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OOC 4th Fleet OOC Thread

Re: [4th AASP] OOC Thread

I've got a few ideas running from clever to just violent. If this was a real fight, she'd just hang back and slice him up with her knives until he was too hurt and bloody to fight back. But right now... Jon, Σ, what's immediately at hand in the locker room in terms of things that Ice can throw or swing or whatever? I can do dirty tricks, but I need to know what I can use to get an idea of what I can do. I mean, if I could hurl a dumbbell at his head or something to distract him, she can get in and do some damage.
Re: [4th AASP] OOC Thread

I am truly sorry for Sergei's lack of skill. He'll make sure to do some training in the ring and get a better sense for brawling... n.n After all Sergei mainly joined the marines to see the galaxy and fiddle with some power armor. This has been a massive wake up call for him, and he will be sure to step up his game in the future.
Re: [4th AASP] OOC Thread

Yeah Kev, you got to get over that reach of his. And if you know better you should keep those knives in their sheath.
Re: [4th AASP] OOC Thread

That's why I said in a real fight. What do I have by way of 'environmental' assets? You've got the hotseat this weekend, right?
Re: [4th AASP] OOC Thread

I'm going to try to post tomorrow.

As for the fight, well... I'm not going to bet anything, but my (metaphorical) money is on Ice.

Unfortunately, I can only think of that one song when I hear her name.
Re: [4th AASP] OOC Thread

I suppose I should have the hot seat only that I completely missed Sigma saying that here so sorry about that, and well since this is the day until I was supposed to have it I will leave it to him then. So I do apologize about that sorry. I will pay more attention next time.
Re: [4th AASP] OOC Thread

Well, we won't be back until Sunday night. I'm sure he won't begrudge you giving me something to throw at Linser. I have an option just from what Ice is carrying on her, but I'd prefer something more substantial.
Re: [4th AASP] OOC Thread

Well I can really only assume, but I think there would be few benches surely, a waste-bin and several lockers. Not really much to work there sorry. Oh and it is nepleslia so there will surely be fire extinguisher.
Re: [4th AASP] OOC Thread

I'd just like to reiterate. The blade did not leave it's sheath. The knife, in sheath, is flying towards Linzer's head. It might poke him in the eye, but it won't actually kill him. Just, hopefully, distract him long enough for Ice to get him folded over and from there give a few blows to the head.

I'm pretty sure that everyone gets that, but since this is the difference between maybe winning a fight by fighting dirty and winning a fight by murdering a Marine I want to make it clear right up front. That'd be a lame way for my character to be court marshalled and shot. I'm holding out for blowing up a cruiser at least.
Re: [4th AASP] OOC Thread

Hey Sigma, I should point out that as soon as Linzer starts trying to choke Ice out, she will try stab him. Is that a reasonable reaction in terms of being able to physically do it? There's no reason in the post that I see that she couldn't get her other knife out of its' sheath and into him.
Re: [4th AASP] OOC Thread

Since I have already moved the plot beyond the time frame of intended stabby, not this time, Kevyn.

Please remember, ladies and gents, you have until Friday the 20th (this Friday) my time, to beat Helszepont's troops before the NMX high command escape with all of their data.
Re: [4th AASP] OOC Thread

Well, I guess I'll roll with it for now. Though what's the best way to avoid that sort of thing going forward? Should I be more proactive in my posts, or loiter on ICQ more, or...
Re: [4th AASP] OOC Thread

Saturday is the 20th. :?

Also I will be working this weekend, so I will only be able to post on Friday and Saturday in the late evening. You better believe I will post when I can.
Re: [4th AASP] OOC Thread

Holy Flying Monkeys of Oz, Batman! I've been using the wrong name for the newest Greer! I've been calling him Markus when he's Matthias! Markus is the ELDEST brother! (Markus, Bernie, Matt, Sasha) Silly Sigma! Please edit your most recent posts where appropriate. I shall be doing likewise.

Saturday is the 20th. That's two cock ups. Well, what the heck, I'll move it back one last time to Monday night, my time.

Lastly, can everyone check and make sure that you're part of the 4th Fleet usergroup? I think I've updated it but I cannot be certain since we have had a number of people coming and going. PM me if you are not.
Re: [4th AASP] OOC Thread

Sig, if you could get Leon to reply to Phaedra and Henry, I'd appreciate it greatly.
Re: [4th AASP] OOC Thread

Guys, just so you know, on the 20th until the 27th (or thereabouts) I'll be away. I know it's come at an inconvenient time, and I'm sorry.
Re: [4th AASP] OOC Thread

A thought occurred to me just now while I was working on my post. Couldn't/shouldn't Bruce and Linzer be brought up on charges for that incident? I mean, the chain of events is literally: Bruce attacks Sergei unprovoked. Ice attempts to come to the aid of her fellow Marine, when Linzer attempts to stop her. Bruce easily beats Sergei down, showing that intervention was nessissary, and when Ice took steps to be able to get past Linzer to help her fellow Marine, none of them lethal, Linzer attempted to choke her to death. That seems like a pretty clear recipe for a nice relaxing stay in the brig to me.

Granted, I don't really know much about Nepleslian military justice or the culture of Marines, but that does seem like rather a lot to let slide. If Sergei had attacked, or Linzer stopped short of actual attempted murder then I'd be singing a different tune. But that whole series of events did go pretty far.

Also, if that was typical ID-SOL behavior, do they seem less like Ideal Soldiers and more like walking discipline problems/ticking time bombs to anyone else?
Re: [4th AASP] OOC Thread

Your concept of "Ideal Soldier" and Nepleslia's concept probably don't match. Military professionalism is icing on the cake. Battlefield competence and lethality take precedence over everything else.

Nothing in Nepleslia is typical. Postmen carry high powered pistols. Gunfights in the streets are daily occurrences in most planets. Don't think of Nepleslia as some sort of shiny utopia. It's more like Mega-City One from Judge Dredd. Grimy, crime-ridden but populated by a lot of decent people who have no problems using words or guns to solve problems. Major difference is that we've got a government that functions, has lots of big guns, and isn't as undermanned as the Judges because there's a lot of national pride, even amongst the criminals.

Violence is a daily thing in the military, real and Nepleslian. Having spoken to one ex-military guy, during one week, his platoon got into over a dozen fistfights either with themselves or locals. Sure you could bring charges up on them. Do you? These are the same people who you will have to trust your back to at some point in the RP.

Butch didn't kill Sergei, didn't incapacitate him in anyway. It was, physically and biologically, a fair fight. The only problem is that, for a Marine, Sergei plain sucked. Sergei and Butch could have thrown the same heavy punches. You read my post with an analysis, I hope.

Have you thought about why Linzer kept Francis from intervening? Francis, more than Ice, would have been able to decide the fight. He kept Ice from intervening for two reasons. First, Linzer could see that Butch was not pulling his punches. A single hit could land Ice in medical. His intervention prevented that. Ice did not realize it since she wasn't around to listen to Linzer and Francis' conversation. Second, it is not polite manners in Nepleslian society to interrupt a good old-fashioned one on one fist fight. Not honorable. You would be interrupting a "fair" (in the physical sense) fight and making it unfair. Thereby, neither ID-SOL could claim any sort of pride knowing that they could not go man to man. Sergei probably wouldn't follow it. Butch would. Linzer prevented you from insulting the most dangerous man in the room.

Linzer didn't finish strangling Ice due to Butch's own intervention. So, in the end, everyone's had their fun (Butch got to beat someone up, everyone got to test their skills, except Francis). If Ice wants to lodge a formal complaint, she is free to do so but, as always, the consequences are yours to bear.

In this plot, I let players dig their graves. Unless they are making a role play mechanical mistake or misunderstanding something, I don't really intervene. If you want to walk into a carefully laid ambush or forget to post a crucial detail like how your character is taking cover, I'm not going to stop you.

Short answer: Yes, legally, you can bring them up on charges. There'll be consequences for you to bear.

With regards as to "typical ID-SOL" that depends on numerous things such as upbringing and training. Linzer, as a hybrid born and raised by two parents, would be very different from Butch who was tank-bred and born as an adult, then trained for war. You will notice that Linzer got mad when he was struck in a vulnerable area. Butch never lost control; he was boastful and arrogant but was the perfect fighter. Even Hardman, you can see the anger on the surface but there's nuance. He hates the three Jiyuuian women but his entire squad has extended the "We're a squad and you don't mess with one of us without messing with all of us" philosophy to them. By Hardman's orders, they have, no matter how grudgingly, accepted that the Jiyuuians, despite their foreign origins, are their immediate community. In combat, all six of them will have to depend on each other. Just as their squad will have to depend on others.

Typical and average aren't words that belong to the members 4th Fleet. It, more than any other Fleet in Nepleslia, is the opposite.
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