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OOC 4th Fleet OOC Thread

Just want to say I've almost finished with the last of my major, time consuming course work. Haven't had time to look at the main thread, but assuming that Ice hasn't been made to do something stupid since my last OOC post I'll be able to slip back in easily by the end of the week.
I shall finish up my GM posts tomorrow. There were some... matters of faction importance I had to address these past few days which prevented me from doing much for the plot.

Get your posts in if you haven't already. There was other stuff i wanted to say but... i'm blanking on it.
Just a heads up, I will be out of comms April 11th-20th for training for a job, I likely will have neither internet nor laptop with me for that time.
Centurion0507 said:
Just a heads up, I will be out of comms April 11th-20th for training for a job, I likely will have neither internet nor laptop with me for that time.
Sweet. Have fun.

4th Fleet is the best Nep plot ever?
Wasn't that obvious from the players we have?

I remembered what I wanted to say. After this round of GM posts, for your next posts, all players are allowed to write out the results of their actions and shots. This should help us speed things along by a notch. Nothing too implausible like "Sawyer just blew up the planet's core, killing everyone not in a sealed armor or vehicle!" This also means that you will need to react to what the others are posting more so than usual.

Also, I will be getting Wulfe dug out in my GM post. He was down there for too long. Getting intimate with his fellow stones.
Well played, Foxtrot.

Nothing too implausible like "Sawyer just blew up the planet's core, killing everyone not in a sealed armor or vehicle"

Aw, but that'd totally be the highlight of the mission!
Sent everyone a PM explaining what happened.

On the positive side, most players are now set to the 4th Fleet usergroup which means... I can change your user name color. I believe the restrictions are on green, blue and yellow since those are staff colors. Red is for banned people and teal is for newbies. I personally like Orange but I'm open to suggestions.
Please do not change everyone's name colors again. Only Staff, FMs, and GMs should have colored names.
Will get a Minutemen post up today. So sorry about that.

Also, I'm getting annoyed at having to call my tanks by just a letter and number. And I really don't like the idea of hover tanks being named after little mythical creatures like Sprites and Imps.

So. I am opening the floor to suggestions for the new codename. While popular submissions will certainly have a greater chance of winning me over, I'm going to hold onto final naming rights. The creator(s) of the chosen name will get a bunch of IC rewards for their 4th Fleet character(s). Alternately, if your character does not yet have a chibi, I will get one for you instead of the IC rewards.

Lastly, a reminder that even if I'm not reachable via IRC, I do check my Forum PMs multiple times a day. So that is actually a far more reliable way of getting my attention than the IRC.
Ah, cool.

As a complete aviation nerd, the first codenames that came to mind were Prowler and Growler. I'm not 100% sure if there's any overarching theme you'd like us to conform to (aside from avoiding anything obviously unfitting, like "Daisycakes Flufflecup the III"), so it's kind of a little difficult to think things up.

Other ideas that came to me are Vulcan, Hellraiser (though that might be a touch OTT), Spartan, and Dragon. Perhaps Gargoyle might work, too, or possibly Windstalker since it's a hover tank?

This is all off the top of my head, so I apologise if they're not what you're looking for.

Anyways, I'm working on a post now - I should have it up either tomorrow or the day after.
Take your pick:

War Pig
Big Willy
Large Marge
The Compensator
Big Baddaboom
The War Wizard
Fat Man
Here's my list:
  • HEM1-K5 Mobile Arms Platform, or 'Hemmy MAP'
  • AAV-K5 Meatgrinder (Armoured Assault Vehicle)
  • Tor Class MBT
I've come down sick with another bug. It's been leaving me rather short of energy and breath. Coughing all night too.

But keep those ideas coming.
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