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OOC 4th Fleet OOC Thread

Re: [4th AASP] OOC Thread

Not slow, but it's pretty much physically impossible for him to be more agile than a woman a third his size. Just that much more mass to move around. And I'd hope that a combination of military training and years of experience fighting on the streets would be enough to let her sack some guy in the balls. She might be eighteen, but she's not as green as a new uniform.
Re: [4th AASP] OOC Thread

I never said or implied anything like that. I am just saying that big does not mean slow.
Re: [4th AASP] OOC Thread

Anyway GM post for 5.2 done, hopefully I did not mess up on the japanese......

By the way Fenix, so Aleksei now has the axe back on the belt and holds wakizashi and the HHG right?
Re: [4th AASP] OOC Thread

And there. I'm kind of worried that Stan's characterisation here is coming off as a little schitzophrenic. Anyway, I hope I haven't made a goof up.
Re: [4th AASP] OOC Thread

Post was more than fine Brett. Congratulation. You get the "thinking like a human being" prize!
Re: [4th AASP] OOC Thread

Posted the next area map for you lot. Didn't realize that I'd forgotten about it yesterday. Please remember, you can't see the enemies or their emplacements. The random shapes and stuff are barricades. My artwork is, as usual, stunningly realistic, I know.
Re: [4th AASP] OOC Thread

Wolfman just a heads up. It is GMs job to decide if your attack hits or not. You type out the attack and GM says what happened next.
Re: [4th AASP] OOC Thread


I feel *sniff* so special!

But still, thank you. I just thought he was going from "Grr I'll get those Nekos this time" to "I can't do this" a tad too quick.
Re: [4th AASP] OOC Thread

Brett M said:

I feel *sniff* so special!

But still, thank you. I just thought he was going from "Grr I'll get those Nekos this time" to "I can't do this" a tad too quick.

I actually think his response was pretty realistic. He was fed that nekoes are bloodthirsty living weapons, seeing one crawl on the ground and beg for life shatters that image pretty well.
Re: [4th AASP] OOC Thread

I will make a larger GM post on Sunday night once I've heard from a few players. Just want to make sure everyone's clear on the plan before we jump into the deep end.
Re: [4th AASP] OOC Thread

Is that new thread for Waylan, Wolf and I or is it for other new characters Σ? And how sucessful was I in kicking Ben in the sack?
Re: [4th AASP] OOC Thread

New thread is for everyone who joined/is joining us after you guys. Chaps like Jinxed who have a character approved but aren't able to be squeezed in anywhere.
Re: [4th AASP] OOC Thread

I kinda figured, but I'm itching for something to do, so...

Oh, and happy birthday!
Re: [4th AASP] OOC Thread

Tonight, GM Updates will be made in all of the threads I'm responsible for. I will be gone from Fri-Sunday and may or may not be able to post lengthy messages. Therefore, if you need something over the weekend, ShotJon is the temporary GM until I return on Sunday evening.
Re: [4th AASP] OOC Thread

Analysis of Butch v. Sergei: Even after Butch got the first strike in, things were still equal. However, as Markus notes, Sergei was basically flailing about. He had no real strategy. It was akin to button mashing where number of hits equaled win. As opposed to the calculated maneuvers from Butch, the post reads like there was no plan. While I can forgive your lack of perspective (Butch being 4 inches taller and your punches going up rather than straight), I cannot forgive your auto'd results AFTER I had requested you to change it.

So I've pulled the GM card and give the victory to the NPC. Even with out that though, someone who has avoided fights for most of his life will never win against a man born and bred for war, with kills and experience under his belt. Your post shows none of the thought processes, conscious or subconscious, that an experienced fighter goes through. The decision to go for the ribcage as it is one of the few bone structures meant to withstand physical assault. It protects the heart and other vital organs so Sergei essentially went for the ID-SOL's strongest defense. Also, "a flurry of blows" implies speed over power. Speed in a frontal assault doesn't take down a tank like Butch. Which is why a single powerful hit at close range, to the important solar plexus, is far more crippling than the sum of your attacks.

Read Kevyn's post. It is better worded to show what the character might do, allowing the GM some leeway. However, the main reason for the lack of results is that I am using Ice as a foil for the larger Linzer.

By the way, Kevyn, thanks. You were the only one on SARP to notice.

Betting results:

Fenix - Wins 200 DA, can go right into the character's finances
LitD - Wins 40 DA, as above.

New bets: 4:1 Linzer creams Ice, 6:1 Linzer continues dancing around her, 12:1 Ice wins somehow.

EDIT: 5.1 guys, sorry, ShotJon's gonna have to make your update. I need to finish Venus and get to sleep.
Re: [4th AASP] OOC Thread

20 on Linzer dancing around Ice.

C'mon Linzer! Show off your footwork!

Have I just stepped on a bad road?
... nah!
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