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OOC 4th Fleet OOC Thread

After talking with DJMoose, there's not going to be a JP. Since it was an entirely optional thing, there's no penalization.
Sorry for the delay. Post incoming.

Sigma said:
After talking with DJMoose, there's not going to be a JP. Since it was an entirely optional thing, there's no penalization.
We could always do it later after completing the primary objective.
Say Cyborg (do you perfer Cyborg or DJ Moose, btw?), since it doesn't seem that it'll finish, can newbies at least get an idea of how that sim would have turned out assuming that we didn't cock up or distingish ourselves after the point where we left off?
<Grand Admiral Valken>: You failed. Cos I say so.
<Captain Ironside>: He can do that. He's a Grand Admiral.
Now, I'm sure it would be very hard to roll a smoke grenade into the Admiral's head, but I'm sure that it can be done...
Oh, and there is not a single chance in hell you will ever have me type or utter the word Hooah, other than as a derogatory term towards the army.
So... does that Neko speak enough Nepleslian to know why she's being threatened, or does she just think that, as blood thirsty barbarians, we're going to shoot her in the mouth because we all get off on murder?
Map updates and GM Posts to come soon. Working on them right now.

EDIT: I had to link the maps because they're bigger than 800 pixels.
Engagement Report. At the bottom.

EDIT: Realized that I didn't draw the doors to the various rooms. Just assume that they are locked steel double doors.
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