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OOC 4th Fleet OOC Thread

Re: [4th AASP] OOC Thread

Yeah, well done!

As if you can't tell, I'm back from Singapore. Fate seems to be conspiring to keep me from posting, though, since on the 28th (?) I'm heading out to Iceland for a week or so.

Still, I'll try my damndest to continue contributing here. Sorry for not giving you guys any updates or anything.
Re: [4th AASP] OOC Thread

I am sure Sigma can have your char in follow-mode in the background till you get back. Some has to keep watch in the rear
Re: [4th AASP] OOC Thread

I have a tentative plan for Stan and the incoming newbie. But it all depends on when he gets his character bio approved.
Re: [4th AASP] OOC Thread

Righto, so I'm flying back to Washington from Montreal in a few hours. Expect me to be operating at very odd hours and not at the top of my game as I work through the jet lag. I will try my best to be regular with the GM updates as long as you chaps keep up the posts.

In other news, I present to you the Kegbuster Rocket Launcher and the Hellfire flamethrower! Both weapons have been placed on the 4th Fleet wiki with limited availability and are open for use with the next mission.
Re: [4th AASP] OOC Thread

Apologies for lateness, I had a very Australian internet fustercluck. I haven't had Internet for 4 days and am currently yoinking. Will make a post while I can.
Re: [4th AASP] OOC Thread

Luca, all the best. Thanks for making the effort to post.

Ladies and Gentlemen of the 4th Fleet, after spending 80,000 DA, here's the loot that your wonderful Admiral and Flag-Captain bought together. Peruse through and let me know if there's anything you may want, within reason. Or better still, if you can think of how to use some of those things in off-duty threads or main mission plots, let me know your ideas. I reserve the right to say no for any items as I already have plans for some of them.
Re: [4th AASP] OOC Thread

No, you're wrong. Go away and don't come back j/k

Excellent. Your character is approved, Brett M is back. The two ID-SOLs together. I have a cunning plan... But first, I need to PM Brett to make sure he's back in the game.
Re: [4th AASP] OOC Thread

Primo: Welcome to the jungle... new guy.

Secundo: Wall... of... text... eyes... melting...

Tertio: <inner monologue> Right, act cool. Behave as if you always buy this stuff<end>

Yeah, I'd like a weight set, the pack of music, the padded case of wine, pneumatic nail gun, a Handheld communicator/camera, a case of 30 thousand condoms, some plutonium, those explosives, PRISM computer system, those crates of medical supplies and .45 rounds, those magnetic scanner parts and components, that load of medicine, one of those mini fridges, an organic computer, that Yammie rank pin and a rolling chair.


Ah, what the hell. Throw in one of those torture devices as well.
Re: [4th AASP] OOC Thread

Aww... Phaedra totally would have snapped up the Package of Nepleslian Music Disks/crystal.

But what has me really intrigued are the "Pants that fit."

Either an ID-SOL tryies them on and they rip horribly, or Phaedra tries them on and they end up as daisy dukes. :lol:

Looks like Leon will get part of his mini-skirt dream fulfilled.
Re: [4th AASP] OOC Thread

We should make rolling chair races! Oh and Lisa would like that chrome egg and case or Lorath vines

Also welcome Fenix!
Re: [4th AASP] OOC Thread

Rita will want, in order of preference, starting at what she wants most:

  1. Hand Cannon (damaged) (S Lor, TC: 70-63, IC: 4467-6735-125)
  2. Hand Cannon Ammunition (S Lor, TC: 94-65, IC: 6167-1097-148)
  3. Complete Zanarium plate (S Lor, TC: 5-77, IC: 442-4754-82)
  4. Chunk of Zanarium plate, intact (S Hoshi No Iori, TC: 73-64, IC: 4729-22649-129)
  5. Meat grinder and sausage making kit (S Veritas, TC: 98-77, IC: 7603-4446-164)
  6. Mini Fridge (S Halna, TC: 18-89, IC: 1659-48918-105)
  7. Rolling chair, cushioned (S Hoshi No Iori, TC: 45-56, IC: 2577-18481-96)

And that's all. 8D
Re: [4th AASP] OOC Thread

Bridget: "YAY TOYS!!!!"


I'll need a bit to look through the list and decide what Bridget wants.
Re: [4th AASP] OOC Thread

At the GM's discretion, Bridget will take any of the following items:

Carpeting from hallway
Cushioned massage table
Roof shingles
Civilian Clothing
Crate of Medical Supplies
Men's Work Clothing
Random Torture Device - Mod selected
Rolling chair, cushioned

She's also willing to share any of these items, especially the crate of medical supplies and the random torture device. She's really just looking for needles, thread and scissors. She will also take any kind of glue or bonding agent.
Re: [4th AASP] OOC Thread

I want Bastilen to tinker with these:

  • Printer (S Halna, TC: 7-65, IC: 512-187-72)
  • Complete PRISM Computer System (S Nepleslia Ring, TC: 44-72, IC: 3225-3729-111)
  • PRISM Software (S Nepleslia Ring, TC: 49-76, IC: 3781-7201-120)
  • PRISM Standard RAM (S Halna, TC: 19-75, IC: 1463-43332-92)
  • PRISM Standard RAM (S Halna, TC: 21-74, IC: 1611-39869-93)
  • Psionic control device (S Hoshi No Iori, TC: 17-50, IC: 907-16207-66)
  • Psionic control device (S Hoshi No Iori, TC: 43-50, IC: 2207-14507-88)
  • Miscellaneous DRIP Drive components (S Halna, TC: 48-80, IC: 3897-38217-123)
  • Miscellaneous EMBLEM shielding components (S Halna, TC: 35-79, IC: 2822-43744-110)
  • Miscellaneous TOWELS components (S Nepleslia Ring, TC: 93-57, IC: 5265-3762-139)
  • Miscellaneous TOWELS components (S Nepleslia Ring, TC: 99-56, IC: 5601-6049-144)
  • Computer Main-Board (S Veritas, TC: 99-16, IC: 1542-3113-104)
  • Magnetic Resonance Scanner components (S Elysia, TC: 95-60, IC: 5662-1977-144)
  • Magnetic Resonance Scanner parts (S Lor, TC: 28-39, IC: 1121-5166-64)
  • Mishhu Organic Computer (encased, possibly alive) (S Hoshi No Iori, TC: 90-84, IC: 7617-32061-164)

And I'd like him to repair these:

  • Holographic Projector with internal speakers (repairable) (S Elysia, TC: 4-78, IC: 369-3567-82)
  • Holographic Projector with Speakers (repairable) (S Halna, TC: 67-72, IC: 4814-3297-131)
  • Holographic Projector with Speakers (repairable) (S Halna, TC: 81-71, IC: 5808-37829-143)

And I'd like him to have this, because repairing things works up a thirst that can only be satisfied by cool and sometimes caffienated beverages:

  • Coffee Machine (S Halna, TC: 74-34, IC: 2499-15595-100)
  • Mini Fridge (S Elysia, TC: 8-89, IC: 769-6732-97)

And then, let's make a few mascot A.I.'s with these:

  • Major components of an AI system (S Hoshi No Iori, TC: 6-90, IC: 597-28677-96)
  • Major components of an AI system (Star Army of Yamatai, TC: 93-90, IC: 8427-417-172)
  • Major components of an AI system (S Xyainbor, TC: 56-90, IC: 5097-4017-140)
  • Major components of an AI system (S Xyainbor, TC: 93-90, IC: 8427-48927-172)

And finally, since he's a man and it's important to wear protection:

  • Case of 30,000 condoms (S Elysia, TC: 62-39, IC: 2413-2709-94)

And of course, to make comfortable use of all these resources.

  • Rolling chair, cushioned (S Hoshi No Iori, TC: 65-56, IC: 3697-11481-114)
Re: [4th AASP] OOC Thread

Oooh stuff.

Ulrich would definitely find a use for these.
Pack of twelve shot glasses (S Veritas, TC: 91-27, IC: 2423-2541-107
Padded case of 18 Various Lorath Wine bottles (S Elysia, TC: 51-9, IC: 465-894-54)
Handheld communicator/camera with photos and diary stored on it (S Hoshi No Iori, TC: 30-70, IC: 2127-20987-97)
Civilian explosives, for construction (S Veritas, TC: 96-78, IC: 7545-369-163)
Re: [4th AASP] OOC Thread


Pants that fit - 30 DA
Leon's face - Priceless

Total: 30 DA

chrome egg = 200 DA
case of Lorath wines = 3600 DA

Total: 3800 DA



Kokuten the Mad

Pack of twelve shot glasses = 480 DA
Padded case of 18 Various Lorath Wine bottles = 3600 DA
Handheld communicator/camera with photos and diary stored on it =250 DA
Civilian explosives, for construction = 1000 DA

Total: 5330 DA

Can you all afford it?
Re: [4th AASP] OOC Thread

I find it a little funny that the box of condoms is ALMOST as much as the computer.
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