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OOC 21st Squadron Discussion

You can still do what you said, have him wake up when the room was called to attention, and he scrambles to get vertical and listens to the start of the briefing. Time at this point is still a bit flexible.
I'm sorry to say, but with my current load of school and some other Roleplaying responsibilities, Such as Plots I actually run, are taking quite a toll on me, so I probably won't be able to participate. If you still need Kail, she IS an NPC, (despite the page saying she's a PC) and it would be fine if Nashoba NPC'ed her if he felt the need.

Sorry I can't participate, this plot looks awesome, but I have to focus on my schooling, I can't afford to fail Math and English for lack of doing my work... Again.
We're sorry to hear that, Kai. Nashoba and I will treat Kail well in your absence. You're welcome to come back any time and talk with us to get back in -- Kail is still yours, really.

Good luck with School.
Sorry to hear that, but if you want to come back you can. For now we will probably keep her as an NPC until we get another pilot.
Once I get home I will be posting some excitement, I had planned for this AM until I had to drive into work. Bleh.
Folks to stay in sync, just get your characters from the bunker to their fighters. Feel free to add any drama in the form of explosion, debris etc around your characters.
Jimmy said:
Silic looked up from his screen, he couldn't here telepathic messages, but his helmet kindly played it into his comm system

Jimmy, actually Silic would hear the messages, he just couldn't reply to them.

Thoughts can be sent to non-telepaths, but this only allows for one-way conversation.
Now if the telepathic communication was encrypted, then he would not be able to receive it.
We're in dogfighters. why are we trying to be stealthy.

They can already see us if we're running any of our propulsion systems.
When you are the GM you can make the decisions. I already told you in the IRC along with Samuel that the Battlepods do not have aether sensors. You can't make it so just because you want it.

As for being stealthy there are two different groups, the first it attacking the fort, the second group was not aware of the squadron's presence until your blunder. Stealthy equals something you are obviously lacking, strategy. 4 to 1 odds call to brains not stupidity.
Twisting and turning her feelings are burning you're breaking the girl....

Ren has NO CLUE what's going on or how to deal with the present situation, and I have noclue how she would react to that. I lay down even odds she locks up, 'cause this calls for dice due to uncertainty.

This is a tough decision because her character isn't very established yet. I know she automatically trusts her pilot, but I know that she also trusts her commander. I don't know how she would react to being torn between two sources that she's supposed to trust.

Notice though that the turbo was disabled since Ren put the fighter in stealth mode and according to the wiki page that disables the turbo. I'm going to wait a little bit before my next post, see if the problem resolves it's self somehow, a parallel to Ren locking up a bit in confusion.
Please forgive the lateness of reply on my part. Hopefully Doc and Kail won't be too late to the party...
i'm just trying to act like Shin would. It just happens to be that While Shin is a good pilot, he's also reckless, cocky, and stubborn.
I think what remains of this discussion -- if there are any -- should be taken up elsewhere. It's over and done with, here.

As for Doc, it's alright Anfortas. I was trying to give you something to do. Another post for Kail later tonight, likely as not.
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