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OOC 188604: The OOC Thread

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Is it ok if Ace tags along on the hunt. He's hungry for battle after being cooped up in that jail cell for so long
Looking to locate, harass g, and generally dishonor the enemy fleet until the day of reckoning occurs

Sorry, I'll post something to help get everyone going as soon as I can (which may be Friday due to manditory fun work events)
@LittleWasp @Legix @Samanthia @Kevin

Ok, got out a quick post. Get your ships loaded with gear, and then get into position outside of the ship.

The Necromancer is a C2, so its got one of those Star-Trek style forcefields keeping the air in.

Once we've gotten everyone in position, we'll FTL to the I'ee home system and start with the action!
I'll be handling ground stuff, I think.

Need to do: Dig for the original colony's ruins, hunt for General Lewis & friends, hugging of more wasps.
So we need groups for ground operations!

One to go on a trip to assault General Lewis at his fortress of doom. One to go prospecting into the wild desert yonder. Ace is being sent out into the desert with a shovel to locate some random signal he detected. People can go with him if they want.

I shall also require JP's. JP's for anyone who wants to do something specific on the ground.

@LittleWasp I would also like to have Arccos talk to and hug Sammy and/or Gut Stripe regarding waspy mining shipments.
Ace, you don't control NPC's or their resources unless they've been expressly assigned to your character as lackeys. Also what's down in the ruins is determined by the GM's. Including if they're already open.

The locals have recently experienced the destruction of their homes, and the space people have copped the blame for the Palace Massacre. There's no way in hell they're going to volunteer to help anyone from space unless you make a convincing argument.

You're free to attempt a convincing argument, not to determine a response to it. I'll also be doing this in a different thread anyway, so please edit that post.

Your expedition thread is up and going on in SP. Unless the players of Scrabler and Tomblyn report in, they're NPC'd and won't really be controlled so personably. I'm not going to put words in their mouths, but I am going to roll a dice for if Scrabler snaps and attacks.

Be aware that you're planning on walking out into the desert without supplies, though. Ace and Tomblyn have survival skills on their sheets, so they can survive, but if you don't get supplies you're Bear Grylls-ing this and I will have you drinking your own urine to survive.
Don't forget to detail how you're trying to communicate with Uso, I don't think Ace has any communication gear on him.
@Ace I just wanted to clue you in that I posted Aries was already getting familiar with the fighter's electronic warfare system in the post if that is alright with you. I assumed this would be okay as you stated she was going to be there, but if you don't want her to be there, please let me know so I can amend my post.
Okay, I'll make myself available over the next few days for JP.

In other notation:

@Ace if you want Aries to accompany you on the dig, she'll have to stay on the dig. This thing and the scouting mission in I'ee space are happening simultaneously. You can't have your AI do both things at once.

You may also use Tomblyn and Scrabler's resources to buy local gear since I guess they'd probably share. But you'll need to exchange space currency for either gold coinage, or the banknotes Arccos pays her sheriffs with (yes, various denominations have player characters on them. Uso is the hundo.).

@ArsenicJohn @SirSPT Since Corgan and Rubi are planetside, you can join the dig, or the assault on General Lewis' doom fortress, or you can do whatever you want to sandbox it and gain ultimate power your own way. Just prod me for whatever you want.

@Primitive Polygon I believe we were going to JP a junker safari, or repair work? Maybe roll that together with the wasp meeting about resource shipments in exchange for Finagles rifles.

Anyone else: Prod me if you want something done planetside.
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