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OOC 188604: The OOC Thread

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Hm, looks like no one is really in charge of organizing how the fighter squadron works... Ad Hoc leadership at its finest!

There really are no teams here, everyone just has a general order to protect the necromancer as it searches for NMX ships. This isn't a professional military like Errowyn is used to.
Ok guys, keep posting normally in sand world dig and Star Wasp. I made a bunch of new posts/edits to the other threads so that everything shows up in the forum chronologically. Sand World Dig and Star Wasp will show up in their fightful places after the next posts in each thread.


Also, I think I need to establish a new way of doing combat scenes. Things seem to run more smoothly when people just post the results of their actions, but it also makes things a bit too easy for the players. I think going forward I'm going to start establishing which enemies are mooks and can be Autoed, and which enemies are named badguys that you'll need to post your action and wait for me to respond on.
They don't know what machetes are because those are mainly used to cut light foliage. This planet is aaaaaalll desert, so the utility of a machete is limited and fell out of favor over the thousand or so years since colonisation.

Also, enjoy your guilt trip. Alternately get the blacksmith some cybernetics and prove you can make this world a better place.

Impress the locals and you too can be the space messiah.
I'm suddenly regretting not having Truffleclub tag along and be a monkey's paw.

Blind in one eye? Have a laser-projecting death camera. Missing arm? A rocket-powered grappling crab claw is way better. Kidney stone? Have a bonus nuclear reactor.

Doctur an' enguneerr~
please the images
Also the camera reminds me of a named character form the astra militarum codex
Ace you have neither the Medicine, nor Engineering skills on your sheet, so you're not actually able to produce or apply cybernetics to a person.

You ARE allowed to download manuals which can give instructions on these skills, but that's closer to having a text book in your head as opposed to actually going to medical school. You are allowed to try and use such downloaded skills, but I will be rolling a dice to determine if you make inactive cybernetics, or accidentally maim or kill the blacksmith.

You can alternately go to one of the three surgeons on the planet and try and negotiate with them:

Ivory can probably install it, but this will probably involve payment.
Truffleclub has the skills, but will probably monkey paw it up.
Rip D. Torr can do it as well, but @shadowclasper has been busy at his new job, so the character is NPC'd unless he chimes in.
General GM stuff>

Made some responses, and I'll prod @Legix one more time for a post in the star wasp thread. I want to make a GM post either late tonight or tomorrow morning to keep things moving.

4th time's the charm!>

I'm pretty happy with this right now. There is certainly a lot going on in the background of the 188604 plots and one of the big things going on is Uso trying to get her old pal Wazu to help out with her current scheme. Those two have been friendly rivals for about as long as I've been playing here (10+ years) and after ignoring Uso's calls for the better part of this plot Wazu finally decided to send help in the form of Vier.

Vier is the latest iteration of Wazu's AI. The last one, Drei, was used to run Nepleslia and her predecessor Zwei helped run QIS.

So what changed Wazu's mind? Uso sent him a message made from earlier recordings where she stated she was going to go take the I'ee to fight the NMX with or without him. They both know this would result in Uso getting the I'ee wiped out. So when Uso says, "Oh you wouldn't believe how many people I nearly killed to get her to show up!", to Gut-Stripe, she's saying that she nearly killed Gut-Stripe to get what she wanted.
@Zack, @Ace - apologies for the belated response, but AFAIK the Raiken are not available for usage unless specifically authorized by @Sham.

Also, on that note, they (again, AFAIK) have not made contact with any other SARP race/faction.
I don't even see where they are mentioned, but that's correct. Raiken are under lock and key. And I ate the key. So, wherever, whatever you wanted them for, that's a negative.

So basically if you mentioned them anywhere, remove it. They don't exist as far as anyone is concerned.
Work for the Restless Wicked is up for those staying behind on engineering detail. Chronologically it's happening after the meeting, and after the talk with Aaron Grant that's in the works.

We have working space to deal with vehicles for Corgan's thing, we have tech tradeoffs for I'ee interests, we have a mothership safari for those who want to be useful rounding up rogue junkers and hefting radioactive waste.

Hop in if you want cracky Road Warrior tech solutions, to talk wasp science, or just to help produce the fleet.
Just to be clear, did Gut-Stripe stay behind on 188604? I just want to make sure there's not any confusion around it, since it's convenient for me if I have a named I'ee character still on the surface.
It's up to you, I think.

Gut-Stripe hasn't been mentioned as being on board the Necromancer, and if the I'ee technology expedition stayed there it would make sense she stayed to supervise.
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