Star Army

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RP: SSS Journeymen 3 [Mission 0] Overture


SARPaholic & Admin
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Convention Veteran
YSS Tensai, Wardroom

Captain Thomas Jameson sat at the table in the wardroom reviewing a collection of datapads before him. He looked up from table as he turned off the database.

"Sayuri, please notify the candidates for the Journeymen 3 team that I want them to report to the wardroom as soon as possible." he said in a clear voice.

"Certainly Captain Jameson." Sayuri's synthetic voice replied in a contralto voice.

"XO Soong reports that the last of the supplies are being brought on board at this moment. The Tenba are the last things to be loaded she reports." The AI continued.
Outside the Tensai

Sakura watched from the gangway, staring at what she perceived a beautifully crafted vessel and the one she would be serving on from this day forward. She was surprised that her mother let her go, being only a seventeen year old kid, she half expected her mother to keep her home.

She wasn't entirely sure to think, though she knew her mother was happy that would be out of harms way and wouldn't have to worry about her getting into the crosshairs of the NMX. Still, Sakura already had to wonder if she should've joined the military to get revenge, but then she realized that she would never make it. Science, exploration, that was her calling - not killing.

Sakura smiled when she received the message of needing to report to the Ward Room, and pushed off the rails and started walking into the ship. Along the way, she pondered if she'd see Raquel, a person she'd known for several years.


"Ummm," she looked around the hallway in an attempt to figure out which direction the Wardroom was. When she found those details, she stepped into the Zero-G passageway and headed to deck six. When she arrived she stepped off and looked around, before heading to the wardroom.

When she arrived she took in a deep breath and stepped inside, when she saw Jameson she had to think about what to say and remember her training a bit. "Um... Yikateme Sakura, reporting as ordered..." she said, though the tone of her voice spoke of her shear nervousness.

Captain Jameson smiled when Sakura dashed into the room and did a fair approximation of a military style report. He looked at the blue haired female that looks like a Neko but was a Minkan by her service record. His green eyes twinkled in his amusement. He stood and smoothed his salt and pepper hair.

"Yikateme-San, the Tensai like all SSS Tansaku's is is a civilian ship. Simple courtesy is sufficient. Unless we are having a ceremony.

Please help yourself to something to drink from the nook in the corner. There is a variety of soft drinks and the comfort module has a variety of teas and coffees.

Sayuri has informed me that several of your fellow crewmen are en-route." he said crossing the bamboo floor to reach the nook. He selected a Chai tea from the comfort module and once the cup was full picked it up and savored the fragrance.

Deck 4

Raquel had been in her newly assigned cabin on deck four when the summons was relayed by the ship's AI. She stuffed her bags into one of the available lockers and secured it. Having studied the Tansaku design when her parents left on one, she knew the quickest way to get to the wardroom from her cabin.

As she approached the corridor that lead to the room, she had a bit of a surprise. A very familiar face streaked by the intersection. Sakura... she's on board? I wonder how that happened. she thought.

She paused at the door and made sure her Tanken uniform was neat. Raquel entered the room saw her friend and the Captain who was standing at the nook.

She approached the Captain, "Science Trainee Stewart, it is a pleasure to finally get to meet you sir." she said, then turned her head to Sakura, "Hello Sakura-San I must say I am surprised to see you."
Alice was in her assigned room studying medical journal from renowned surgeon from planet Hanako. She found it pretty interesting, though she still did not understand some of the things in it. It was meant for doctors and surgeons, not for medics like she was. It was still interesting read. When her communicator beeped, she sat up on her bed and reached for it. Captain Jameson was calling her to wardroom. She wondered what he could want as she stood up and started putting on her pants. She then strapped on her belt with her Migen pistol holstered. Her number one rule right now was never leave without gun after all.

She walked outside and made for the wardroom. Just a short walk and she was already walking inside. There she could see two girls and Captain Jameson. Alice herself had her blue sleeve-less t-shirt on. Since she was not in the military no more, she started growing her hair again. Right now it looked like slightly longer bobcut.

"You called for me Mr. Jameson?" She said as she walked in and gave each girl a nod of greetings.
Chikai was in the shuttle bay of the Tensai. He was watching the support personnel loading the largest cargo the science ship would carry. They were loading the second of four Tenba-Class Transporters. He had spent several hours going over the system specifications for the ship. Of course every since their rescue from Mayer Station, he had been trying to catch up on technology, and once in the SSS to become familiar with their vehicles since he was expected to maintain them.

Number three was coming in via the crane and he could see the registration YX-C3-0101 on the hull. His communicator beeped and he looked. The Captain wanted him in the wardroom. This must be about my assignment, he said he would contact me later today. he thought.

He put a hand on the shoulder of one of the cargo loaders. "Be careful with that, you scratch the paint and I'll have Captain Jameson take it out of your pay." he said with a chuckle.


Moving through the ship he thought briefly about the one other crew member of the ship that he really knew. He wondered how Alice was adjusting. He also considered talking to her privately about getting something to help him sleep. He walked up to the door to the wardroom and stepped in. He recognized the Captain immediately. Then at the three females. Damn, if this is the team I am so out numbered by estrogen. he thought.

"You sent for me Captain Jameson?" he said.
Thomas looked at Alice, "Actually I sent for a number of people including you Ms Mason. Please get yourself something to drink and have a seat." he said with a smile as he talked towards the other end of the table.

Upon seeing Chikai he placed his cup on the table. "Yes, Mr Kenshin, I requested your presence here as well. As I just told your former colleague; please feel free to get something to drink from the nook and I will start momentarily." he said and then took his seat.

He sipped his Chai team and looked at the four members of his crew who stood before him. A very interesting mix I will say that much. he thought.
Sakura gave a nervous nod, she was to used to military style having lived in a military home. "T-t-thank you sir," she said, it was then that she heard a familiar voice and turned to see Raquel standiing there.

"R-Raquel-san! I...err.. didn't expect to see you.. I mean.. umm," she was all nerves and, after taking in a deep breath, finally managed at least some kind of compusure and said. "It's good to see you again, I'm glad we'll be on the same ship," though it was still plain to see that she was nervous.
Alice was just getting herself a cup of coffee when Kenshin walked in. It cast a smile on her face. She always liked to see him. He was good friend and someone she could rely on. She waited for Jameson to stop talking before she walked to Kenshin.

"Hi there," she said to him. "Good to see you here! Haven't seen you in a while, too busy with my new duties. I hope this will change soon. How are you doing?"
Jameson tapped the display controls on the conference table and an image of the Tensai appeared. He was content to sit and watch the members get to know each other.


"Well, this is a pleasant surprise for me as well Sakura-chan. I guess we can catch up after the meeting." Raquel said with a warm smile. She got herself a bottled water and took a seat on the side of the conference table.


Chikai took a moment before answering Alice. "I know what you mean. Been spending a lot of time with technical manuals to catch up on all the new equipment. Otherwise I'm doing okay, some days are better than others." he replied.
Kage had just arrived at the Tensai and immediately headed to the captain's office. Only thing was that he did not know where he was going. Great, my first assignment to serve Yamatai and I get lost. It is a wonder how I got here in the first place. He thought to himself. After a few moments, he decided to ask the ship's AI where the captain was located. "Excuse me, ship AI? I am a bit lost and I need some directions to the captain's location." Kage said noticing that he was in a particularly lonely part of the ship.
"Hello Minato-San, my proper name is Sayuri." the MEGAMI replied. "Captain Jameson is currently in the wardroom which is on Deck 1. You are currently on deck six near the fabrication area." Kage's communicator signaled it just received a message.

"I have downloaded directions to your communicator. After your meeting with the Captain I suggest you familiarize yourself with the interior of the Tensai." She continued.
Alice nodded. She knew what he meant exactly. It was clearly great to be back in civilian life. To just enjoy herself and do some normal work. But her past was still haunting her. Young medic had nightmares every other night and she already noticed the growing paranoia in herself. Being armed even now, was clear showing of that. She knew about this, but she still took the gun anyway.

"I know what you mean Kenshin." She told him and her smile left her face. She looke a little sadder as she held up her cup of coffee. "I am now happy even for such a small thing like this coffee. After that, everything looks bright now. And I am looking forward to my first mission on Journeyman."
Kage checked his communicator and nodded. "Sorry about that Sayuri-san. Thanks for the help." Kage said, unsure of whether to add the -san to the AI's name but doing it just to be sure. He then headed on his way, deciding to familiarize himself with the ship as he went to see the captain. "By the way Sayuri-san, are their other crew on board right now?" He asked after a few moments of silence, noting that he was passing the engineering section at the moment.
Chikai looked a bit closer at Alice and noted the UOC sidearm on her hip. "Well, if you like after the briefing we can catch up." He replied grabbed a bottled water and took a seat.


Sayuri replied, "There is no need to apologize, I was only introducing myself. Currently only the senior crew members are aboard. The rest of the crew is being screened by medical."
"Oh, ok but since you have a name, I shall treat you like a person even if you are an AI. Resepct is due no matter what, at least that is what my parents taught me." Kage said. "Thanks for the information Sayuri-san. I better get going and report in."

After checking the map and wandering for a bit he arrived at the Wardroom. He debated whether he should enter the Wardroom or not so he stood outside in the hall and announced himself. "Minato Kage reporting as ordered captain." He said and waited for permission to enter.
Alice felt much better with Kenshin being here. She was not all alone now, when she had someone she could trust completely with her. Kenshin lived through same thing she did. She could trust him.

"Yes I would like that very much," she answered with soft smile, but before she could continue another crew-member came in and reported to Cpt. Jameson. Alice wondered if he was last man to come, since that would mean Briefing was about to start.
Thomas turned to the door way, "Ah... Mister Minato, good I see you found your way up to the wardroom. Please grab yourself something to drink from the nook over there and take a seat. With you here I can start our briefing."

The Captain looked around at the others gathered. Definitely a diverse group of people. But then that is what the program needs. Just wish we had a few more for the team. But there is still time for personnel to find us a few extras.

"While Mr Minato gets settle let me start by saying congratulations. You folks have been selected from the ranks of the SSS to participate in an experimental program.

You have all been selected as candidates for the Journeymen program, and are going to part of Team 3. Let me give you a bit of brackground.

The SSS has a limited number of Tansaku-Class Science Ships. And well they are not exactly cheap to acquire. We have operations on multiple planets, here in the Sakai cluster, the Ronica area, and even in Gartagen space. A good number of ships are also currently assisting with transferring food from Daichi to Yamatai. So the management came to a decision that we needed a new plan or we would have to stop some of our operations.

They chose to have us establish several small teams and have them operate from a new ship the Tensai. You will perform a wide range of missions, from resupplying and checking on expeditions, to conducting experiments and deploying equipment. The advantage is with four teams and each of you having a Tenba Transporter for transportation, we can attend to more items at the same time."

He paused for a moment and took a sip out of his cup of tea.

He sent a command to Sayuri and the hologram showed a Tenba floating in mid air. "This is the Tenba, one of the largest aerospace craft. She not quite a starship, but she can do most of the things a ship can do. The YX-C3-0101 is the one assigned to you folks. Currently it is equipped with a GS-E1-M3405 Extended Duration (MCS) which gives it additional sleeping facilities and amenities. When you are not on the Tensai that will be your home.

I've decided that since you folks will be working from the YX-C3-0101 and living on it from time to time. That you should have the privilege of
naming it. That will be one of your first tasks.

Any questions so far?" He asked.
Kage went into the wardroom and grabbed a bottle of green tea and sat down. "I am just wondering, how do we get our assignments? Are they assigned to us by the SSS or the Star army?" Kage asked, curious as to how things work.
Thomas smiled, "That's an easy one. Whose symbol is on our patches? We are the SSS, our orders come from the SSS. We work with the SAOY but normally it involves our coming to a planet they discovered to do an in-depth investigation.

We are not the military, while our ships are armed. That is for defense. In the history of the SSS only four ships have ever been involved in actual combat. At the outbreak of this war, the Tansaku, Tankyuu, Saiensu, and Kagaku were starting an Expedition on Takara in the UX-27 system. They received orders to head for the nearest safe port. They headed for the KMS for shelter and flew into the battle for UX-25. They hooked up with the 1XF Seventh Squadron the YSS Aeon commanding. The two groups worked together to help keep each other alive.

So, I hope that answers your question sufficiently."
A little bit before the meeting

"Yep!" Sakura said cheerfully as she watched her old friend Raquel.

Nervously, Sakura grabbed herself some juice and then took a seat at the table, she listened for awhile, then when the briefing started, listened some more. She was glad that, at least from the sounds of things, there'd be more combat to speak of.

Though she had an inkling to ask a question, she wasn't sure if it was a good time to ask.