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Ametheliana's Art Collection

I have had a lot of commissions done in the past of my husband and myself and have started to amass a collection of commissions of my characters. I thought I should make a thread b/c not all of these go on either my wiki page or my characters' pages.

One of Masumi that I rlly love of her in Yamatai fashion.

Masumi in the lab.

This was the first commission an artist ever did... I tried to say that on chat but said it was my first ever lol. Not the case. It's of Aratani.

Another of Aratani, looking stellar.

I plan to edit the post to include the artist's names in due time and will also be adding another post of commissions I have gotten of my husband and myself, which are all p cute.

@Wes I hope I don't need to have made the art myself in order to post in creativity- if that's the case, let me know : )
That looks super cute. I love the pose. Flatties for life. I too gave my only Neko a flat chest. I also notice you're a fellow hip length hair aficionado. I like your choice of hair and eye colour. I only went for generic black hair with red eyes and white skin but I suppose we all have to start somewhere. Even the simple drawing you use for your main character image on the wiki is pretty cute.
Your fashionable Masumi one has some pretty incredible hair. It's really impactful. I like the creativity of it all. The colour scheme is nice too.
I love everything you just said, thank you for brightening my day!

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What is that from Amaryllis? I swear I have seen that in an anime.. Also I love the top pic Ametheliana! Who's the artist? I would maybe like to commission them.
OMG SO CUTE. I'm going to try and get her to do my Freespacer and.. maybe my Neko again.. Thanks for the link! *winces at prices*
She also did the WIP of Aratani that is my second post in this thread @ArsenicJohn

It is actually going to be the last commission I get for a few months as it will fill out Aratani's wiki perfectly, I think.
Arcelle got back to me with a finished sketch before she colors it. I love it and also love seeing works in progress, so I'll go ahead and share it here, hoping others do, too.

These are of Aashi Nath, an Iromakuanhe pirate lord that happens to find herself without ship and crew on planet 1888604 ruled by a Neko she wants to see become as rich and powerful as she possibly can, with Aashi as her left-hand woman.

The first one was done by Protecat, for a reasonable price. This artist ^ that did the chibi doesn't do character work and isn't open for commissions, I've just been going to her so long I lucked out. She wasn't too thrilled to have to do character work instead of cute couple portraits of my husbando and myself, so I'm not going to share her name, but I love her and she's fantastic!

So, an update! The artist that did the last chibi of Aashi Nath, can be reached at mmelchangg@gmail.com and her website is linked up and ready to be clicked. She does amazing work and only recently told me she is a student with a light work week and would like to open commissions, though it doesn't say so on her website, she basically asked that I let my friends (w-we're all friends, r-right?!?) know!

If you have a reference picture, she costs $35 and if not, $45!

She drew this among many other drawings for me:
Reactions: raz

By Mel Chang! I had to change a few details myself, sadly.

All in all, I need to find new commission artists. I reached out to a few today and got word back from one, already. So there's that ^-^
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I like her flattop hair and sidelong view. Very "sensei."
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