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OOC 188604: The OOC Thread

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BTW: There are a few things I want to get done in 'Who Ordered the Robot?' but anyone is welcome to show up.
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Ok, this is what I think the area looks like now. We've collapsed the back of the main rail tunnel, and most everyone is moving through Elevator #2.

Alex and Uso are at Elevator #1 and we're trying to get into the Syntelligence Complex.

Time for Alex to collapse the tunnel and then head into the Syntelligence Complex.
One thing that gets Akemi in the Robot thread is that I imagine Corgan and Akemi meeting in the sauna wasn't long after Akemi first came to the planet and if this current meetup is really recent chronologically since it's introducing a new character it's possible between the sauna meetup and the current thread Corgan and Akemi got along during other meetings. Plus they're working together in Hate Machine. Thus he feels it's a pretty big deception to shake hands and then have this happen several days later.

Just giving more context to my mewser's actions.

Important management stuff is imminent!

Namely, we're going to get some new prefixes for stuff, and I'm trying to get something that'll cover everything.

These three cover the main plot and its arcs, the 'season 1, season 2, and season 3' of 188604's main plot.
Star Wasp
AdVenture Capital

And I think these would cover the main side plots:
White Lament

Then there is how we catagorize everything else. While I'd like to just tag everything based on what characters are in the thread, it might not be reasonable to actually do that since I'm not sure we can add multiple tags. I think some characters certainly do enough on their own to warrant having their own tags like Corgan, Aashi, Errowyn, ect. The I'ee and the Vek are also big enough to warrant their own specific tags as well. Then there are people like Alex, Jason, and Ronin who all are mecha enough to be grouped under 'Mecha Team' or something similar.

Mecha Team
I'ee JTE

If there are any more prefixes you think we need please say something.
I'm not sure Corgan is in enough to get his own Prefix. I think Ragnarok covers that, at least until after Doomfort when he starts the Reavers.
Ragnarok is a great catch-all for Ragna-stuff but Corgan has been wanting to break out on his own. I think with all the stuff he is trying to do a Corgan prefix would be a good idea (Or a reavers one if you'd prefer that!)
I'll just be using the Sand World prefix for anything related to running/ruling the planet.

Sand world dig, sand world party, etc.
I don't wanna sound full of myself but maybe an Akemi prefix would be good as I've done a lot of JPs.

Like people aren't necessarily going to want to read all the JPs that are just Dumont and I and occasionally 1 other person.
(Not that Dumont's stuff isn't a pleasant read and she isn't fun to RP with. She totally is.)
Alex I believe if it has anything to do with Psychopomp it will go under that tag. i.e. Psychopomp agents and/or projects.
Works for me. The White Lament plot may mutate, but 'Spacers already have their own tags, so eh.

Actually surprised the I'ee and the Vekimen didn't already.
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