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Inactive Member
How come there's so little activity on the forum? Seems like I have to wait hours for something to happen >_<
Amongst other things there's the time difference going on.

Start a conversation and someone - certainly I - will join.
I say it's due to the 'newbie eagerness syndrome'.

Symptoms include the discovery of a new message board the subject likes, wants to make contributions, discussions and stuff. The subject attempts to post everywhere she can, start new topics and involve herself in the community since it seems to give a decent voice to the newer arrivals - well, that's until some veterans go and start strongly opposing her ideas (especially in the tech board) because they start feeling the subject is not only eager, but also growing invasive to their mental idea (or interests) of what the Star Army Roleplay ought to be.

Since the subject really likes the message board, she finds herself oogling at it, clicking refresh often, clicking on the 'Who's Online' link to see what the people online are up to (and be secretly upset that most of them only have 'forum index' listed there most of the time).

My advice to be able to mitigate the damage of the 'newbie eagerness syndrome' is to find other more constructive ways to kill time besides just spamming the refresh button and staring at a message board that refuses to spontaneously have new posts on command. The distraction selected should, by my recommendation, be something you can pause easily so that you can keep it on hold indefinitely to turn and post if you have the opportunity without feeling rushed (thus being able to think about inane details such as table manners).
Indeed, I kinda gave up on this. Perhaps when one of the mods goes through the Order Requests i'll find motivation, but right now I'm just board. (Get it? Board? Bored? Ha, I slay me.)
... I know that was supposed to be insulting somewhat but that was absolutely hilarious. xD

Okay, I'll keep that in mind then.

*Flips on Playstation 2*
Wait, I didn't mean to be insulting. If anything, what I said was ironic because I went through it too! It's also was very noticable behavior from other recent forum members (like Toshiro, FM and OsakanOne to a certain degree).
Don't forget me!

I didn't get my ludicrously high post count through calming down! I am the eternal NOOB!
That must be why I find you so obnoxious at times when you talk to me on YIM. ~_^
Kotori said:
Wait, I didn't mean to be insulting. If anything, what I said was ironic because I went through it too! It's also was very noticable behavior from other recent forum members (like Toshiro, FM and OsakanOne to a certain degree).

My name was not mentioned, I fail at being newbish.
Oh, sorry Kotori. I didn't mean to misinterprate what you posted.

And don't worry Fian. You're a newb anyway. ^^

Lol j/k
But I thought you said you were a "Britophile"

Never said you were actually British!

Argh! I'm confused now!
I am a Britophile. And British.

I enjoy being meeee.

British and proud! Brit Pride!

... My theory is that with so many Americans on the site I have to be especially British to compensate.
Have some tea, Thomas.
I am from Australia, and Proud of it!
Therefore, all of the good stuff happens when I'm sleepin'!
That's why I'm so eager to get to bed, because I like to sleep and so I can check what happened tommorow.
A brit who can't drink Tea?!



D: D: D:

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