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OOC 188604: The OOC Thread

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At the time I thought you were going to get involved more than you did Ame. If you want to change the first part I doubt Zack would mind. o.o Just to clarify, I wouldn't ask anyone to write their character acting against its nature.

@Amaryllis and everyone else Which of the 4 options would you like to choose? I prefer 2 or 3, but if you want me to leave I will.
I think Dumont covered things pretty well.

Your characters don't have to get along. Akemi and Corgan can just not like each other because of this. We can deal with the fallout of that as we go along.

I think it would be best if the two of you drop it and we all move on.
To clarify I haven't read ZAcks post just now in here yet. I already started writing this when I saw the alert he posted.

I like how you ask why I'd bring up something that happened before when it led to the events transpiring now in and out of character. What I said provided context. I'll provide further context. I didn't like when I was told Rennie died and Smithee got mind fucked as a result of my going with a suggestion Dumont made to involve Perry's character in something against the better judgment of myself and my character but I didn't ask for retcons. Instead I rolled with what happened, joked about it and merely pointed out the decision I made was against my better judgment when I was told again and again an NPC died because of Akemi. Besides asking for retcons I could have asked Perry and Dumont to stop everything and demanded we wait for Akemi to call Uso in the JP and for her to respond so he'd have a chance that she'd stop Arccos from messing with his buddies. Instead I was a good sport and rolled with things.

I like how you say you think Aashi shouldn't get involved in anything after she takes Akemi's side or at least appears to because she doesn't have comprehensive knowledge of everything. So what? I already said Aashi is Akemi's friend. Friends don't need to know the full story behind a situation for them to defend each other in it. Ametheliana has her own player rights.

Twice things happened that I didn't like but I didn't ask for retcons. Twice things happened you didn't like and you did request retcons. Not only that, you request a character doesn't come to the aid of another.

Your character originally said he didn't want to make an enemy of Akemi and now you say you're "done" with me. I find that rich when I'm done with you and you've made an enemy of my character, made me not want anything to do with you and likely turned off Perry and Ame from doing anything with you too. I bet you don't care about the consequences of saying you're "done with" someone and whatnot until they involve other people which is why I say what I say. Oh how the worm turns. God forbid Corgan look like a literal liar. But it's okay if he acts live a devil lawyer by shaking hands with Akemi as if a deal has been made not to speak of something until a certain time and then begins talking of that subject to Uso right beside Akemi in a way that makes it seem like he wants to get him in trouble. First your character tries to go over the head of mine. Then you try to go over my head and ask Zack for a retcon without asking me.

Damn straight I'm providing context by bringing up a past event that is directly related.

Of course I'm sure I'm the big bad guy by not trying to talk you out of potentially leaving a plot and I bet I'm a big sore loser because I spoke up for myself without trying to be diplomatic even though I was plenty diplomatic in the past. Heck, maybe I'll be asked to leave or get warned.

At this point if we want to really try to make everyone happy or whatever I guess the best thing to do is go with retconning the whole encounter thus far in the robot thread. I mean I don't know right now how my character would act if Corgan didn't say the thing you didn't want him to say. I guess I'd end up changing my responses and then we'd all potentially end up changing our responses.

I don't want you to leave the plot. Whether it looks like it or not I try to be really friendly with everyone and I want everyone to have a good time and if people aren't having a good time with me then even if I'm having a good time with them I still don't want them to continue doing something when there's a one sided situation. I always worry I might be boring or a chore to JP with when I'm doing stuff with Dumont as an example.

I honestly want you to have a good time and for you to be happy in this plot and every other one. I just keep careful score when I see things I find questionable.

On one hand I kinda don't give a hoot but on the other geez man, I never meant to get you upset. I just don't take kindly to people hitting me with stuff I find in poor form.
Let me start by saying that so far I've been here a year almost and no one's had a problem with me until now that I know of. I may have gotten a little heated with Legix one time but we're cool now.. I've also never asked for a retcon until this incident. I also have given Amaryllis numerous chances to end the dispute. I asked him to pick an option and he decided to write a long response instead of just saying what he wanted me to do. If you guys don't want me to RP with you anymore, that's your right. In reference to informing him that I would like a retcon, as far as I know the Player's Rights don't require me to ask anyone but the GM. I didn't read Akemi's responses after my last post until last night. It's not like I was sitting around twirling my mustache and plotting to ask for a retcon after the fact. I am not saying Amaryllis is the bad guy. We're both at fault. When I say I'm not going to RP with him anymore, my intention is to avoid another argument. I think if I do continue to RP with him this will happen again soon.
You didn't give me numerous chances. You made a bunch of short posts and I responded with two long ones. I also don't need to be "given" anything. I said we might as well retcon everything since you don't want your character saying something that taken away would potentially mean I change what I wrote and then everyone else might be changing what they wrote as a result. My answer was in that long post. I thought from the very beginning it was a bad idea when you decided to have your character complain to Uso in front of Akemi. It's your right as a player to have him do that but it was likely going to end up making them at odds and possibly enemies and if you don't want conflict that might put Corgan at odds with other characters besides him it'd be better to do something else. I'm fine with character versus character conflict. I don't care if our characters love or hate each other or work with or against each other.

Another reason I thought it was a bad idea was that for all we knew up until now Corgan and Akemi could have bonded over something like the unresolved events of Hate Machine that would cause them to put the Tolmasch stuff behind them. Maybe the spacer tank waifu would be charmed by them making out. I figured we'd want to wait until other stuff happened before our characters risked a confrontation.
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So, I'm working on a post now. Corgan is going to say a few things to Akemi and give him a chance to respond, then he's going to leave the Robot thread. After Akemi finds Mnochis, we can do an SP thread and they can discuss things with Vier present to act as a mediator between the two. I'm checking to make sure this is okay before I post it.
Congratulations @Ametheliana.

I'm fine with whatever. I honestly am fine with RPing with you more Arsenic. I could easily see Akemi and Corgan being friends. There's no need for him to leave the current SP thread unless you want him to. I just had an urge to say something is all. Like I don't really have anything against you but aaaaaah, I just don't see why there had to be a big deal about Tolmasch. I mean my mewser is only asking about waiting before he does anything there to see if something better arises for him. He doesn't know you had your eye on RPing in the place for a while OOC and I wasn't trying to mess with you and neither was my character trying to mess with Corgan. He only cares about the place because Laurence might be alive. Might. I had no knowledge of Smithee having a friend there until the JP. Besides Corgan can always just say "fuck you no Akemi." All I really wanted in our JP was the ability to have Akemi talk back even if he was ignored. I don't want to ruin your RP or diminish your opportunities. It's just when someone goes nuclear and says they wanna scrap a whole JP or leave the plot or whatever because they're pissed I think reeeeeeeeeee I don't wanna be seen as giving in.

Hate Machine is done. Anyone is welcome to post in the debriefing thread and either tomorrow or Friday I'll start the 'Save The Wasps' planning thread which everyone is also welcome to join.

After we get an outline of the plan, we'll jump right into some space battles.

Also, I just found where to change font, and I can't find the original font so I'm rolling with it.
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