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RP (non-canon) 1st SORT: Operation Husky

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Over the din, she heard Riikka's screams, then silence. Deathly silence.

Rage filled her.

She swirled around from her cover, coming out fully before the Italian. She knew his little .32 was going to hurt some, but she was a supersoldier. It was time to do something super, like take an anemic pistol bullet or two.

As soon as she swirled from cover, she pointed her Garand at the Italian and unloaded, not stopping until she heard the ping! of her clip.
Robert saw and heard Riikka pop up and take all the fire from the Italians in the field and a black fury filled him when he saw her fall, he leapt to his feet and began a measured fire with his BAR, sweeping it across the Italian troops in the field like it was a giant broom, left to right and right to left, reloading as he expending 1,2,3,4 magazines before leaping away to cover before the Italians were able to react and start firing back at him.
As the smoke thickened around him, Lieutenant Vel Steyr stepped back from the edge, there was nothing more to see except trailing whisps that sometimes formed dead familiar faces in the smoke. He could still hear the massive din below as the NECOs continued thier rampage. However a number of grenade explosions and an extra large one that formed a pillar of fire outside one end of the castle suggested to him that it might be prudent to go directly downstairs to the radio room, retrieve the objective and come back up before either the NECOs or Italians accidentally destroy it. Not even the Radioman is talking on the radio anymore so he presumed that the room would be unoccupied. Regardless, he drew his Luger, undid the bolt and took the ladder down until he was face to face with the radio room door.

"Allright, just two minutes. Get in, get it, get out." He mentally prepared himself, took a deep breath, and then opened the door as quietly as he could, if there were anyone looking directly at him or if there were more than four people he would shut the door again and run back upstairs, but if there wasnt he would let the door open completely and if there were three or less people inside, he put a number of 9mms into them. Perhaps a sligtly less cruel fate from above than what was coming up downstairs. He would then search the room for the Cipher machine while ignoring the running commentary from the German Radioman.
The South Field
As Riikka went down, Robert's sudden loss of fire discipline actually worked in his advantage, as the over-eager Italians, drawn by the actual sight of an enemy, rushed her position. The bunched soldiers were suddenly caught in a hail of automatic fire from the big marine as he let loose a veritable hailstorm of lead bullets. As more and more of them dropped the few remaining soldiers grew wise and suddenly began withdrawing from the field and back toward the road. Those in the field weren't out of the woods yet, though, as the Italians continued to provide themselves covering fire as they retreated, possibly to rethink their tactics in battling their determined foes.

Castelluccio, Inside
The PING! of Jane's rifle was met with the thud of her target falling to the ground, dead, and accompanied by the whimpers of the injured soldier, who seemed ready to not put up any more resistance as he lay there, bleeding from his arm. Jane was left with a choice to either end his life or show him mercy and help him in some form, or even to simply ignore the enemy soldier's plight. In the next room over, Jane could hear three of her comrades speaking to one another.

"Y'all know Ah don't carry any'a that 'cause it's too easy to break or catch fire. Asides, Y'all don't need any alcohol, and if yah didn't expect any pain Ya shouldn'ta volunteered fer combat, ya bum" April scolded Tiffany, as she finished fishing out the last piece of Shrapnel. "Now, Yer all done, so quit yer complainin. Ah need ta find something else to do." Not a moment later, those in the castle would hear a loud Boom of something exploding outside.

Castelluccio, Outside

Antoinette and Valerie found themselves nearly unopposed, as Clair's earlier barrage of Sten fire had cleared out any straggling defenders. Now, however, as Ant decided to rush the building, she would be confronted with a rifleman firing through her chosen window, annoying her with his tactic of providing almost no target when he fired repeatedly on the Frenchwoman and the British Dame.

Cat's plan worked, and the Italian defenders were distracted by the sudden billowing of smoke from the generator-house, giving the NECO the opening she needed to make it to the Castelluccio itself. Squeezing herself up against the wall, Cat found herself not far from an open window, with the rifle of a distracted soldier sticking out just a meter or so away from her.

And then the out-building went up in a huge ball of flame as the gasoline inside boiled off into vapor and suddenly ignited, briefly previewing the light of the sun that was not too far away from properly rising.

Castelluccio, Roof
When Fian opened the door, he was greeted by a single Italian soldier, manning a window, and looking the entirely wrong direction. there was a trapdoor not far behind him, and the sounds of several Italian voices signified that the soldiers on that floor were probably planning some sort of counterattack on the first floor. Not far, the radio continued to spout chatter in German, and Fian could see the code machine just sitting there, completely unguarded. Fian Could try to simply sneak past the Italian to complete his task and risk being heard by him, or kill the soldier, risking those below hearing him fire his pistol. And then there was a sudden, blinding flash and boom as the out-building went up in a plume of smoke and fire. The Italian soldier at the window suddenly flung his arms up to protect his face from the roiling flames that were entirely too close, and even Fian himself could feel the heat given off.
"You kick like daughter, better to learn calligraphy and tea ceremony." Fian cursed under his breath, his old Chinese host was right though, he didn't think he could knock the Italian out with a single melee strike. The Lieutenant then ran right up to the Code Machine in the chaos of the explosion, grabbed its carrying handle in one hand, and then now that the fireball has dissipated, started tiptoeing back to the door whence he came while holding his Luger out towards the Sentry in case he turned around.

If only that old man could see what a bunch of daughters are doing here.
Castelluccio, Inside

With April tending to Tiffany's wounds, Clair went to the door, listening to the commotion on the other side. She listened, hearing the last of the gunfire, the sound of bodies going down, the whimper of suffering and the telltale pang of an M1 Garand's clip ejecting. There was a friendly in the other room.

Now, the question was, who had gone down, the bad guys or the friendly?

"Thunder!" she called through the door, her Bren at the ready, finger on the trigger if she needed to blast whoever was on the other side. She had little concern over the rather flimsy wooden door having any negative effect on the travel of her Bren's .303 rounds. They would go through the door and through anyone on the other side if they were bad guys. If friendlies, she would bring the gun down and open the door to greet them friendly like of course.
The Field

Morgan kept his head down as he ran, keeping low, just as he seemed to clear the immediate threat he heard screams from over yonder. A womans screams. There was only one woman he knew of nearby. It took him a second to take stock, and then he was on the move again, rifle at the ready this time.

The sudden pause in the battle lasted only a moment before furious return fire drove the Italians back into the woods. Morgan stopped near where he thought the scream had come from, his head turned quickly, his mouth chewing his gum excessively under stress. There seemed to be a few bodies, or pieces of them, scattered around, but nothing obviously friendly. The darkness combined with the occasional flash of gunfire or explosions made it almost impossible to see any distance.

After crawling around for a moment in the high grass he finally found a slim form he was looking for. Kneeling over her checked her face in the little light that could be had in the night and patted her cheek, checking for life.

"Come on, don't be dead. Don't be dead." he muttered. It seemed she was breathing, but there was no time to treat her wounds. Grabbing her by the should straps of her equipment, he slowly dragged her back through the high grass to lose the Italians before they came back. Morgan checking over his shoulder nervously as he bent down to drag her.
Catherine hugged the wall. She could not believe that crazy plan worked. She also could not believe how fast the flames worked. Good thing she did not decide to set the Castle itself on fire. Not when they have job to do. She noticed a rifle sticking out from the window above her. Amateur, one knew that you should stand inside the room and not have your gun stick out. That said the guy might have been brave enough to look out. Just to be sure, Cat grabbed her revolver ready to shoot him if he stick out. What now? Cat was all alone here.

Other girls were assaulting the castle and from what she could tell from explosion she heard earlier, they also fought in the southern field, probably against reinforcements coming to the Castle. God be with those girls. Catherine thought as she grabbed one of her N.69 grenades. With an All-Ways fuze this grenade was good for clearing rooms. It did not have such boom as Mills Bomb had, but it was better for clearing room. Mills Bomb was perfect grenade for outside use, tossing freagments tens of meters away. N69 did just happy little boom. It was just High Explosive, but that was more then enough to clear a room.

There was another great thing about it, Catherine though as she unscrewed the cap, covering the fuse. It exploded as soon as it hit. A contact grenade. Catherine took a few steps from the wall ready to jump back or shoot, she still had her revolver in her other hand of after all. When she got best angle, without being seen from the window, she raised her hand and aimed for a seconds before she tossed the grenade into the room and quickly jumping back to the wall. She was ready to start climbing to the roof once the grenade goes off. Their commander was on top and he needed help, besides they could attack from above and take the Italians by surprise.
Riikka was in darkness. The world was nothing but darkness and sound was not a thing which existed. There was nothing but silence and darkness -- and a weight pressing on her chest. And it was like that for the longest time as the memories began to disappear from her mind's eye, flesh and bone slowly beginning to mend again. It was a discomfort more than a pain, something that pressed on her lungs and made it hard to breath. And then suddenly it was gone.

Slowly, her senses returned to her. At first it was sight, blinking and inconsistent, with long periods of darkness. Moving away, she could see bodies splayed out, slowly smoldering grass caught in the fires of explosions, and the darkness of the slowly fading night. But all of that was getting further away, if slowly.

And then she faded again.

By the time Riikka came to, the first thing she could see was blood. Blood, dark and red across her sleeve and her coat. She couldn't tell if it was her's or somebody else's, but she hurt. She didn't recognize these trees, or what was happening. Somebody was dragging her, she realized. Somebody was dragging her!

The Finn reacted on instinct, afraid that the enemy might have captured her. She didn't pay attention to who it was that had a hold on her. Rather with a grunt, she swung her legs up, using her weight and flexibility to put her legs on the person's shoulders, and lock her feet behind their head. And in that moment she used her weight to throw her possible assailant over her on to the ground. And before she realized who it was that landed so gracefully on the forest floor, she had her blade drawn, and moved to place it poised for the eyes.

And then she stopped.

"Oh. Perkele."

"Ah! Ah! Flash! Flash! Please don't stab me with that knife!" Came a familiar voice from below. "Ow..."

Below her, with a sharp blade inches away from his eye was the young paratrooper she had sorta meet moments before she'd been knocked unconcious. Clearly, quite distressed now, his hands gripping her claf in panic, his legs kicked a bit, as though trying to tap out of a hold.

Riikka was absolutely silent. With a blade in hand, blood spread down a portion of her face, and more firepower than most GIs would think of carrying on her: she probably would have looked somewhat intimidating to many. If it weren't for the sheer surprise in her eyes. Slowly, the blade was pulled away and sheathed.

"What happened? Are you okay? Where are we?" She started looking around now, rising up away from the GI.

Morgan quickly sat up and rubbed his neck. "Ow, I think I'm the first combat casualty to suffer from whiplash." He said, turning to look at her accusingly. "I only risked life and limb trying to drag you away from a bunch of angry eye ties looking to trample all over you, and enough times to be sure."

He turned back, still rubbing the back of his neck. "Oww."

"Saved me, hm?" Riikka rose to a crouch, "Then we're even. Which way back to the field?"

Morgan turned back to her again so fast he ended up groaning in pain on the ground, holding his neck. "Argh. What did you just say?" he wheezed as he looked up at her.

Something resembling a sympathetic grimace crossed her face, "I said, we are even Private Page. And which way back to the field?"

This time her statement was announced with the sound of her shotgun as she reloaded the spent rounds, quickly working on reloading her weapons.

"We, or rather I, still have a job to do. And I could use your help."

"Yeah, well, give me a moment to actually regain the ability to stand." Morgan replied grumpily as he carefully sat up and pushed himself to his feet, then twisted his neck left then right slowly. "Ah, ah! Damn." he grunted throught he exercise, and then he picked up his rifle.

"If you're still able to walk after losing that much blood, I dragged you from over there." He said, pointed over his rifle behind him.

"All this -?" A glance down at her uniform caused a pause, "Oh. Paska. That is a lot, isn't it? But I don't htink it is all mine."

She gave her best convincing smile, unconvincing as it may have been, "I will be fine." She rose to stand up.

And fell over almost immediately on to the Private in front of her. She squeezed her eyes shut, willing the world to stop spinning for a moment.

"Ah geez." Morgan said, scratching the back of his head.
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"Hang on-!" Valerie gasped as she leapt out of the trench to follow Antoinette. Bullets ripped from the castle at the two of them as they dashed across the field. Valerie took quick aim at one of the castle snipers and fired a shot at them before continuing to run after Antoinette. As she got closer and closer she realised that just climbing the wall would not be an ideal point of entry.

Everything went bright for a few moments as the outbuilding blew up in a gasoline smelling ball of fire. The Italians seemed to recoil at this, and she had an idea. She looked at one of the windows, put her rifle over her shoulder, pulled the Webley revolver out of its holster and leapt into the window, jumping with her muscular legs.

She had misjudged the distance, landed short and grabbed the ledge with her spare hand. She then pulled herself up to be face to face with a very bewildered looking Italian. She shot him in the chest twice for his indiscretion and pulled herself up, pointing her gun left and right to look for any other targets. She found a rifleman to her right and fired three times, two bullets hitting the walls of the old castle and her fifth bullet from the revolver hitting the Italian in the neck.

She was unsure if more would be coming to take their place, and decided to reload her revolver, breaking it open and shaking the loose, empty cartridges out and replacing them with new ones. Click. Six bullets, and she had to wait for Antoinette. She tried looking into the courtyard from her elevated position, back to the wall and peeking into it so she could react if another Italian came in.
With the whistle order to report in ringing in Rosy's ears she got up and strapped her l-39 to her back. with her M1 carbine in her hands she started jogging towards the castle. directly into the rain of bullets. She fired at each target as they came up. She almost shot Robert, but held her finger at the last millimeter. She reached out and grabbed his harness pulling him up behind her.

"Come on The boss man wants us..." She kept moving hoping he followed behind her. With all the fire it was stupid not to.

The very second Rosy hit the wall she dropped both her pack and massive mega cannon. Her hands moved quickly pulling rope out and then slinging the pack back one. Rosy tied the end of the rope around her beloved rifle before tieing the other end to her waist. If Robert had followed She could haul him and the Rifle up once she reached the top.

She grabbed on to the slots between the stones hand pulled her self up. Each hand hold later formed the perfect foot hold. It took her a few moments to reach the roof. Once there she turned and and untied the rope from her waist and looked back down to see if the Male trooper was with her.
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"Oh bite me, I got shot I'm allowed to bitch a lil!" Tiffany grouched back as she sat up from her prone position, stretching a little to take off the tattered shirt. Wincing a little in pain from the wounds on her back and shoulder she never even noticed if they had started to heal over or not, instead focused now on helping the others. Her colt 1911 still in hand she moved to her feet to help give the others some cover as they began to move toward the door.

"So, which way do we go?" She asked April and Clair, even as Clair was moving out. She followed after the girl, eyes scanning the hall to make sure nothing snuck up on them as Clair called out the code word waiting for a reply.
Robert was startled as Rosy pulled him off balance and he fired a burst from the BAR that was still aimed at the Italians but then looked at her like she was nuts. "I'd rather stick around out here to keep these patrols off y'all's asses instead of all of us bunching up inside a building where if there are any eyetie mortar teams in the area they can just drop a few rounds right on top of our heads and kill all of us in one strike." Robert replied as he shook her off and went back to engaging the patrols in the field as he watched the crazy woman run towards the castle. Well, maybe she'll at least distract a few of them and make them take more notice of her and I can shoot them he mused as he settled back into the routine of walking fire along the Italian infantrymen and he began advancing on the nearest patrol, making use of well aimed bursts to keep their heads down and if any stood up he'd send him to hell with a few well placed rounds.
Cat's rewards for her efforts came nearly immediately, as the allways fuse did its job, and her Grenade went BOOM on impact, sending the second floor of the Casteluccio into disarray. This was exactly the distraction that the soldier needed to start making her way up the side of the wall. Not far above her, she saw the muzzle of another rifle sticking out of the third floor window, though. She would have to do something about it if she wanted to continue upward.

Opposite of Cat, Antoinette and Valerie's efforts were similarly going well, and as soon as they reached the safety of the wall, they were no longer under enemy fire. Valerie would hear voices from beyond the door, but they weren't Italian. they were the voices of women, speaking English. A thud from above and across the building suddenly sent a flurry of activity from upstairs, the shuffling of boots combined with some shouting and the thudding noise of wooden things being knocked over told her, and by extension, Clair, Jane, April, and Tiff, that the floor above them hadn't been cleared yet.

April, investigating the rooms they had cleared already, found that there were a few ladders leading upward, ending in trapdoors. "Ah think maybe we oughta either move away from the trapdoors, or just start shootin' up..." she suggested, not entirely certain about that second suggestion as the whistle blowing from earlier had seemed to come from the roof itself. As if in response to her suggestions, the trapdoors, one on each corner of the room, opened up, and soldiers began descending them. "Well, shoot" April muttered, before doing so, sending a few carbine rounds into one of the descending Italians.

South Field.
Robert's barrel was getting quite hot. he had slung so much lead at the Italians that he had probably worn out the weapon's warranty, if there was one. They stayed mostly down, still in retreat as the marine advanced on them, though they seemed to stop and take up defensive positions once they reached the road. Before too long, Robert was once again under fire, but the aim of the soldiers he was facing was nothing to write home about. Still, he was alone for the moment, fighting off about ten determined men, whom had now found cover. He needed Riikka and Morgan to come and help him, if they could.
Cathering put the finger tips in the space between the stone bricks making up the wall. It was not easy climb, but it was doable. She still could not use to the fact that she held herself pretty much only by tips of her fingers. But it worked. She tried to not think about all the dead she caused so far. How many people ended up dead becaues of her by now? Fourt? Five? Maybe more, who knows how many were killed by the grenade. She was about to kill another or at least cause him massive injury. He was also dumb, sticking his rifle out side the window. If he stood back in the room he might actually shoot her, thought to be frank, a normal italian soldier could not expect someone to just climb the wall to his window.

Cat grabbed the ledge of the window, hoised herself up. "Eh, Mi scuzi," she said as she yanked the rifle to the side with her free hand and grabbed the man by he his belt, dragging him towards herself. With some effort, her muscles tensing to keep hold on the edge of the window and then dragging and tossing grown man out of the window. The Italian was quite surprised managing only to scream as he flew out of the window.

Cat then climbed in hoping no one else was in there. One soldier was in the room, she could see as she vaulted in. It was the officer she saw on the roof through her scope earlier. Catherine raised her hand to her forehead with open palm in the standard way of commonwealth salute. "Private Catherine Smith reporting as ordered sah!"
"Flash!" Jane yelled as she reloaded fast, stuffing another clip down her rifle and letting the bolt ride home.

She slung her rifle on her shoulder, went to the wounded Italian and socked him hard in the jaw. Knock out. Must conserve ammunition.

She heard all the stomping above, more rifle fire in the distance. She needed to get to the top; the lieutenant would need help. But there were a lot of fascists between her and him. She took stock of the room as she reached picked up one of the Italians' submachine guns. The knocked-out one still had his pistol; she snagged that too and stuffed it in her coat, safety on.

The stomping above her room got louder. She finally noticed the damn ladder and trapdoor. There were loud explosions somewhere close by, louder than a grenade, and that likely meant more fire, and that meant time was running out.

No time to reload for rifle grenades, either. The trapdoor popped open; the ladder was kicked away.

She instinctively flipped the safety off the submachine gun, raised it to the portal and squeezed the trigger.
"Zut Allores!" Antoinette cursed between breaths when she saw the Italian in the window that was quickly approaching. Thinking fast she decided to the only thing that came to mind, when she was close enough vaulted herself though the window screaming like a french banshee.

Once she landed on the ground inside, she leveled her M3 at the closest I-tie and squeezed the trigger letting a hail of 45 caliber bullets blast into her target, painting the wall behind him with a nice red color. Dropping the spent magazine Antoinette reloaded and pointed the compact weapon and the door, waiting to see who came in next.

Clair was glad to hear the friendly reply from the next room over and opened the door. She poked her head through and grinned at Jane. "Damn fine to see a friendly face" she greeted the other neco. Just then though the commotion above happened and some badguys started descending the ladders from the floor above.

"Never a moments quiet!" she said, exasperated and turned her attention back to the job. She saw April take one of the Italians down, she got the next one with a short and very loud burst from her Bren that cut the man to gory pieces, painting the far wall. "Alright you lot, we have the place surrounded. Surrender now!" she commanded, maybe it would work. If not, she had plenty of ammo left to clear the place the old fashioned way.

She glanced at April, "Worst case, I have some incendiary grenades that will do the trick" she grinned, thinking of the No.76 white phosphorous grenades she carried on her person.
"I say toss'em up!" Tiff said as she took out the next to climb down the ladder with her pistol. One shot in the neck as she saw it caused the man to stumble and fall off the ladder, cracking his head on the hard stone floor. For good measure Tiff strode forward and kicked him with the toe of her boot right in the side of his head.

"Well, what are we waiting for? We going up and staying down here?" She asked as she kept a eye up the ladder with her pistol raised to cover the entrance and take out any other soldiers coming down. She double checked the count she had left in her magazine, seeing she had four shots left she opted to switch to her M3 now and save the remaining handgun rounds for later. Switching out the guns she lifted the barrel of her M3 to aim up the ladder, her keen eye watching for any movement as she called out to the one she remembered being on the roof.

Lieutenant Vel Steyr uttered a gasp of surprise as the Italian he was pointing his gun at suddenly fell out of the window. Fian was so concentrated keeping the bead on the back of the man's skull that he didnt notice what caused the sudden defenestration. Did he trip? Was he shot and as he kneeled over, fell out?

Or perhaps he was pulled out by something outside, even though the window was floors off the ground?

The sounds of the gunfire and screaming gradually subsided, replaced by deep a mechanical humming. Fian noticed a hand holding on to the edge on one corner of the window frame. Lucky bastard. Fian considered pulling him back up, but then he noticed something also gripping the edge just a few inches away. It looked like nothing he had seen before on a terrestial animal or any animal on earth. It was long, about as thick as a dime, covered with a moist thin semi transparent skin that matched the contours of the purple veins in thick strands of musculare despite no evidence of bones. He realized it was a tendril. The humming increased in pitch, rapidly approaching a frequency that ate away the remaining sound to be heard by human ears.

The hand twitched, then only did Fian realized it belonged to a child. The sounds died out.

Fian snapped out of it to realize he was pointhing his gun directly at Cat's head, there was nothing on the window frame, no evidence of anything surreal, otherworldly, underage hands, sloppy tendrils or otherwise. The sound of explosions and the thump thump of the battlefield slowly streamed back in. He quickly lowered his gun with a hint of embarrasment.

"I'm Lieutenant Vel Steyr, Private." He regained his official composure. Fian quickly scanned Cat from top to bottom, other than the cat ears he didn't notice anything else that was unusual on a young woman, that was a relief. Except of course, all the guns and blades.

"I have the objective secured, we still to clear the floor below before we can exfiltrate in safety. Private Catherine, here is a smoke grenade." He took the second last of his smoke canisters and tossed it at the NECO. Neutralize all hostiles in the floor below, once done direct all 1st SORT squad members in or just outside this castle to meet me on the roof and once done, report back to me."
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