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  • 📅 July 2024 is YE 46.5 in the RP.

RP: 188604 [1st Kuvexian Raid] The Narrow Path

The Arccos didn't like the nebula. She wasn't the toughest light freighter out there, but she did have a good pilot flying her. Corgan sat at one of the other consoles. He had no idea what the pilot's name was, but Cyrus sent him, so he trusted him. The cargo bay was full of Ragnarok soldiers, mostly wearing Impulse armor. Once the defenses were down, they would pull up beside the target and the soldiers would launch out the front of the rectangular protrusions on either side of the ship.

At the signal, which was the other freighters launching their missiles, the ship came out of the cloud. Corgan saw the missiles streaking towards the freighters and the Caliburn. "Hey, pilot, we need to intercept some of those missiles. Take us towards the ones heading for the Caliburn." The ship turned, streaking towards the missiles. As they flew past Corgan fired all of the ship's guns. The point defenses sprayed plasma at the missiles as well.
Alex was cut off from aiding the two rookies by the arrival of the new fighters. Alex had managed to take out most of the fighters that had lured him and Jay into the trap, but the salvo of missiles took him by surprise, even if only for a moment.

He drew himself through erratic and elaborate motions to shake off the missiles, before flying straight through the formation of Kuvexian fighters. The missiles would have to either pull off and retarget or risk hitting those that fired them. After punching through the formation of Kuvexians, Alex began to 'orbit' them and soak them with fire from his gunpod, firing a few more mini missiles at them.

Their formation was tight, so it was fairly easy to score a good amount of hits.

Meanwhile, the Caliburn launched the rest of its fighters to support the two rookies, the support much needed, and saving Jack's bacon, as it were.

The two Broadsword class cruisers then preformed an elaborate manuver that involved them keeping their main guns pointed at the enemy while rotating around them. The laser turrets on them cycled through frequencies in order to find one that the freighters shields couldn't block, while their point defense engaged launched ordnance.
"Shit!" The elysian's voice hissed over comms as soon as her shields started whittling down. She'd failed to notice the enemy armors until several more had filtered out, the growing collection of shots becoming a problem quickly.

"Where are-there!" Seeing the power armors filtering out of a hole in the side of one crashed starship, the lightly armed fighter darted towards the estimated bay... Transforming into a mecha a few moments before impact and slamming her feet into the ship's hull to take the impact more effectively. Not waiting for anyone, Arx pointed her rifle into the open door, pulling the trigger and chaotically flailing her weapon to shred the interior. Deciding to use the ship's significantly more powerful CFS as an unofficial shield, the mecha slid inside the bay for a moment afterwards, aiming for the first door she could see and reloading to fire again.

With the chaos outside, and likely the inbound assault on her little shelter, it was less than half a minute before the mecha shot out of the bay again, transforming back to the more proper jet-like form, possibly crushing any unfortunate soul who had tried to hitch a ride on the way out.
As the element of surprise faded and it became a dogfight for survival. '5' was beginning to take hits on as the shields of the Kawarime sparked and flickered with hits, kinetic energy from the concussion from exploding ordnance. She plied every trick in the book to whittle down the remaining fighters. She set up kills for the others to have a shot at as she flew in her erratic manner to avoid becoming space dust.

When the hull hatches popped open to reveal the gun turrets and missile launchers, she flew close to the Super Freighter, She took shots of opportunity to send her destructive energy into now exposed weapon platforms of the Super Freighter, turning them into slag and shrapnel that exploded within the Super Freighter and leaving gaping hull breaches.
"Watch it Arx. You got a bogey on your tail!" Jay yelled as he flew past Araxie's fighter.

"Someone take care of that - I'm going for those hangars."
Jack banked hard to left in order to avoid the wall AA gun fire aimed at him and to head back to the relative safety of the fleet. he was half way through his turn and at full thrust when some of the AA fire tore through his right wing and engine reducing his speed somewhat. with his still operation engine and the momentum created by his hard burn he was able to speed back to the fleet and out of the line of fire of the enemy.

"Join the Skyguard they said, it will be fun they said...........damn it they were right." Jack mumbled to himself as he brought his fighter alongside the the Caliburn.

He switched to mech mode, and with his unit's free hand grabbed the side of the ship while bringing his sniper cannon to bare downrange towards the enemy fleet.

"This is Jack Pine U-1 02a, I have sustained significant damage and have pulled back. I can provide cover, or support fire if need be. Give em hell, Jack out" he said as he began to check his systems to make sure he wasn't in immediate danger.
Yinsar was distracted for a moment when Alex spoke to him through comms. He stopped firing for a moment to fix his communication settings so that there would be more than simple static as a response.

"Hail, Warden...?" He trailed off as he watched Alex forced to take evasive maneuvers in the distance.

Yinsar Kine shrugged and returned to monitoring the battlefield. He blinked in surprise. Alex was currently trying to weave between and deal with a ridiculously large amount of fighters. "What, that's... 25 fighters?!" He was amazed. He didn't realize he was grinning again until a few seconds later, an idea on his mind. Before he executed said idea, his eyes perused the various bits of data arrayed across his screens, a last check for unexpected elements.

Almost every AA unit was focusing on that one guy who launched without orders before Yin did. He watched with bemusement as the allied craft struggled to avoid the projectiles and make it back to the Caliburn. "Hmmn," he thought, "this is the guy..."

Yinsar opened comms with Jack. "Unit 02A, well done! Say, I'm about to do something rather stupid. Cover me, will ya? More specifically, if you could take out any fighters coming at my blindsides, that would be splendid."

Without waiting for a response, he shifted his course towards the vast array of fighters dogfighting with his commander, and checked his remaining rounds.

Yinsar braced himself, and then rammed the throttle forwards. His U1 fighter immediately began to accelerate, quickly reaching a fantastic speed.

Hurtling through space, Yin used the various hunks of debris and scattered clouds of dust to hide himself until just before he was in range of the 25 hostiles engaged. Yinsar suffered a short but uncontrollable bout of giggles as he adjusted a setting. His W3900 began to rev and purr, increasing it's potential RPMs drastically.

Just a moment later, the 25 fighters - distracted by Alex - would find Yinsar rocketing towards them, firing his W3900 at a staggering 1000 RPM. Caught off guard, some Kuvexian fighters would find hundreds of bullets tearing through their so-called heavy armor. Yin turned his comms to an open channel, broadcasting a message to anyone who would care to hear, while his velocity increased evermore.

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Alex was cut off from aiding the two rookies by the arrival of the new fighters. Alex had managed to take out most of the fighters that had lured him and Jay into the trap, but the salvo of missiles took him by surprise, even if only for a moment.

He drew himself through erratic and elaborate motions to shake off the missiles, before flying straight through the formation of Kuvexian fighters. The missiles would have to either pull off and retarget or risk hitting those that fired them. After punching through the formation of Kuvexians, Alex began to 'orbit' them and soak them with fire from his gunpod, firing a few more mini missiles at them.

Their formation was tight, so it was fairly easy to score a good amount of hits.

Meanwhile, the Caliburn launched the rest of its fighters to support the two rookies, the support much needed, and saving Jack's bacon, as it were.

The two Broadsword class cruisers then preformed an elaborate manuver that involved them keeping their main guns pointed at the enemy while rotating around them. The laser turrets on them cycled through frequencies in order to find one that the freighters shields couldn't block, while their point defense engaged launched ordnance.

All but one of the Kuvexian pilots were unfazed as their missiles flew past, the one being the pilot who failed to evade in time and was now dragging his smoking hull back toward the hanger he'd just left. As Alex Tasuki lined up his next shots the pursuing fighters were back, now now approaching in pairs of two in a 'V' that Alex now found himself the converging point of. Mini missiles swarmed once more along with streams of aether bolts.

As the 20 missiles encroached on the trio of missile freighters Captain Sampson White of Blue Caribou made a tried-and-true Nepleslian tactical call that would ultimately save 300 lives.
"Fire- fire at will! Empty the rack!"

EMP rockets from the three ships began to spit out in succession. Managing to disable the warheads of all of the missiles but not the engines. 20 duds slammed against the shields, causing the freighters to jostle and rock. Rockets became dislocated in the feeds and the crew's began working frantically to restore the launcher loaders to working order as the lives of everyone depended on the next volley.

Through the combined efforts of the Arccos, Excalibur, and Caliburn's efforts 25 of the thirty missiles had been effectively destroyed but as for the other surviving five of the ordinance…
"Brace! Brace!"
One after the other the heavy anti starship missiles slammed the ship called Caliburn the first two dropping it's shields, the third detonating just behind as it overshot, forth shearing it's port engine pylon and the fifth annihilating the generator room. Who could even know what happened to Jack?

In the zero gravity environment of space the USOS Caliburn 'fell' toward the pillows of solid gas in what would seem like slow motion. Carrying it's previous vector the bow sunk deeply into the purple slush pushing a tsunami of mist and ice as it ground to a halt.

"Oh my god. They sunk the Caliburn."

In the havoc of the situation the glowing prow of the terrible behemoth came to a climax as the glow across the leading edge was shunted into a massive cone of blinding light that enveloped the USOS Excalibur.
The super freighter had an aether shock array.

Now shieldless with armor glowing red hot, Excalibur was now the only target... plus three.

From behind the huge ship 300 more EMP shockwaves rippled through the shields and this time the hull. The shields were down.

Through the distortion came the data feed from Spectre relaying a location and carrying Candon's message feed.

As the element of surprise faded and it became a dogfight for survival. '5' was beginning to take hits on as the shields of the Kawarime sparked and flickered with hits, kinetic energy from the concussion from exploding ordnance. She plied every trick in the book to whittle down the remaining fighters. She set up kills for the others to have a shot at as she flew in her erratic manner to avoid becoming space dust.

When the hull hatches popped open to reveal the gun turrets and missile launchers, she flew close to the Super Freighter, She took shots of opportunity to send her destructive energy into now exposed weapon platforms of the Super Freighter, turning them into slag and shrapnel that exploded within the Super Freighter and leaving gaping hull breaches.

Though the missiles were only good for a single use the gun turrets were not. '5' made quick work of the AA guns she came across as they were now retraining on the Caliburn's fighter wing. Errowyn indeed created a dead spot in AA coverage.

Just a moment later, the 25 fighters - distracted by Alex - would find Yinsar rocketing towards them, firing his W3900 at a staggering 1000 RPM. Caught off guard, some Kuvexian fighters would find hundreds of bullets tearing through their so-called heavy armor. Yin turned his comms to an open channel, broadcasting a message to anyone who would care to hear, while his velocity increased evermore.

Had it not been for the fighters launched from the USOS Caliburn Yinsar would have been dust. As most of the hoard of 25 Kuvexian fighters began lobbing swarms of mini missiles at him the reinforcement U-1's opened fire, killing 2 and forcing all of them to disengage the lone insane gunner. Supposing the man had any sane of self preservation he would recognize an urgent need to run for cover as the 'mini' in mini missile made them unbearably hard to shoot down.

"Shit!" The elysian's voice hissed over comms as soon as her shields started whittling down. She'd failed to notice the enemy armors until several more had filtered out, the growing collection of shots becoming a problem quickly.

"Where are-there!" Seeing the power armors filtering out of a hole in the side of one crashed starship, the lightly armed fighter darted towards the estimated bay... Transforming into a mecha a few moments before impact and slamming her feet into the ship's hull to take the impact more effectively. Not waiting for anyone, Arx pointed her rifle into the open door, pulling the trigger and chaotically flailing her weapon to shred the interior. Deciding to use the ship's significantly more powerful CFS as an unofficial shield, the mecha slid inside the bay for a moment afterwards, aiming for the first door she could see and reloading to fire again.

With the chaos outside, and likely the inbound assault on her little shelter, it was less than half a minute before the mecha shot out of the bay again, transforming back to the more proper jet-like form, possibly crushing any unfortunate soul who had tried to hitch a ride on the way out.
"Watch it Arx. You got a bogey on your tail!" Jay yelled as he flew past Araxie's fighter.

"Someone take care of that - I'm going for those hangars."

The aether rifles of pursuing power armor would shift from Arx to Jay as they we're simply incapable of keeping up with the leaving fighter. The now six troopers would focus their fire on Jay to save their ships or die trying.

The Caliburn's captain began to evacuate what was left of the crew. Fortunately, with a small crew complement, a broadsword class was easy to evacuate. The captain then began a heroic maneuver, ordering the engineering crew to manually fire and reroute the thrust of the remaining Aether plasma thruster in the engine pylon of the Caliburn to its RCS systems, steering it into the engines of the superfreighter before the captain firing its main guns point blank into its target before attempting to pull out.

However the Caliburn did not escape unscathed, the detonation caused a chain reaction that tore off most of the nose of the ship, though fortunately no crew were killed. Now it was a floating wreck, and powerless.

Meanwhile the Excalibur continued its maneuver, its shells slamming into the now unshielded superfreighter. Its point defense turrets continued to fire and provide cover for the pilots out in the void, and its anti ship lasers lashing out at any enemy fighters foolish to enter their firing arcs, the beams of electromagnetic death all but unavoidable at the speed of light.

Alex was busy jinking crazily in order to avoid being hit. He activated his silhouette/mirror system. As the blood rushed to his head and his reaction time was improved by 400%, which was no mean feat given his razor sharp natural reflexes, and allowed him to do fanciful helixes and spirals to avoid all the missiles in what appeared to any onlookers to be some sort of dance of death, all the while firing his own mini missiles at the fighters that weren't an immediate threat to him.

Then he spiraled around the enemy formation that was flying towards him, transforming partway into what looked like a combination of a robot and a plane, and took potshots at them.
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Errowyn kept to her tactics, realizing the gun turrets were more of a threat. Yet she still took out a missile launcher when it came across her path. She rained destruction upon the Super Freighter when she wasn't dealing with fighters from the Freighter. She flew by the open hanger that was closing its blast doors. She fired her remaining missile into the Hanger bay. Whether the missile made it or not. That set of hanger doors would be inoperable.

She whipped her Kawarime up and over the Freighter to inflict more damage. She fired at projections from the Freighter, hoping to knock out its communications array and scanners to leave it blind and crippled.

She gave a soft grunt as warning buzzer sounded after a bad hit from the enemy fighters. She glanced at her shield rating and noticed it had dropped to 79%. She growled softly as she spotted the enemy fighter that was dogging her tail. She whipped her Kawarime in a tight turn round behind the enemy fighter. Letting him feel how it was like to be hunted.
Jack sat in the pilot seat of the now dark cockpit of his U-1 02a unconscious as he had switched to fighter mode in an effort to get clear of the Caliburn as it was brought down by enemy missiles. His unit was now non-operational as it had sustained too much damage from the resulting blasts, with the only thing keeping him alive was the life support unit in his flight suit. Jack continued to drift lazily in space unaware of what was happening, or the dire situation he was in.
Deftly avoiding the incoming fire around her, Araxie noticed that during her little coffee break in the enemy ship an entire broadsword went dark. Damn kuvexians... Wait, there's a craft idle next to- "Alex, Jay, keep them busy!" Not bothering to explain the craft jetted off towards Jack's disabled U-1. Transforming her own into its more humanoid form, Serai tore off his cockpit cover and gently extracted the unconscious pilot from within. Overriding the pressure difference warning of her own craft, the Angel exposed herself to the vacuum of space, tossing Jack with one mechanical arm towards herself, wiggling out of the harness temporarily to shift him loosely behind her. Though her helmet kept the girl's face pressurized, she wasn't sure about her wings-adrenaline of the situation concealed any pain they might experience.

"Come on come on..." Securing Jack into the passenger seat behind her own seat, Arx set the canopy to re-seal before she herself buckled down again, launching towards the sinking cruiser before re-transforming, shaking violently inside as she made her way around, turning to face the front again... If she could survive.
Corgan stared at the display. "Damn it!" He yelled, thumping his console in frustration with an armored fist. The ship wasn't built for combat but he still thought he could save the Caliburn. Then the foolish Captain decided to ram the freighter, he thought. At least they got out. Hope that pilot is okay. He sighed and tried to focus on the mission.

The enemy was busy with the fighters and the other freighters, he noticed. Now was the perfect time to launch the boarding party. "Pilot. I forget your name, I'm just going to call you Bob. Get us close to the freighter, Bob. It's time to begin the insertion." He said. Time to motivate the men.

Corgan switched to the ship-wide channel. "Attention. We're moving into position to board the Kuvexian ship. The Caliburn is down. Looks like everyone made it out. The freighter's shields were down and the Caliburn's Captain decided to ram the super freighter, they may have damaged the engines. Right now the Skyguard are holding the enemy's attention." He paused to let it sink in. "This isn't going to be like fighting NMX remnants. These guys are giving Yamatai a hard time. You know what I say to that? WE ARE NOT YAMATAI! Get ready to give those assholes a preview of what happens when you fuck with Nepleslians! We launch in two minutes."

He changed to the fleet channel. "Arccos moving into boarding position. Keep them off our ass. Arccos out." Corgan said. He stood up and turned to the pilot. "I'm leaving you in charge, Bob. If you scratch the paint I will have you cleaning toilets for the next two weeks." He spun around and left the bridge, dashing to the elevator. After the short ride, he walked out into the cargo bay and made his way to the front of the ranks. He picked up his HPAR and turned towards the gathered Ragnarok infantry.

"No more speeches. Let's go kill the bastards and take their ship. Bring back some loot if you want." He said, then turned back to the cargo ramp. A minute later the ship reached the targeted position alongside the freighter and the ramp swung open. "You remember the plan. Get to the reactor, shut it down, then get out. Blow it up if we have to. Now move out!"

With the order given, Corgan flew into open space followed by the 49 assembled soldiers. 50 launched from the other side as well. They streamed towards one of the open PA bays, ready to kill some Kuvexians.
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Debris blurred past as Yinsar's fighter careened towards the mass of enemy fighters, unloading round after round of sweet tungsten fury, adrenaline pumping through his veins. The sweet purr of 1000 RPM like music to his ears, a rhythm his fighter hummed to all who would hear.

This is what it means to live. This is why Yinsar Kine - the Mouse - decided to join the Sky Guard. He with the bigger stick wins, and Yinsar had a log.

Yinsar's glee ended abruptly as his screen lit up with a mass of flashing crimson indicators blotting out the vast majority of his screens and nearly blinding his vision with the vast array of miniature missiles. It took Yin a moment to fully comprehend the meaning of those indicators, and he relented on his continuous spray of bullets.

"Those... are those... those are.... uh.... UUHH..."

He was moving far too fast for comfort, a hasty glance expressed his speed of 0.05C, startling a rise of panic from Yinsar. He had to think fast. He had to think really fast, else his future would be reduced to naught but bloody space dust.

Slow? No. Fire? No.



The Mouse gritted his teeth tightly and kicked his fighter to full speed. "Let them try to hit me now! These U-G3901s better be damn good!"

His craft accelerated, it's torque pressing Yinsar tightly against his seat. It took some effort to keep control of the U-1 as it reached 0.1C. The missiles were alarmingly close, on a confident collision course with Yin.

In the short few instants it took to decipher and react to the scenario, his mop of black hair was stained with a cold sweat. He held steady, heading straight for the wall of lethal projectiles. He held steady, time nearly stopping for him as all his concentration hyper focused on timing this just right.

With a scream of exertion and tension, he slammed his controls to the side, bringing the U-1 into a barrel roll and turning sharply downwards. His wing nearly clipped one of the missiles, avoiding it with but a few inches to spare. His wing, did, however, clip a piece of debris, which in turn collided with the missile only a split instant later. The resulting chain of exploding mini missiles created enough of a shockwave to drag the controls out of Yin's hands and sent his fighter spinning awkwardly side ways towards a colorful variety of hazards.

The Mouse didn't even have time to take a breath while he wrestled with the controls to avoid a large surface of unforgiving ice, scraping the belly of his craft against it while trying to pull away.

The next while found Yinsar hastily lowering speed while haphazardly trying to avoid imminent collision with any of the hundreds of floating metal and ice chunks in his path. He was a decent distance away from the battle zone now, and took a few moments to calm himself.

"You dont... hah... you can't catch me...!"
Araxie spent a few moments breathing, trying to regain feeling in what was basically half her body. The short exposure she'd given herself to the vacuum of space had given her a crucial detail she really should have remembered earlier: these flight suits were still in development for some species. Like Elysians. Especially Elysians. She was in fact lucky she survived at all, let alone getting this pilot inside and secured.

Unfortunately, this means that not only might he wake up to a different cockpit than he last saw, just Jack Pine was going to have his view somewhat obstructed by a pair of blue wings with a bad ice-and-molting problem, and some bloated segments near the more significant joints.

In spite of her deteriorated physiology, Serai once again started to push forward closer to the fight. No rest for the weary, it seems...
Jack began to wake up in a haze as his vision refocused with every blink of his eyes. He immediately found himself staring at what almost look like two wings. He began to look back and forth between them why trying to relieve his confusion.

"Weird, I've never had a dream like this before." Jack said to himself as he poked the right wing a couple times.

He was completely caught by surprise when he could actually feel them, and as they moved reflexively followed by a female voice.
"Great. Now we have two injured pilots for the price of one." Jay remarked as he evaded the enemy PA.
Pumpkin Eater

Uso looked over at Vier.

Vier continued to look at the displays.

The Pumpkin Eater continued to sit in the cloud, monitoring the battle without yet taking action.

Then the Caliburn was hit with the Aether shock cannon, the intense blast boiling off much of the snow around the Pumpkin Eater and her supply of missiles that had been pre-launched to wait for the order to strike.

"WHY DIDN'T YOU STOP THAT!" Uso shouted.

Vier would respond calmly,

"You asked that we let them do this on their own, besides their ST backups are up to date."

Uso looked at Vier,


Vier looked back at Uso,

"You want me to.."

"YES OF COURSE!" Uso snapped, "Search and Rescue, plus it'd be nice if you stop them from blowing up my OTHER ship."

"... and keep Corgan from getting blown up?" Vier asked.

"OK, now you're just being cute...."


A number of older F2 drones would fly forward, half a dozen staying back and using their gravity control systems to push a low level anti-gravity field towards the Freighter, jamming its ASC and ensuring it wouldn't be able to fire again while in the area.

The other half dozen F2 drones would fly towards the Arccos, another two dozen similarly sized home grown missiles speeding ahead of them, spinning in a tight circle. As the point defense fire from the freighter hit the missiles out front, the spinning motion would ensure that the shot was deflected away from the F2 drones while what remained of the missile itself would be flung away from the group.

Just prior to hitting the Arccos, the F2 drones would slow down, maneuver just around the sides, and zoom out in-front of Corgan's soldiers to head in through the open enemy power armor bay. The inbuilt mass drivers firing into the ship itself. The sensors were able to approximate where the ship's reactor was based on the signature of the hole the reactor cut in between realities to siphon from the Aether. The F2s would retract their radiators and fly forward in single file, plowing through whatever doors or barricades were in their way. Vier was hoping that those obstructions would number less than 6.

Then the Pumpkin Eater itself started to move, the large freighter moving over the hulk of the Caliburn to shield it from the battle. A Trio of Junker drones climbing out of the Freighter to start search and rescue operations on the down'd ship.
"This is Captain Janice Baldwin, last missiles are out. We're moving in."
As the last of the missiles were launched the three vessels began to push in to halt any escaping vessels.

Meanwhile the Excalibur continued its maneuver, its shells slamming into the now unshielded superfreighter. Its point defense turrets continued to fire and provide cover for the pilots out in the void, and its anti ship lasers lashing out at any enemy fighters foolish to enter their firing arcs, the beams of electromagnetic death all but unavoidable at the speed of light.

The gunnery team placed their first salvo directly on target, making a world of difference within the enemy ship.

Within the bowels of the super freighter Candon's GSR would accomplish less than he'd hoped. Battered and covered in pock marks he made his last stand in a narrow corridor by the entrance to the bridge, his borrowed aether rifle smoking as the barrel threatened to melt. The final straw was laid as the electronics caught fire. Tossing the flaming rifle he dropped back into cover. The situation was hopeless until his seismic sensor was pinged.

He pressed hard against the wall and layered himself in gravitational shielding just a moment before the world around him was violently crushed. In a flash the load shearing sound of carnage was replaced by silence as Candon was flung back out into the vacuum of space, a tunneling crater where he previously stood. The bridge was gone and the trajectory of the 'tunnel' made it clear who'd saved him.
"Spectre to USOS Excalibur," he called, "the bridge is gone. I owe you."

From his new vantage point he could see most of the battle only missing the missile freighters who where too far away. "Chrome Star, commence rescue of Caliburn's escape pods and Zephyr I want boots in that ship now."

"We're already inbound, sir," captain Chralphua Rookson confirmed.

Seeing the crashed broadsword now trying to force it's way out of the ice cloud Candon opened comms to the ship.
"Caliburn, this is almost over. Just stay down! Repeat, stand down! Save the ship! Why doesn't anyone listen to me?!"

@Alex Hart, Excalibur

The Caliburn's captain began to evacuate what was left of the crew. Fortunately, with a small crew complement, a broadsword class was easy to evacuate. The captain then began a heroic maneuver, ordering the engineering crew to manually fire and reroute the thrust of the remaining Aether plasma thruster in the engine pylon of the Caliburn to its RCS systems, steering it into the engines of the superfreighter before the captain firing its main guns point blank into its target before attempting to pull out.

However the Caliburn did not escape unscathed, the detonation caused a chain reaction that tore off most of the nose of the ship, though fortunately no crew were killed. Now it was a floating wreck, and powerless.

The attack had indeed destroyed one of three primary engines along with a cluster of maneuvering thrusters.

"Captain Tachi to Caliburn, your too far ahead. Ordnance is inbound to your position. Evacuate the area, immediately, do you copy?.. Caliburn missiles cannot be called off, please respond... Caliburn evade! They're not responding…"

Making corrections to the cource of the cheaply made EMP rockets was futile, they were simply chasing a targeting laser with no collision avoidance software to aid it in getting there.

As the wave passed Caliburn caught 3 of the 100 in the main hull, a reduced number made possible only by the quick thinking of the man operating the target designation equipment.

Streams of lethal electrical current flowed through the dead hull, through every panel and wall straight into the positron shell magazine. The shells which fed the mighty cannons of the valiant ship now spelled it's damnation

@Alex Hart, Caliburn

Alex was busy jinking crazily in order to avoid being hit. He activated his silhouette/mirror system. As the blood rushed to his head and his reaction time was improved by 400%, which was no mean feat given his razor sharp natural reflexes, and allowed him to do fanciful helixes and spirals to avoid all the missiles in what appeared to any onlookers to be some sort of dance of death, all the while firing his own mini missiles at the fighters that weren't an immediate threat to him.

Then he spiraled around the enemy formation that was flying towards him, transforming partway into what looked like a combination of a robot and a plane, and took potshots at them.

A lucky hit traveled through the canopy of one of the two fighters he was now chasing as the shields were already low. While the one 'lucky shot' may have seemed like a turning of luck it was only one part of a plan. The other fighter continued to run with evasive maneuvers as one of the other two fell in behind. Normally a final missile flourish would be the end but these fighters were now out of missiles. One of his pursuers broke off while the other chased with aether fire, careful not to hit the ally Alex was gunning for. As the three ships danced the fourth rejoined, 'drifting' as it were into Alex's fighter using its high mass to slam the U-1.

@Alex Hart, Alex Tasuki

Errowyn kept to her tactics, realizing the gun turrets were more of a threat. Yet she still took out a missile launcher when it came across her path. She rained destruction upon the Super Freighter when she wasn't dealing with fighters from the Freighter. She flew by the open hanger that was closing its blast doors. She fired her remaining missile into the Hanger bay. Whether the missile made it or not. That set of hanger doors would be inoperable.

She whipped her Kawarime up and over the Freighter to inflict more damage. She fired at projections from the Freighter, hoping to knock out its communications array and scanners to leave it blind and crippled.

She gave a soft grunt as warning buzzer sounded after a bad hit from the enemy fighters. She glanced at her shield rating and noticed it had dropped to 79%. She growled softly as she spotted the enemy fighter that was dogging her tail. She whipped her Kawarime in a tight turn round behind the enemy fighter. Letting him feel how it was like to be hunted.

Though her attempts to destroy communication and sensory equipment were unsuccessful her destruction of the hanger doors was flawless as the missile detonated just within, blasting the doors outward, a direction they weren't intended to protect from. The explosion sheared the doors completely off allowing Arccos unrestricted access to the hanger.

Her further dogfight would be ultimately successful, though the addition of two more pursuing fighters would undoubtably complicate her situation as these two were seasoned veterans who'd worked together for years. Their missiles would fly with precision as they committed to destroying the Yamataian fighter.

Corgan stared at the display. "Damn it!" He yelled, thumping his console in frustration with an armored fist. The ship wasn't built for combat but he still thought he could save the Caliburn. Then the foolish Captain decided to ram the freighter, he thought. At least they got out. Hope that pilot is okay. He sighed and tried to focus on the mission.

The enemy was busy with the fighters and the other freighters, he noticed. Now was the perfect time to launch the boarding party. "Pilot. I forget your name, I'm just going to call you Bob. Get us close to the freighter, Bob. It's time to begin the insertion." He said. Time to motivate the men.

Corgan switched to the ship-wide channel. "Attention. We're moving into position to board the Kuvexian ship. The Caliburn is down. Looks like everyone made it out. The freighter's shields were down and the Caliburn's Captain decided to ram the super freighter, they may have damaged the engines. Right now the Skyguard are holding the enemy's attention." He paused to let it sink in. "This isn't going to be like fighting NMX remnants. These guys are giving Yamatai a hard time. You know what I say to that? WE ARE NOT YAMATAI! Get ready to give those assholes a preview of what happens when you fuck with Nepleslians! We launch in two minutes."

He changed to the fleet channel. "Arccos moving into boarding position. Keep them off our ass. Arccos out." Corgan said. He stood up and turned to the pilot. "I'm leaving you in charge, Bob. If you scratch the paint I will have you cleaning toilets for the next two weeks." He spun around and left the bridge, dashing to the elevator. After the short ride, he walked out into the cargo bay and made his way to the front of the ranks. He picked up his HPAR and turned towards the gathered Ragnarok infantry.

"No more speeches. Let's go kill the bastards and take their ship. Bring back some loot if you want." He said, then turned back to the cargo ramp. A minute later the ship reached the targeted position alongside the freighter and the ramp swung open. "You remember the plan. Get to the reactor, shut it down, then get out. Blow it up if we have to. Now move out!"

With the order given, Corgan flew into open space followed by the 49 assembled soldiers. 50 launched from the other side as well. They streamed towards one of the open PA bays, ready to kill some Kuvexians.

Upon seeing the Arccos begin its operation Candon used a massive burst from his propulsion systems to close the distance between him and the hanger.
"Corgan, it's Candon. Secure the hanger, you should be able to land the Arccos. We'll need to have supplies in there for the clearing operation. I'm on my way."

Jack sat in the pilot seat of the now dark cockpit of his U-1 02a unconscious as he had switched to fighter mode in an effort to get clear of the Caliburn as it was brought down by enemy missiles. His unit was now non-operational as it had sustained too much damage from the resulting blasts, with the only thing keeping him alive was the life support unit in his flight suit. Jack continued to drift lazily in space unaware of what was happening, or the dire situation he was in.

Deftly avoiding the incoming fire around her, Araxie noticed that during her little coffee break in the enemy ship an entire broadsword went dark. Damn kuvexians... Wait, there's a craft idle next to- "Alex, Jay, keep them busy!" Not bothering to explain the craft jetted off towards Jack's disabled U-1. Transforming her own into its more humanoid form, Serai tore off his cockpit cover and gently extracted the unconscious pilot from within. Overriding the pressure difference warning of her own craft, the Angel exposed herself to the vacuum of space, tossing Jack with one mechanical arm towards herself, wiggling out of the harness temporarily to shift him loosely behind her. Though her helmet kept the girl's face pressurized, she wasn't sure about her wings-adrenaline of the situation concealed any pain they might experience.

"Come on come on..." Securing Jack into the passenger seat behind her own seat, Arx set the canopy to re-seal before she herself buckled down again, launching towards the sinking cruiser before re-transforming, shaking violently inside as she made her way around, turning to face the front again... If she could survive.

Araxie spent a few moments breathing, trying to regain feeling in what was basically half her body. The short exposure she'd given herself to the vacuum of space had given her a crucial detail she really should have remembered earlier: these flight suits were still in development for some species. Like Elysians. Especially Elysians. She was in fact lucky she survived at all, let alone getting this pilot inside and secured.

Unfortunately, this means that not only might he wake up to a different cockpit than he last saw, just Jack Pine was going to have his view somewhat obstructed by a pair of blue wings with a bad ice-and-molting problem, and some bloated segments near the more significant joints.

In spite of her deteriorated physiology, Serai once again started to push forward closer to the fight. No rest for the weary, it seems...

"Great. Now we have two injured pilots for the price of one." Jay remarked as he evaded the enemy PA.

Nothing too notable happened to Serai's U-1 in this period of time but Jay did find 6 PA's waiting for another attack.

Debris blurred past as Yinsar's fighter careened towards the mass of enemy fighters, unloading round after round of sweet tungsten fury, adrenaline pumping through his veins. The sweet purr of 1000 RPM like music to his ears, a rhythm his fighter hummed to all who would hear.

This is what it means to live. This is why Yinsar Kine - the Mouse - decided to join the Sky Guard. He with the bigger stick wins, and Yinsar had a log.

Yinsar's glee ended abruptly as his screen lit up with a mass of flashing crimson indicators blotting out the vast majority of his screens and nearly blinding his vision with the vast array of miniature missiles. It took Yin a moment to fully comprehend the meaning of those indicators, and he relented on his continuous spray of bullets.

"Those... are those... those are.... uh.... UUHH..."

He was moving far too fast for comfort, a hasty glance expressed his speed of 0.05C, startling a rise of panic from Yinsar. He had to think fast. He had to think really fast, else his future would be reduced to naught but bloody space dust.

Slow? No. Fire? No.



The Mouse gritted his teeth tightly and kicked his fighter to full speed. "Let them try to hit me now! These U-G3901s better be damn good!"

His craft accelerated, it's torque pressing Yinsar tightly against his seat. It took some effort to keep control of the U-1 as it reached 0.1C. The missiles were alarmingly close, on a confident collision course with Yin.

In the short few instants it took to decipher and react to the scenario, his mop of black hair was stained with a cold sweat. He held steady, heading straight for the wall of lethal projectiles. He held steady, time nearly stopping for him as all his concentration hyper focused on timing this just right.

With a scream of exertion and tension, he slammed his controls to the side, bringing the U-1 into a barrel roll and turning sharply downwards. His wing nearly clipped one of the missiles, avoiding it with but a few inches to spare. His wing, did, however, clip a piece of debris, which in turn collided with the missile only a split instant later. The resulting chain of exploding mini missiles created enough of a shockwave to drag the controls out of Yin's hands and sent his fighter spinning awkwardly side ways towards a colorful variety of hazards.

The Mouse didn't even have time to take a breath while he wrestled with the controls to avoid a large surface of unforgiving ice, scraping the belly of his craft against it while trying to pull away.

The next while found Yinsar hastily lowering speed while haphazardly trying to avoid imminent collision with any of the hundreds of floating metal and ice chunks in his path. He was a decent distance away from the battle zone now, and took a few moments to calm himself.

"You dont... hah... you can't catch me...!"

To the surprise of most sane observers Yinsar had indeed survived the onslaught of missiles now exploding in the background. It was almost as if he'd gotten away unharmed... as he passed another chunk of debris karma once more reared it's ugly head. A mass of wires entangled the fighter as it passed through to quickly to evade.
"Oh, good. You're awake." The wing-like form was... It felt off, was the best description. Quite cold to the touch, but there seemed to be a fair bit of power within it still. Araxie managed to keep her cool not only because she couldn't feel what she'd normally feel from someone ruffling her feathers around, but the pressing battle took precedence over what did come around. Shakily accelerating, the passenger-bearing U1 charted a new course towards the chaos.

"I swear, you people need to be more careful! First there's you," Letting the craft drift a moment, Serai bent her arm over her back to waggle five digits at Jack, "And now this guy is getting himself caught after playing chicken with missiles!" She made sure her communication network was active to the best of it extent in this icy tunnel as the two pulled up closer towards the tangled Yinsar and re-transformed into mecha form. Grumbling to herself as the Elysian began to tear-and in some cases shoot- the wires free while using the debris to the best of her extent as cover, everyone listening was treated to a salty rant about "Charging in like drunk idiots with no respect for self-preservation" and something about needing to "keep the attention off the people who clearly can't handle weapons being shot their way". She sure as hell wasn't giving this guy the same voidwalk treatment as the last one.