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OOC 4th Fleet OOC Thread

Re: [4th AASP] OOC Thread

cyborgakadjmoose said:
I just used the first name that came to mind. Clearly that was a mistake. :?
Clearly. Will make an update to liven things up later today.
Re: [4th AASP] OOC Thread

Picture is NOT to scale!

The building is (L x H x B) 600m x 80m x 200m with six stories (including the ground floor). Whether there are underground floors or not, I'll leave you to find out. Red lines are doors large enough for PA (whether you choose to use them or not is the squad leaders' choice), the inner rectangle is just to show that the upper levels are smaller than the base.

Green dots are Marines, Red dots are a mix of NMX Rippers with and without shields. Left squad is Beta, Right squad is Alpha. There is no cover. Happy killing.
Re: [4th AASP] OOC Thread

It does, Cyborg. Easy enough to make. Though, don't expect me to update it. Your next map is coming if and when you enter the compound. Assuming any of you are alive. :twisted: Slightly outnumbered so tactics!

Taking the feedback from the last mission, I've cranked up the deadliness of these NMX. Their shots will be more accurate and they will be doing more damage overall. Apparently, last time was too easy *shrug* Remember that shields do recharge so might not be the best idea to go charging straight into the base if all the shields are low or gone.

Also, for all you new players, please don't try to predict results. "If it clears, he's going to shoot at X, Y, and Z" really aren't helpful for the narrative. Please be definitive in your character's actions.

And try not to predict what happens to an enemy or your character such as shots and effects. That's my role as GM, deciding who has shot at you.
Re: [4th AASP] OOC Thread

I know it's not to scale...but it's still funny to picture the left side scrambling out the door on the left.
Re: [4th AASP] OOC Thread

What's the distance between the current enemy forces, the building, and us? 300m? Closer? Because Rita just made a crazy dash for them!
Re: [4th AASP] OOC Thread

uff. Sorry it took so long but I finally posted. If there is any problem with post Sigma just tell me. I am not sure if Lisa did not doo "too much at once" in the post.
Re: [4th AASP] OOC Thread

I wonder if she read the wiki for the PLR. It's a marksman's rifle, not a melee weapon. Though, the way I read it, she's going airborne and trying to pull one of the Rippers towards her. Not charging the Ripper line like a certain AIR2 pilot.
Re: [4th AASP] OOC Thread

Shotty, I've got the commission pieces but I'm trying to resize them to fit on the site. The originals are too big for the site.

Cadet, about 300m is correct.

EDIT: That reminds me. I don't know who it was, nor do I particularly care, but please do not edit the 4th Fleet wiki without telling me. Wes and I have had to fix a bunch of red links on it after some one started editing it.

What I do care about is when someone goes into my user wiki page and starts playing with those links!
Re: [4th AASP] OOC Thread

cyborgakadjmoose said:
ShotJon, I don't know if it's sad or awesome that I know where your avatar is from.

Once I read that page I just could not resist. And I acutaly dind that comic funny, althought without direction.

Sigma said:
Shotty, I've got the commission pieces but I'm trying to resize them to fit on the site. The originals are too big for the site

Sure, sure it is just that I stumbled upon. I though Nicoy forgot to tell you or something since you did not told us. Anyway it looks awesome and thank you again.
Re: [4th AASP] OOC Thread

Sigma said:
I wonder if she read the wiki for the PLR. It's a marksman's rifle, not a melee weapon. Though, the way I read it, she's going airborne and trying to pull one of the Rippers towards her. Not charging the Ripper line like a certain AIR2 pilot.

I thought it had an alternate function that lets it make a coherent plasma beam to use in melee, and that's why it's called the plasma lance? That's how it was before, unless it got changed

If that's the case, I'll edit the post so she lets the lance hang off her on the sling and uses the vibrosword instead. And yes, she's trying to pull it toward her by reversing her thrusters in the direction opposite the ripper while using the Push/Pull device, and then charging into it when it gets pulled upward.
Re: [4th AASP] OOC Thread

Lol! FYI, Cedric, Rita's not piloting an AIR. She's piloting a Hostile. AIR's a lot more maneuverable in the sky, plus she'd be having a much easier time in almost any ELEMENT suit. xD
Re: [4th AASP] OOC Thread

Cedric, no one's got an AIR. Rita's staying aloft using her jet thrusters, which is not too difficult considering the low gravity on the moon, its airless nature and relatively low escape velocity.

Also, if there's some lack of continuity in the metals/materials used in NMX weaponry, please look over it. Since Zesuaium is supposed to be phased out of RP, I replaced the Zesu forearm blades with Yama-Dura blades. But whether or not that's realistic, I'm not sure yet. So if it changes later, please just bear with it.

Frownie, i looked over the article and i did forget to say it was a beam, one that gets cut off by a regulator. But like the plasma lance cannon on starships, it's purpose is not melee. We have the VBCS for that.
Re: [4th AASP] OOC Thread

Yeah, I gotcha. I was thinking of it like the plasma lance the AIR2 Lancer uses for some reason. My bad. VBCS is good too. Actually, I used to do ARMA stuff and I know how to fight with a few different melee weapons IRL, makes it really easy to do melee in roleplay. I go shooting a lot as well, except that that doesn't really help when fighting IC. Knowing your hand-to-hand and CQC techniques has more of an impact on the success of your actions..
Re: [4th AASP] OOC Thread

Or just add-libbing.

Just kidding. I have Army combatives training, so I could probably do pretty dec' in RP. Not to mention I have shot plenty (though, like Frown said, that doesn't have as much of an impact unless you count things like double-tapping for improved accuracy on single-shot).

Edited my error, by the way.
Re: [4th AASP] OOC Thread

Well Sigma. Actually it is not very oftne there are full cyborgs on Nepleslia. And they can join marines too. Not all of them are from IPG. Unless Kokuten changed something.

EDIT: About the shield Lisa deplyoed. THey are the small triangle ones. They are good enoug hto cover one marine for five minutes of heavy fire. More marines can hide behind but they need stay one behind eachy other, to the one in the back is more exposed to fire from flanks.
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