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OOC 4th Fleet OOC Thread

Re: [4th AASP] OOC Thread

I apologize, I must have forgotten about that: my bad.

Also, despite your attempts to antagonize me, this isn't a rage-quit. This was actually an idea I've been having for the last several months. I had originally planned for it to just be Ricky (my Yamatain pilot) to do it, however I doubted one young fighter pilot could start a PMC or group of mercenaries by himself. So rather than make a character from scratch to be a ground element, or rely on other people to do so, I figured I could use a character who already has plenty of experience (Cedric), and have a character on the ground as a GMNPC for other members of the mercenary outfit I planned to start, when on missions.

Your attempt to antagonize me and press my buttons is unnecessary. It's not that I simply want to quit (I don't). In case you have forgotten, I already volunteered Cedric to burn during that hearing. This wasn't something that came as a surprise to me. I was actually more surprised that he wasn't knocked down to the very bottom of the totem pole. Cards have simply played in such a way that this opportunity to both expand the experiences of my characters and the available roleplay opportunities for those coming to the site came about.

I loved the Nepleslian faction, I love the way it works, and I especially love the combat-oriented roleplays of the Marines.

I don't love that the only real independent plotship I have found that is very active is closed according to it's wiki. I want to make the StarArmy experience enjoyable for all newcomers, giving them more options than Nepleslia or Yamatai. If that means that I must leave this faction, then so be it. However, should circumstances arise, Cedric could stay in, or if he does leave I could be inclined to make a new Marine at some point in the future.
Re: [4th AASP] OOC Thread

... You're only strengthening the parallel with Avel's departure. C-Man also wanted to start a plot with Avel.

I should point out that someone who doesn't role-play well with others (and there have been complaints about you and your attitude) and is not well-liked by his last plot is unlikely to be allowed to be a GM. Nor if the applicant is not well-liked by the GMs. There are others who have already spoken to me against this plot idea of yours.

One would have thought that AC's 69th Paramilitary or CadetNewb & Kai's OIF Atuan counted as an active, independent plot and an alternative to Nepleslia or Yamatai. Regardless, there's also Kyle's upcoming plot. All you're doing is sound like Arieg and his Paragon bums.

Wes, last I had heard, is against the creation of new PMCs and para-military mercenary groups. They are essentially private armies in SARP. Private armies with little oversight. Kokuten stamped out C-Man's idea. Nothing's stopping you from trying but I'm standing by to kill the next mercenary group to pop up. They've been done badly by Arieg and I don't have confidence that you can do any better.
Re: [4th AASP] OOC Thread

No need, actually. Arieg has just offered me a spot for Cedric amongst the Guard.

As I said, the closed mercenary outfit was the one I had found. I had yet to find others. However, since Cedric now has a possible opportunity to be in the Guard: I think I'd enjoy that more than a merc outfit.

I also do not believe your allegations about peoples' disapproval of me (barring your own) until you produce solid evidence af your claims. By that, I do not simply mean a list of names. I mean proof.
Re: [4th AASP] OOC Thread

I am against you being allowed to GM. Proof enough of my disapproval for you?

As to the Guard idea. Why would they want a soldier who's getting demoted for ignoring orders and general bad behavior? That's the kind of thing that gets you discharged, not picked up by a different branch.
Re: [4th AASP] OOC Thread

Yes, it is. I would like to know why, so that I may go about fixing whatever problems exist, but if you choose not to tell: so be it. Fair enough, all I asked for was proof, and nothing more.

Also, don't ask me why Arieg is interested in taking Cedric. He just is. He came to me with the offer, not the other way around, and I'm happy to accept it.
Re: [4th AASP] OOC Thread

There is no Guard plot at this time. Actually, there is no Guard. SO you need much more of an explanation than that.
Re: [4th AASP] OOC Thread

As I said, he just came to me. He PMed me, saying that he would be interested in having Cedric in the Guard. He hasn't fed me many details so I'm just waiting to see what he says.
Re: [4th AASP] OOC Thread

Cedric you do not have best GM track behind you, ditching plot before it even started, well it is probably better then ditching runnin one but still. Otherwise I would not care one bit about you being GM. As far as I do not really like or the way you roleplay, you might be completely different as GM and that is what I keep in mind.
Re: [4th AASP] OOC Thread

Sorry to completely change the topic, but when exactly is the next mission starting? I kinda want/need a deadline to work on my entrance.
Re: [4th AASP] OOC Thread

Why is that important. Are you attention whore or something so you need extensive introduction? We read "back to the fleet" anyway.
Re: [4th AASP] OOC Thread

Heh, I suppose 'no' wouldn't be taken very seriously at this point. I'm not one for big entrances, I just like to work on my writing - I do fanfic and independent short stories, etc. in addition to RP. I like to have a deadline to work to, and I always work on my writing in advance. It's a habit I picked up from high-school english.

Tl;dr: Not really, I just like to be prepared.

EDIT: It just dawned on me that I picked a really bad time to ask. Sorry.
Re: [4th AASP] OOC Thread

Jon, that was kinda unnecessary. Let's all just chill out and enjoy the RPinz, here. At the moment, there's nothing going on IC that is bad enough for us all to be pissed OOC, so yeah.

Also, Wirebobbin, I totally get that. I usually work on my posts for a few minutes at most, but occasionally I'll write a really long one, save it in word, and come back to proofread and add to it later, and it ends up taking me like 24 hours to post it. This doesn't happen often, but it does happen. I like to write short stories and stuff too, I actually posted a couple in the Creative Showcase, even. xD

By the way, is anyone else starting to get hellbent on fucking up Santiago's day? It's pretty hard to offend Rita, but he pulled it off without a hitch. I say we hatch a plot to destroy his career!
Re: [4th AASP] OOC Thread

Oh just try to get Santiago. He's a Chief who went through NSS Charter for a reason. And don't think the NPC Marines will be silent for much longer.

Addendum: I'm leaving soon so the current GM posts are what you have to work with until I get to Singapore. CadetNewb is filling in and should be able to jump right into the 4.2 or 4.4 threads. I leave the general policing of the forums to him and Kokuten.

While I'm away, do try to come up with some serious alternate AASP names.
Re: [4th AASP] OOC Thread

I think we should just change it to 4th Fleet.

What's up with the drama in this thread? Please treat each other (especially new people like Wirebobbin) more respectfully. Just because there's been drama in the RP (demotions, etc) doesn't mean it has to transfer to OOC (it shouldn't).

@Cedric: I do like the idea of a new indie plot but it's also important that the GM is reliable so if you submit a plot application, make sure to show proof of that and working well with others. Also further discussion of other plots should be in a thread for that. Let's keep this thread on-topic for the 4th Fleet.
Re: [4th AASP] OOC Thread

Well, it turns out I arrived at the airport way earlier than i had planned and now have time to kill.

Thank you for your input, Wes.

For the vaguely interested, HMS Dauntless has recently been deployed overseas. I must admit that I wasn't aware that the RN had commissioned a Dauntless, though I was aware that it was a RN light cruiser during WW2.
Re: [4th AASP] OOC Thread

If you get a chance, pop in the IRC please, have some questions for you. Nothing too long.
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