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OOC Aeon Discussion

Back from my leave. Hope I did not miss anything to horribly exciting. Where should I insert myself?
Mission 5.0 Read and post, most of the players are in the Armor bay getting suited up
Will be away from tomorrow until the 6th for a conference in Florida. Doubt I'll be active much. Will try to get posts up tonight but no guarantees since I'm also working on my conference material and a 4th Fleet GM update.

I just found out that someone that I loved dearly passed away. I am going to take a day and just talk to some folks. I will post soon after that.
I am very sorry for you loss. Please take as long as you need, we will be waiting for you when you get back.
Take as long as you need, we'll be here when you need us.
I return!

Not having read the UOC thread, where are they? I feel like they're invisible to my characters.
One UOC soldier is in the ship, lady speaking over comm is in hangar and third should be somewhere on the ship.

Also tehre is nothing stopping you from readon UOC mission too.
There are three PC's, but there are other UOC personnel who were part of the evacuees. I presume you are wanting someone with medical or to tell you where medical is. Your character can either talk to the ship's computer or talk to the UOC team via your radio.
I posted with Alice in 4.0 because it is easier for Yammie group and because I did not want to make ad ouble post in 4.2.
Who is Athena addressing? Kyoka I'd assume, but I don't want to get it wrong.
Actually there were four healthy ones including zeta and two injured ones, we never counted the dead ones.

It is Plot Audit time folks, so please ensure that your characters are updated.
I'd like to point out that Arkase hasn't been charged with anything yet, and there's only an investigation going on. As well, I sort of scratch my head at the accusations as well -- even under the Geneva Convention here on Earth, if you can't safely handle prisoners you don't have to accept their surrender. It makes for some good roleplay, though, so let's do it!

He just hasn't been charged with anything yet.
Okay, posted. I also thinkg it is time to merge 4.0 and 4.2 so I stopped posting in Help from below with Alice. It seems strange now that both team are together.

Well time to work on updating Saki and Alice's bio.
what do I need to update? I am not sure what to do.

I apologize for that bit SSharp. I read the laws on treatment of POWs and when the Nekos surrendered I didn't want Yoshiro to have to take on the burden that killing them would have given him although I could be mistaken on the kill order. It has been awhile so I don't remember the circumstances entirely. I do remember saying that they had surrendered and to kill them would be murder and that I wouldn't allow it or some such thing. I did not know that about the Geneva convention though, so I learned something new.
Except that the Geneva convention is a 20th Century Earth construct. Not SARP.

As for SARP aka Yamatai see https://wiki.stararmy.com/doku.php?id=st ... ers_of_war

Item 6 would have been violated if Arkase had followed through on his threat.

As for what to update. Finances, make sure your character rank is right and update the character history.
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