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OOC 188604: The OOC Thread

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I realised last night that I never addressed what happened to the two Ioth sisters that were staying with Gut-Stripe at the time of the attack. I'll just say that they snuck out when the fires started to spread and found their way to the Queen's Slave.

Ok The new SP Thread is up!

This takes place about 24 hours after the storm, so everyone has time to finish whatever they were doing in their SP/JP threads, shower, get some food, sleep, ect.

Uso is giving you guys a choice on how you best want to help the war effort to save the I'ee. Whatever idea you have it'll be evaluated and acted on in character.

New guys! Feel free to introduce yourself here.
Hmm well, are both of my characters there? I want Corgan to go with the Wasps and Aaron will stay behind.
Yes to the both of you!

Everyone is here, and the point of this is to establish who wants to come along and hang out with Star Wasp, and who wants to have fun arts and crafts projects planetside.
With Corgan on board, Arccos is one step closer to stealing Uso's harem. Also we should just straight up change the Subforum description to 'stuff is weird.'
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More like an eager puppy wanting to please but still gets in trouble for his efforts while actually doing good. But I think that Truffleclub is just fine with its developing personality.
To be honest I guess they've always just been a thingy thing, and never really thought about it. Always just kinda did what seems natural.

Oh well.
Also @Ace, that latest post is so.drying you should have run by me before posting. atm ace doesn't have a ship or a way to co tact people off world

Your character was at the bar, he wouldn't have been able to hear what is going on at the meeting.
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