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OOC 21st Squadron Discussion

Good, start posting buddy...

Oh folks, due to someone who just came to the site posting a silly post in the middle of the Defense of Ryou thread, I tried to remove it. Unfortunately due to the migraine I had at the time I accidentally deleted a few other posts, but I got them all back in one post.
Nash, they should pay you for simply existing. I've already proffessed my love more times than I should.

Anyway, thanks for taking care of that, and hope you're feeling better.
Why is it as soon as Yaeko decides to stay in the fight the Kawarime decides to fall apart? :roll:
As Ira put it:

"Silic survived the crash, but can he survive Yaeko?"

Tune in next week.
Yaeko's mind raced as she thought of how to get him down.
Protip: NH-29 Nekovalkyrja can fly.
Definitely better than shooting a NSP to try to cut branches above him.

FYI, Jimmy, NSP does not fire bullets. Its an energy weapon.
Thought we were using type 28's...

*checks wiki*

Type 28 GSP, Type 28 NSP, who the hell comes up with these names! D:

I'll edit, and let Gab reroll if he wants. Just got into a little bit of late night boredom while studying.
Saori and Sekai (Characers) I have sent PM's with your hands.

Ohh, nice plug for Fort Ready
As I remembered a couple days ago, Kail was one of Kumiko's instructors during her time at FR, so I though I'd throw it in there
That's fine, I love cross plot interaction and tie-ins. Makes the setting more cohesive.
Silic was also in the same class, too bad that plot had to be abandoned. Kail also saved Silic having his mechanical hand cut off by another instructor. Then I remember grenades falling from the ceiling, ah well. :-\
Ok, those of you with cards, please reply to the PM's I sent you letting me know what cards you are discarding. I will then reply with what new cards you receive.

Blind, here are some examples of fighter cockpits to give you a better idea, you can't fall out of the seat and land on the floor.

http://www.aviationspectator.com/files/ ... review.jpg



These aren't exactly what the Kawarime has, but I think they will give you the idea.
Ok folks, who ever is going to play in the poker game needs to post so I deal the real cards and send folks their hands.
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