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OOC 4th Fleet OOC Thread

Is there anyone whose character doesnt have a chibi artwork?

EDIT: After consultation, ignore the JP. If you want your character to do something, let me know. Otherwise, I'll just write it out using what I know of your characters.

Time to start a new discussion. The next mission. From feedback, from all 6 of you who responded, the idea of joint military exercises was popular. 4th Fleet already has some orders regarding new movement and deployment and it would tie in nicely to have a grand ol' fight with 2nd Marine Shaik using the new 4th Marines.

Given the low posting and I think we've had some more drop outs, I am combining the Minutemen and Cavaliers back into the Cavaliers. Your role will be pretty straightforward - ground infantry work. Nothing fancy, nothing special. Attack, defend, counter-attack, support nearby units, etc. I'm thinking a series of short(ish) missions to simulate a campaign.

So here's a few questions:
1) Do you want to start as the attacker or the defender, keeping in mind that planetary assault requires an orbital drop?
2) How much involvement do you, as the players, want in the process? So far I've been reacting to your posts. Do we continue the style or would you prefer a more scripted line where you, the players, have an OOC say in it?
3) Do you have any other ideas to add? At this point, i'm open to suggestions.
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1) Do you want to start as the attacker or the defender, keeping in mind that planetary assault requires an orbital drop?
I think we've done a lot as the attackers, so maybe it would make a nice change of pace to play as defenders initially?

2) How much involvement do you, as the players, want in the process? So far I've been reacting to your posts. Do we continue the style or would you prefer a more scripted line where you, the players, have an OOC say in it?
I'm more experienced with this style, so I'd prefer to stick to it.
Is there anyone whose character doesnt have a chibi artwork?
I don't, but then again I just don't mind it at all.

I have no excuse to this. I've been visiting relatives since February 2nd and it's been a huge writer's block since then. I'll try to get back on track.

1. Same as what BrettM said, I'd really like to give a defense mission a shot too.
2. I chimed in my two cents on the plot survey, but I would still like the old way better with some changes.
I say that because from what I've seen, when the roleplay tends to stagnate when the players aren't given a clear direction of what to do. However, the opposite feels like the players have little say in what happens.
Maybe giving clearer hints about what players could do would be a good thing? I've seen that happen in the Hobby (RIP in peace) with the red names and I really liked it. Because one thing that I think that players worry about and might be holding them back on their IC actions is the possible IC-consequences that they didn't predict.

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Firstly, a combination of a huge workload plus still not getting notification emails is why I have been absent as of late. I apologize for that.
1) Do you want to start as the attacker or the defender, keeping in mind that planetary assault requires an orbital drop?
I'm fine with defending, as we haven't actually done that for awhile.
2) How much involvement do you, as the players, want in the process? So far I've been reacting to your posts. Do we continue the style or would you prefer a more scripted line where you, the players, have an OOC say in it?
I still prefer the way we've been doing it. The players take action, and then the GM does the results.
3) Do you have any other ideas to add? At this point, i'm open to suggestions.
I think we might need a new mission thread to kick things off again. Having those threads get bogged down over the holidays certainly didn't help them : /
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I am still around, my posting has been erratic and I apologize for that. I do have a Chibi and it is quite awesome, thank you!

So here's a few questions:
1) Do you want to start as the attacker or the defender, keeping in mind that planetary assault requires an orbital drop?
Defense seems fine as that is something I haven't done on here yet.

2) How much involvement do you, as the players, want in the process? So far I've been reacting to your posts. Do we continue the style or would you prefer a more scripted line where you, the players, have an OOC say in it?
I think the player action, mod does the results system is fine. It adds suspense and forces you to think about your actions. More action types would be preferable though, other than point and shoot, which can get rather repetitive.

3) Do you have any other ideas to add? At this point, i'm open to suggestions.
More specific orders in missions. Perhaps tasks assigned to certain players so they have a vested interest in the task assigned to them. Mostly my point from question 2 where at current it seems to simply be point and shoot for the most part. Perhaps some interaction with NPCs with players doing some dialogue for them, provided we follow the motives of the character might be interesting.
So, post your preparations including what gear and armor you're bringing. Be sure to include your weapons (PA and otherwise) as well. If it's not explicitly stated, it's not going to be part of your gear. Common things like ammunition or grenades can be left out.
Spotty satellite Internet and my last few weeks of work have blasted my energy for posting. That's all through at this point so I am happy to report that I will gladly participate.

I like the way the RP goes now, it feels organic and can be changed if we royally screw up or grandly enter. I'm quite excited if we are doing a defense oriented mission.

I also do not own a chibi for Epic Sequence.
Sorry, I was involved in a fairly major accident on monday and I'm still a bit shook up. Sorry guys, dealing with personal issues has to come before rp on here.
NO! Pretend Playtime is more important than Real Life Crises! YOU WILL COME BACK HERE, GET WOUNDED, AND BUILD A FORT OF WOUND MEDALS!

Combat will start after the incoming players get their characters approved. We've got three incoming, IIRC.
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So I am planning to get some chibi art from Nicoy. Among those are Epic Sequence & Alex Reams, assuming @viralyte and @Potato-Chan are fine with that. If so, let me know any special poses or instructions.

GM Post tomorrow night. I'll start ("real") combat then.
Just so everyone's aware, the reason I haven't posted yet is because my computer's been hit by a virus and it's made getting online a bit of a hassle (I still haven't managed to get rid of it, only alleviate its effects). I'll try to post tomorrow or Sunday.
Yeah, we're alright, although the car is absolutely totaled. Car decided to make a turn in front of us and we ended up T-boning them.
Feel free to post your experiences in the drop and what you think you can do to fortify the ground. Or get hit. Your call for now.

As I feared, the first week will be pretty intensive so don't expect anything else until the weekend.
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