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OOC 21st Squadron Discussion

Okay folks, plot audit time. Please try to get your characters updated over the next week. I will be doing the Audit on the 10th.
Okay folks, we have two new recruits to the Diamonds. Marco Weismuller, and Gunbreaker Two Four.
New guys, please go ahead and post your character's arrival to the Heitan in the 8.1 thread. We will take care of interviews before you jump into the 8.2 thread.
Thanks for the friendly introduction! I look forward to being part of the group and I hope we all have some great fun together.
Okay folks, the Fighting Diamonds has been running for four years. I figured it is about time that our beloved V8 Fighters get some love.

So, I am looking at the Diamonds getting a unit paint job. They are the lead squadron for the Heitan and should have some sort of distinctive look.

I did some work the other day to come up with some various concepts. The colors aren't critical, although if people like

Proposed Schemes.

I would like to get some feedback from you the players. which of the various patterns appeal to you, and what colors. I can change the colors on any of the patterns, so that's why its pattern first, and then color.

Either Pattern 4 or 5. Though really I would say, each pattern should be to the pilot (and if applicable, the EWO) for making while the colors should be a unit thing.

Though if that's not on the table, either Pattern 4 or 5. Got to love those inverted stripes. A bit of - juxtaposition if you will, or contrast, with the wings of the craft itself. Something that is easily distinctive to the eyes. Which is really the point of things like these so that without a HUD or radio pilots can find out who from what unit is where in the sky around them. Though I might also consider 3.
In a case like this, it will probably be one pattern for the squadron, and one unique one for the leader.

But for consistency both will use the same colors.
Oh, well I suppose when I was talking with Jimmy that I had something more in mind like the Flying Circus. Each individual pilot (and EWO, where there is one) has their own paint scheme to be recognized by.
Except we are talking about a military unit, tradionally they share a common scheme with the leader having a unique facet. I we borrow from the USAF Thunderbirds, most planes have the same pattern but are numbered. There are currently seven fighters in the squadron, with a possible one int the wings. That would mean eight images, and as people come and go, more.
The . . . the Flying Circus was a military unit. Elite German pilots, who for a time were led by the Red Baron himself in WWI. I'm not saying that we should do that, I was just my personal interpretation.

Since the options being presented are for uniformity, I'm voting on that basis and I'm totally fine with it. Just voicing an opinion.
The Flying Circus was from a time when aircraft were still in their infancy and nobody was the sole authority of anything, and those that were were usually killed sometime shortly later in combat. The Red Baron earned his name from (apart from being an actual baron who was kicked out of the cavalry corp) painting his fokker bright red in an attempt to attract more fights from enemy pilots. This lasted about a week when it became apparent that too much attention wasn't a good thing. From then on the Circus made do with streaming scarfs from the tension wires in their wings, each pattern unique to each pilot.

The baron himself wasn't known for his flying prowess, although he was more than competent for his time (pilot training was inadequate at best, and horrifyingly short more likely) but for his gunnery. He characterized and set up the archetype for the gunnery-type fighter ace. His primary technique was to fly behind his enemy but off to one side, then use the rudder to turn his plane sharply and fire a burst from the side, where his opponent probably thought he was safe. Gurring was his second-in-command when the baron was killed, and so is how Gurring won enough fame and support to become head of the German Luftwaffe, although he was not actually a popular leader within the Circus.

Enough with the history for now. The colors of No.4 and 5 remind me of the old pre-war USAF schemes on their P-26 Peashooters and Devastators, although I dislike the double pattern on the tailplane of No.5. No.3 also looks mighty fine, perhaps with a blue primary strip with brass secondaries instead of copper, the ivory white look can stay.

In all, a toss up between No.4 with No.5's darker blue, or No.3 with blue and brass stripes. Maybe our sister squadron, the 22 Emeralds, can take the second favorite scheme?
Folks, I am leaving tomorrow to head to Cherokee with the wife. Will be out of the local area until Friday night.
I will have my tablet and thanks to my phone Internet access. So I will check in the morning and evenings.
Gah! I need to post sometime soon! Maybe Silic will attempt to make that jetboard of his work again, but that's an impression the newbro's don't need.
Unless he gets it working properly and comes in under his own control
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