Star Army

Star ArmyⓇ is a landmark of forum roleplaying. Opened in 2002, Star Army is like an internet clubhouse for people who love roleplaying, art, and worldbuilding. Anyone 18 or older may join for free. New members are welcome! Use the "Register" button below.

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OOC 4th Fleet OOC Thread

Re: [4th AASP] OOC Thread

Added the mission 2.1 thread.

It starts after the marines have boarded the shuttle and landed on Nepleslia Prime.
Re: [4th AASP] OOC Thread


I've been back for a few days, but I'm still sorting things out in my home. I find it funny that being gone a few days = a few days of getting things back in order for me. Though, I'm sure nobody else finds this amusing.

I'll catch up reading and post tomorrow ASAP.
Re: [4th AASP] OOC Thread

Just to make sure people know, my character isn't really doing anything that bad, I personally am the same height and weight as my character and I've ran 3 miles in full USMC battle gear with a full combat load of ammunition in about 30 minutes.
Re: [4th AASP] OOC Thread

Thankfully, they don't make us do that in the Army.

Unfortunately, they do make us do PT waaaay past when the Marines do.
Re: [4th AASP] OOC Thread

Btw, Harm is only questioning it because she's never seen anyone do a cadence before and is under the impression that talking while running will tire out the weaker nepleslians faster.

Wazu knows shit about the outdoors. I can't imagine this will end well for him.
Re: [4th AASP] OOC Thread

Centurion0507 said:
What do you mean Way past?

Past a certain age in the Marines, you no longer have to run for PT.

In the Army, you pretty much have to run no matter what age unless you have something in your profile saying you can't (bad knees, or whatever else may be wrong).
Re: [4th AASP] OOC Thread

CadetNewb said:

I've been back for a few days, but I'm still sorting things out in my home. I find it funny that being gone a few days = a few days of getting things back in order for me. Though, I'm sure nobody else finds this amusing.

I'll catch up reading and post tomorrow ASAP.
Having seen your hotel room, I'm not surprised ;)
Re: [4th AASP] OOC Thread

Without any sort of indicator of how much time has passed, I can only assume this is still the same day as when we hit the casino and you guys got back after encountering the NMX bioweapon.

And I know we jumped into the Casino mission right after you guys finished a fight in power armour. So... all players who've been active before Laura's arrival have been awake for the better part of two days. If we're being realistic here, we should have a squad of zombies.

People like Wazu and Avel, if they are running, might well open their wounds. Unless wonder-science prevents that sort of thing, which it doesn't seem to if I understand the wiki.

Regardless, no wonder-science can replace sleep. When does the squad sleep? Because this is hardly being realistic for people like Phaedra, Matteo or Avel.

But hey, I'm all for it you lot want to collapse from exhaustion precipitated by dehydration and re-opened wounds. Laura gets a laugh and Bernhard gets to feel like he's the only sane person. Assuming they wake up soon.

Plus... are we ever going to have a session where people can be introduced to each other? Laura (and everyone who's arrived since) hasn't actually really been introduced to everyone. Bernhard, as you can see from my post, has no idea who Harm or why she's there. This squad bonding thing would certainly be helpful if we knew names. Otherwise, I will continue role-playing both my characters as being left out because no one has come up to say, "Hello. My name is X. What's yours?"

So... have fun reading my long post. Am going to continue holding off posting because I want my characters to sleep as long as possible. Funnily enough, they've said more to each other than anyone else has to either of them.
Re: [4th AASP] OOC Thread

You know, if Bernhard doesn't know who a patient is: he can just ask Drei. You know: the super computer that runs most things that the Marines are too busy to run themselves?

Also, this interaction and introducing new characters thing isn't entirely one-sided. I understand this in Laura's case: she has the social comprehension of a child. However, Bernhard is 24 years old. He should have realized (especially after basic) that Person A isn't the only one who has to initiate contact. Sometimes it's the job of Person B to do so. What I'm trying to say is this: if you want them to interact with the squad, have the two of them (at least Bernhard, since he is the most socially mature of the two) talk to people. When I was in RSP, if I didn't know somebody, I didn't just ignore them, and wait for them to introduce themselves. If I had done that, I would never have gotten to know the members of my platoon.

However, Sigma brings up an excellent point from the medical stand-point. Cedric has a new body, with new wounds, and no sleep deprivation. Along with him Matteo is physically fine (save for a need of sleep and some Pepto), Harm can grow an arm, and the new arrivals haven't seen any combat yet.

There are less than ten people in this squad (coming close to being a platoon) who really should be going on this run. Even our squad leader may fall over from sleep exhaustion if she keeps up her pace.
Re: [4th AASP] OOC Thread

I gotta agree with Cedric, even during boot camp I tried to meet and talk to the other members of my platoon going around the drill instructors who would have hazed the ever loving snot out of us if we were caught talking to each other. If I hadn't I think we would have all gone crazy and someone may have gotten hurt on the range.