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OOC 188604: The OOC Thread

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You're right, @Arbitrated. I guess I am acting immature about this.

My issue is that I was completely left out of the deliberation when I specifically said I would correct inaccuracies.

Let's be intelligent about this, why would mecha half the U-1's size be using the same rifles? Really, there is absolutely no logical reason for that, which is the first sign of a mistake.

Could we perhaps inform the writer that this error has occurred and maybe inform them?
  • Alex Hart: PostedToday at 10:17 AM

  • Ira: I'm don't know the capabilities of that missileToday at 10:08 AM

  • Ira: @Zack if you want to bust that bitch openToday at 10:07 AM

  • Alex Hart: Also, the recoil is going to literally cause the ashigarus to fall over andToday at 10:06 AM

  • Zack: O, explode away!Today at 10:06 AM

  • Zack: A minimized gunpowder would be like a large cannon for the ashigaru but it could hold it... maybe like a bazookaToday at 10:06 AM

  • Alex Hart: I was gonna do itToday at 10:05 AM

  • Alex Hart: I'm GMing remember?Today at 10:05 AM

  • Zack: Also I'm waiting on you to post Alex, then I'm totally blowing up that shipToday at 10:05 AM

  • Star Army: @Alex Hart further notes that U-1 weapons are way, way WAY too big for Ashigaru mechaToday at 10:05 AM

  • Zack: I talked to Riz about itToday at 10:05 AM

  • Star Army: @Alex Hart also notes that Rizzo never mentioned theseToday at 10:04 AM

  • Star Army: @Alex Hart sees that Rizzo did a thing without even asking for other people to cover the escape of his shipTo
So yes, yes we could have easily done this by putting a little @ in front of my name. So what gives? We knew something was wrong with scaling but we can't assume that maybe @Rizzo didn't misjudge where he was supposed to enter? He only asked multiple times! The general idea I got was "with the fleet". So where's the fleet? I thought they'd made it to the ground, in which case focusing fire on the smallest, most agile, lightly armed big ship seems a bit unlikely.

So call me paranoid, I'm only human and may be wrong, but the failure to communicate strikes me as deliberate.
@Malefic, did I not tell you when your character was in danger of obliteration?
@Jack Pine, when I assigned damage to Jack did I decide to basically eliminate his ability to move, disarm him, and make him useless?
@Alex Hart did I not say that Caliburn should've stayed put and clarify it's situation before it's destruction?

This was my first post and immediately my transport is destroyed, my mecha are unable to return fire, and a whole army is aimed at my unarmed characters... really? You couldn't have asked me about the rifles?!
Alright @Alex Hart how do you want to handle this?

I think it'd be easy enough for the rifles to be held like rocket launchers or machine guns to compensate for the large size of the weapon. Or perhaps have some aliens style smart-gun bracing arm to hold them up. I think we should work with Rizz on that at least and I could certainly put together a small gunpod entry for that mecha to use.

As for blowing up the ship. The one thing I had Uso stress earlier was staying close to the ground to avoid being targeted by the big guns. I do kinda really want to shoot it down though for being up high enough and near enough to the walking fortresses to get hit.
I've just been following what I've seen in chat and I feel like Rizzo is absolutely right that a simple @ could have been put in front of his name to avoid confusion. You are saying what is going wrong with Rizzo's GMing and playing of situations, but not informing him from what I can see. I think Zack is exempt from this but I've seen Alex do it and it makes me feel like the doubt is getting to be a little much.
I had no indication that you were on at the time, however you are right that I should have checked first. Also, the Phoenix was the biggest threat to the walkers. It may be fast and an escort, but there was too much fire.
Actually after falling through the atmosphere and keeping it's speed it would be moving far faster than any guns heavy enought to drop a ship it's size could take aim, but it's for thematic effect I'm plenty willing to crash Phoenix. It's really not that special but I would like for it to actually be attacked. I mean an entity/entities in the battle sends an actual attack that could feasibly hit Phoenix.
Example; The superfreighter launched 30 missiles at Caliburn, 5 hit and did the following:
  1. Shield
  2. Shield
  3. Missed, splash damage
  4. Power plant destroyed
  5. Engine pylon destroyed, port engine separated
The vessel kept velocity until crashing into frozen gas. No crew killed in crash. Caliburn disabled.

Not just; some random AA hit something and it just dropped mid flight into the ground and instantly a hoard of Rixxicor who are somehow unaffected by the crashing of several hundred tons of steel swarm the ship that is still hot from atmospheric reentry and then do... what? What did they do? Board it? Shoot it? Piss on it? I don't really know what they did after swarming. Heck, maybe they don't even know!

Not trying to be mean but this is something that needs to be presented. I mean, realistically even when a fighter explodes it goes somewhere and generally it's relatively intact before crashing.

Phoenix crew should be considered, the pilot will know they're crashing and do something, because robots don't panic, they'll act.

I'm sorry I overreacted. I'll put my post back up. But please, I need more information. Phoenix would never have flown that close to the giant mecha because frankly, that's f***ing retarded.
Wow, just read the post and that was kind of messed up. If you did that to Corgan's ships I would be really pissed. Also shouldn't Zack be the one giving out damage since he's the GM?
Yeah, I think this is a major communication issue at its core. Personally I'd ultimately prefer being pinged a lot seemingly unnecessarily(as long as it obviously isn't spam) than have something just happen that I'm unaware of ^~^;
Unfortunately, I can't GM as much as I used to be able to which is part of the reason we're slowing down. I really want Alex and Rizzo to be able to resolve this themselves and I think in the long run that will be better for everyone.

The guns that the walking fortresses have are 4 Tier 15 weapons. They should be insta-gibbing ships and I've been trying to show that by having Vier's ships get exploded on the first hit.

Also these are SARP-guns, and are able to hit a fast moving object traveling at a good fraction of c while conducting evasive maneuvers out at a range of 3 light seconds. So you may be able to avoid a few ships but if they are for-real shooting at you then you're going to get hit. Really the only protection is hiding behind the curve of the planet which is why most everyone is on the ground.


Not giving Rizzo a chance to evade the attack is perfectly fine, and the GM is allowed to auto a certain amount, but we also need to leave enough room for Rizzo to be able to RP and not just remove the ship in one post.
Tier 15 would destroy the planet. This is tier 15, four of those would cause catastrophic destruction of the local environment that would probably cause an extinction level climate change.

Maybe tier 13 or 14 would be better?
Aether Shock Arrays are a special type of weapon. Not quite something you can compare to a beam or cannon type weapon because of how they operate.
I think he's just saying that a tier fifteen weapon is just absolutely insane to have in general, and four is going to cause a hell of a lot of issues. I mean, when a weapon fires, there is a form of backlash.
Energy weapons have waste heat. Cannons/ballistics have the shockwave which results in insane amounts of recoil. Rail cannons also have a large amount of recoil. This energy would probably need to go somewhere, resulting in, most likely, it being shunted just... Around the thing doing the shooting. Also, it would probably simply delete anything smaller than a heavy mech on the shockwaves alone. Real-life battleship cannons can kill seamen on their own decks by firing.
The Broadswords are manned, so they are being held back behind the unmanned drones.

Vier will expend all of her unmanned ships before starting to use up the manned ones. Same as in the I'ee mission.
Also, using drones as a comparison was a bit odd IMO. I was thinking that they were starfighter sized, and thus really quite small... Which means decent AA would annihilate them anyways.
That's why I linked the drones in the post! (or at least I thought I did...)

Drone generally conveys something the size of a small airplane but these are huge.
Well, I would like to see these drones again then please XD If I knew we had drones this size I would have tried to mess with them myself.

Although in hindsight these pictures don't help you guys very much since there isn't anything to judge the size by in the frame.


Though below is a picture of one of the cargo containers. You can see this thing holds 6 groups of 9 containers. Below is one container with one normal sized Wazu standing infront.

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