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RP (non-canon) 1st SORT: Operation Husky

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"Eh, sorry I did not call thunder or anything sah. Did not expect you here." Catherine smiled at him nervously as the lt. aimed his gun at her head. Good thing he did not shoot, cause the could have kill even her. She grabbed the smoke grenade and looked at it in a bit curious way. She then stored along with her grenades and pulled her velrod. She hoped that the silenced gun would not even be heared in all that gunfire and explosions. With that she might get few surprise kills, once she descends one floor down. There was also a risk of friendly fire as Catherin was not sure how succesful were her friends in the assault.

Catherine grabbed her whistle and whistled the signal. 'Here I am,' it basically said. She did not want to get shot by her comrades. Now they knew she was above. If they heard the whistle over all this commotion. Well technically they should. Catherie walked to the trapdoor leaving down, looking around the large room that made up last floor of the building.

She noticed all the radios. "Sah, I supposed you don't speak Italian or Hun? Cause I think we could have use those radies of their to call on their own fire-power. They are bound to have their own frequencies set, so you could have copy it. Just sayin'." She grinned at him. She then pulled the trapdoor open slowly so it would not take anyone attention and looked down with her pistol ready. She wanted to check what she was getting into first.
She could hear voices behind the door, she pointed her revolver at it warily and listened closer, only a foot away from the door. After listening to the conversation for a few moments it became clear that she was hearing the voices of the other NECO troops who she trained alongside and leapt out of the same plane together onto Sicily. She recognized the voices but their names escaped her for the moment.

"Thun-der," she sounded off before opening the door and moving through. That was the signal they were given for identification purposes.
Robert dove for whatever cover he could as the Italians opened fire on him. Before he hit the ground though he grabbed two of his MKII grenades, yanked the pins and lobbed them into the Italian position before starting to slowly low crawl forward to get to a flanking position as they were distracted by the grenades so he could get enfilading fire into their flank.
Castelluccio, Inside.
Sounds. Lots of them. Mostly of bullets. a few screams, yells, groans, and the sounds of boots tramping around on a wooden plank floor. The Italians were obviously not prepared for the assault that was being forced upon them, violently, and were thrown into disarray, confined to the second floor as they were. In response, they simply began shooting. Out the trapdoors, uselessly ricocheting bullets from the stone walls. through the floors; they were sure there were no allies of theirs down there anymore. Bits of wood and lead began raining down on the NECOs gathered on the first floor, and April did the first thing she could think of in response- She started unloading her M1 carbine at the roof, sending bullets and splinters back at the Italians. More shouting and yelling, and even some blood starting to drip through the holes in the ceiling, mostly after thuds blocked them out.

"Ah think they knew we're here, girls..." April shouted, sarcastically.

As Cat looked down through the trapdoor, she would get a bird's eye view of the Italians shooting at the floor, and return fire comping back up it.

South Field
More Grenades, More booms. The Italians continued to fire sporadically, though Robert was no no longer near where they were firing. His tactic seemed to be working, and he continued along, unnoticed by the scared and beaten defenders he had been fighting with for the past who knows how long. The Marine's amazing ability to hold the field against such immeasurable odds was a testament to his will and his aim. Now all he had left was to either scare off the remaining soldiers, or finish the job he had started and take them all out of action.
Robert moved to take up a position in defilade where he could see the entire Italian position from the side, loaded a fresh magazine into his BAR and opened fire, replacing the mag with a new one each time he ran out until the Italians were dead, his barrel overheated, he ran out of ammunition or they fled.
Riikka blinked away the world-spinning dizzyness as her body once more kicked in to high gear healing her. It was a bit rougher than she intended, pushing off of the Private, and her primary "thanks" came in the form of a simple nod of the head and a grunt at first. She once more looked herself over as she felt her stability returning, making sure her weapons were ready and freshly loaded, and confirming once again that the blood on her uniform sleeve and chest weren't entirely her's. And Riikka also cursed the Italians who made their Sergeant spill so much more blood over her and pock-marked her. She also had a wound or two but those could be handled later. There was still work to be done.

"Thank you Private Page." She rose once more, successfully this time, "My seuralaisia are probably already in the linnake. I'd rather not see you or I left behind when they leave with the objective, and they'll need help."

With that she started off at a jog in the direction Morgan had indicated, PPSh in hand. She was rapidly approaching the field when she had stopped at the edge of the tree line to see the Italians retreating further out of the field under heavy fire. With a grimace at the still lingering pain of so many wounds, she waved for Morgan to follow her, and began moving through the trees towards the road. When she was sure the Italians were busy with the Marine, she dashed across the road, and dove in to a prone on the other side.

And as they began to run from the fire, from the flank opposite Robert. Yet unlike the Marine, she wouldn't stop if they fled if she could help it. Only if she ran out of ammo first.

She just hoped Morgan wasn't far behind in assisting her, to avoid a repeat incident.
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Castelluccio - first floor

"Well no shit sherlock!" Tiff shouted back as she tilted the barrel of her M3 up and began firing with one hand, all the while thinking up a idea.

She gave one more shout of "Thunder" as loud as she could in hopes of hearing the return call. if she heard nothing, Tiff would grab one of her "Bouncing Betties" and toss it underhand up through the trap door in hopes of having it land on the triggering mechanism and go off, peppering the soldiers upstairs with shrapnel.

"Fire in the hole!" she shouted at her squad mates bellow with her.
South Field
Between the Marine and the NECO, the poor, under-trained, undercisciplined Italian soldiers had absolutely no chance. First Robert's bombastic BAR barrage basically bisected brave bretheren boldly battling by the road, causing them to run in two directions. A moment later, Riikka's rush ravaged rear renegades rushing readily away from Robert's furious fusillade, flinging them further into fantastic disarray. The road was not safe, the field was not safe, and the fence prevented them from retreating any further. it was only a matter of moments before they had all been taken out, and just in time, too, as the last round from Robert's BAR was hove to, the gun clicking empty, with no spare ammunition to restore its usefulness for the rest of the battle. Riikka's ammunition stores fared better, but only just, and she was left with a single full magazine and a partially empty one.
Robert sighed, setting his BAR down and pulled his Thompson off of his back, making sure that the 50 round drum was properly seated he moved to link up with Riika so that they could sweep the field to ensure a clear line of retreat for their comrades inside the castle.
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As the last shots rang out, Riikka watched the Italians falling to the ground. With a satisfied sigh she waved for Morgan to join her and rose to stand once more. She gathered up the spent drums for her PPSh and made sure they were secured before switching to her trenchgun once more. It wasn't going to be as effective, but the spread would still be enough to cause damage if she aimed it right. She didn't have much ammo left for the PPSh anyways. She moved to link up with Robert, experimentally prodding some of the Italians laying around with her bayonet as she did so.

"Corporal." She grinned at the fellow JNCO, a juxtaposition taking place between that expression and the blood and grime mixed with the dark paint rubbed over her face, "It is good to see you alive, Karhu. You killed a few tyhmät I hope?"

She motioned to the field, "I'd suggest we get these bodies off the road if we could. Confuse any backup that comes up the road. What do you say, eh Private Page?" She looked back to the young GI.
Catherine saw several eye-ties. There was a lot of shouting and also sporadic gunfire here and there. The girl considered dropping a grenade on their buttocks, but then she decided to save it for later. She did not need to waste. Leaning out of the trapdoor a bit she aimed her welrod and the italian that was not visible by his comrades. He wore a helmet so headhost would be tricky, so Cat simply aimed at the man and pulled the trigger, sending a 9mm bullet at him.

Then she noticed a movement from the trapdoor that the italians covered. Something flew out and Catherine's eyes widened as she recognized the silhoutted of bouncing betty. She quickly tossed hersled back getting away from the trapdoor and cycling new shell in her pistol, waiting to see if the betty did anything.
"Nah, I don't know what kind of codes or procedures the Germano-Italian troops here are using." Fian brushed Catherine off, he then picked up an Axis signalling manual and a handy list of frequencies on a paper neaby. "Maybe next time after I have time to read all of this." He tuned his personal radio to the enemy channel to evesdrop regardless.

While the NECO was heading downstairs, Fian decided to check back upstairs well past the two minutes he previously promised himself. Upon sticking his head out of the doorway he saw a redheaded NECO with curves, striking green eyes and a HUGE RIFLE. It wasn't very hard to recognize her from the meeting pre-drop. "Rosy, Rosy is it?" He yelled over the din. "You have two options, either you come down to the Radio Room and help Catherine storm the last enemy held floor, or you stay up here, use the vantage point and shoot stuff. Did you see anyone else on the way here?"
Hefting her large man sized rife around she looked at the man that popped out of the hatch. "Yeah That Roberts fellow. Fool wouldn't join me when I came through that little reception down there."

She looked over her shoulder towards the southern field, "Looks like they might need heavy support." with that she winked and went back to the wall with her anti-tank rifle. As she went to fire she gun had a major break down blowing the bolt back. The bolt lock must have been damaged during the drop. With the force it shot back, Rosy's skull had no way to stop it let alone slow it. With the pink mist she has gifted to a few enemy she was ended with the same.
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Castelluccio, Inside.

Jane felt the spray of more wooden shards falling on her shoulders and capped head, the sound of muffled bullet spraying ringing in her sensitive ears. She dove and rolled toward April and Tiffany, then spun on her feet to face the trapdoor.

The soldiers were going to have more ammo then they would, and they would be better reinforced soon. They needed to clear them out, right then and there. She cursed herself for not having two rifles, one strictly for grenades.

She tossed down the empty submachine gun. Everyone else was using guns with rounds not much stronger than a pistol.

Jane reshouldered her Garand, took aim at the ceiling area before the trapdoor and fired eight rounds as fast as she could get them off. As soon as she pinged, she slammed another clip in, picked another spot on the wall and gave the fascists eight more of America's Best.
Castelluccio, Inside.
Bullets flew everywhere. It became quite the Maelstrom as the Italians desperately attempted to fend off the NECOs, although the girls were having just as hard of a time killing off all of the Italians. Everyone got hit. Jane took a large splinter to the shoulder, Tiffany took another bullet to her left forearm, grazing past her bone and leaving a clean wound through. Clair's Bren gun took the brunt of a bullet that grazed her arm, the stock shattering and flinging shards of wood into her uniform as well as bits of lead, while April's helmet deflected a round into her shoulder, along with a round buried into one of her medical packs, ripping the bag open and spilling the contents everywhere. Antoinette and Valerie were not spared either, though they took much less damage; mostly splinters scratching exposed bits of skin.

Cat's Welrod made a clean hit, dropping her first target and leaving him dead on the ground, just in time for the S-mine to impact on an unlucky soldier and set off, sending bits of shrapnel everywhere, including up at Cat, one piece finding its way through the sole of her boot, through her foot, and then out the top of her boot, as well as one embedding itself in the posterior, being a literal pain in the ass. The girls below were luckily saved from most of the Shrapnel by the pile of Italian bodies lining the floor, but the explosion was enough to cause a section of the weakened floor structure to collapse, dropping several bodies and a couple of confused, injured Italians almost on the heads of the girls on the ground floor.

Despite her pain, April made sure to finish off the soldiers, dropping them with a few well-placed shots of her M1 carbine. Panting, she stared dumbfounded at the destruction that had been caused, noting everyone had managed to get hit by some sort of shrapnel or bullet. Once the dust and noise settled down, April shook her head at it all. "Well, Shoot. Looks like I'm gonna be busy on the way back ta base..." she muttered, wincing as a jolt of pain shot through her injured shoulder.

As the sounds below Fian died down, he would notice the general communications on the channel he had switched his radio to. German voices could be heard coordinating some sort of large-scale movement, nearby from the sounds of it. From his vantage point on the roof- Next to the body of the only NECO fatality so far- he could squint north-east against the morning sun and see a column of dust coming down the main road, only perhaps a mile away- The German reinforcements had begun moving on toward Gela, and it was a given that they'd seen the large column of smoke created by Catherine's handiwork. They would need to leave, and soon. But Fian had to do something about Rosy's body, to keep it out of enemy hands.
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Catherine yelped in pain, her hand going to her left buttock. Compared to the shrapnel big enough to fly through wooden floor and embed itself in her posterior the fact that another flew through her foot was not so bad. Both hurt as hell though. "Eh! MY ARSE!" Cat yelled in pain as she got on her knees and slowly looked down the hatch with her welrod in hand. The floor under her was no more. The bouncing betty must have cause explosion of something on that floor, because it no longed could be called a floor. Cat could see that the necoes down were alive, April was busy finishing off injured Italians.

Painfully, Cat dragged herself on her feet and limped to the ladder up. She dragged her self up painfully, seeing the LT. there along with... what was left of a comrade. By the uniform, rank pin and the leftover of the giant rifle, Catherine knew who she was looking at. It was Rosy. So not all of them will make it back then. Cat sighed and hoped the girls downstairs are fine.

"Sah, the castle is taken, what's left of it at least." Catherine reported walking to Rosy's body. She took her rifle in the hands again. "Ah bloody hell, that's a shame. Poor sarge." Cat said as she moved to look to the southern field. A lot of fire was coming from over there earlier. Cat crouched by what could be called a rampart if one had a lot of imaginations or was okay with calling chest-high wall a rampart.

She could not see all too well, so she took a long scope out of the tube on her back and fastened it on her rifle. She then had looksie. She could see the marine, one of her comrades, probably that crazy fin from what her uniform and headwear looked like, though it would be really hard to say with how much blood was on her. Still she was moving so that was good. There was also what looked like a yank accompanying her. Up the road towards the town, there was trouble though. A column of germans.

"Eh, What the hell are huns doing here," Cat muttered. "Sah german reinforcements coming to Gela. At least a mile away. I will slow them down a bit. Whistle me when you are out of the castle and I'll join ya. I have a great line of sight on them." She said to FVS and crouched by the low wall.

Cat setted her rifle on the wall for extra brace and checked her targets. That was a lot of germans. It meant a lot of targets. It was hard to tell the distance, but Cat assumed it was a little over a mile. Good enough. Looking a tree closest to her targets she could see that it was not windy and that was good. Her rifle's muzzle velocity was a little overr 700 m per second, which meant almost 3 seconds until the bullet reached the target.

Catherine breathed out. Her target was a man without a helmet. Officer usually don't wear helmets, especially when they are still a mile away from the target. Trying to hit anything vital would be fools errand, Cat knew she was well outside her effective range. She just wanted to hit the man, take him out of service. Injury would be fine, anything. Catherine pre-aimed and whispered "Twenty-one, twenty one, twenty-one" to measure three seconds to see how far the man moved. She pre-aimed again, making up for the distance. Finger moved to the trigger and gently pulled it.
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The Field

"Actually . . ." Riikka looked at the bodies around her on the road, "Fantastinen! I have an idea!"

She picked one of the few closer to the center, his chest bloody from so many rounds, but she held out hope as she rolled him on his side. A quick glance at his equipment revealed a pair of grenades. She quickly retrieved both of them and set to work rigging one under his body as she laid him back down. The other would help cover the others. She glanced to her two companions and motioned to the more numerous count of bodies on the sides of the road.

"Get to work on those bodies. If they have grenades, rig up as many as you can. There may be reinforcements coming. Nopeasti!" She waved in the vague direction of some of the bodies, "Then I suggest we hit the trees and stay away from these." So with that she set to work.

Six bodies lay out on the road. Between all six of them, if somebody didn't want to walk in to the ditches, there was space enough for two avenues without touching the bodies. In a quick, hustling stride while crouched down the Finn moved from body to body. She would fish a grenade from the body and set up the aforementioned handbomb with the pressure of the body keeping the fuse from lighting. They were set close enough to the "edges" that an errant kick could risk knocking one loose for an unlucky German.

With that done relatively quickly, she found a spot near the end of one of those two pathways between the bodies, and pulled out her e-tool. The surface was packed, but not impenetrable. A sharpened shovel and her natural strength meant she was able to make quick work of digging a small hole just big enough to fit one of her mines. When it was armed she carefully replaced the rock and dirt: with the hole deep enough to conceal the mine without preventing the weight of a person setting it off. She did the same at the midway-point of the second avenue between the bodies.

Riikka picked two points in the ditches, and set to work digging holes in the much softer earth. She did her best to conceal the fact that she'd disturbed the soil and made sure the mines were good. With that she looked for Morgan and moved to link up with him. He was just a GI, nothing like she, or even their Marine of the group. He hadn't been briefed for all of this and she wanted to make sure he was okay.
Morgan watched Riikka with a mixture of fanstination and disgust at what she was doing with the Italian corpses, he scratched his chest nervously and turned a little green. Perhaps wondering how much left of him his parents would have in a box if someone was cruel enough to the same to him should he fall in battle.

"Corporal." he greeted Robert with a nod of respect. At the very least Morgan made himself useful keeping watch while Riikka worked. His rifle across his chest as he scanned down the road for any more enemies that might try to come through it.
"What..?" The LT blurted out as Rosy's head exploded into a fine mist and then the rest of the body folded over, unmoving. At first he thought this was some kind of hallucination, Rosy was probably the least likely NECO to die (The first being Riikka) but when he walked up the body and touched a piece of grey matter he became quite assured that this was a solid and real thing. "Jesus Christ, she is really DEAD!"

"Ah bloody hell, that's a shame. Poor sarge."

Fian nearly jumped out of his skin, just exactly when he decided to stand over the body the first NECO to find him was the same one he pointed a gun to the head to, it was easy to come to conclusions but Cat then went to do the EXACT SAME THING that Rosy did before her brains exploded. He wondered if the Canadian NECO was a little dense. "Her gun exploded in her face, you can see the parts..." He quickly explained, but then saw what Catherine was looking at.

"Ah... Shit." Fian looked over the ramparts, there were TANKS and ARMORED CARS and they had just lost their only anti-armor specialist. Maybe a NECO could outrun an Armored Car, but certainly not him or Robert, regardless how much of an unenhanced super soldier he is. He worked quickly, setting and yelling into his radio while searching Rozy's body. "HQ please respond, this is Lieutenant Vel Steyr of the 1st SORT, a large group of hostile reinforcements have entered my operational area. Request close air support and artillery on grid G5, copy over!" He found a bunch of dynamite she was carrying. Fian distributed the bomb load around Rozy's body and set the timers to 10 minutes, he simply couldnt let the other Axis powers get a hold of a sample NECO, dead or alive. He didn't feel much for Rosy, perhaps he thought her less than human. He took her dog tag and a severed ear just in case.

"Bombs are set to 10 minutes, even if there is no whistle, you leave at 8, go south and go directly to the evacuation point!" He yelled at Cat as he went down the stairs.

On the second floor he found the other NECOs other than the ones in the south field. "Rosy is dead, I have the objective and Cat is providing covering fire. Huge enemy reinforcements coming with armor that we can't handle. Proceed to evacuate now, our work here is done!" He summarized quickly, then then ran out the front gate. After a two minute jog away from the castle he pointed his flaregun into the air and launched a small sun that looked even smaller next to the real thing well over the horizon now. It was the previously agreed signal for evacuation and pickup.

Finally, he blew the whistle.
Tiff grunted in pain as she felt the bullet enter her forearm, growling a little at the intrusion as she shook out her arm. Gripping her hand a few times she looked about, pleased at the carnage she had caused.

Then she heard the news about Rosy as Fian came down the steps. Blinking a little at the tears that suddenly welled up in her eyes unexpectedly, sshed rubbed her face with her good forearm and turned away.

"I'll set some surprises up too... let these bastards get a good feel for what they've got in store..." The Neco said aloud as she went about setting up a few small traps. Mostly she set up another S-Mine, this time propping a body up over the primer so when it moved, the arm would get pushed aside, and the mine would thump the room with more shrapnel.

It wasnt long that found Tiff outside, following after Fian with her eyes down. She had thought they were invincible...but obviously not.

"How'd...How'd it happen?"
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