks before then and even now a half dozen officers had staked out the church following a series of disappearances and assaults around the 3,553rd United had gotten the attention of the NPF. A bout of fine detective work had eventually narrowed down the suspects until, Finally, The right palms had been greased or broken and the names narrowed down to four individuals whose only connections to one another was the very church on the block of the very attacks and kidnappings.

The team had been on standby for almost two weeks as the church was observed. Routines and habits, Guard numbers and rotations had all been cataloged and put into dossiers. But time had run out as, Just hours ago four young teenagers had been abducted in the twilight hours just a block away and where suspected to be inside undergoing who knew what. The time for action had come.

"Listen up, Kuznyetski." The lead detective grunted at the Kuz lieutenant occupying a chair in one corner of the room looking rather bored as he casually spit sunflower seeds into a dirty pile nearby. "This is my show, Got it? Your door kickers dont so much as act until i give them the go ahead, So keep them off my ass."

The Kuznyetski lieutenant grinned a less than trustworthy grin as the detective started for the door, The holster on his HHG unclasped and three senior grade field officers trailing behind him as escort.
"So? Everyone be getting their bathroom breaks, yes?" He joked with the team as he slid on the balaclava and helmate of his HRRT suit and casually clipped his cqbs-a2 to its sling and casually kicked his chair over as he stood, Stretching and popping his back. "If you are having the second thoughts now would be the time to back out, Right lily?"

The gunhund barked a playful bark, Her tail wagging energetically despite the bulky Malthe armor she was kitted out with.
"Good girl, Thats right!" The kuz scritch-scratched the gunhunds neck before looking expectantly at the team. "I hope you all remember why we're here today, yes?"

Tetra-Group Labs. 3 blocks west.

Just west of the great cathedral, A less gothic part of the precinct lay in general disarray. Entire streets worth of abandoned and boarded up warehouses sprawled endlessly in the start of roger wilco's industrial districts meant for export and import lay closed and dormant to all but the seeder side of nepleslian culture of squatters and vagrants.

Some, However, Still lay in some form of activity as gangs and less than legal organizations operated outside of the public eye to avoid scrutiny and the ever vigilant watch of the NPF.

One of these very warehouses was host to such an organization as Salem Fowler had learned as he was omitted by a shady thug through the side doors of one of the warehouses. He was expected the guard had been told before hand, And in typical syndicate fashion the man knew better than to question anyone who knew to use the side door. When in reality a series of bribes and tips had lead the former NPF officer turned bounty-hunter turned freelancer to the tetra-groups obviously less than legal activities in the area.

The warehouse interior was nothing like its based outside as boarded up windows and a sheet metal roof hid a sanitary interior in the open floor warehouse as plastic medical tents where set up in a loose tent city, Transparent material showing a scene of teal figures in scrubs and medical masks leaning over operating tables and strange capsule like machines with their occupants obscured from the distortion of the thick plastic.

The path opened before him into the tent city, Allowing him entrance as many of the guards simple followed their training and avoided asking any questions and simply acted to protect from exterior threats less than the interior.

So long as he didnt draw attention he could hypothetically remain overlooked in his investigation into the recent disappearances plaguing the precinct. The NPF had no clue and usually refused to enter such syndicate controlled areas these days anyway. It was up to him to find the truth and set things right behind the clearly shady and illegal activities of the lesser known syndicate backed pharmaceutical group...

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Apartment Overlooking 3,553rd United Church Of De'mon

Flannery was unusually quiet during the entire wait, having gotten her gear and sat crouched against the wall with her CABS-A2. The entire situation was not sitting well with her. Kids going missing, being dragged to some abandoned church, and having who knows what happen to them while she sat across the street from them unable to do anything about it. She wanted to throttle the detective and break down the doors of church to save them, but she couldn't afford to act brash about the matter.

She simply let out a "tsk" to the detective's demands as her restless leg started acting up. She wanted to reach for a pack of smokes but she'd already promised friends back home she'd quit and she was only a few days left from a year cold turkey.
Apartment Overlooking 3,553rd United Church Of De'mon

Takeshi had listened intently to the briefing, offering a few nods and sounds of approval from her spot at the back of the room, standing there with the Halfhorn nestled across the mosty flat chest of her HRRT suit - Takeshi did her job, but she was never really the loudest person in the room, so answered with a quiet yet clear "Of course, Sir," before moving across to one of the unused tables in the room. There was a slight struggle before the arms of her suit seemed noticeably tighter and the metal table decided to co-operate, being dragged over to a window and her beloved rifle being rested atop it.

The halfbreed with her strange accent carefully brushed the curtains aside slightly and opened the window up just a crack, humming an quiet Kuznyetski tune under her breath as one glove was removed to expose the synthetic blue muscle beneath, rifle's bipod being set up carefully though the young DTR officer was careful to make sure herself and her tool of the trade were still wreathed in shadows for the most part - movies always got it wrong and to be fair, she got it wrong too when she was younger, why the hell would a sniper poke their barrel out the window unless they wanted to be seen anyway?

Takeshi moved to carefully lock her rifle open and sort through her vest of magazines, stripping a few bullets out of a magazine before replacing them with red-tipped polymer rounds, she'd have to throw some cheap ammo through the Halfhorn after this misson to keep it lean but why not let it indulge just his one time? She dragged a seat over too and sat herself down before powering up the fancy new scope atop her rifle, letting it calibrate distances and take various environmental readings before the weapon's reticule popped into existence.

"Officer Yeon, good to go~" Takeshi whispered into her comms, chambering a round and letting her rifle's slide close with a satisfying click of perfectly-maintained internals working together, a small huff from the young officer.

Haisely Goenkof, the newest member on the team, and certainly the least battle ready looking one of the bunch sat in her fancy dandy swivel chair leaning back with feet propped up on the desk. Unlike the rest of them she simply had plain clothes on, the same old style she always wore of beanies, hoodies and tank tops, since her role was supposed to be non-combat she didn't bother working at a desk in body armour. Spinning in a 360 she pulled herself in towards the desk a little more and tapped away at a couple of keyboards, while she didn't really need 3 keyboards and 4 screens it did provide some advantages, such as being able to discreetly stream her favourite tv series to one of them without anyone picking up just yet.

"Alright, all the cams around this place are up and running, no signs anyone has tried to play me a looped feed in any of them either so cover isn't jeopardised." The punkish, yet small girl said with a bored tone as she fished a candy bar out of one pocket and absent-mindedly began to munch away on it while sending all the cam feeds to one of her screens and bringing up various other bits of random visual info on the remaining two. "Nothing on the perimeter sensors here either, want me to go after their comms or cams if they have any in there yet?" Haisely asked raising an eyebrow as she looked at her boss. The girl so badly wanted to be plugged into her digital world just enjoying herself right now but of course they told her she had to work from the real world, for now at least, one of these days she promised herself she'd be controlling combat drones from her backstage lounge eating fake popcorn and playing rock music.
Apartment Overlooking 3,553rd United Church Of De'mon

For the thousandth time, David checked all of his equipment ensuring everything would be right where he expected it to be and would work in a pinch. He almost compulsively kept rearranging it both in his pack and on his person, intent on getting the weight distribution perfect. Eventually content, at least for the next 15 minutes, he tightened everything down to cut out excess noise and to keep himself from being snagged on something.

Everything in order, David sat against the wall and tried to relax. Waiting is always the worst part, especially with how excruciatingly long this one's been. When it actually came time for the show to start most everything would be muscle memory, but that didn't keep him from worrying about the small things.

The church entrance itself was up an arduous flight of over a hundred steps that the team had to scale behind a slow and panting detective before they reached the top. With Yeon on overwatch and the new team appointed techie who had been ordered to "See if theres anything currently seeing" by her new heavily accented Kuz boss they made their way to the top with the detective and his two entourage to stand before the massive iron banded doors whose imposing nature seemed much more up close.

Six massive basalt pillars lined the enterance way and dying potted plants filled to the brim with discarded cigarette butts caught the eye as behind them more than one civilian had stopped to gawk and record the small group of officers as something interesting entered their lives before a plainclothes officer would drift next to them and quickly threaten them to continue on their way.

All of this and more was easily in Yeons scope as the world opened up before her and was fed from her suits optics to both the new operator and the teams feeds. They where even able to see from her POV the two guards at the doorway who took precautionary steps forward to block the officers paths with unconcealed ZARCNAM assault rifles held loosely against ballistic vests and shoddy quality riot helmets purchased from some old militaria from the civil war.

They didnt show any signs of open hostility towards the team but still blocked their path and showed no signs of allowing them to pass as one visibly flicked the fire selector on his ZARCNAM while the other whispered into his data jockey, His own rifle held at the ready with one hand.

"Sermons in session, Fuck off." The first good spat, Literally as a glob of flem hit near the detectives feet getting him a glower in return.

Behind the two mercenaries a loud Thud was head as the massive doors cracked open and half a hooded face and more importantly another gun barrel pointed through at them...

Haisely continued to twist and turn on her chair in a rather bored manner, as instructed however she did continue to operate as she was paid to do. With a yawn the pink haired punk moved the feeds from the team to another monitor and finally switched off her tv show, it was probably a good time to get serious now.

Haisely looked over the view from their sniper's POV and figured if there was anything important to report she'd probably do it herself, which saved Haisely the extra effort of keeping an eye on that one, at least for now. Glancing at the timer she always kept running simply out of habbit the girl chewed her lower lip thoughtfully, it was about time to go poke the neighbor's internet security. "Still can't see any movements around the outside of this place, gonna go poke em and see what I'm dealing with since no one would let me poke it earlier." The slight twinge of annoyance in her voice was fairly obvious at not being allowed to test the waters before the actual operation began but she'd get over it eventually.

After informing the team of her own movements she brought up her favorite displays and set to work. No matter what hacker or IT specialist you asked they'd all tell you the same thing, "You can't just boot up a window and see all the nearest hackable objects on a map and choose your target." Haisely would agree with that as well, but only at the base level, it was nothing fancy but in her spare time over the last several years of her life the punkish girl had managed to make a rudimentary "Tech Map" which simply found any network-enabled devices nearby and displayed them on a 2D map for her ease of access. After a quick once over it looked like they did indeed have a camera network inside the temple, thing, but only its central unit was connected to their network. There was a couple other basic things that weren't of interest like Samsung smart fridges or coffee machines that could make a shopping list all by themselves.

"Hey, rifle girl you hear me? If so, keep an eye for any sudden movements, I'm bouta try let myself into their wifi." Haisely called out lazily as she slipped on her headphones and got comfy. The outer level security was all pretty standard stuff, no issues there, it was the deeper levels where it got interesting and any other tech-head could tell you that someone didn't want anyone else to snoop around with security like what she was currently looking at. Unlike her famous speed hacks for making money, the pink haired hacker took her time and checked everything thoroughly as she went, being careful to avoid leaving a huge digital trail back to their hiding spot but there was no way to know if it was working other than waiting to see if an alarm was rung.

After a few painstaking minutes Haisely got most of the way in and stopped, this was where it got the most dangerous, though everything appeared no different to the stuff before it there would always be hidden traps. "Almost there." She whispered to herself, holding her breath on the final layer before finally breaking through with a sharp exhale as she waiting for the lights and sirens to kick the party into overdrive. When nothing happened within a minute she decided it was likely nothing would. First on her to-do list was visual access, piloting her way through the network with ease Haisely found the central unit and sent the camera feeds from inside the, place... thing, to her final monitor and watched. "Heads up, that hoodie wearing freak in the door has at least one buddy out of sight back there. Sending you all the cameras that are facing the doors for now." With a swish and flick there was 2 new windows on the HUD's of the team sat beside the original from Takeshi, both new views faced the opposite side of the doors they had arrived at showing a courtyard beyond the great hulking masses of obstacle.

Having to keep follow the detective's lead as they walked up to the church was a pain to Flannery. She was eyeing the mercs and was almost ready to open fire and begin breaching, but holding off was the name of the game for now. At the very least, the walk over helped still her restless leg.

However, the loud thud and the new hooded thug caught her attention and feed she was receiving from the team's new "tech expert" of the thug's gun barrel companion put her in fight-or-flight. She was raring to bring up her shotgun but this detective would've probably made this more of a shitshow than it already was when the bullets started flying. She needed to get him out of any possible lines of fire. "Gun barrel, door!" She reported over comms quickly before stepping towards the detective and reaching to sweep the detective behind with one hand and bring up her shotgun with the other, waiting for someone else to make the first shot.
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David had kept his right hand loosely around the grip of his rifle, free hand down at his side; relaxed but ready as he followed behind the detective up the stairs.

At Flannery's yell, he sidestepped to get a clearer line of fire, weapon snapping up and seating into his shoulder almost on its own. David hesitated though unwilling to fire without knowing what else lay behind the door. He really didn't want to cause an incident by accidentally killing the wrong person on his first mission.

Officer Yeon's humming had slowly faded as the team approached the steps until nothing but soft breathing could be heard from the halfbreed marksman, muttering a lazy answer of "Yeah I hear you~" to Haisley as most of her focus remained glued to the doors, air being pulled in and pushed out of Takeshi's lungs in timed increments - even as the gun barrel poked through the door way and the muscles in the young officer's shooting hand stiffened up, her exhale remained even.

Officer Yeon's hand remained firmly locked in place, the blue muscles creaking against the sleeve of her uniform as her rifle's trigger was pulled back in a smooth and practiced manner, dropping the sear and slamming the firing pin forwards to set in motion actions that would allow one polymer .338 round to fly out the barrel at supersonic speeds - releasing a gout of flame that was mostly contained within the confines of the apartment as the action cycled a new round into the chamber, in-flight round punching a uniform hole through the door where the hidden goon's upper torso should be, Takeshi ready to take a follow up shot if need be.
Church, Exterior

a lot happened all at once...

Not a patient man himself the detective had already unholstered his HHG and began waving it around between the two thugs as one of his lackeys let their own rifles fall to their hips in favor of a Sonic rifle issued to most officers. The two mercs didnt know what hit them before their world was filled with disorienting hurt in the form of the oppressive sonic force. The two officers where ontop of them within seconds cuffing them.

And then the door-man open fire. Flannery's warning came a second too late as the merc panicked and got a single shot off that caught one of the detectives two officer cadre in the hip and sent him screaming to the side. Right down the stairs in fact...

While none of the team had a view of his fate from the top of the stairs, Takeshi after her should got a full front row seat as the officer flailed and bounced down some one hundred rough stone stairs, Leaving a small red mark on some as the full thirty seconds he fell allowed the severed artery in his thigh to gush precious crimson. The officers final fate at the bottom of the steps didnt look good, Few peoples necks where supposed to bend at such angles.

But before all that Takeshi's shot scored true. Slamming the hard door with incredible force it shattered wood and burried deep into the iron band of the door. Forcing it shut, Right against the mans rifle as his hand was shattered in an instant and the barrel of his gun warped slightly.

Neither the detective nor Andrej took cover or flinched from the initial fire or even at the death of the officer. One was a heartless killer behind a mask of grins and talk of poetic justice. The other was just a jerk of a detective who was used to spending lives to advance his own career. Though the detective did wince from the high caliber round fired by takeshi flying past him with a violent crack.

The way to the doors was now clear, Albeit the only obstacle a twitching hand stuck in a door that pinned whoever was on the other side.


Officer Haisely's equipment shuttered momentarily as the high powered rifle bucked and the pressure was blown back by takeshi's rifle. Obscuring her feed just long enough as her monitor shook that when it focused back in not much had changed. Four camera feeds where available to her in the form of a side alley on the flank of the building from some kind of basement that lead out towards the front of the church and street, The outside entrance of the church where the team currently was positioned, The inside lobby where one man was frantically pulling at his hand stuck in a door somehow with another man whose gear screamed mercenary pulled on his shoulders, And a dim and poorly lit chapel with all the lights dimmed for candles so low in the light they gave off that the poor quality of the feed offered more than the slightest of silhouettes.

And of silhouettes and shadows there where many. Dozens or perhapse more shadows circled around a central alter with a singular figure just close enough to the light to be seen waving his hands about in exaltation, Barely discernible red robes visible and a hood over his head as he waved around what was either a very wicked and curved knife or a small eccentric sword over something on the central alter that was hidden behind the congregation.

And behind him, In the darkest shadows something briefly stirred before skulking further back from the light.

From her feeds however she could tell that the main door connected straight into the chapel. Opening the front and chapel doors would even offer Takeshi a brief line of sight down the center aisle...
"Two mercs inside the doors, both preoccupied. Bunch in a big room further in, might be able to get sight on them from sniper spot if the doors are open." Haisely said with a rather bored tone over their comms, the other cameras didn't seem to have anything interesting on them for now so she set them aside and had her machine set to notify her if it saw movement on any of them. In the meantime, it was good a chance as any to keep poking their network for other items, So the punk haired girl went looking, finding a few of the usual devices here and there though they were of little interest. "Looks like one of them has a sword in there too."

The small nepleslian girl sat back in her chair and yawned, it seemed like this Takeshi person with her wasn't too keen on chatting which suited her just fine, less talk meant she had less distraction and no reason to start getting mad. With a sigh she blew up a bubble in the piece of gum she'd decided to chew on while flicking around her screens, checking to make sure she wasn't getting ahead of herself in the network digging and exposing herself. "Hope you can defend yourself if someone breaks in here." She said idly to the sniper by the window.
Takeshi let out a triumphant huff as she watched her first round mangle the shooter's hand and warp his gun, the next polymer-tipped round sliding into the chamber as she cast a brief glance over her shoulder while Haisley spoke, offering the bright-haired computer gremlin a brief nod as her attention went back to the door in preparation for it to be opened.

"I... of course I can~ you should be ready too though~" the quiet marksman spoke, her brown furrowing faintly as the hand that had been supporting her elbow moved down to the holster on the chest of her armour, the holster's button being popped before Takeshi drew the semi-automatic pistol out and rested it to her left so that it'd be easier to get to if they got caught off guard before the arm went back to supporting her elbow.

"How many would you say are further in? roughly~"
Church, Exterior

With rounds cracking by and overhead, Flannery cursed herself as a fellow officer went tumbling down the stairs. She cursed herself, mainly because she felt like she just protected the wrong person. Regardless of personal preference, the situation had escalated and now it was breaching time. Justice was to be served.

The officer sprinted up the stairs and stacked up by the door, getting ready for a breach. She slammed the butt of her shotgun on the door for good measure, smashing into the hand of however was trapped in there for their transgressions before reaching for a flashbang on her belt. "Takeshi, we're moving in. Get rounds down range after the flash." Once the other officers were in position, she reached for the handled, cracked the door open, and tossed the blinding surprise in before slamming the door shut again and waiting for the bang to pull it open.
Church Interior

The doors where wrenched open slowly, And a man pulled his unstuck hand now screaming and rolling on the floor as his digits seemed to be pointing in 90 degree angles, Most likely unnaturally. Another man had been lying in wait, Ignoring his comrades screaming pleas when his world was filled with blinding light and deafening ringing, Instantly losing his balance when the first officer behind Flannery shoved his gun barrel towards the sealing and followed through with a fist straight to the mans face and a boot resting on his chest as he secured the last visible target.

Andrej and the detective followed in right after, Both rather lackadaisical in their stride as if it was just business like usual. Though the two seemingly at ease each had a hand of the grip of a weapon as the doors flung completely open and offered yeon her birds eye view into the face of every single supposed cultist now huddling at the front pews in their dark crimson hooded robes.

"Hello, Party peoples!" Andrej chimed before being cut off from the detective who, blurted out in a superior tone "Church is over, Fuckheads. Wheres the girls?"

A confused and hushed conversation emanated over the congregation until a figure in a more gaudy robe pushed himself through and removed his hood to reveal the visage of an old man with sagging skin and more liver spots than he had hairs left on his head (Though one of two long hairs still seemed to sprout by themselves to give a rather comical look of a crazy old batter.

"WHAT IS THE MEANING OF THIS?!" He bellowed a demand and strode with an aggressive gait towards the officer. The blade still held in an underhanded grip, Its tip now visible several inches with fresh crimson as whatever lay on the alter hidden behind the mass of the congregation had already met its fate.

When he was several feet from the officers he pointed accusingly at Flannery, Being the first one through the door and bellowed again "You, Wench, Dare halt our most holy ceremony?!"
"If someone broke in here I'd be the first to know about it, and the first to get the fuck out of here." Haisely said in response to the ruffled Sniper's words, seemed like this chick hadn't yet considered the possibility of being jumped though Haisely had to admit she rarely considered it herself. "Further in, there's papa John in his robes there and at least a couple of guards but all the positions have changed now and my own sight is limited thanks to everyone standing up and moving around in there." The pink haired nepleslian went quiet after that, watching her feeds, keeping at eye on the other team members feeds for any hidden details they could miss while involved in combat.
Church Interior

Flannery wasn't in the mood for negotiation and some old nutjob with a knife wasn't going to stop her. Her grip move to the butt of her shotgun as she silently strode to him, eyeing that knife that already sealed the deal on talking to him. She finally gave her answer once she was close enough, swinging the shotgun like a club and bringing it across the apparent preacher's face.

Once he was down, she slammed her boot down on top of him before drawing her HHG and pointing it towards to crowd to silently convey that they should back the fuck up and waited for Andrei and his detective to do the talking.

Takeshi's scope darkened its image as the flash bang went off, a nice little feature designed to protect her precious eyes and colour quickly bled back into the screen as it aimed into the church, Flannery had told the halfbreed to fire though she saw no weapons other than the discarded knife and so held off on that for the time being - it was understandable, the people that greeted them at the front door were armed and ready to use those weapons.

Instead her scope swept the crowd of hooded people, watching their arms and their posture to hopefully figure out if any one of them was reaching for a weapon of some sort.
Church Interior

A cascade of curses and deliberations in kind towards flannery where cut off when the preachers nose practically exploded in a fountain of blood as she pistol-whipped the preacher and sent him reeling and rolling on the floor with an obvious case of a broken nose.

His congregation however where less coerced into submission as they seemed to spread out in a wide semi circle around flannery and the officers, dark whishpers and promises of blood leaving mouths half silent as they prepared almost in unison to overwhelm the officer in a strange religious hive-mind of sorts. The tension even visible through the scope of the distant marksman and through the cameras of a tech savvy watcher.

But that wasnt all that could be seen through Haisely screens as she kept a close eye through the minimal feed...

Something stirred in the darkness by the alter. Seen in passing as little more than a ghost of pixels or a glitch at first it soon persisted and became as real as all the others in view, no longer hidden by just sight. The congregation stopped as one, And turned with stammered murmurs before practically parting ways down the isle to leave a clear path for whatever was to come.

And it was BIG.

The hunched figure stood on strange bowed legs and stood so tall that the dim candlelight barely illuminated more then its strange obsidian black charcoal legs that implied it easily stood taller than most SOL's. A single langking gait of a stride covered the complete distance from its coven spot to the alter where an arm monstrous and wicked with talon like claws of bone white and yellow on massive warped hands large enough to engulf the head of an Agressor power armor and with thick and gnarled arms so long and muscular they reached almost down to its knees as a single claw casually rested on the alter, Its entire upper body still hidden by darkest shadows that seemed to cover it like a cloak as Something down the isle appraised the commotion.

A low, Tense growl felt in the chest of even the armored officers reverberated through the chapel as the clawed hand tightened around the stone alter, Claws digging almost effortlessly through the basalt alter.

A low, Excited murmur started about the congregation as they looked between the creature and the officers, Eyes delighting in what was to come.

"Gnu Fuuls!" The preacher shouted, Clenching his broken and twisted nose while leaning up against one of the pews to support himself, Gesturing to the looming creature beyond. "The Avatur uf ouhr gohd will smight yu!" His words generally ignored by Andrej and the detective who stared on in concerned disbelief.

"Hey, Andrej?" Detective Lorenzo asked casually as he tilted his head ever so slightly towards the kuz.


"Is that whati think it is?" He questioned, following up with a "How did they get one of those?"

The answer from Andrej was to carefully press the radio bead on his helmet and say a single name before taking a long step to stand besides Flannery and then past her towards the strange beast, His casual nod implying he wanted the other officer to follow him, Carefully, Nova Pistol now drawn and held casually at his side.


"Well I'll save the obvious questions for later, for now what's the plan?" The hacker said, sitting up in her chair and paying her full attention to the screens now as the emergence of this beast rendered the team at what seemed like a huge disadvantage, assuming of course it wasn't allergic to bullets in which case they were fine. Chewing her lip for a moment Haisely considered her own options, there was no way she could help in this combat, and clouding the other officers HUD's wasn't going to help either, perhaps she could distract with one of the cameras? They did have indicator lights on them even if many security systems kept them turned off by default, it was worth a shot.

And so her fingers flew across the keyboard, the unit inside the chapel with them began blinking, she aimed it directly at the thing and tried turning it from side to side. "I'm attempting to distract it, not much else I can offer unless I can get a name to dig though the net for." She said, twirling a pen in one hand absently as she kept her gaze hovering between the officers cams.