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RP: Second Draconian War Act II - The Road to Draconis

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Act II, Scene I: A Storm's Beginnings

In high orbit over Cirios Prime...
N.S.S. Red Guard [Xeraux-class Command Cruiser]

"Excellent work, Lieutenant Commander," said Commodore Tetsuya Asasaki, a smile coming across his face as the Draconian X came onboard the Confederate command cruiser Red Guard. The three members of the Orion Team and the team led by Sergeant Kurosawa stood before the battle group commander at perfect attention. "Because of your excellent work down below, we now have three of the five Draconian X's in our possession. You will all be commended for your work today."

Asasaki walked up in front of Sergeant Saburo Kurosawa and handed him a red star patch. "Under the authority of the Confederation Strategic Command, you are hereby promoted to three-star elite status." Kurosawa took the patch with his left hand and saluted the commodore. He fought back the smile.

"Thank you, Commodore, sir."

Asasaki nodded and moved to Lieutenant Natsumi Rakuseki. He handed her a black sash with a scarlet trim with three stars at the top. "Under the authority of the Confederation Strategic Command, you are hereby promoted to the rank of Lieutenant Commander. "

Rakuseki gave the commodore a warm smile and Asasaki moved on to Specialist Ishmael Montoya, handing him a single red star.

"Under the authority of the Confederation Strategic Command, you are hereby promoted to elite status."

Montoya saluted the commodore and accepted his star.

Commodore Asasaki stopped before Qel'noran Lieutenant Uso Tasuki. "I have already sent a dispatch to your superiors about your exemplary service today and have requested that your service with this unit be extended indefinitely. For the duration of your service with this unit, I am giving you a battlefield commission as Ensign."

Asasaki turned to the other three special forces members. "Lieutenant Commander Hokusha, your unit is now designated as Red Team and will be given overall command authority. Lieutenant Commander Rakuseki, your unit is now designated as Blue Team. You will provide on-ship security for the X. The threat to this battle group is still very real and I want you all to remember that. In the event of an attack that threatens the security of this ship, you are to get the X to safety, or if necessary, destroy it."

"No sweat," replied Xero.

"Very well. Dismissed. We will begin clean-up operations now."


"Energy projection cannons 1 and 2 are charging, Commodore Asasaki," said Red, the DEIMOS avatar of the cruiser Red Guard.

Commodore Asasaki nodded, sitting in his chair and looking down at the planet below. It had taken the better part of two hours, but all of their marine forces had been recalled back to their home vessels. Whatever Jaaq'tah forces that remained were just left there. They couldn't escape the hell that was coming.

"Energy projection cannons 1 and 2 are fully charged, Commodore. Fire on your command."

Asasaki took one last look at the island where the complex existed. It would never be the same. "Fire."

The center of the two cannons turned red as the energy capacitors began their energy discharge. The red was suddenly erased in a tidal wave of blue-white energy that lanced from the weapons towards the planet below at the speed of light. The beams vaporized the initial points of impact and continued through the planet's crust for nearly three miles. On the surface, the heat wave vaporized everything within 75 miles of impact. The island's proximity to water caused a tremendous amount of the attack's energy to disperse into the atmosphere as steam, but the widespread evaporation of water affected nearly 1,000 square kilometers. The atmospheric shockwave expanded out for nearly three times that.

From space, the entire island was aglow with the sheer energy released. It would glow this way for over thirty-seven minutes.

"It is done, Commodore. The island is completely destroyed. The steam release caused by our attack will likely change the climate of the southern hemisphere of this planet for many decades to come; however, the ecology will not be severely damaged," said Red in a monotone voice.

Commodore Asasaki nodded. "Very well. Prepare for the trip to Draconis."


"Operation: Iron Gauntlet is complete," said General Kiyomeru Shotomaru, the deputy commander of the Nerimian Defense Initiative to the rest of the CONSTRACOM. "The Fifth X has been retrieved. However, we have some more pressing information to act upon. According to our intelligence operative sent on the mission, the guardians of the Draconian research facillities, the Sentinels, have gone active."

"What do you mean 'gone active'?" asked Nathan Rakuseki, the commander-in-chief.

"Apparently, the races of the Draconian League and Jaaq'tah Alliance have been targeted for complete obliteration," replied Shotomaru flatly.

"With what? How? There is no significant military presence other than the Draconian Alliance and the Jaaq'tah in this galaxy," retorted Rakuseki.

"That we know about," said Kage Xeraux, the strategic military director. Xeraux reclined in his chair, interlocking his fingers.

"Then I suggest we find out just what kind of threat these Sentinels pose, but I'll tell you one thing, I don't think mythic alien races are ones to bluff," said Cameron Blackblade, the defense minister of the Nerimian Confederation. His eyes moved over to the Special Forces chief, Alicia Clark.

"I'm on it," said Clark, standing up and leaving the room.


"The Humans have retrieved the X," said Asarael, the Jaaq'tah squadron commander. He had been laying in wait for the Humans to drop their guard. He couldn't defeat the superior unit with his own beleagured forces, but he had to try. A lightning strike against the core of the enemy force would be his best hope to at least deprive the NDI of their principal objective.

The fifteen vessels left in his unit moved towards the Confederate battle group with maximum stealth, approaching from underneath them at a snail's pace until they reached the outer edge of their engagement envelope. When the time was right, they would strike with the full force of their ships, punching through the defensive permiter of the battle group towards the capital ship -- the command cruiser, Red Guard.

"For the Emperor," said Asarael.

"FOR THE EMPEROR!" boomed the voices of the rest of his squadron.

Victory or death.


"Multiple contacts detected. All personnel to combat stations," said Red.

Asasaki's attentions were taken by the tactical holographic map brought up in front of his eyes. "So finally they make a last-ditch effort. All ships, fire at will!"

The 607th battle group sprang into action, with the four Sierra-Romeo destroyers moving into action first, volleying missiles into the enemy fleet grouping. The Jaaq'tah vessels continued forward through a hailstorm of firepower, holding their fire, but continually increasing their speed towards the Red Guard.

"They're heading right for this ship, Commodore Asasaki," said Red.

Asasaki frowned. "Then give them everything we've got -- full alpha strike. Bring to bear everything we've got on them."

The Red Guard came alive as its weapons systems began to go to their full charge but before it could answer, three red-orange streaks ran through the Jaaq'tah formation, followed by multiple explosions that marked the outright destruction of the unit.

"What the hell? Did one of our destroyers use their PSAs on them?" asked Asasaki to Red.

"No. Those were disturbances in the fabric that separates dimensions -- similar to the psionic storms of Vaishan frigates except much more potent. The energy levels I read there rivaled that of a Quantum Detonator, except concentrated in a much smaller area of effect."

Asasaki was about to respond when he saw a mammoth ship that displaced more mass than his entire battle group combined. This thing even dwarfed a Daishi. "What in the hell is that...?"

The ship was a massive elliptical disc, not bulky and blocky like any ship the Confederates had ever seen. It was nearly 44 kilometers in length and over 120 kilometers in total circumfrence. Before Asasaki, a holographic transmission showed up.

"We will allow you safe passage from this system, Humans, but only if you leave now. You have defiled one of the Empire's safeguarded worlds, but our retribution shall come soon enough."

It was the same amorphous blue mist that Kurosawa and the others had seen inside the complex.

"Who are you?"

"We are the Sentinels. For now, that is all you require. Leave this system. Now."

Asasaki was spooked, but he wasn't stupid enough to try fighting that thing. He just didn't know enough about its true power and he didn't want to throw his life away. "Engage hyperdrives."

"Hyperdrives engaged in," sounded off Red. The entire battlegroup stretched out for a split second before being pushed into hyperspace.
Major Justin Hayden was a shrewd individual; he didn't have the physical features one expected of the usually iron-faced NDI intelligence operates. He was only 5'9", which was below average for most adult males in the Confederation, weighed a paltry 140 pounds, and didn't appear to be athletic. But appearances were always deceiving. Hayden approached the Empress' Palace under the watchful eye of PANTHEON, the Star Army's equivalent of the Confederation's GoldenGate. "Hmm....interesting place. Kind of reminds me of the real Kyoto back on Earth....but.....without the freaky cat women."

The PANTHEON system made possible an increasing about of magic possible. It wasn't long before his escort appeared and teleported him to the entrance of the SAINT command room. The doors slid open with the hiss of a breaking airtight seal and before him stood the Emperor, head of SAINT, and the Empress, head of the government. "Welcome to the Empress' Palace," Uesu greeted the man.

Hayden looked Uesu up and down, sizing him up -- as was the common practice of most Humans. Hayden himself seemed pretty transparent in his mannerisms -- confident (though some would characterize this as arrogant) but cool in demeanor. "It's a pleasure. You must be the new head honcho." Hayden didn't think much of monarchs -- it was something Humanity had discarded nearly two centuries earlier.

Uesu frowned at the colloquialism, his arm gently wrapped around his wife's lower back. "I'm Uesu. This is my wife, Ayame."

Ayame smiled, "Charmed I'm sure..."

"I can see that," said Hayden, watching at how Uesu wrapped his arm around Ayame. On the outside, it looked like a simply display of affection, but Hayden read it as the Emperor marking his territory. Hayden showed a cocky grin. "I was sent here to inform you of some new developments in the Milky Way. So let's get down to business."

"Yes, certainly" Uesu urged him to continue.

Hayden reached into his jacket's inner pocket and removed a small remote control-like device, turning it on. The device projected a large 20 x 20 foot hologram to their right. It showed a full-size color image of a Sentinel side by side with a image of the dissected remains of one. "This is a Sentinel -- the guardians of the ancient Draconian facilities scattered across the Milky Way Galaxy. Like all other life, they are carbon-based life forms. This particular Sentinel has a more feral-type cognitive ability, which makes it excellent for combat but not much else. Regardless -- our intelligence operatives on Cirios have come into possession of some serious intelligence that we believe you might like to know."

"When our forces retrieved an ancient artifact of the world of Cirios, our infiltration unit had to square off against these Sentinels. Given their high degree of skill, they were able to survive, but upon contact with higher orders of the Sentinels, we've discovered that somewhere in the Milky Way -- a location we have yet to ascertain, there is a major Sentinel stronghold where they are assembling substantial numbers of military forces -- all with the intention of exterminating the Draconian Successor States."

A short girl with sky-blue hair walked into the room, and approached the table that separated the Imperial couple from the man. She was wearing a collar and dressed in a small, thin babydoll dress with a sheer white heart on the chest. White stockings covered her legs, and she carried a gold tray with a tea set on it. Setting it down, she began to serve the three hot tea.

The Empress took the tea from the girl, "Thank you Hinosami dear."

Uesu nodded appreciatively to the scantily-clad girl as he took his cup by the saucer. "Sir?" she raised her hand to get Hayden's attention.

Hayden looked from the hologram to the girl. "No, thank you. I'm not thirsty. Tea was never my cup of know what I mean."

The girl nodded and set his cup back on the tray, bowed to the Empress and Emperor, and then quietly left.

After a long pause, Uesu told Hayden, "The Yamatai Star Empire is still under threat of the Mishhuvurthyar. Just what amount of forces are we going to need to send to you to defend the Nerimian systems?"

"Intelligence assets are spread pretty thin dealing with the Northern and Southern offensives against the Jaaq'tah Alliance. Until we can be absolutely sure that the Sentinels pose us a threat, we can't commit serious forces to hunting for these Sentinels. What we are asking is help on the intelligence operation."

"And as promised, the our 1st XF will continue to help you battle the Mishhuvurthyar."
"Then what would you need for this operation?"

Ayame sat and listened quietly to the conversation as she sipped her tea.

"Alliance High Command is putting together a joint task force to probe the stars to hunt for the Sentinel stronghold. Vaishan farseers have narrowed down the location, but the Sentinels are adept at jamming our attempts at zeroing in on their exact location. If you could lend a dozen or so vessels -- preferably your scout destroyers, it would be greatly appreciated."

"We'd be happy to oblige," Uesu nodded. A handful of destroyers were no big deal. He wondered if the 3rd XF would be suitable.

"Perhaps the 3rd Expeditionary, they are however lacking a commander at this present time ever since I left the fleet." The Empress said gently to her husband.

"A final request -- Alliance High Command requests that all members of this 'Exploratory Corps' gain access to your 'Soul Transfer' system. Given the unknown nature of the enemy, losing some of the Alliance's best personnel is unacceptable."

"Isn't there a new head of diplomacy that's coming out of retirement?" Uesu asked Ayame. "I believe he was dead for a bit..." Then, to Hayden, "If they'll come aboard our ships to create backups, that will be fine."

"I was planning on having him work on the Elysian matter darling..." Ayame smiled at her husband sweetly.

Hayden turned off the hologram projector and extended it towards Uesu. "This contains all the biological data on the Sentinels that we've been able to gather. We haven't been able to understand, much less reverse-engineer their other technology as of yet, but we will share the pertinent data with you as soon as it is available."

"Oh, certainly," Uesu nodded to Ayame. "Any other ideas for commanders?" he asked; there was a shortage these days.

Ayame thought for a moment, "Perhaps Irim?"

"I don't want to put our best fleet away from us, dear."

"I was thinking of reassignment, but however if you dislike that idea I suggest you ask Yui."

"We'll have her find the right people," The Emperor nodded in agreement. It wasn't the government's job to stick its fingers in Yui's army, anyway.

At some point the girl slipped back in and took the holographic projector from Hayden. "Thank you, sir," she said quietly.

Hayden looked at the little girl oddly. For some reason, she spooked him.
"Will that be all?" Uesu asked.

"Yes," said Hayden, giving a respectful bow to the Emperor and Empress. "I must be going now."

The Emperor gave him a nod; there followed a flash of light and he was outside the palace again.
The first notion things were going wrong to the general personnel of the Qel'noran Industrial Sector was the strange cancellation of high ranking activities and the recall of all department heads to Ralfaris, the capitol of the Qel'noran Empire.

They were recalled to a specific place, a building nestled inside of a small forest of palm trees. This small forest was located more than 40 miles above the planet inside of a massive orbital helix station but that was irrelevant for the moment. A massive round table was set in the center of the complex followed by the darkening of the windows on all sides and activation of the white noise generators that would keep this conversation private.

Normally the department heads would each have their own ‘yellow jacket' standing near by acting as a personal secretary and care taker when needed. But today, in this meeting room, each was accompanied by three, with each girl representing an AI of QIS. The term yellow jacket came from the uniforms that the AI's used. In addition to the black slacks and tank top with embroidered QIS logo, rank, name, and serial number they wore a leather jacket that had yellow sleeves. .

"Just over an hour ago, Kitsune picked up the implosion of a star within the premonition system, Kitsune.â€
ON: High Orbit Above Vajra (4th Moon of Draconis Prime)

Two full-strength battle groups of Nerimian Confederation and Draconian Alliance Navy ships remained docked with the large orbital spacedocks that orbited the orange-reddish moon of Vajra, which was roughly half the size of Earth's moon. While it couldn't support life and the Confederation hadn't seen much point in terraforming it to do so, it was a main resupply depot for NDI and Draconian Alliance vessels.

Henry pressed down the button for the ship's intercom system. "Attention all hands. We will be conducting the TTD jump shortly. Grab onto something if you can." A few seconds later, after a brief loss of gravity aboard the Jade, the ship appeared at the edge of the destination system. The 3 Ayame cruisers were already waiting for him there.

The lead vessel of the Confederate reconnaissance task force was a Xeraux command cruiser by the name of Starchaser, bristling with hundreds of powerful weapons turrets and holding nearly 30,000 personnel inside of its mammoth hull. The commander of the vessel was Commodore Pedro Maya, a member of the newly formed 2nd Expeditionary Force of the NDI Spacy.

"Jade, you have the bridge," said Henry to the Avatar as he rose from his seat, as soon as the Jade docked with the Celia. By the time he arrived at the Celia's bridge, the 3 cruisers had already began moving toward Vajra. Each of the cruisers had a full complement of escort ships, which were currently docked, as they were in a friendly system.

As Henry's ships approached Vajra, their sensors would notice two Otomo destroyers de-cloaking above his flotilla. It was common protocol to have NDI vessels escort vessels to their destination.

Henry sat at the captain's chair of the Celia, waiting patiently for his ships to reach the moon's orbit. The Celia had been without a captain for some time now. Henry briefly wondered if the ship was cursed. Every high-ranking Nepleslian officer who had served aboard the ship was dead. Well, everyone but him.

The Starchaser hailed the lead Star Army ship and the image of Commodore Maya appeared before the Star Army commander. The commodore typified the image of a Confederate naval commander; tall, slim, physically fit, and with an aura of confidence that others construed as arrogance. He wore long black slacks with a black shirt tucked inside, the emblem of the NDI embroidered over the left breast. This was covered by a jacket with the commodore's rank-pin, skill ranking (1-star) and unit insignia. "Welcome to the Draconis System. I am Commodore Pedro Maya, 2nd Expeditionary Fleet."

Henry was in his white YSA uniform. His right eye was clearly cybernetic, and was quite chilling to look at for anyone who had not seen it before. "It's good to be here," replied Henry. "I am Taisho Henry Chen, Acting Fleet Admiral of Her Majesty's 3rd Expeditionary Fleet. I believe that you have a recon mission for us?"

"Yes, we wish for you to join the allied joint task force. Vaishan farseers have localized a 150 LY sphere of where the Sentinel stronghold is. Our mission is to find, and if possible, destroy it."

Henry raised an eyebrow. "I am not familiar with the species that you call Sentinel. My ships would be much more effective if you could transmit any information that you have on that species to our databanks. In any case, I have been ordered to render any help I could to your task force."

A burst transmission was sent to the Celia with all the data the Alliance had on the Sentinels. They were a highly advanced, carbon-based race that had a caste-like organizational structure. Only what was known as a Class A Sentinel was available on the biological data.

The databases aboard the 3 cruisers were immediately updated with the information. The engineers and the few scientists aboard the ships began thinking of ways of modifying the sensor and weapons systems to their advantage. "Thank you," said Henry to Pedro. "I believe that my ships are ready to begin the mission at any time."

"Very well. In my current battle force plans, we have designated the Star Army element as the reconnaissance screen. The Draconian Navy element will provide your immediate cover and serve as skirmishers and my unit will serve as the heavy combat unit."

"Sounds good to me," replied Henry. "My ships will move into position as soon as your fleet undocks."

The Sierra-Romeo destroyers of the NDI battle group opened up a series of wormholes underneath the task force attached to the docks. As each ship detached from the dock, they began to descend into the wormholes. "Very well, preparing for deployment to the Zeta Serpentis system."

Henry's ships slowly moved into position, and disappeared into the wormholes along with their NDI allies.


JP by: Derran (Pedro, NDI forces), Yangfan (Henry, YSA forces)
Undisclosed location – Milky Way Galaxy

"We are experiencing a high degree of electromagnetic interference – some of the highest levels I've ever recorded. Either that's a Tatsumaki frigate out there or we're dealing with a hostile enemy,â€
The swirling green-white star of Zeta Serpentis gave the usually jet-black starships of the NDI and Draconian Alliance a shimmering green glow as they drifted through empty space in a wall formation. "Starchaser to Celia -- our preliminary scans have revealed no hostile or alien contacts in system. We'll cover these two quadrants," he highlighted the left quadrants, "Feel free to cover these two."

"Celia, this is Tami Star Fortress. Repairs are currently underway from the Elysian attack. Everything's going to be okay here, Taisho," another transmission blurted in. The communications officer was off-duty at the moment and all the messages were apparently set to play as they were received so Henry wouldn't miss anything.

"Acknowledged, Starchaser," replied Henry, as he sipped some highly caffeinated beverage. The escort ships of the Celia have now detached from their mothership. Without even changing their course, the powerful sensors of the four escort Yuis began sweeping the right quadrants of the system. Henry then turned his attentions to the other message. He was glad that the repairs had begun on the rest of the 3rd XF. It was a slight comfort to know that the Celia would have a Star Fortress to return to once her mission was complete.

A Byakko carrier began to launch XF-14Es equipped with advanced sensor pods along with a sensor shuttle out to cover more area at a time. The remaining NDI vessels fanned out in their individual squadron-sized units, passive sensor scanning the area. Scalar differentialometer sensors of both groups began to pick up a high-density object hiding in the mass shadow of one of the rocky, barren moons of the system's fifth planet. A squadron of XF-14Es moved towards the object to further investigate.

Further communications traffic continued to ensue on the Celia's bridge. "Celia bridge, this is Muru Parasparta-Taisho, Grand Star Army 21st War Fleet. My fleet has been placed on standby to assist your mission if desired. Let us know if you need anything, preferably in advance. Parasparta out," a female voice announced. She sounded annoyed.

The sensor shuttle coordinating the fighter drone's reconnaissance effort sent a system-wide allied broadcast. "I'm receiving incredible levels of electromagnetic interference. "It's like a damned Tatsumaki is bearing down right on us with her ECM. But I can't get a bearing on anything." The transmission, however, was highly garbled, fading in and out of intelligibility throughout the duration of the transmission.

"Acknowledged, Taisho," replied Henry, as he viewed the scan results on the moon. "Be advised, we have detected heavy EMI in our local area. Stand by," he added.

Two Otomo destroyers -- the Grandsaber and Goldflame -- began to bear down on the shuttle's last known location, raising their own countermeasures. "We are looking at a heavy duty temporal distortion field, folks. I haven't seen one this powerful since the fleet exercises with the 45th last year," said the tactical action officer onboard the Starchaser.

A disheveled-looking neko in a gray uniform suddenly burst into the Celia's bridge. She took her seat at the Communication Officer's station. "Glad you could join us, Kioko," said Henry in a calm and level voice. "Sorry, sir," the girl replied in a low whisper.
Following the cue of their NDI allies, the four Yuis have all stopped scanning the rest of the system, and combined their sensor powers on the moon, looking for anything other than static caused by the EMI.

The Sierra-Romeo destroyer, Halberd, emerged from above the two smaller destroyers, the two forward frontal lobes on its bow starting to glow a faint orange as they emitted a tremendous load of psi to counteract the effects of the distortion field. Just as the field was starting to dissolve, two white beams tore through space, piercing cleanly through the Goldflame's starboard side. A few seconds passed after the destroyer was hit before explosions rippled down its side, culminating in a spectacular detonation of the once mighty Confederate warship. Before the Grandsaber's captain could even give another order, the ship lost power -- completely. The ship was surrounded by a glowing white field.

"We're under attack! Fire at will, I repeat, fire at will. N.S.S. Goldflame completely destroyed. All hands lost," said Commodore Pedro Maya, sitting up in his seat. "Distortion field is dissolving, prepare targeting solutions."

"Contact!" shouted Henry. "Be advised, 21st Fleet, the NDI just lost a destroyer! All hands of the Celia battlegroup, battle stations!"

"Attention crew, the ship has been placed at battlestations," Celia's voice calmly announced as the ship's computer automatically set off alert klaxons and put up the distortion shields to full capacity.

"Roger, Taisho, I am dispatching a division," Taisho Parasparta replied. "Standby."

As the distortion field dissolved four silver-white cruiser-sized vessels emerged. They were very long and very narrow -- much like a flying spear as they drifted through space. They focused on the Halberd, which was maneuvering around the enemy vessels, red-white beams tearing through space down towards the center-most cruiser -- its Hard Beams. The Hard Beams impacted with the ship's shields, tearing 50 meter wide holes in the shielding systems. This strike was followed up by a energy projection cannon blast. "This is Captain Fauria, requesting assistance immediately! I'm clearly outgunned here. It'll take another thirty seconds for my quantum detonator to charge!"

"Commodore Maya," Henry's voice came over on a secure channel, "we have a division on the way. But this is still your show here. How do you want to do this?"

Combat information filtered through the allied network quickly. NDI battle groups would converge on the enemy head on, while Draconian Alliance vessels would provide long-range fire support with torpedoes and psi attacks. "Flank them," he replied, sending them coordinate data that would put their ships above and below the enemy vessels. They were looking to surround the enemy detachment and systematically destroy them.

An excessively large force of starships began to appear roughly 100,000 miles to the rear of the 3rd XF ships. The 21st GF ships numbered a total of 405,500 ships all clustered around the massive Iori-class Star Fortress that served as their base. "Currently arriving," Taisho Parasparta sent the Celia. "Any data on their composition?"

The Halberd was reeling from consecutive hits from the Sentinel cruisers, only surviving because of its enhanced shielding capacity, but even that was starting to break down. Judging by the amount of firepower those cruisers possessed, they were merely playing with the destroyer. Meanwhile, the Grandsaber was under siege from within, as the crew of the vessel battled against an invading force of Sentinel troopers. But the vessel was cut off from all communications and was classified as KIA by the combat computers.

"Acknowledged," said Henry as he watched the coordinates being passed onto the 21st Fleet. "We got four enemy cruisers, using field-based weapons. The NDI has requested a flanking maneuver," he said in response to Taisho Parasparta.

"One hundred regiments, to above and below," Taisho Parasparta relayed to her fleet. The ships maneuvered to create a V-shaped zone of overlapping fire with the Sentinels' general location in the middle of it. It was very efficient, thus far...

Henry watched as the main view screen of the bridge showed the countless YSA ships close in on the Sentinel cruisers. The weapons of the Celia Battlegroup, of course, were hopelessly outclassed. The four escort Yuis now began diverting their sensor powers to the rest of the system, in the hopes of preventing any surprise attacks on the combined fleet of YSA and NDI warships.

The Sentinels were patient and as allied forces moved to surround them, they unleashed hell; slow-moving, arcing orbs of white began to rise up from the hulls of the cruisers, clearly expanding in circumference with every passing moment. The Draconian battle group began to volley anti-warship torpedoes into the fray, hoping to simply overwhelm the Sentinel units with numbers. The Sentinel cruisers proved highly-resilient to enemy fire, standard beam weapons either reflecting away completely or simply dispersing along the length of the cruiser's hull. These ships appeared to possess no shielding of any kind.

At the behest of the 21st Fleet's Taisho, the 2 groups of Star Army ships fired interlocking fields of Transposition Flux cannon fire. The effect wasn't subtle; the weapons were for literally tearing apart space-time in the area. Not every ship with a cannon fired because there was simply no need for overkill with such a weapon.

Henry watched with concern as the enemy cruisers deflected incoming NDI fire. There was not really anything further that he could do to help. He directed one of the Yuis to direct all of its sensor power onto one of the Sentinel cruisers, in the hopes of learning something about its armor composition.

The glowing white orbs suddenly burst as the 21st fired, hundreds of thousands of beams lancing through space at superluminal speeds, each seeking out an enemy vessel with incredible ferocity. Much like what happened to the Goldflame, these beams ignored virtually all-known shielding systems, putting enough energy into a target to pierce cleanly through, causing rampant depressurization followed by a spectacular explosion. Still, in the midst of transposition cannon fire, the Sentinel vessels evaporated in the ensuing chaos.

The 21st War Fleet's ships immediately began to effect repairs. A second wave of ships raced to replace the first ones, which had been saved largely by virtue of Zesuaium armor. External devices and pieces had been sheared away by the energy, leaving windows blown out, sensors dead, and seals broken. Most of the ships could be fixed in time, though. The first two groups hobbled their way back toward the Iori Star Fortress, some on fire, some being towed.

NDI vessels caught the brunt of the Sentinel onslaught, Sierra-Romeo vessels erecting psionic walls of defense around the allied fleets, which were inevitably punched through on the way to their targets, but ultimately dispersed a lot of the energy released before they reached their targets. Still, 55 vessels suffered total or crippling damage from the blasts. 45 ships were listed as KIA from the NDI while an additional 37 from the Draconian Alliance also were listed.

The Starchaser's port side was disfigured with a massive gash in its armor along the total length of the vessel. ".....send out rescue shuttles ASAP! Starchaser to Celia -- what is your units status?"

"Turrets 16 through 24 are lost," said the Starchaser's DEIMOS avatar. "Effecting repairs now. Deploying MACE troopers."

The 21st War Fleet's hoarde of scout ships eagerly searched for signs of additional targets while the initial group fell back to recover. Taisho Parasparta sent a transmission. "Everybody nominal?"

"We're fine. The bastards didn't even bother firing at us," replied Henry. "Rescue shuttles are en route from the Star Fortress. Stand by, Starchaser."

The Star Fortress deployed over a thousand small shuttles to go out and find survivors. Each carried a pilot and some crewman in a spacesuit whose job it was to get the victim aboard, then administer first aid. They hurried; time was precious in such matters.

The four Yuis continued to scour the system with their sensors, now looking for any remains of the enemy ships. The region hit by the Transposition Flux cannons, however, were going to be very uninteresting to scan for a very long time.

On the allied tactical screen, over 3,500 survival pods were sending out their beacons to the rescue vessels which were sent out to save them. Still, there weren't enough to grab them all, so XF-14s equipped with tractor beam pods were sent out to tow the pods back to friendly vessels. Meanwhile, Commodore Maya looked at the carnage. "What kind of weapon was that?!"

"It's similar to the new Orion D's main weapon system -- the Draconian Weapon. Obviously, because of the Sentinel's connection to the ancient Draconians, they have a far more advanced and tactical-use for it."

The DEIMOS avatar onboard the Starchaser continued to explain. "Their armor is a very high-grade of Xintium alloy -- compared to ours, I'm guessing this is several generations beyond what we've been able to produce. Regardless, it seems as if the Yamatai transposition weapons did them in."

After a minute or two, another 4000 shuttles were deployed from the Iori--it's remaining compliment--as all available pilots and medics got to the shuttlebays.

"The transposition cannons are not affected by armor, as they are based on destroying the space a ship is in rather than the enemy vessel itself," Taisho Muru Parasparta explained needlessly. "We generally try the 5th-dimensional beams first, but there is a history of this type of enemy being able to counter them. Our next option would have been anti-matter."

As salvage shuttles headed towards the disabled Goldflame, they expected to find a ship that had been totally devastated on the inside. As marine crews boarded the vessel, they were greeted to the sight of hundreds of Confederate crew members dead or dying along with the dead remains of some Sentinels. There was a single survivor, a shell-shocked marine with hundreds of spent 6.65mm shells surrounding him and a smoking E9 battle rifle. His Phalanx armor was severely damaged.

"Identify yourself, marine," said the marine leader, shining his light on the marine.

"Smith. Enlisted Private Three Trevor Smith," said the soldier, dropping the battle rifle and sighing.

"Any more survivors?" replied the marine leader, sweeping the area.

"Rivetti....he....." Smith clenched his teeth. Despite the amount of painkillers running through his system, he still felt the pain. "He went to get the Cap'n....but.....his IFF went gotta see if he's alive....."

"Taisho Chen, do you have any plans for my fleet?" the 21st War Fleet's Taisho asked.

"Take it easy, marine. We'll get your friend, but right now we gotta get you to the infirmary," said the marine leader. He pointed to two medics who moved in to secure Smith.

A report popped up on Henry's private viewscreen, showing that the four Yuis failed to detect any remnants of enemy forces within the system. "Is anyone else wondering about why four cruisers were stationed at a single moon in the middle of nowhere?" he asked Commodore Maya and Taisho Parasparta as he directed the Yuis to scan the moon where the EMI originated.

"They knew we were coming," replied Maya. "I'm getting reports from other advance units searching for the Sentinel stronghold that they've been attacked in the same manner."

Taisho Parasparta frowned. "I'll immediately distribute my other four divisions to render assistance." Of course, by now, that could be more of a mop-up.

"They must be probing our true fighting abilities," said the DEIMOS avatar. "They'll continue to engage us in these little skirmishes until we force them into an end game."
"Our presence has always slammed the scales down in your favor with the Jaaq'tah," Parasparta said. "We'll do the same with this enemy."

"What are your plans in the short term, Commodore Maya?" asked Henry. "We could be close to the mission objective by now, but many of our ships are in need of repairs, including your Starchaser."

"Hopefully," replied Maya, looking at another holographic screen with orders from the CONSTRACOM. The expression on his face changed dramatically. "...the Ninth's gone....." On their screens, a mammoth Sentinel mothership hovered over the remnants of the moon of Vajra. The remains of half a Suzaku dreadnought floated past the mothership.

JP by:
Wesley Davis
Derran Tyler
Yangfan Wang

"Star Army" is a trademark of Wesley M. Davis and
Commander Alicia Clark and Cameron Blackblade stood across from each other in a secured room, a holographic image separating them.

"The race we know as the ‘Sentinels' are a hunter-killer race designed specifically to destroy the races of the Draconian Sector,â€
"Hang on!" Yui's voice called out to the Nerimians. Over thirty point four million Nekovalkyrja starships arrived in the Draconis system. "As you Nerimians woud say," Yui smiled. "We got your back...ride or die!" The combined might of the no less than fifteen Nekovalkyrja War Fleets, each recently brought out of stasis, took the battle to the Sentinels. The sheer size and power was mind-boggling.

"We will take them in space. Can you concentrate on taking them on the ground? It appears you've already got your hands full enough!" Taisho Yui sent to CONSTRACOM. The 6th-20th Nekovalkyrja War Fleets and the 1st Expeditionary Fleet immediately launched billions of anti-starship power armor and Uriko torpedo bombers. The Star Army Fleets stayed spread out, some providing long-range heavy fire support, while others, such as the 6th and 7th War Fleets, positioned themselves between the planet and the Sentinel Starships. The idea was to cut off the reinforcements so that the Nerimians wouldn't have to deal with a constant stream of new Sentinels.

Nekovalkyrja trance music filled the airwaves. Trillions of Yamatai's women warriors cried out "Samurai!"

It was on now.
Part of the Sentinel forces broke off from the orbital operation to take the battle to the Star Army forces, despite being horrendously outnumbered, waded in the midst of the sea of Star Army vessels, silver-white effector beams tapping the barrier between universes to unleash tremendous waves of energy at the enemy ships, of which there were no shortage to fire at. Sentinel strike craft poured out by the billions, meeting the tidal wave of LAMIA and other mecha head on.

Some Nekovalkyrja ships were deluged with arcing waves of silver-white bolts that were designed to bring down the defenses of a vessel long enough to facillitate an all-out invasion of the targeted vessel by Sentinel troopers.

The Sentinel numbers began to multiply as the mothership, albeit damaged by the Faustus' kamikaze strike, began to warp in ever-increasing numbers of Sentinel vessels, which sought to hold off the maelstorm of Star Army vessels. The Sentinels began to create the slow-moving energy orbs that were effective against enemy forces in Zeta Serpentis, except now there were hundreds of millions arcing outward from their home vessels.

"It seems that they have found some very powerful and loyal allies," said one of the Sentinel commanders. "Perhaps we have underestimated the Humans' capacity."


Admiral Radiel Falco emerged on the other side of the system, hailing Taisho Yui. "The 56th Draconian Navy has arrived!" Half a million Draconian vessels raced towards the battle zone, shooting through a gap left by the Star Army, spreading out in a crescent-shaped formation to give battle to the enemy.

"For the Alliance! Forward!"


Cameron Blackblade pulled his sword from the abdomen from the armored hide of a Sentinel, whipping it around in a swift motion to remove its head.

"Unit Three, move forward! Four, cover them!" barked Cameron, donning light battle armor and the sword that marked his namesake.

He and a platoon of loyal Confederate militia were in the middle of Imperial City, the capital of Draconis Prime as the Sentinels lay seige to the entire planet. Intelligence reports told them that Sentinel troops were hitting every major military installation and population center on the planet simultaneously. That made it hard for them to concentrate their forces to defeat in detail.

A group of Sentinel troops began to advance on Blackblade's position, energy bolts flying all around the former commander-in-chief. Cameron held up his sword in defense, blue-white arcs of energy jumping from his body. "Alright....c'mon boys....CHARGE!!!"

Cameron rushed in like a madman, deflecting energy bolts with his sword, crashing directly into the center of the enemy. His suboordinates were in awe at the sheer ferocity and reckless abandon Cameron showed while in combat. This emboldened them and they overran the Sentinel position.

"It ain't over yet, boys. We're gonna reclaim this world inch by inch until it's over," said Cameron, standing over the dead body of a Sentinel.


Commander Alicia Clark had summoned every member of the Special Forces branch she could, bringing them together.

"Next to Earth, this is the most imporant planet in the Confederation, so I don't have to tell you how important victory today is to us!" said Clark, pacing in front of the battallion of troops before her.

"Operation: Diablo is in full effect. The CONSTRACOM has charged us with leading the final assault on the Sentinel mothership. Once there, you will find out the location of the Sentinel stronghold and destroy the vessel from within. Each individual team will be receiving its assignment shortly. Move out!"
"I really hate trance,â€
Beyond the sphere of conflict, and even further beyond the accumulation of QIS ships small points within the eternal curtain of darkness blossomed with small swirling vortexes before spewing forth five invariably large arachnid silhouettes which slipped into euclidean space arrayed in a flawless triangular configuration several hundred kilometres apart. Their mysterious forms had been artificially obscured by sophisticated tachyon distortion generators that disfigured realspace around them, thus casting an ambiguous quality to their true shape, and composition.

The five two-kilometre ships, each encompassed by a crimson red shroud, lingered in a seemingly dormant state as they observed the scenario before them yet taking a greater interest in the few ships beyond the sphere of conflict. Onboard databases revealed them with a QIS IFF, those encountered before in the Ad Infinatum universe.
"Interesting, Seems like those ships are back,â€
The complexity of technology observed on the exterior of the QIS Kitsune ships seemed more than attractive, since the primary objective of the neocron ships was to consume the technology of other advanced races, assembling the piece of technology from the sub-particle upward to their previous structure by matching them with trace temporal regression imprints of their former configuration. Past records indicated caution had to be employed in these circumstances.

Surely enough, four large fragments of the foremost arachnid vessel disassembled from their larger counterpart, billions of tiny replication units peeling apart from their mother to assemble into another four vessel several magnitudes smaller than their original configuration, each new vessel resembling smaller versions of the massive arachnid forms replete with their own shielding and tachyon distortion fields generated by each replication cell that the entire ship consisted of.

Inaugurating an unusual sense of ominous trepidation, the smaller four sleek ink black arachnids increased speed to incredible velocities towards the group of QIS reconnaissance frigates thanks to the artificial pseudo tunnelling generator within the cephalothorax segment which acts as both a STL and FTL system otherwise known as quantum tunnelling, a very subtle sort of probability drive that simulates the effects of a warp drive though rather than grossly violating reality with a jump of thousands of parsecs, the drive creates a probability field that essentially convinces all the elementary particles in its range to jump a uniform distance in one direction, rather than randomly quivering about. Thus, instead of appearing to remain located at the point of maximum probability, the entire mass translates a tiny distance typically just a few atom widths. However, it can perform this at varying speeds up to millions of times a second. If performed accurately enough, the ship effectively moves in a particular direction in real space at slower-than-light (slower translation time) or faster-than-light speeds (higher translation time), such translating ships possess a full view of real-space conditions, and can even interact with other ships by timing actions between jumps.

Annoying, but occasionally useful, are "probability ghosts." These ghostly images spread out around the vessel's future, present, and past locations, and show other possible courses that the ship could have taken. The four deadly arachnids proceed to encircle the group of QIS frigates while randomly firing off tachyon bursts towards them, this process would entail probing elements to assess the threat rating and capabilities of the QIS frigates.

[OOC: I used a significant amount of technical description in these first posts to explain the main technologies used by the neocron as i don't have sufficient time to compile a tech bio for the ascendancy.]
The disturbances in the area, along with the powerful fluctuations detected by Ixari long range sensors posted in this part of the universe, drew the attention of the Ixari flagship for the designated sector. The conflict was a point for analysis but the Ixari were more interested in filling the massive gaps of emptyness that were the annals composing the data logs about the Neocron Ascendancy. It was beleived such occurances exactly matched the conditions where elusive Neocron vessels have made themselves apparent in the past. One of the last events where the Neocron have been sighted was truly a close encounter, of more than a third kind. A lone Ixari Nemesis class vessel, now ludicrously obsolete, had ran itself into a 'live' and working Neocron vessel while investigating disturbances, movement and analysis of a Neocron wreck. The Nemesis vessel had been forced to flee amid fears that the Neocron would become hostile, their nature still unknown.

The very few beings that governed this part of Ixari surveylance decided that it would be beneficial to send a series of probes to the spoken area to gain an insight on the Neocron and the less concering current objective of gathering information on the nuisances that were the Qel'Noran Industrial Sector and another as of yet unknown race.

Arriving directly from a dimensional slip, cloaked amid tachyonic radiation and phase-dimensional cloaking technology, a single very sleek, rounded silver probe bearing adiquate sensory technology turned up near the disturbances. Scans commenced throughout the region.
"Wow, this is turning out to be a real party,â€
Because of their incomparably superior numbers and superior starships, the Nekovalkyrja were able to keep track of every bit of the battlefield in real-time, no matter how many new ships appeared. The Qel'noran ships were not a threat, but needed to be dealt with, as the Star Army's policies now included the systematic genocide of any non-Yamatai Qel'noran. A squadron-size element of Lamia M1 or Mindy M2 Anti-starship power armor would be more than enough, especially with a handful of starships to coordinate and back up their takedown. An Ayame-class cruiser and its escorts, as well as the tens of thousands of power armor under it and its escorts, was dispatched to rub out the embarrassing stain the QIS ships were on the battlefield. If the QIS ships had any sort of common sense, they'd leave the area while they still could; but then again, had they any common sense, the QIS ships wouldn't have approached such a large number of Yamatai military craft in the first place.

As for the (At least) two new forces that had come to also stamp out the Qel'noran and/or observe, the Star Army scanned them heavily, and sent them transmissions of "Greetings! An enemy of an enemy is our friend!" several times in all standard frequencies, protocols, and communications systems. No aggressive action was taken against the Neocron or Ixari.

The overwhelming majority of Star Army forces continued to eviscerate the Sentinels, who just couldn't put out enough firepower to even try to saturate the rotating fleets of the Nekovalkyrja. As soon as they'd significantly damage one ship, it would hobble away and another would take its place. While much of the combat was ship-to-ship, certain Sentinel vessels had been designated for "research" purposes and SARA Special Services teams were boarding them, even as Sentinel forces boarded several hundred Star Army ships in turn. Little wars raged on metal decks, as Power Armor and crewmembers engaged in wicked close-quarters combat.

And at some point, Taisho Yui and the first Expeditionary Fleet, having taken it's share of casualties already, slipped out of Ayenee Sector space and back to Yamatai, even though a couple of the ships were carrying Sentinel mecha aboard. She wanted to get back to the palace and to her new ship. This of course didn't really put a dent in the millions of warships that were doing what the Nekovalkyrja did best - winning.

By now the Sentinel invasion forces on Draconis were completely cut off from their ships in space, both in terms of reinforcements, and in communications, courtesy of the Nekovalkyrja scout ships. The Nerimians weren't off the hook yet, but it would help immensely. Trance music continued to play as the cat-eared amazons carried on their orgasmic frenzy of coordinated combat.
Draconis Prime

Despite being outnumbered by obscene numbers of Yamatai warships, the Sentinels never seemed to be out of the fight. In fact, if the Nekovalkyrja were paying close enough attention, they'd realize that for every Sentinel warship they brought down, another one appeared. It seemed as if no progress was being made against the alien invaders. Sentinel warships stepped up the intensity of their attacks, which mimicked ‘chain lightning' of sorts as silver-arcs of energy struck one Nekovalkyrja ship and leapt to the next one, and to the next one.

At the center of all this was the mammoth Sentinel mothership, which had a mass nearly half that of the moon Vajra. And while the remains of the N.S.S. Faustus stuck out of the side of the mothership, an obvious weakpoint for the Nekovalkyrja to focus upon. But the mothership remained steadfast, wading forward with a vanguard of hundreds of thousands of smaller, arrowhead-looking escorts surrounding it, projecting an impeachable defensive aura that even the fearsome Yamatai transposition cannons were powerless to penetrate.

However, the Nekovalkyrja had served their purpose. They served as the anvil against the incoming hammer that the 56th Draconian Navy represented.

Admiral Radiel Falco's fleets smashed against the Sentinel armada, scores upon scores of Vaishan frigates and Sierra-Romeo destroyers waging psionic-based warfare against the Sentinels. Psionic storms rolled around the perimeter of the armada while the more conventional vessels of the Draconians opened up with energy wave projection cannons and gravimetric pulse cannons.

"They are not going down,â€
Nekovalkyrja losses, despite the chaos, were surprisingly low, with some 40% of ships reporting damage. Of those, 70% reported their damage to be of a nature that did not majorly hinder their operation. The toll of lost vessels was about 2% of the force, roughly 600,000 ships. Most of the cat-eared girls seemed to be enjoying this, and non-encoded "taunt" channels had the airwaves full of whoops and shouts and giggles as more and more Sentinel ships fell to the war-bred Nekovalkyrja.

Their ships were already automatically adjusting their shields to consume the "chain lightning," while the emboldened crews pushed their technology to the limits by coordinating fire and distortion pulses to avoid enemy fire while still maintaining a furious shower of destruction. As the battle went on, the Nekovalkyrja became better and more efficient at taking down sentinel ships, nearing the point where they were nearly taking the ships down as fast as the enemy mothership could deliver them.

Positions were relayed to the Draconian Navy, and NDI Spacy forces to avoid friendly fire, giving a fair warning and some time. For a good fifteen seconds or so, every one of the nearly 29 million Nekovalkyrja starships fired their main guns and all secondary weapons simultaneously into the Sentinel mothership. Individually, or in dozens, the beams, designed to take out entire fleets, could perhaps be blocked...but 29 million? And, to top it off, these beams focused on the point at which the N.S.S. Faustus had impacted.

Billions upon billions of power armor raced towards the mothership for a followup attack that would send them though the hole and flood throughout the remains of the mothership's interior.
The Sentinel mothership strained against the Nekovalkyrja onslaught, space warping and bending, causing the mothership and her escorts to become encapsulated in a concave bubble of sorts at the point of impact. The point of impact itself was now glowing a vibrant purple and tendrils of electric-like energy began to spread out around several AU in every direction around the Sentinel armada, space warping and bending along each of the several hundred thousand of these violet arcs of energy, distances suddenly becoming dramatically shorter or longer depending on location. Energy blasts curved and raced in odd directions because of this, creating a maelstorm of energy where the Sentinel armada served as the nucleus.

" aether storm....but one unlike I've ever seen before..." said Admiral Radiel Falco, directing one of his task forces to withdraw. "It's like what the Humans call a hurricane."

Wild, raging violet bands of distorted space and energy swirled around where the Sentinel armada was situated, slowly contracting into a more centralized body. Every shot that was fired into it was simply consumed or added to the growing chaos. It wasn't yet clear if the Nekovalkyrja attack had done the Sentinels in or had damaged the space in the Draconis system so badly that the damage would never truly be assessed.


The colossal image of the Uriel loomed over the world of Draconis Prime in the meantime, filling the entire northern sky of the planet with its sheer size as it executed its first hyperspace jump in nearly a decade.

"Explain to me what in the hell is that," said Kage Xeraux over the allied communications channel. He of course, was referring to the massive aetheric storm that was growing every bit as luminous as the green-hued star of Draconis.

Xeraux directed his first priorties to Draconis itself, as thousands upon thousands of dropships began to descend towards the planet below, heralded by a precise orbital strike that blasted Sentinel positions off the planet and left the 1st Genyosha and 21st Black Hawk ATAC legions a place from which to launch their counterstrike from.

While his ATAC commanders prepared the operation to liberate Draconis itself, Xeraux prepared a naval strike against the Sentinels. However, Xeraux's instincts told him that the battle was far from finished.

"It's not over yet, Yui, Falco," said Xeraux with a strong resolve. "Be ready for anything."

"Draconian Weapon is 75 percent charged, Director Xeraux," said GoldenGate. "T-minus 7 minutes."

Xeraux nodded, assessing the tactical situation. The Yamatai had amassed an armada the size he'd only seen in the core of the Jaaq'tah Alliance -- which he had received reports that they, too, were under seige by a multi-pronged Sentinel assault. Ruzhyo's victories in the Galactic South had largely resulted from a full-scale Jaaq'tah retreat into their core where they battled the Sentinels for their home worlds of Kitana, Beta Lyrae, and of course, Sssla itself.

"Yui, I need you guys to serve as a vice grip -- when they come out of this aether storm, they're gonna be packing major heat. Keep them in place and keep hammering them. Falco, direct your entire force along the entire starboard length of the mothership and punch us a hole. We're going to take this mothership intact."


Starting Up...success!

Loading Autonomous Special Weapons System: FENRIR ...LOADED!


Authorization ID: 'GRAND PHOENIX'

Mission Profile: A-D-E-K....Confirmed!

The impossibly powerful coordinated assault's aftereffects were of a nature no one had seen before, and even GoldenGATE and KAMI weren't fully able to predict. The storm would in all likelihood leave the space around Draconis as what some referred to as a "subspace sandbar," where hyperpulse, hyperspace and CDD drives just didn't function, and where aether-based weapons and powerplants (Like Zero-Point Energy generators) would have to be left offline or risk serious damage from the fluctuations. Already the storm's effects were spreading, achieving the effect of an incredibly powerful interdictor device, and slowing combat down to subluminal speeds. Things got dirty fast.

Yui had copied herself; she had one body stay here to oversee the spectacle of horror the battle had become. From the vantage point of the YSS Kakitsubata II, a Chiharu-class flagship commanded by Shôshô Hino Yuka, Yui watched as the storm of destruction swallowed the Sentinel vessels and dragged the fighting into an inescapable deathmatch. There was no running away or calling reinforcements now; there was only victory or death.

Death, of course, would come for the Qel'noran, who should have left when they had the chance. Unable to escape or dodge by FTL means, they made easy targets, and within seconds of the interdicting effect of the storm, a group of about a thousand opportunistic Nekovalkyrja ships fired their main anti-fleet weapons at the group of QIS ships.

Meanwhile, the hoarde of LAMIA and power armors did their best to ride out the storm, wading ever closer to the Sentinel vessels with auxiliary engines. Scattered and weakened by the effect of the storm, the first of them began to arrive on the mothership like snowflakes, sprinkling down in a disorganized fashion, handfuls at a time. Banding together in small mixed-unit groups, these brave pathfinders either attempted to secure a landing zone for their sisters, or went inside to explore and fight.

Forced to rely on laser and radio communications, since hyperspace and subspace were inoperable, Yui attempted a reply to Xeraux: "We're ready. Let's end this."
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