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OOC 188604: The OOC Thread

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I also just figured it out. But I like this font (which is Times New Roman fyi).

@Primitive Polygon We should reference the message Lycos left for the Locksmiths in SE if that's really what she left.XD Shit totally forgot to post too...
OK more briefings! Talking! Words!

Perhaps not the most exciting stuff, but everyone needs to know the plan before we get started. Ask questions if you have them, and if your character doesn't know what they are supposed to be doing do speak up!
I'm planning to do 188604 stuff tomorrow. I'm planning on Corgan asking Uso to buy him upgrades for his basic Impulse armor to get it up to military spec. And he might request a few guns too.
Ouch, that's earlier than I ever want to wake up.

Feel free to take your time, we can always find places for you to RP if you're having a hard time keeping up with the main plot.
BAH, it is bedtime and I still haven't posted where I need to or finished cooking my yams.

I promise I'll post tomorrow, and in the mean time enjoy this clip from Batman: The Animated Series
Corgan was wanting Spacer industry as well, but he already asked Arccos for help I think. He wanted help constructing some vehicles. Maybe he should talk to the Spacer vehicle manufacturing lady played by TTV though.
Arccos is quite expressly not an engineer, and mainly relies upon feeding polysentience schematics into a manufactory unit and to a drone workforce. Actual thinking in terms of ship stuff is why Truffleclub is best Mushroom.
You don't really have to know anything about engineering to manufacture things in SARP.

There have been a few RPs where the next Neko was designed using a question and answer type program. There is certainly tech and off the shelf software to help people who don't know what they are doing turn their ideas into schematics, and then turn those schematics into usable equipment.

Schlock mercenary has a bunch of examples of this, but I can't seem to find one right now.
Now that the Lament's operational AI is back online using that giant Stratops intelligence, it's certainly possible to just ask the ship for things now. But I guess neither me or Dumont got to that point yet.

The real point in having several people meet Lyco was to share ideas, and hopefully get some kind of collaboration going. Other people are welcome to join if they can think of a reason to track them down.

Truffleclub is always an option, but they are more timid and don't like war stuff.

All in all, I guess it's about what you are making and who you would prefer to back.
I saw that but I more like the idea of Akemi treating them like pets and mounts even if they don't have minds. Gotta have your tank/spider war pony. My Neko would totes ride in one though.
I've got a make peace with Lyco (or murder her) thing in the books for things I've had fall behind during exams. Problems is it's going to be a hard sell for 'I'm taking your arsenal because I don't trust you, but you can still do whatever you like so long as we collaborate when our interests align'.
Still a bit surprised nobody killed them at Freehold. It was definitely on the cards. Either way it still remains pretty open ended.

Poly didn't forget about the whole "other ex-free state groups are not going to like this" thing, too, but I figured it was worth waiting until you had IRL stuff sorted a bit more, Doomy. It's not like there is any mega rush since there is still a billion things going on in this plot anyhow. ;I
Ok, lets get this started!

There is one carrier and a bunch of battlepods left to destroy outside of the I'ee star system. You all know where they are and can just Hyperspace right to them and blow them up so feel free to Auto as many battlepods as you like.

The first carrier is also a sitting duck, but the Mecha-Team needs it more or less intact so they can steal what's inside. So use your best judgement there.

The rest of the NMX fleet is inside of the Anti-FTL zone of the I'ee star system, which means you have to approach them before you can shoot at them. This also means they'll get a chance to shoot back.

There are 8 C5 out infront of the USO fleet. And Uso has made it pretty clear that these ships are all going to die fairly quickly, though you can generally assume that they will get killed first, leaving the rest of you meatbags alive for the time being.

There is also 1 freighter called the 'Tanks a lot' It is a lot like the C5 drones, but we didn't have any time to really fit weapons so instead it just has the deathcrawlers and junker drones attached to the outside, shooting at stuff.

View attachment 6708

I'll get around to making a wiki page for it eventually.

Also, @Ametheliana, the Pumpkin Eater has been entirely filled with missiles. Now would be the time to use them.
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