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OOC 188604: The OOC Thread

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I am giving control of Ace to whomever can get the most use out of him. Don't know if i can handle running an entire ship and a single guy at the same time.
Yeah I know. Took that into account but I figured, if we stand a chance of actually successfully looting one, there only better be ONE.

Hey rhysis, great post but kind of want to make sure about which carrier the watchmaker hit? Zack told me it was the closest one and I had Jason react accordingly, but if not Zack said it's fine if I edit it. Sorry if their's a mix up.
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I can see how it wouldn't be certain. The Watchkeeper was going after the fleet inside I'ee space. As far as that group goes, yes, he was going after the closer of the two carriers.

about which carrier the watchmaker hit

And yes, it's the Watchkeeper, but you may have just given me a name for another ship. *Ponders* :D
Amaryllis: Akemi did get a crate of pristine antimatter warheads.
Zack: I forgot I was going to have vier ask about turning those into grenades and mines for mechateam

So @Zack, if you want to go with this idea maybe confirm it here? I think it's fine Vier and Akemi haven't discussed it(yet).
He was going to give them to her anyway.
We can assume this happened off screen,

Mechanical team can feel free to throw some anti-matter grenades of questionable quality.
Anti-matter grenades have a big problem with emitting gamma radiation during the matter-anti-matter reaction.
Basically Corgan in my post except in Power Armor and the cans are warheads for his UMD round launcher:
Ugh, more instances of Sigma trying to edit already approved articles improperly.

Yes it is fine to use, but we should find something else to use sooner rather than later as that article could get changed without notice.
Ok @everyone, you should also read this GM post as it is somewhat important!

Your sneak attack round is over! So from here on out let your friendly GM determine what happens to the NMX after you shoot at them (I'll PM you if you've done enough damage to kill something, so you can blow it up good on your next post)

The NMX Second Unit is heading generally out of the system so it can use its FTL drives. It has:

8 of 12 pillagers left
2 of 2 carriers (Moderately damaged)

The NMX first unit has

0 of 6 pillagers left
1 of 1 carrier left (0 shields, 36 of 50 hull HP)

That carrier also still is full of battlepods, and some 24 battlepods are now trying to head to and destroy the I'ee ship which is currently protected by the White Lament.

On our side:

4 of 8 anti-ship drones are left

6 of 8 Mercinary ships are left.

(and generally the NMX are going to have to chew through these ships first before their big stuff can come after you guys)

If anyone needs clarification on where anything is, or what is around them, just PM me. There is a lot of stuff going on right now and I'm doing my best to make it all easily readable.
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