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OOC Aeon Discussion

Okay folks, thanks to Sean the Aeon now has a wonderful new page that covers how to refer to people appropriately in a militaristic environment like the SAoY.

You can access it under the ship rules as a link off the Social Expectations page

Here is a convenient link: YSS Aeon - Addressing People

If you haven't already done so this would also be a good time to go through the Aeon's Rules and Operating procedures.
Okay folks, tomorrow morning I will start the prep for the training mission. Go ahead and choose your character's cabin and update the page. The only restriction is that the Acting XO or XO gets Stateroom 1.
Some comments on recent posts:

The pod amount stayed the same, i wish they had increased that amount but the bean counters don't go on the front lines so what do they care," she gave a quick wink before continuing on,
The Plumeria was designed by Ketsurui Hanako, who is definitely a "front lines" captain, and as her player and the Plumeria's OOC designer, I found that kind of insulting. At a minimum, it was kind of ignorant. It just goes to show that carelessly throwing around insults can be dangerous.

"My father served on one of the ships in the 4th Expeditionary Force for my entire life,
There's never been a Star Army unit named that. I'm just saying.

Sorry for the negativity. Other than the nitpicks above, everything else was great! Brian, you look like you've got a great group of new players here.
Corrected the 4th XF issue on the character sheet and the interview.
Wes said:
Brian, you look like you've got a great group of new players here.

That just bears comment by me: "Darn straight we're great." :lol: Just kidding. Thanks Wes
I already figured out I had a good group of new players. (That's what the interviews are for.)

I'm looking forward to seeing where we all go aboard the Aeon.
Sorry the wink was supposed to show that she was joking.
Don't worry, I'm sure Katae will speak to Alia about it, but she probably won't have her scrubbing the crew toilets with a toothbrush.
Question: where is Haruhi's launch station? She has a few duties as it were, so I'm not quite sure where her 'office' is, per se
As head of Security, for launch she would be on the bridge, after making sure that all Power Armors were secured, and that the armory is secure.

And don't tell Haruhi your character has managed to lose their standard-issue toothbrush already, or there'll be hell to pay!
SSharp said:
He signed onto the roster for the room, and made a beeline for the Armory to secure his own Mindy. All the while, a smile had crept onto his face, and he was grinning by the time he made it into the Armory.

Just a note, PAs are stored in the power armour bay, not the armoury (which is also a restricted access).
Good thing Haruhi is there to correct the young man.

Actually, Asi's over 6 foot. So he would be taller too.
Do these PAs already have the standard supplies stored in the shoulder compartment utility space an/or a butt pack that we need to inspect, or would we get those later?
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