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OOC Aeon Discussion

Yes, I'm still around but as Nash said, still getting use to my new routen. Will post tonight after my languige class.
Question: Should transports be leaving during this firestorm, or are we to have a lull in movement until the convoy is destroyed?
You will deploy once the group blasts through the defenders. I will make a post later, I don't want to drag things out from the away teams perspective
So then I should hold off on posting? It'd be pretty awkward conversation, anyways.
It is your call, if Kyoka has something she wants to say post away.
Well we need Freyja to fly you folks down, drop her bombs and get you to the LZ.
Apparently I missed the part where we're still careening at an extremely high speed when we hopped out. Woops!

I am a derpaherp. Sorry~
I apparently misunderstood the general distance of the height >_<

So, uh. . . yeah. Regrouping needs to happen for everybody, right?
Yep. At the speed the Tenba was flying in 30 seconds it would have gone at least 12 miles. And with the close ground, landing safely would be the AIES only real priority.
Hey at least the TASHA's are okay. They aren't squishy and have antigrav.
I'll just have Misaki act like it was intentional, rather than yell at the first people out of the door. Then maybe they won't get their ears boxed in debrief. ;D
you guys do know that Freyja was planning on slowing down and gaining altitude so your jump was safer and more on target?
Yeah, I thought that had already happened >_<. My bad. I'm rolling with it.
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