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OOC 4th Fleet OOC Thread

Re: [4th AASP] OOC Thread

Wes said:
Also, sketches for some of your chibi art are supposed to come in by Monday.

I was thinking that IC we can have Wazu and Harm be pulled away for an IPG investigation on why a neko is working with NAM.

That could work. And then we could assume that the squad has all the information they need for at least the first mission, and Phaedra could take it from there.
Re: [4th AASP] OOC Thread

Centurion0507 said:
Well, at least that'll keep it alive for now.

Indeed. Having had some GM experience myself, I can say a good GM is important, and while Uso was good and I'm sad to see him leaving, what matters is that somebody capable is doing it.
Re: [4th AASP] OOC Thread

True, and still if worse comes to worse you are more than welcome in arieg and myself's plot. I mean you can still put up a start in the JP for myself and Arieg just for the basic stuff.
Re: [4th AASP] OOC Thread

Centurion0507 said:
True, and still if worse comes to worse you are more than welcome in arieg and myself's plot. I mean you can still put up a start in the JP for myself and Arieg just for the basic stuff.

I'll certainly keep that in mind, and thank you again.

BTW, if anybody is interested, Cedric, my brother and everybody here's RP buddy, just finished in-processing, and officially begun Basic Training.

In about seventy or eighty days, he will graduate, and then come back home.
Re: [4th AASP] OOC Thread

I was doing a joint RP where Avel wanted to trade an armor design she had come up with for a discharge. It's almost done, I just have to finish the description and put it up.

Also, Avel knows that Harm is trouble and is ready to do some investigating of her own. Because she hates her.
Re: [4th AASP] OOC Thread

In a week or two we should all get together and mail him a group letter of encouragement. As an Army vet I can vouch for mail meaning a lot when you're going through basic.
Re: [4th AASP] OOC Thread

Wes said:
In a week or two we should all get together and mail him a group letter of encouragement. As an Army vet I can vouch for mail meaning a lot when you're going through basic.
That is a wonderful idea!
Re: [4th AASP] OOC Thread

It is official, ladies and gents, I am now 4th Fleet GM. Expect some organisational changes but right now, I want to say that I'm working on getting the Tange mission going. The focus will remain on power-armour operations, even though I plan to expand 4th Fleet a bit.

And no, Laura and Bernhard are not getting promoted to Dictator and Vice-Dictator. I'll bring in a new character.

Lastly, since I'm shaking things up, fire away with your suggestions for missions, off duty stuff, etc.
Re: [4th AASP] OOC Thread

I can have Avel search Harm's quarters planet side and find the phase organ. She makes a call to the NMX general the fleet recently spoke with and finds out the truth.

Wazu and Harm are out of the picture after that, thus allowing the new guy to take command.
Re: [4th AASP] OOC Thread

I would prefer the transition of command to be a quiet affair, C-Man. Something along the lines of SMoDIN is not happy with the way Wazu was operating and sent someone in to change that. It quietly removes Wazu and Harm, without the political side affecting us.


Please bear with me as the transition happens. No reply is necessary for the mission planning thread. It's my way of wrapping it up so that my own character can come in and take over smoothly.

Tange Mission update. There are 300,000+ civilians on Tange. I've been given the tentative approval from Kokuten to use our 200 Subjugator Landing Ships as well as the hallowed NSS Destiny. In total, that should allow us to lift roughly 275,000. There's a slight problem is on our end.

The 4th Fleet can deploy 3 C3E Cruisers, 3 C2 cruisers and 64 Na-F4 fighters. Add in the support ships with minor armaments, we can field maybe 8 warships to guard these transports. As good as our ships are, I don't see how they can effectively guard 201 transport ships.

Do you guys want to go ahead and do the mission with just our Marines and warships or wait for me to get a few more warships loaned to us for the operation?
Re: [4th AASP] OOC Thread

I'd say we go with what we've got, the more time we wait the more time the NMX have to prepare their own invasion fleet.
Re: [4th AASP] OOC Thread

Let me know if you need anything Sigma.

(Edit: Though I was planning to finish mission 3 and run a short epilogue to wrap things up)
Re: [4th AASP] OOC Thread

I would say go with what we've got. We're okay with that.

I'm glad to see you still about, Uso. I hope to RP with you some more in future.
Re: [4th AASP] OOC Thread

Righto, we've got the best of both worlds. The mission is green light and I have loaner warships.

Let's go through some quick introductions so I can outline the new plan.
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