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OOC 188604: The OOC Thread

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Does Tacticus know anything about starship repair/salvage?

I was thinking that Uso could come along and convince Truffleclub to lend them a Nomad or something like that, which Tacticus could use for a combination of ocean algae grazing and tagging along with the rest of the USO missions in a more secondary role. That way they can be involved in plots much more as-and-when they see fit!

@Zack @Readlliea
@Primitive Polygon

Nope, He knows nothing of that. He was only online for three to four years before being turned offline to be transported, then all the other years were spent in the cargo ship. ALl he did was plant, tend the fields, and harvest the crop. He has no understanding of anything outside of this subject honestly. The Agae grazing would be new for him, as he is used to a normal farm. However, I'm certain he could get the hang of it.

I do like the idea of Tacticus being around for missions, even if he is secondary. I didn't go with a character who could truely take part due to being so nervous when first joining and I didn't think I could do a military like character well enough; or mercenary. So for Tacticis to tag along with a secondary role is fine by me.
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Well you could certainly just go for a normal farming job at the throne of brass, but I don't think that would involve them much in outside plots, in the long term. Perhaps it's best to simply have them meet there and talk stuff over.

I was also trying to get Uso involved, just because it's been ages since I've RPed with Zack too, mind.
Meeting and talking sounds good. After all, Tacticus isn't sure if he has a owner currently or not. So right now, he's kind of lost on what to do and he's getting to make his own choices. So giving him something to think about would certainly give him a fun inner uncertainty to dwel on nd possibly discuss with the one who found him. ^^
Jack is the guy who bought the ship and has been helping Tacticus get used to his environment, with repairs planned to be made to the robot with help from Yinsar most likely. being put the two could certainly talk to alex and see what they can come up with.
Considering how the chat as going when Jack owning Tacticus, it felt rather uncertain if you really do on the silly farm bot. At least from what I understood.
i thought he did considering he bought the wreck, but it still seems uncertain for others, so i'll leave it to your discretion
You can always bring it up in the mission briefing thread. As Uso is there and she has asked Tacticus if he has a owner, in which he mentions Jack finding him but the robot is unsure if he has a owner.
They're both in space but they are in a hole where a positron shell pierced the armor and detonated. This has created a deep crater with a narrow diameter, I'll say 20 meters.

Both the Ragnarok soldiers and the Kuvexian soldiers are in this pit and they are firing at each other from within.
Sorry for my absence lately, I've been doing everything I can just to keep up to date with the threads.

So I'd like to end the The Narrow Path. They successfully made off with nearly all of the equipment and returned to 188604 with it(after combing through every inch of every piece for tracking devices and removing them, which took a while but was successful).

The superfreighter was too big to leave with so they sunk it into the frozen gas. It would eventually be discovered by the SAoY who sent a ship to investigate the detection of an aether shock weapon.

The USOS Caliburn was towed home with FSCorp promising to rebuild the ship free of charge. Candon did not approve but Donovan didn't ask. There is talk of build a memorial to people who die in the line of duty but no official statements.

Ragnarok soldiers sustained barely any casualties and left with their choice of loot up to the capacity of the Arccos.
ST teching people back to life would require a body to put them in. What do we use for bodies?

OMG I just had an idea. we could cryo-sleep a person's flesh body and put them into an ST capable Android! almost like Avatar but without a link
If a combat mission is coming up, then I assume everyone is getting an ST backup put together for them.

I don't really feel like RPing out that process.

Hmmm.... I suppose I didn't really think about where the bodies come from all that much. Wazu has a few clones laying in storage and if it is just one or two people then we could have a new body built and shipped in from a 3rd party firm.

But we may have a lot of casualties, and it'll take time to get everyone all new regular bodies. I like the ST capable android Idea. Maybe some people get ST'd back into deathcrawlers because those are the only available bodies?
Hm, anyone here remember that "Soma" game? I feel like there could be... Interesting applications...
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