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OOC 4th Fleet OOC Thread

Re: [4th AASP] OOC Thread

I guess he's going through a lot of "asspain" right now and perhaps just having a shittier day than usual.
Re: [4th AASP] OOC Thread

I like to think that everyone takes care of boring OOC stuff in-between missions where it is implied time has passed (Those are the commercials IE: When Jack Bauer goes to the bathroom). But you are right, I have not been doing a good job at communicating how and when time passes so I’ll be working on doing that better in the future. Bewteen everything that has been going on, people would only have time for short naps between missions, the idea is to make it seem like shit is always happening and that relaxation time (like the current mission) Is at a premium. I’m certainly going to play Wazu as a bit more fatigued but he has been taking Droksin and MDMA fairly constantly to stay awake and productive. Injuries, growing drug habits, ect, should give Sigma and Benhard plenty to talk to him about! Laura and Benhard can also get on the other marines about needing to take it easy, or warn them about the dangers of being really active after receiving repairs.

Modern Medical tech should be able to return a person to good as new status fairly quickly and I would think artificial skin wouldn’t tear very easily. Considering how often/quickly people get cybernetics the turn around after sugary could me minutes to hours. This is an interesting topic, and I think it is time to start a wiki page on Nepleslian Medical practices to get a better outline about how to treat people and what effects that treatment will have.

As for introductions, remember Wazu is bad at leadership. He doesn’t really know things like how to have people get along well so feeling a bit WTF is supposed to be expected. A good time to do introductions will be when we all camp for the night (also a great time to get some sleep!). Everyone can gather around a camp fire share stories, do a dare party, or whatever is standard for nepleslian marines to do in their off time.

Edit: Laura and Bernhard could also insist on another checkup when the marines finish their run. They could find and repair some of the damage done to the marines from aggravating already injured tissue or give those follow up transfusions.
Re: [4th AASP] OOC Thread

You know, if Bernhard doesn't know who a patient is: he can just ask Drei. You know: the super computer that runs most things that the Marines are too busy to run themselves?
If you read my post, you'd see Laura noting the same thing. I am deliberately playing him like a fish out of water. I'm also of the opinion that accessing a ship's AI isn't something that comes automatically to him since, as I wrote on his profile, he's still unfamiliar with that kind of technology.

Also, this interaction and introducing new characters thing isn't entirely one-sided etc etc
Quite so. I know that quite well after BMT in the Singapore Army. But in BMT, that's between equals. While on active service, the hierarchy makes being friendly to superiors and NCOS more daunting, especially if the NCOs don't take time to orient the new squaddies.

In addition, if you examine the passage of events, I can either socialise or I can see to persons who have red liquid coming out of them. As a medic, I think *though I cannot be certain since I was never trained as a medic and only know ARC First Aid* that the priority would be on the people with red bodily fluids. /sarcasm

Poor Matteo.
I can have Bernhard or Laura prescribe a boob massage treatment for him. Using Avel.

Wazu is bad at leadership
But Phaedra isn't!!! Or shouldn't be since she's now Fearless-Leader-Sergeant. XD With great rank, comes greater unwritten responsibilities. But then, I don't know much about her character so... maybe I expect too much
Re: [4th AASP] OOC Thread

She is new at it! Go easy on her!

Also, Sigma and I talked about the passage of time thing in IRC. I'm thinking I should include a timestamp at the beginning, end, and at major events like hard contract with baddies.

What do you guys thing?
Re: [4th AASP] OOC Thread

You know, I had a huuuuuuuuge thing of text to bring up how Sigma essentially shot herself down with the "doctors being busy" bit, and the fact that they advised nobody was really medically fit to go on the run (yet the team's only two medical experts didn't go with the team to at least try to minimize any predicted damage). Yet I'm going to go with Uso on this one, and not.

I think the time-stamps would really help people get a sense of what was going on, chronologically.
Re: [4th AASP] OOC Thread

Would you rather I remove my last post in that thread so Cedric can get in some Medic Bashing?
Re: [4th AASP] OOC Thread


Bitchy and insulting she may be, Cedric wouldn't do anything to Laura without some serious justification. She is a fellow Marine, after all.
Re: [4th AASP] OOC Thread

Pssh, we're not even done with 4.0 and you jump to conclusions.

Can't speak for Bernie yet but I'm thinking about Laura's boobs now.

/me is now wondering who else is thinking about Laura's boobs.

Laura: My boobs are mine! Go think about Avel's or Phaedra's! They're bigger!

Sigma: True... Bernhard, your professional opinion?

Bernhard: Avel's are certainly of a larger than normal size, leading to a greater fixation by males. And SGT Volkov is certainly slightly bustier than PTE Romero. I believe I have a prescription here for Matteo to get a breast massage, per ADM Wazu's orders. I suppose I can write more for those in need of .. err... um... stress relief?
Re: [4th AASP] OOC Thread

Well since I (and so, Cedric) will be leaving soon, I don't need to worry too much about pranks.

Cedric: *looks at Laura* . . . . . . *nose bleed* . . .
Re: [4th AASP] OOC Thread

Hey Cyborg, what's with the echo (reposting Wazu's yelling at Harm and stuff)? It's kind of jarring to re-read the same stuff twice, chronologically speaking. I don't think you should repost Uso's posts, just your character's actions/reactions. If you must, maybe you could quote the reposted content?
Re: [4th AASP] OOC Thread

Cedric's already tied up the cooler with the rope. No need to go Rambo on it . . . as awesome as that would be. :lol:
Re: [4th AASP] OOC Thread

I guess I can...I would repost something in a different color to show that a different character was speaking, and then again usually only when Phaedra is responding to something directly. So in my most recent post, I probably could have gotten away with omitting it. But sometimes, like earlier in Mission 2.0 Wazu was explaining a large amount of things to Phaedra. I wanted her to be able to reply to each of them, and it would have been more confusing to simply list Phaedra's replies without referencing Wazu's speech. And as far as quoting, I personally liked to use it to denote a datapad message IC. But if it's confusing then I won't do it.

General Concensus: When I repost something that a character has said in a different color in my post, is it confusing/jarring and would you like it to stop?
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