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OOC 188604: The OOC Thread

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Yes. SP20 in size.

Its about the same mass as the Eucharis though very different proportions.
Still, that means instant removal from play could happen with just a T12-13 gun not a bloody T15 XD
The point is, they ar ebig guns, and you don't want to get hit by them. They'll insta-gib anything that the USO has.
Hm. Well, then... Although I personally think downsizing them would make a biiit more sense, just because they could feasibly have more guns/an easier time with the guns they have or whatever.
Just me on this point, I guess.
That might happen, Alex's post kinda set the size of the walkers a bit smaller than what I had in mind, but there is also a lot of wiggle room there too.

Either way, lets see how @Alex Hart and @Rizzo handle their disagreement. I'll make my own GM post tomorrow.
If anyone is concerned about the mecha FSCorp is dropping here is a link to Mr. Donovan's mecha.

It is not made by Origin, it's a copy of similar performance and quality made by FMS, which is considerably less advanced and skilled at mecha construction than Origin, based on Origin's design so there are a couple of key differences.

Most noticeable, the power plant does not have a fusion reactor. This is because Candon was confident the locals would nuke his factory. Instead it uses Hyperspace Taps. Because of this the fuel tanks have been converted to gravity distortion generators which offers great propulsion and satisfies the AMBAC system.

It is armed with a prototype G-TAM Assault Rifle which hasn't been approved by the NTSE yet but that's basically because of formatting issues on the wiki page. The tech has been called generic. It's a Tier 7 damage output at 400 RPM with a twist... literally, it bends the laser using compact graviton projectors to distort the light and curve the beam so that the rifle can hit targets that would normally be impossible to hit. Good for swatting missiles and hitting campers.

To allow the Gravitational Targeting Assist Module of the rifle to work the Phased laser array in the head has been replaced with a sensor booster.

Further, graviton projectors have been installed in both forearms. It proved very useful in the factory when the forklift broke and they found the replacement parts were kept on the highest shelves of the storage racks.
The forklift is still collecting dust...

The graviton projectors are useful for stabilizing the arms for one-handed shooting to facilitate the Targa shield in the offhand so it can act like a Gundam.
It can also be used to push or lift things so it can act like a Jedi... Gundi... Jedam...

So, nothing too crazy. Just a different way of building the same thing and portraying the predecessor of FSCorp's future flagship weapon. Trust me, this rifle is going to be buggy.
Sounds cool, but I'm wondering how the beam curving might be pulled off without causing thiggs to be thrown into the air. I mean...

Well, it would take quite a bit of gravitational pull to move a laser around, lunar eclipses are a nice example of how much it takes just to keep the moon lit up when it technically shouldn't. I will say, the weapon sounds cool as hell though
It's a stream of gravitons being projected on local space all the way over to its target. It takes quite a bit of power and causes recoil it to feel heavy or sluggish. That's why my stuff has graviton projectors in the arms.
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Ah, that makes sense yeah. Maybe they could develop some sort of alternate fire that's just the gravitons to screw with enemies then?
I've been pretty chill with the whole thing, but I guess that's just because I'm used to overwhelming odds from playing call of cathulu.
I know this post is a little late because I've been away for a while dealing with family stuff, so as a response to the post I was early tagged in: no you didn't I chose to disable him because I thought it would add some interest to the narrative.
Ah, that makes sense yeah. Maybe they could develop some sort of alternate fire that's just the gravitons to screw with enemies then?
That sounds like a good idea. As it stands the prototype will be charged through the hands of the mecha and have capacity for 50 standard laser pulses without G-TAM with its tracking shot being the alternate fire mode which takes twice the power to operate bringing it to 25 rounds. It's harder to manuver too.

Thats the gimmick my tech will thrive on. Less brute force, more finesse and gadgets.
OK! Hopefully that makes things a bit more clear as to what enemies are near your characters and what you can be shooting at! If you've got any questions let me know.
@ArsenicJohn, Assuming the mecha aren't wiped out or pinned down they might be able to assist Corgan by hitting targets from behind. Fell free to call out targets
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