Star Army

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OOC 4th Fleet OOC Thread

Yup. Because it makes the story more interesting for mistakes to happen. Even the IPG were affected so its fair. No matter how good you are, you're still going to make dumb mistakes especially when under pressure. I know that from personal experience.
I have addressed it. As I've always done in the past, I let you make your own mistakes. And using a plasma grenade is a fairly significant one, which I thought should have been obvious to you. I don't know what effect you were trying to achieve but plasma is the most double-edged sword in the grenade category. Surely you could have achieved the same deadly effect with a fragmentation or monofilament grenade. Two lines of text is not very much for me to go on and I am certainly not a mind reader. If you want me to be aware of the details and intentions behind your actions, you need to write them down. For example, "Lisa waited until the Nepleslians had taken cover before throwing the grenade, set to a three second timer. She had already cooked it off for a second and launched it at the Advanced Type Mishhu."

But if you wish, let's go farther in depth with this and examine what else happened and could have happened. The room is pitch black after taking out the lighting, your Golems are using light enhancers to see in the dark. Sudden bright light with light enhancers? It tends to blind people. Sure, the Golem can react to changes in lighting but not instantaneously nor completely. NAM Plasma grenades can be preset to a timer, impact or remote detonation. Lacking any description of which method of detonation was set, I default to impact detonation. At most, the Marines and IPG would have had a second and a half to prepare themselves before the explosion. If likened to the adrenaline-pumped paintball tournaments I've been in, one second is either really slow or really fast. Usually the latter and is normally, not enough time for the human body to react appropriately. The analysis be received from the eyes and the response from the brain could be transmitted but the actual movement would take longer considering how many parts would need to move for the Marines to take cover or shield their eyes. Eyelids can block a lot of light but not the amount of a miniature sun, you would still be dazed and blinded with purple haze in your eyes.

If my failure to explicitly state this process was the cause, I apologize and will make sure to be more detailed and provide greater explanations in future GM posts.

Things could also have been much worse., regardless of method of detonation. I could be using the 3800K temperatures to fry you inside your suits. Confined space instantly heated up would boil everyone to death and burn up all the oxygen. Or a cave-in. Would you prefer I add these consequences?

The consequences of the plasma grenade in the GM post are fairly minor in comparison to what else, realistically, ought to have happened.

But I won't stop you if you want to leave.
It could be worse, in the Eucharis plot someone (*cough*Tomoe*cough*) used anti-matter missiles planetside and irradiated our away team with a gamma ray burst. We had to mind-transfer to replacement bodies after we got back on the ship.
@Notification of next posts:

Alright. Be advised posting might be a bit infrequent and erratic since I'm going back to college soon and I've got two assessments and an exam to juggle. I'll try to post tomorrow, but unfortunately I can't provide guarantees.
Oh really? Okay let me bring up my post. First of light enhancers don't make you blind when too much light is offered. Even nowadays, they just become completely green, they won't blind you. That would be pretty stupid now wouldn't it? Second Lisa shouted out pretty much two warning one was for the enemy to eat plasma and THEN she shouted FIRE IN THE HOLE which is as far as I know a well used warning in the military and it should also give you a pretty good say that the grenade was set on timer. Thirdly, you might have been on paintball, well that is great that you are creating a military combat based on paintball matches, but my friend you are not a soldier so don't assume how trained soldier would react in field. I am pretty sure, that if one of your comrades shouts Fire in the hole, it is widely considered as a warning that a an explosive of some kind is thrown and a usual frag grenade's explosion would not be that less brighter then the plasma. Which brings me to the most ignored part and that Golem has a bloody eye-protection against blinding lights. So there.

I still say I did not make many mistakes and that you just created situation that players could over-run and your bloody IPG commando npc could turn the tide and save us. Well thanks. It is a lot of fun. (that was sarcasm by the way)
I am announcing my withdrawal from this plot. Sigma pleases do not kill off Lisa till the end of current mission. I will figure out what do with her later, just send her away.
It means you can determine wither or not your attacks hit and describe the damage/results.