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OOC Aquila Flight

@Saul Don't worry. I am already hammering out a prologue along with the first GM update. While I also Finnish The 78th's wiki and Nero's wiki. I'm trying my best to bring y'all some awesomeness.

@paladinrpg I like the political intrigue. It throws a shady cover over here file. I think it is interesting.
All right everyone. The time is drawing near. Archander and I have made up a starting list of Aircraft and Upgrades

Soft upgrades are things that can be swapped out when you return to base. Hard upgrades are permanent. You are allowed two Hard upgrades per craft.

Starting craft for the opening arc -Quatros, Unos, Hornet

Soft Upgrades - ECM, Reinforced Armor, Extra Cannons, Extra Missile Pods, Modified Booster kit (better speed/manuverability), Limited Stealth Drive, Capacitors (Stores backup power for use with high drain systems extending their duration)

Quattro Hard - Better computer systems/integration with the ACE, replaced power plant with a higher efficiency model, extra armaments (maybe a pair of rail cannons and internal missiles)

Unos Hard - Reinforced frame, reinforced armor (step up in material type), extra weapon hard points/internal weaponry.
Gunhand4151: Soft upgrades are things that can be swapped out when you return to base. Hard upgrades are permanent. You are allowed two Soft upgrades per craft.

Soft upgrades are swappable to bring customization for different missions, Hard are intended to update the craft for better viability (IE: The Unos having abysmal Armor and Shields before it's been retrofitted with Hard Upgrades)
Name: Leo Knight
Rank: Ensign
Age: 22
Gender: Male
Callsign: Guard Dog

Physical Description:

Relatively pale but solid and well built Leo is not an extremely huge or barrel chested man but rather a more athletic and somewhat coltish even to couple with his pale complexion. His eyes are a deep blue and less round, more sharp and predatory even in normal observations. though his ears are rounded with slightly meaty lobes, on the left ear there was what appeared to be a small notch cut out. Leo's hair is short light brown with hints of grey hair scattered along his bangs.

His left cheek has a few scars from back when he had his big airbike accident and nearly killed himself, a few notches in his ear and a few scratches was nothing. All his other wounds(Mostly internal) were healed in the next year and he remained only subtly marked.


Leo is a sad and jaded man in that because of the pain he suffered when garnering a place for himself with all his effort the pillars of his happiness was torn from him. Even to this day it leaves him with a cloud over his head that he can't seem to shake, so he tries his best to do his job and to proceed forward with a determination that he struggles with often, a daily battle to find reasons to proceed and things to deliver him from his past. He feels as though he had his shot at happiness and it was torn away. So he is left to suffer his own hell.

He comes across as brazen, crude, vulgar, and opinionated quite frequently yet in the same hand the man has the capacity not to speak for long duration and keep a somber composure between those outbursts. Leo enjoys philosophy and believes that death on a battlefield will absolve him of the sin of abuse he cast on his lover at his lowest points. Or at least ease the pain in the form of embracing nothing but combat and sacrifice.

Preferences keeping his distance from other people as to avoid ever suffering the pain of losing another person, the man that was once warm before his accident and lovers death slowly became more and more glacial as time went on, finding that hunting others in the name of the greater good was a fair distraction from this agony foaming to the surface of his mind

Deep down he continues to struggle with the events of his past and so rarely does he talk about it with others in an open context of any sort, instinctively warding others away from intimate exchanges with him and instead prefers to adopt a trend of habitual substance abuse.
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LJG Sayoko Mochizuki 5'6".

Banshee is actually pretty tall for a Yamataian manufactured body.

I wouldn't worry too much about Spirit. Remember, most Nekovalkyrja are exactly her height and are beastly war machines under the cuteness. :)
Dead-Man is the oldest man in the unit so far. And will likely flirt with Lamb's character up until his death.

One of those two facts is in some way relevant to the physical stature of all the pilots.
And imagine, that short little dude getting hit on by a tall, tore up, grizzled looking man covered in tattoos and scars who sounds like he was pulled from a Source game when he gets yelling.
The Dead-Man may end up making a pass at everyone eventually, more to mess with them than anything else.
Well my avatar is Styrling Archer. But I could see Kreuger getting a grin like that on his face when bullets start flying.
I was going to see if Lamb was going to play to the whole "profuse effort to correct himself". If he wants OOCly, I'll change it.
Grey, I always post small novellas. It can be more of a curse than a blessing sometimes because I'll end up putting in a metric shit-load of filler because I feel my post needs to be longer. And I don't understand where to stop.

So no worries, you'll do fine.

Plus, I've been role-playing in some form or another for . . . a minute or two.
I can be very wordy, too. I can't help it when doing forum RP style to do internal monologue or GM descriptive filler lots of times. It helps you understand the why of my character's actions, and makes them relatable. :)

Incidentally, too many of us pilots are on drugs it seems... I smell a good plot device involving this fact!
Name: Edward Donato
Rank: Lieutenant
Age: 28
Gender: Male
Callsign: Virus

Physical Description:
Ed is thin with very little musculature which shows his time spent in front of a computer screen. Standing at 5'9" and light brown skin, he is, overall, unimpressive physically. He keeps a thin meticulously trim and shaped moustache that curls upward at the end. He can often be found shaping the ends when he is thinking. His black hair is usually slicked back and has an oily appearance due to the product he uses. He has thin brown eyes on a fairly gaunt thin face.

Edward tends to put up a stern outer shell but is easily seen as someone who never wants to fail. Trained originally in Naval Electronic Warfare he was used to having all information available. After gaining his certification as a Naval pilot his transfer was swift. He has not logged many flight hours but brings with him an immense amount of knowledge.

His friends know him as a friendly, funny nerd. He can be sarcastic in a playful way and likes helping his teammates however and whenever he can. He is easily bullied however and will back down when face to face. It's obvious his past is filled with all the proper points that has affected his self-esteem.