Star Army

Star ArmyⓇ is a landmark of forum roleplaying. Opened in 2002, Star Army is like an internet clubhouse for people who love roleplaying, art, and worldbuilding. Anyone 18 or older may join for free. New members are welcome! Use the "Register" button below.

Note: This is a play-by-post RPG site. If you're looking for the tabletop miniatures wargame "5150: Star Army" instead, see Two Hour Wargames.

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  • 📅 July 2024 is YE 46.5 in the RP.

OOC 4th Fleet OOC Thread

Re: [4th AASP] OOC Thread

Since this is ther first time I have ever used a PA in RP, could someone explain to me how the loadout selection works? I am a bit confused as to what I need to equip.
Re: [4th AASP] OOC Thread

Well unless you NCO (non-commisioned officer aka sergeat, corporal etc.) states otherwise, you are pretty free with the load-out. As to what you can or cannot take into loadout depends on the Power Armour you get to use and will your officers let you take. Whenever not sure just have your character ask.

Possible loadouts are listed here so you can choose whatever is listed under your PA, sometimes even guns from different PAs.
Re: [4th AASP] OOC Thread

Now that I've punted three of my guys out of the Minutemen due to negligence or inactivity, I might need to borrow one from Phaedra's squad to even things out.

Can I have a volunteer? Remember, the minutemen are Outside, so this means that close-up roles are not advised!
Re: [4th AASP] OOC Thread

For Briefing II, I should still be waiting for Sigma to reply as Laura, right? There's a whole lot more text there since I looked at it before getting on the bus yesterday, but it looks like it's all for the other squad right now.
Re: [4th AASP] OOC Thread

... Why are there Aggressors taking HPARs? The point of an Aggressor is to put out heavy firepower in the forms of the AOP, Bulldog Mass Driver, and Kegbuster. They are not supposed to play at being Riflemen.
Re: [4th AASP] OOC Thread

hey, new here. was wandering if i can post at [Mission 5.4] Briefing II or if i have to do something else to get in?
Re: [4th AASP] OOC Thread


...Whoops. I'll edit my post! I'm really sorry about that.


Edit made. My apologies, Foxtrot, you'll need to edit your post as well.
Re: [4th AASP] OOC Thread

For all the new kids on the block, I'm going to lay this out on the OOC so that everyone is clear on the info.

Nina and Matthew will be joining Henry Morris' squad to replace a couple of inactive players.

Luke will be joining Phaedra Volkov's squad.

All three will be introduced as late arrival replacements who had been earmarked for Corporal Hawkins' squad (which was vaporized when the ship they were on exploded). As I intend to start combat right now, if you want to socialize, you might have to do it in a separate thread.

Squad leaders, I like the initiative you have both been taking. Keep it up.
Re: [4th AASP] OOC Thread

Okay, so if we are going into combat, can you answer my earlier question vis a vis the amount of grenades and demolitions equipment a Hostile can carry? I know that it won't be as useful in a mine as in a built up urban environment, but they should have some sort of use. Smoke grenades more than demolitions gear, since I expect there's going to be a lot of open ground to cross. But being able to blow your way around a strong point should be useful too. And if any of them run underground, well we can just leave the nekos and the squids to discuss the fine points of 'emergency rations' behind a few tons of rock. :twisted:
Re: [4th AASP] OOC Thread

Okay, so to make it clear before I post up I have following questions for Sigma and/or djmoose: Is an HPAR Master Set acceptable for a recruit, or do I have to show myself as not a waste of flesh to be issued one? Second, are demolition charges desirable? I raise the advantages of breaching charges over punching a hole in the wall here. Third: this is mostly for djmoose, if the HPAR MS is off the table, would you prefer a standard HPAR or a shotgun as Ice's longarm for this mission?
Re: [4th AASP] OOC Thread

Since this is a simulation, I'd say just go with the HPAR and some DARTS and ARROWS. The PAs can use their snakeskin to get close instead of using smoke grenades.
Re: [4th AASP] OOC Thread

No, I'm asking for the actual ground mission. I've already posted my loadout for the sim, since there's less impact from a cockup, letting it be a learning experience. Though I suppose that it works as advice for the ground assault too.

Also, my position on the smoke grenades is rapidly developing into one of redundancy with the existing stealth and jamming capabilities of the Hostile. I mostly bring it up because of the clusterfuck that was the head on assault in the mission just before I joined in. I don't have any particular interest in charging headlong into enemy fire, power armour or not.
Re: [4th AASP] OOC Thread

Oh I forgot to tell Lisa's loudout Sigma. She has vanilla VOID with HPAR. Set of DARTs and Set of Bolts for missiles.
Re: [4th AASP] OOC Thread

Alright, so I have my relatively vanilla combat load sorted out (Shotgun for the close quarters of the mine, Scout Drone and the other standard fixings, and a rack each of DARTs and ARROWs). The smoke grenade question is still unsettled, but I've got another question for djmoose: Do you want me to load out Ice with some improvised webbing and a couple of bricks of RX-33 and assorted detonators? Note this is for the mission drop, not the sim.
Re: [4th AASP] OOC Thread

When did that happen? I thought I was in Phaedra's squad. Is it best to put someone who's spec'ed for CQB stuff (Yeah, she's just had basic military training, but everything else about her character is all about getting up close and personal) into the overwatch squad?
Re: [4th AASP] OOC Thread

Centurion0507 said:
If you're Ice, then you're not in the mine, you're with the Minutemen and we're on perimeter defense duty.
To my knowledge Ice is still in the Cavaliers.
Kevyn said:
Alright, so I have my relatively vanilla combat load sorted out (Shotgun for the close quarters of the mine, Scout Drone and the other standard fixings, and a rack each of DARTs and ARROWs). The smoke grenade question is still unsettled, but I've got another question for djmoose: Do you want me to load out Ice with some improvised webbing and a couple of bricks of RX-33 and assorted detonators? Note this is for the mission drop, not the sim.
I don't actually see an issue with bringing smoke grenades, but I think they are primarily used while on foot. And typically most armored foes will have optics to see through smoke and other atmospheric effects.
As far as the RX-33, no. (Unless you want Phaedra to yell at you. :) )
We need to capture the mine intact, so no huge explosions. Huge explosions + underneath tons of rock = bad medicine.