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RP: YSS Eucharis [Mission 12.2] Interception

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YSS Eucharis Bridge

The Eucharis' golden-eyed captain took her place at the center of the ship's small command center and started activating the ship's systems while she waited for Ramiro to arrive and take over. A dull rumbling hum went through the ship as the aether engines came to life, glowing with teal fury. As the anti-gravity systems came online, the ship lifted several centimeters off the ground, although the rear cargo ramp was still open for boarding crew members.

Hanako took the opportunity to remove her hat and service dress coat, setting them by her chair.
Ramiro, back on board the Eucharis, entered the bridge only a minute or so after Hanako. Once there he bowed and took a seat in his normal duty station. "I'll take that off your hands Taisa." He brought up the space map and took over the task of starting up the ship. Once all of the systems of the ship were fully operational he set the prepped the Eucharis for launch and set it into standby. Swiveling around in his chair, he faced the Taisa.

"Orders ma'am?"
Yaichiro arrived in Engineering and signaled his presence and status to the bridge...everything was reading green, but he didn't like the fact that they only had field repairs and were going back into the fray. Oh well, nothing they couldn't manage...but he still sent a mass text to the crew who had participated in the contact.

All contact participants; we don't necessarily have time for full ST backups, but the Taisa had us record everything with our communicators.  Please have Charisma download the contents of your Communicators now to ensure a complete backup of the Gartagen Contact information/Q and A session and so we can send it to the Star Army before operations should the Taisa elect to do so.


Upon sending the message, he had Charisma connect to his communicator and do just that.
Junko dashed aboard the Eucharis, making a beeline for her quarters. She'd spent most of the time with the Gartagens silently watching. Without any of the aliens making any effort to speak to her, she had contentedly let her communicator record the various atmospheric conditions as she listened to the various conversations around her. The surprising order to return to the ship had been quite unexpected, but upon hearing it she had felt instantly more at ease. And emergency recall she knew how to deal with; that it helped her escape a diplomatic situation she had felt overwhelmed by was just icing on the cake.

Slipping through the hatch into her compartment, she peeled off her uniform and pulled on a more sensible EPJ. Spending a brief moment to check on her communicator as the Chusa had instructed, she finished dressing and charged off toward Engineering again.

In the Mainspace, she assumed her position in front of her console with a quick, “Sir,” in the direction of her superior and began double checking systems. Doubtless, Charisma and the Chusa both had watched the start-up sequence with eagle eyes, but running another check had yet to cause a system to fail and had caught a minor, unnoticed flaw many times.
Once aboard the Eucharis Sune made his way first to his cabin where he divested himself of the service coat and cap. He quickly stowed the in his locker along with the science and medical scanners. Securing the locker he swiftly made his way to the bridge.

Entering the bridge Sune said, "So much for a quiet diplomatic mission. What has prompted our rapid departure Taisa?" Crossing the bridge he took the science station. Entering his access code the station powered up in his dual operations configuration. He checked the ship status indicators and initiated sensor power up. Picking up the handset he dialed shipwide, "All hands report to the bridge when manned and ready."
After departing the Gartagen Banquet Hall along with the other crew-members of the the Eucharis, Reika made a very quick side trip to her cabin in order to change back into her working uniform. During the transition she followed Yaichiro-chusa's instructions to transfer her own verbal interchanges with the Gartagens to Charisma by using her communicator. Once properly attired for shipboard duties, Reika headed through the ships interior along the shortest route to the bridge.

Eucharis Bridge

Reika entered the bridge through the starboard isolation door and briefly examined the crew stations and their current occupants. This was the first time the SAINT operative had been inside the Eucharis' bridge, but through her memory of the Eucharis' physical specifications and layout, plus her star army training, Reika knew the different positions available and where they were located. Crossing to the center of the ships command nucleus where Ketsurui Hanako sat, Reika briefly addressed the ships captain.

"Reporting for duty, Taisa."

Because Reika was a new crew-member as well as a SAINT Operative, she didn't have any specific duties assigned to her aboard the ship yet during space missions or interplanetary operations. However, Reika knew her training and skill with assorted communications tech meant she could probably operate the ships mission ops / comms station if captain so ordered, though Reika was unsure if that station would normally be occupied by her senior in SAINT, Helen Klein, who was also similarly skilled with communications technology.
Takeyu dashed aboard, jumping onto the ramp and slowly his progress just a bit, he took one final look back at the Gartegans city and smiled weakly before running to his quarters to change into some more appropriate for his job.

Once he was dressed, he sent the information recorded in his communicator to Charisma for safe keeping. Then he quickly hightailed it to engineering and, upon entering, bowed respectfully to Yaichiro. "Good day Chusa," he then quickly took his seat at his console.

He brought it online, and started typing in a series of commands to bring up various systems information. "Wonder what is going on..." he asked both curiously, yet also, worriedly.

While waiting for Hanako to brief them on the mission, Sune was busy at his station. With the Systems and Safety Monitoring station slaved to his station, he was checking all tactical systems. Making note of any that were not operating at peak levels as a result of their engagement on the last mission.

The CFS system he was concerned was still problematic. It had been heavily damaged in the last mission, and only field repairs were possible. It was apparently working at near normal levels, but how would it hold up when full load was put on it.

Hanako got on the intercom so that the whole crew could hear as she gave Sune the situation: This is your captain. A force of Gartagens has engaged the NMX garrison in the Ether system, The NMX are sure to send a large force to respond. Our job is to engage that force and attempt to prevent it from reaching Ether and crushing the Gartagens. It is possible other nations may become involved but for now it will be both Star Army 1st Fleets versus the NMX force. This will be a large-scale space battle, so be ready for damage control. If you are not sure where to be, contact XO Sune. Set readiness condition 3 throughout the ship and prepare condition 1 and for liftoff. Hanako out.
Ramiro had been sitting back and waiting for the briefing to start. When the new guy walked in all he could think was, That was the one thing I liked about being planet side; no damned black-panels. He slouched a little bit, but jumped a little bit when the Taisa spoke over the PA system. He had been expecting an actual briefing, but I suppose he should have expected something less conventional out of Hanako.

Once the Taisa was done speaking Ramiro spun around to face his duty station and started working. Within moments Ramiro was responding with results. "Ketsurui-Taisa, systems are showing Readiness Condition 3. All areas are prepping for Condition 1." Ramiro opened the window with the space map that he had pulled up. "I've charted a course to Ether and prepped the hyperspace fold drive, it will be ready upon takeoff."
Armundo looked up from his dishwashing as the announcement blared over the radio. So, they were going into battle already ? He finishe drying the last of the dishes and putting it away, making sure all the doors and drawers were locked down nice and tight . Should he report in? What would he say exactly ?

" Taisa, all the knives are squared away !

He shook his head, that wouldn't work at all. Was the kitchen even on the checklist for that kind of thing ? That was something else, where in the world was the cook supposed to be during a space battle..somewhere other then the kitchen ? He pulled out his comm, sending a message to the XO asking that very question. He was ashamed to say that he forgot that bit of information. He knew he had to help with damage control, should that occur. But where was he supposed to be. He knew at least that he had to don his protective suit..but that was all the way in the men's changing room..still in his duffle bag.

"Well, might as well go get it." he murmured to himself, rushing from the kitchen towards the changing area.
Sune locked his station and went over to the damage control locker, he pulled out two AMES, brought one over to Hanako. "Here you go ma'am." he said handing one to Hanako.

"Valencia-Heisho, Tachihara-Santô Hei, get yourselves into an AMES immediately. Tachihara we do not need two SAINT personnel on the bridge, Klein-Shosa will take care of the bridge, your services will be needed on damage control." he said returning to his station. He then removed his gun belt and donned his suit. Once in the AMES he put his gun belt back on took his station and placed the helmet next to him.

Grabbing the handset Sune dialed the ship wide. "Attention all personnel, All non-engineering personnel should be in their AMES at this time. Engineering crew members should be in Engineering Protective Jumpsuits.

Soichiro, Tachihara, Takeda, Cherry you are assigned damage control duty. Grab a Portable Repair Kit and position yourselves in the recreation area on deck three. You'll be dispatched from there. Takeda-Heisho as ranking member of the Damage control team, you will dispatch and advise the teams as needed. That is all."

Sune turned around to face Hanako, "Taisa, I recommend that before we engage the enemy we seal our suits and vent all sections. That should help reduce the chance of fire."
Takeyu quickly donned the type 31 EPJ, and glanced over at Yaichiro before tossing him a suit as well from the damage control station. "Ships not even fully repaired and already we are back out to battle," he said though not in a complaining tone, but rather, in a curious tone.
Ramiro nodded towards Sune with a quick, "Aye Chui!" He then walked over to the locker and grabbed one of the suits, quickly putting it on before sitting back down in his chair. Doing another check of the ship, Ramiro spun around in his chair to face Hanako. "Taisa, it seems there are still several crew members not on board. "The logs shows that Kygra-Hei has not entered the ship from the mission. Also, it seems that Popodopoulus-Hei is unaccounted for as he never departed the ship for the First Contact mission, and hasn't reported in since we landed.
Yaichiro caught the suit, and started to put it on quickly...he did like Sune's preventitive orders, though he felt they could be supplemented with an extra detail as he put the suit on.

"That's the life we lead, Nayacesen-Heisho. Being one of the most decorated and famous ships means it's our job to do the unreasonable or impossible...not a complaint, merely how it works. In addition to the XO's orders, I want the hibachi's gas line turned off for the moment. Be sure to alert the cook. We've had enough trouble with that gas line to start doing that whenever we enter combat."
He nodded and went to work. He then leaned back in his chair before sending off a message to their resident cook.

Armundo-hei? Nayacesen-Heisho here, we are turning off the gasline to the Hibachi so that we don't risk having another fire erupt in there by the NMX. Just thought I'd warn in case you try to use it only to discover it has no gas.

With that he turned off the gas, then switched his attention over monitoring onboard systems. "Yea but doing the impossible can be rather enjoyable, then again, when you put your mind to it - nothing is impossible," he smiled.
As Ramiro was flipping through all of the systems on the ship he noticed that he gas had been turned off. Assuming it was to avoid explosions, Ramiro messaged down to Engineering.

Bridge to Engineering. I don't know if you brought this up, but I would recommend that you have the cook flush out what gas is left in the line. Even if it's turned off from the source, there may still be some left in the pipes and it could still cause fatal explosions. Once the gas is flushed out it should automatically vent out of the ship, and if not that can just be done manually.

Ramiro knew he had no authority over either of the two, but still thought it was best to voice his opinion. Avoiding the possibility of the ship blowing into more than just a few pieces seemed more important to him than avoiding upsetting his superiors.
"Yea.. that.. would be a good idea now would it," Takeyu shook his head at his own forgetfullness and mentally facepalmed. He typed in the required commands and started flushing the gas line of remaining vapors, he kept watchful eye on the status report, watching the gas levels drop in the pipes.
“Bridge, Takeda,” said Junko into her own handset as she stood up from her station. “Orders received, Chui.”

Her acknowledgment sent, she set down the handset and put her station into standby before heading to the damage control locker. She grabbed a portable repair kit and spent a moment packing what odds and ends she could fit into the backpack. Shouldering it, she turned and headed for the main hatch.

“Sir, Heisho; good luck.” Bowing her head to her colleagues, she slipped out into the passageway and took off for the recreation room. Arriving, she set the pack down straight-away and pulled out the laptop. A moment later, she had it open and activated; using its diagnostic software and opening a few volumetric displays, she had made her own impromptu damage control center. Satisfied, she sat back and waited for the rest of her ad-hoc team to arrive.
Once Sune finished issuing his instructions Reika immediately moved to comply with the orders. Like Valencia, she grabbed one of the AMES from the bridge lockers before making her way towards engineering where she could also grab a spare repair kit. Once she also had a kit, Reika continued onwards through the ships interior to Recreation.

Recreation Area

When Reika arrived she saw that Takeda-Ittô Heisho was already present and waiting for the rest of those assigned to damage control to assemble. The SAINT operative fell in next to Takeda, who was presently waiting for the others and Reika herself to arrive. Tachihara took a few moments to re-check the seals on her suit and confirm that she had put it on correctly.

EDIT: Fixed typo
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