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OOC 4th Fleet OOC Thread

Re: [4th AASP] OOC Thread

Squad name? Well let me think. Jokers are too over-used, although cool. I know it sound cheesy but I kinda like Wolverines....... and Nepleslia uses animals all the time I believe.
Re: [4th AASP] OOC Thread

ShotJon said:
Squad name? Well let me think. Jokers are too over-used, although cool. I know it sound cheesy but I kinda like Wolverines....... and Nepleslia uses animals all the time I believe.

We're not using wolverines. We aren't guerrillas.
Re: [4th AASP] OOC Thread

And? Why would we need to be guerilla? When you are wolverina than that basically means that you are little tough sob. I think that pretty much sums Nepleslian marines. They maybe just normal people with some cybernetics, and no nekoes or sams wit hbigger strength and healing factor. No they do no need all that shit to kick your butt.
Re: [4th AASP] OOC Thread

Its an american thing.

We tend to associate WOLVERINES with either Wolverine(The superhero) or Patrick Swayze(Red Dawn)

I do not want to be associated with Patrick Swayze.
Re: [4th AASP] OOC Thread

The first thing that came to my mind was Black Panthers... :?
:lol: NOT!

Not to play too much off Wolverines...or a certain hockey team for that matter, but what about Wolves? Phaedra's nickname (and the meaning of her last name for that matter) is Wolf. I would like to avoid Wolf Pack though, despite how cool that would be.

We could always name the squad Honey Badgers :D

Seriously, I guess I'm having a hard time coming up with something that doesn't sound lame and over done.

Something that should be as awesome a "Wildcards" from Space Above and Beyond.
Re: [4th AASP] OOC Thread

Red Dawn! Heh yeah there's a classic. Totally unreal, but still. ;)

I'm not quite sure what this squad is you guys are trying to name, but if you're looking for something fun to call it how about the Phantom Insertion Stealth Squad, or PISS. :lol: :evil: :P
Re: [4th AASP] OOC Thread

I ussualy associate Wolverine with the animal which is tough bastard. Wolves is not bad, but then we would probably end being wolf pack anyway....
Re: [4th AASP] OOC Thread

I've got some ideas and I'll let my two avatars throw them out.

<Laura>: (1) Ponies! Cos then Valken can call them "My Little Ponies"
(2) Bucks, like the male deer with the antlers and also cos we all love money
(3) Phantom. Cos it's cool and spooky. Like Sergeant Volkov.

<Bernhard>: (1) Reavers. We plan to hurt and steal from the bad guys.
(2) The Ardents. Because.
(3) Vikings. So we can justify raping women and burning places down.
Re: [4th AASP] OOC Thread

Sigma said:
<Laura>: (1) Ponies! Cos then Valken can call them "My Little Ponies"
(2) Bucks, like the male deer with the antlers and also cos we all love money
(3) Phantom. Cos it's cool and spooky. Like Sergeant Volkov.
:lol: Phantoms I could see, if all of us used the various cloaking abilities available to us. Sneak up on an enemy, decloak, complete the objective, cloak and disappear. Great psychological warfare tactic.

<Bernhard>: (1) Reavers. We plan to hurt and steal from the bad guys.
(2) The Ardents. Because.
(3) Vikings. So we can justify raping women and burning places down.
:? Reavers...this ain't Firefly.
Phaedra: "What are Vikings?"

ShotJon said:
Thinking again Wolves do sound find. But why not spice it up and make it Hellwolves?
What about Hellhounds?

Something with Cerberus in it would just sound like copying Mass Effect.

How about Space Wolves! Oh wait...wrong universe. :roll:

I'm liking either Hellhounds, or Phantoms. But what would be cooler is if our UOC allies, or even the NMX, gave us that nickname and then our characters kept it.
Re: [4th AASP] OOC Thread

Reavers...this ain't Firefly.
What's Firefly? The Sherman tank? I was thinking the Anglo-Scottish Border Reivers
Phaedra: "What are Vikings?"
<Bernhard>: Some pseudo-fictional, part mythological race of people who seemed to spend more time raping women, drinking beer, and killing their enemies with large axes. Read about it in a porn magazine, the kind you read for the articles.

I'm liking either Hellhounds, or Phantoms. But what would be cooler is if our UOC allies, or even the NMX, gave us that nickname and then our characters kept it.
Was there any other way of earning the nickname?
Re: [4th AASP] OOC Thread

How about Party Poison and the Fabulous Killjoys? Loljk xD

Team Salamander? The DANGER Squad? The Vanguard Veterans? I dunno, something that doesn't sound... used and cliche.
Re: [4th AASP] OOC Thread

Sigma said:
What's Firefly? The Sherman tank? I was thinking the Anglo-Scottish Border Reivers
I meant the TV Show, Firefly. Sci-fi Western show that was killed way before its time. But anyway, in that show there are Reavers, who are crazed space faring cannibals.
<Bernhard>: Some pseudo-fictional, part mythological race of people who seemed to spend more time raping women, drinking beer, and killing their enemies with large axes. Read about it in a porn magazine, the kind you read for the articles.
Was there any other way of earning the nickname?
I certainly hope not.
Re: [4th AASP] OOC Thread

Going off Frown:

<Laura and Bernhard>: Vanguard Squad!
<Laura>: I originally thought of Vanguard Ponies.
<Bernhard>: My contribution was changing Ponies to Squad

User's Disclaimer: I do not, in any way, shape or form, endorse the MLP franchise or products. Their OOC use in this plot is restricted to purely satirical and comedic purposes. Should any talking, annoying Ponies appear, they are to be executed on sight. The Emperor of Man, seated upon the Golden Throne on Holy Terra, has decreed such things to be heretical and moral threats to His loyal subjects. Ave Imperator!
Re: [4th AASP] OOC Thread

Hey, what's the terrain like around the airport? I hope it's cityscape? I must have missed that detail or something.
Re: [4th AASP] OOC Thread

For those not at the JP, ShotJon has won the competition for squad name.

The squad is now.... *drum roll* Volkov's Cavaliers!

<Laura>: Volkov's Ponies is a better name...

EDIT: centurion, please define "a portion" of your DARTs.