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OOC 4th Fleet OOC Thread

Re: [4th AASP] OOC Thread

Sigma's right, but still.

Be glad you didn't serve with the Reds, their tribalistic nature in unity made it so that conflicts like that usually ended with one side dead. In Red Nepleslia, it was always smart to back yourself with buddies. Any mackhole dumb to pull a punch on you, or a knife for that matter, was in for a severe beating, or death.

Since the Reds are people, just like us, and they lived in Nepleslia just like us, their values are also ingrained in our society. Their people, once our enemies, are now among us, living and unconsciously welding their ideals in with ours. As a result, even our military has carried in people of this caliber, and Greens, with their laid-back attitudes, tend to let it go.

A Green won't go stirring a fight, because he or she could be spending that time better by drinking, smoking, gambling, or fornicating.

A Red thirsts for a fight, believing that fighting, no matter what form. It's better than not proving dominance in the field and home.

But no matter who you are, a Nepleslian doesn't go running from a fight. Running from a fight makes you a coward who can't stand his environment, unless you've really got no chance of winning, or if you've really got something important that needs to be done. Now, picking a fight you're absolutely sure to win is also cowardly, since you're not proving your true strength, you're just slapping around someone smaller than you. Can't cut your teeth if it's not a challenge, and Nepleslia was built on that sense of challenge.

If anyone should go to the brig, it should be a coward.

Re: [4th AASP] OOC Thread

Bets open. Will Lisa get horribly maimed or will she charge actually take enemy by surprise? Who knows! Place your own suggestions and bets!

*edited due to motherload of typos and nonsesnse.*
Re: [4th AASP] OOC Thread

You never answered my question, Sigma.

C'mon now, its the least you could do when the time's a ticking.
Re: [4th AASP] OOC Thread

LitD said:
20 on Linzer dancing around Ice.

C'mon Linzer! Show off your footwork!

Have I just stepped on a bad road?
... nah!

Shall I assume the bets lost?
Re: [4th AASP] OOC Thread

You guys are off the hook, I can't read the posts, let alone think of what to write. Been awake for 18 hours straight, including a 10 hr workday.

Got another 10 hr workday on Tues and expect more during this week since teachers are falling like flies to the common cold and flu.

GM posts TBD. Unless ShotJon can step in.
Re: [4th AASP] OOC Thread

I can handle combat side. We will see what happen to Lisa when you will be fine again.
Re: [4th AASP] OOC Thread

Ouch. Take your time and rest up Sigma!
Re: [4th AASP] OOC Thread

Okay, so I was trying to hammer this out with Sigma in PM, but it seems I have to do this here. Two questions for the more knowledgeable here since I haven't been able to find anything on Nepleslian military justice. Attempted murder is still a crime right? And there are MPs?
Re: [4th AASP] OOC Thread

Technically it would be crime, but who can say he wanted to kill Ica? Maybe he just wanted her to get he unconscious? One might say that if he wanted her killed he would just break her neck, I mean he is an Id-Sol. Even for hybrid snapping someones neck is easy. Or he could take his knife out and gut her. While Linzer was on top of her, her could have killed her, but all he did was choke her.

I do think you can put him up for crime, but question A is. Would Ice do something like that? She did not seem like someone to do that. Question B is. Wasn't it Ice who attacked Linzer first? He could say he was just defending himself. Question C would the captain of the ship we are on even take that seriously? Marines brawl all the time.

Finally no one in marine corps likes a whiner.
Re: [4th AASP] OOC Thread

That'd be for the military prosecutor to determine. Assault with intent if not actual intended murder. Sigma himself had a character state that ID-SOLs are known for losing control, and Butch seemed to know that Linzer needed to be stopped right now when it happened. Just because he didn't go for the quick kill doesn't mean that murder wasn't on his mind when he was choking her. From his internal monolog, it was all a power thing for him, though that's obviously acting out of character.

It's not the brawling that's the issue, I accept that that's a normal part of Nepleslian culture. But there's brawling and then there's attempted murder during said brawl. And I can't think of any military, real or fictional, that is even vaguely functional that looks at that sort of loss of control positively. Or even neutrally. After all, if he can't keep control of himself in a fistfight with friendlies, why would anyone trust him with a power assisted suit and fully automatic weapons? If he's just going to go berzerk the first time someone offends his ID-SOL honour in combat, then he's a danger to himself and his squad in combat.

And Ice is the type to look for vengeance. I admit going to the MPs isn't strictly in character, but I figure she's still close enough to Basic that what she was taught about the military justice system is still fresh in mind. And out of character I'm going this route because it's probably better in the long run than her rolling a frag grenade under the stall next time she catches Linzer going to the can. Both for my character and general decorum.
Re: [4th AASP] OOC Thread

You did not offend his Id-Sol honour you throw a knife in his face and that kicked him in the balls. That gets one adrenaline going. But I will say this one thing. Feel free to go and press charges. I do think going with attempted murder is going a little far, but Ice could pretty clearly see it as that. Just be prepared for any fallout this could cause.
Re: [4th AASP] OOC Thread

If you read his internal monolog, the whole strangling incident is because of a perceived affront to his pride as an ID-SOL. Mixing IC and OOC knowledge, I know, but as an argument goes it's intended to demonstrates why military justice comes down hard on serious assault in the ranks and why the military in general emphasizes discipline, mental and physical.

I'm mostly worried about getting clotheslined by GM fiat here. Blowback is fine, I expect that Ice has pissed off Hardman's squad no matter what I do at this point, that's part and parcel of these things. But I don't want to do something that a) will get swept under the rug out of hand because it doesn't mesh with the GM's plotline and make Ice look like an idiot and b) is something that Ice would know isn't kosher to SMDIN military justice. I'm asking you this as a GM, but what would be the proper term from Assault with Intent in this case? Her precise wording to the MP would be 'this fucker tried to choke me to death, these guys are witnesses' or words to that effect, but I want to know the if there's a point here between a 'normal' brawl and actual unambiguous attempted murder.
Re: [4th AASP] OOC Thread

I get your point and I am not flat-lining you here. I can't speak for Sigma, but I think this would surely get into some sort of investigation. BUT. Remember one fact. People don't know what is going on in Linzer's head, people saw Ice attack him first so technically he was defending himself, also this is fiction. Settles like this are usualy resolved internally unless it is serious matter. Butch stopped Linzer, Hardman was also there to keep an eye. Neps brawl all the time. If Ice would be choked too long, Hardman could stop Linzer any time he wanted.

Anyway what I try to say here is, that I think you take this way too much seriously. Read what Kokuten posted again, sure it was mostly humour, but that set of mindset does rung though Nepleslia a lot. If you want and Sigma will be okay with it go ahead and press charges or something. But anything can happen. Linzer might be jailed, so might Ice or the officer investigation just might ask if she is serious wasting his bloody time with something so trivial.
Re: [4th AASP] OOC Thread

Like I said, I get that brawling is a normal part of Nepleslain culture. If Linzer had just decked her and laid her out on the deck, that's a normal outcome. It's not one that I'd like, for reason I've already laid out to Sigma in private, but it's one that I'd be able to let lie. It's the nature of the attack, coupled with the combination of Ice's natural desire for revenge and my desire not to go full Vietnam in how I have her react to it that's motivating this. You have to admit that an ID-SOL choking out someone a third of his size is a bit of an extreme reaction, even if he had something thrown at him.

Ice has a line that she can use when questioned about why she started a fight with Linzer (she was attempting to come to Sergei's aid since the kid was hopelessly outmatched. Remember that her perspective on Nepleslian culture comes from the most desperate, very rock bottom segment of it. She was told that she was supposed to look out for her comrades, Sergei is going to the same unit as she is, and she just doesn't get the nuances of Nepleslian marine culture.). Besides, Hardman had buggered off to hunt down Suzuki so as far as anyone in the locker room knew there were no officers, commissioned otherwise, to defuse anything. I'll take investigation and possible ridicule (hell, a week in the brig is still a step up from pretty much any given point in her life in the previous eight years), so long as it doesn't get tossed aside for no reason.
Re: [4th AASP] OOC Thread

Do what you think is best. Think of all the detail and read the scene again. Think of how your character would feel and if you really think she would press charges then do so. That is in the end the best answer I can give you.

Also if you need to disscuss it more thoroughly come visit me on IRC.
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