Star Army

Star ArmyⓇ is a landmark of forum roleplaying. Opened in 2002, Star Army is like an internet clubhouse for people who love roleplaying, art, and worldbuilding. Anyone 18 or older may join for free. New members are welcome! Use the "Register" button below.

Note: This is a play-by-post RPG site. If you're looking for the tabletop miniatures wargame "5150: Star Army" instead, see Two Hour Wargames.

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RP: SSS Journeymen 3 [Mission 0] Overture

Sakura smiled weakly at her friends attempts at comfort, but it was had worked, it cheered her up a bit. "My mother might not have been happy, but she was still understanding," she said wilst looking at the hand on her shoulder. "And, atleast being here, I can do what I love doing - and that's exploring the unknown, and helping others," the weaksmile broadened a bit. "I'm glad your here."

She then looked at Mason, pondering how to actually speak to her was going to be difficult as she always had problems talking with others with the exceptionof Raquel whom she had known for a number of years.
"Yeah, I have got some work to do as well. But for now I guess that we enjoy our time that we have left as free men and women. I get the feeling that we are going to be real busy, real fast." Kage said to Chikai. "So what do you like to do for fun?"
Chikai paused to think, having fun was something he was working on getting used to.

"I am sure that Captain Jameson will find plenty of assignments. I doubt they hire people to just have them sitting around doing nothing." He said with a grin.

"As for fun, well, it depends on where I am and what is available. I enjoy a good card game, trance music. I like running. I used to compete back in school. Now I just like it to clear my mind, when possible outside along trails.

What about you?"
"I like to play video games and some card games. I am not good at either one but I have fun." Kage said to Chiaki. "What do you think of the captain so far? He seems like a person who has got his head on straight."
Chikai smiled, "I've known a few. I would say Captain Jameson ranks up there with the good ones. Time will tell." He check his communicator to see what tasks he had.

"So you are Security? What experience have you had prior to this assignment?" he asked.


When Alice and the other ladies entered the Medical Center, the found a spacious area. There were three beds in the middle of the room. The one of the far right was an Ke-J1-E3102 -ABMU. Across the room there were four examination rooms. The Tensai's CMO Dr Mori, was treating a black haired male for a burn on his arm.

"Greetings ladies. If you need me I'll be with you in after I tend to this patient." he called out. "Been a lot of simple accidents as people are hurrying to get the ship ready."
"I have had training but not much practical experience yet but I was born into a fairly well to do family so I haven't had the need for a job like this. I have always wanted to serve though, because I owe Yamtai a great deal. I guess that you could say that I am a newly minted security officer." Kage said with a bit of a sheepish grin. "I was going to join the Star Army as infantry but I wasn't qualified for that. I decided that I still wanted to serve Yamatai and her people so I trained up as a security officer."

He remembered the argument that he had with his family. They didn't want him anywhere near the combat or the NMX for that matter and they weren't going to take no for an answer. He eventually talked them into letting him join but he found out that he wasn't quite qualified for the Star Army. He took a look around for other jobs and decided that he would join the SSS as a security officer so that he could serve Yamatai until such time that he could retire and open a resturant.
"Nice looking bay," remarked Sakura as she looked around and nodded at it's design. Then, she looked toward Mori. "Need any help?" she asked.
Med Center

Raquel had been silent after hearing her friend. She felt bad for her friend, and felt that she had somehow failed her. She was off at training when the attack happened and was not able to get to her.

When the Doctor called out she looked at Alice and Sakura. Before she could say something to her friend, Sakura spoke to the CMO.

"Well if you want to be useful, grab me a container of liquid bandage. My nurse left to get some other supplies." Edward replied.
"Hello Doctor," Alice greeted Dr. Mori. She was actually looking forward to meeting doctor of this ship, especially since she wanted to ask him, if he could help her with learning. Becoming doctor is not easy.

"We are here for check-up really. Do you want to do it yourself when you are done with the patient?" She said, checking med-bay with her eyes looking for storage of liquid bandages. She wanted to let Sakura fetch it, but she wanted to be able to help if needed.
Medical Center

Across the room was an open cabinet. Medical supplies could be seen on the shelves within. Including the tubes of liquid bandage. Elsewhere in the room there was a variety of Medical equipment and supplies. A charging station with several PMS-1C Medical Scanners. In the corner was an Emrys Portable Cellular Spray Unit.

Raquel took a wait and see approach. She had no problem with doctors, but she did have a preference for the gender of her doctor. So she waited to see if Alice was going to perform their exams or defer to the CMO.


Chikai listened to Kage. He knew he was only a few years older that the man in front of him. But the events of Mayer Station made him feel much older.

"Don't worry about it. Everyone was green one day. But if you remember your training and keep your wits about you. I am sure you will do fine. Besides, if you're lucky it will be a while before you have to worry about security. From what I've heard, most of the SSS sites are rather remote." He said to Kage.
"Of course Doctor," responded Sakura as she walked over to the counter and looked around, for a moment she tried to remember what liquad bandages were stored in, then realized that they were in tubes.

When she found them, she turned and over to where the CMO was. "Here ya go Doctor," she said, handing off the tubes.
"Yeah. I just hope it is as easy as you say it is. With all that I heard about the NMX and such I have a feeling it isn't going to be easy." Kage said. "So how did you get here? If it is a touchy subject you don't have to answer but I was just curious." Kage didn't want him to be scared off by his question so if he didn't want to answer he wasn't going to press the issue.
The CMO took the proffered tubes. "Thank you, if you want to get ready for your exam, kindly go into one of the examination rooms over there. Strip down to your underwear and put on one of the smocks. I or my assistant will be with your shortly. Or you stand here and watch me treat this technician. Your decision." He said with a smile.


"It is a long story, and much of it I would prefer to forget. But to summarize it. I was in the UOC Peacekeepers at the start of the war. Our base was occupied and Mason-San and I along with a others in our unit fought a guerrilla campaign against the NMX while trying to protect the civilians we rescued." Chikai paused for a moment.

"Once we were rescued from there by an Yamataian warship, I decided that I had enough of being a soldier. I was ready to do something constructive. The SSS and being out here on the frontier seemed the ideal place to start over." he said. "Sadly when I joined the UOC it was with the intention of exploring." He said.
Sakura gave a weary smile to Raquel, her mind was still bit racing with a few things, though she intended to tell her about what happened during the Battle of Yamatai, she just had to get her thoughts straightened out first.

She nodded at the CMO and headed into the Examination Room where she undressed and put on a smock.
Alice thought it was right for Doctor Mori to do the check-up. She wanted to learn from him. That did not meant she will just stand-by while he does all the work. Alice waited for Sakura to change and meanwhile prepared everything that would be needed for a check-up. Hand-held medical scanner, good old stethoscope and syringe for blood test. She knew even simple check-up like this needs to be done properly.

"Are you nervous?" She asked Sakura, while she was working.
Medical Center

The CMO completed his treatment of the burned crew member. "Take care of the injury, and avoid touching anymore hot items." he said with a smile.

He picked up the supplies that he had used and put the unused items in the cabinet. The used items he placed in the disposal unit. He then walked over to the sink and washed his hands.

"I will be right there. What are your names?" he called out in a warm friendly voice.
"Last time I was in any kind of a medical facility, it wasn't for a check up..." was all Sakura said, waiting to see what would happen next. She fidgetted a bit with her gown, before her ears perked up a bit.

"Sakura, Yikateme Sakura," said Sakura in response to Mori's question.

Then, looking a bit down at the ground, she set up a telepathic link to Raquel and said. "I don't mean to appear to be ignoring you, I'm just.. getting used to things again, perhaps after our checkup, I can tell you about what happened.."
Kenshin looked at Kage. "Well I plan on making my way to medical. I figure once I get my physical out of the way. I can get to work on the Transporter. Have you figured out what kind of weapons to requsition?"


Edward picked up his datapad, and approached the examination room. "Miss Yikateme, one of our trainees. This will not take very long. Hmmm... I see you recently upgraded to the Minkan form. That means we will just need to get your base line." he said entering.

"You must be Miss Mason, the Captain says you want to learn to be a Doctor. A noble calling my dear, but one that ensures that you will never get enough sleep." he said chuckling. "Grab yourself a stethoscope. I will show you what to do, and your crew mate will serve as our test subject." he said patting Sakura's need in a fatherly fashion.

Raquel found herself a place to sit and wait. she pulled up her data pad and started reading one of the latest papers on Xeonbiology.
Sakura nervously rubbed the back of her head. "Base line?" she asked, trying to remember what it meant but still having problems getting things together.
Alice nodded and picked up a stethoscope. This was not her first dance, she knew how to use this at least. Though it was really some time since, she got to just to be nurse rather then medic treating gunwound, she still knew how to take blood, listen to the heart and lung or measure heart-rate.

"Well I do hope I will get to be called Doctor Mason one day and I would be glad for any help from you doctor." Alice told to the doctor and smiled. She did not move one letting the doctor to give her lecture if he wanted. Alice was a little out of practice with something like that after all.