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OOC Aquila Flight

Man, I never even knew this thread existed this whole time. All this talk about raping my character, not capitalized upon.

As if Virgil would even know how to say 'no' to anybody~
"-By golly, what a find! I love nuts!"

"Dammit, Andrey! Shut that damn thing off already!" Heather Sylvain was not having a good day at all. Things had been looking up earlier for them, the Neps running around like headless chickens as the first bombers practically shat all over the base like sadistic pigeons. Then a single wing of fighters took off and everything went to hell. Damn Greenies just don't know when to die, the bloody idiots. "Gamma 1, what the hell are we gonna do?" For now, the bombers in Gamma Flight were burning through the blasted ECM with short-range radio bursts, limiting their spread distance to not lose contact with each other. "Gamma 3, stay on target," the bomber leader ordered, suppressing an irritated grunt. Gamma Flight was nervous ever since Echo Flight pulled away to engage the Nep fighters that launched, leaving the bombers to push through on their own. Any sane bomber would've cut and run after this fracas, but we've got a bloody job to do. "Let's finish this job quickly so that we can all go home. Stay frosty, kiddo."

"R-right, thanks ma'am. Gamma 3, staying course." the skittish Gamma chimed in over the radio, the nervousness in his voice somewhat lessened. Chuckling, Heather shook her head and sighed. Thomas Gober, was it? An image of a pale young boy with a shaven head, brown eyes and light freckles appeared in her mind's eye. Kid fancied himself a badass on the ground, said he could kick ass and take names. What a joke. Releasing a light snort of laughter, the brown-skinned flight leader glanced back at her idiotic copilot, his head bobbing along with the tune of that bloody cartoon. "Andrey, you asshole! Turn that thing off before I lose my ears!" she hissed, pissed off to no end. Here they were, on an attack run on a Nep base and he was listening to a damn cartoon! "Screw you, Dom! I happen to like Happy the Squirrel!" Andrey Murray snapped back at her, the stuck-up moron using the nickname that she had earned due to her ferociousness in training. "What, got no childhood? You poor thing."

"Alright, that's it! C'mere, you son of a-" As Heather turned backwards to grab her insolent buddy's face for a good bashing, something flickered in the corner of her eye. "What the-" she muttered as she turned her head back to the screen, her helmet's HUD syncing with the bomber's sensors and updating. What she saw made her blood run cold.

"Within gun range."

A Hornet fighter-bomber, just a couple of klicks away. Somehow, one of the Neps had busted through their fighter screen and now was right in front of their faces. The Hornet's gun ports glowed.

"SHIT! GAMMAS, EVA-" Heather's warning scream went incomplete as plasma bolts slammed into her craft, briefly turning her world upside down. As she felt the soft kiss of fire through the armor of her suit, Heather Sylvain closed her eyes. Marcus? Big Sis's going on ahead. Take care of yourself, you little punk.

As Gamma Flight scattered and the lead bomber exploded in a plume of fire, two transmissions fired out into the sky. One clear and unobstructed to listening ears, one lost in a haze of static and cartoon music.

"Aquila 6, splash one bandit."

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Reposting this for everyone's reference:

Gunhand: Aquila 1 or Aquila Lead
Archander: Aquila 2
Saul: Aquila 3
Paladin: Aquila 4
Lamb: Aquila 5
Grey Library: Aquila 6
Whitehart: Aquila 7
Smokey: Aquila 8
Guard Dog: Aquila 9
Once again, I'm reminded why I hate gravity. This is taking forever.

A dimunitive ashen-haired pilot trekked down the length of yet another sterile metal corridor, her face showing faint signs of irritation. For reasons unknown to her, the designers of the Orca-class vessels had chosen to station the Officer's Lounge and the Medical Center as far away from each other as possible. Thus, she now had to hike across the entire length of the ship to get there.

She had an unspoken hunch that drunken officers were somehow involved.

Ah, gravity. Without you I could just float all the way there, but nooooo... Shaking her head with a sigh, Miranda slipped past a random engineer as she traversed the hallway, barely looking at the man's face. Wait. As said engineer began to walk off into the distance, Miranda froze in her tracks. Is that Uncle Murray? Performing what could only be called a double-take, her widened eyes told her that yes, he was. Whirling around, the young lieutenant hurried back down the corridor and called out to the receding figure. "Ah, wait! Uncle Murray! It's me, Miranda!"

Maximilian Murray, middle-aged engineer on the NSS Oracle, paused mid-step as he heard a very familiar voice call out his name, one he hadn't heard since his days on the Blue Horizon Orbital Station. The brown-skinned man turned, his slightly pudgy face lighting up with delight as he spotted Miranda running towards him. "Hohohoho, Princess! Never thought I'd see you here!" he called out jovially, letting out a deep belly laugh as he patted the smaller girl's head. "Look at you, our little baby's all grown up now!"

"I'm nineteen already, Uncle Murray. Please stop calling me that..." Miranda whined as she halfheartedly struggled to free her head from his palm, causing the rotund man to laugh harder. Despite all that, deep down she was glad to see a familiar face from her childhood and her face bore a glowing smile. "...good to see you again." As Uncle Murray finally deigned to release her, the two of them settled for a stroll down the corridor and chatted on the way. "How have you been all these years?"

"Eh, pretty decent actually!" Maximilian chortled, his voice full of mirth. "After you left, I stayed on the Blue Horizon for a couple o' years before hopping over to a shipyard in Nepleslia Prime! Never really was the same without your folks runnin' the show," he laughed, giving Miranda a conspirational wink. "When that went under the Navy picked me up pretty quick, so here I am! S'pose I impressed them!" The two old friends shared a laugh at that, drawing odd looks from the other passing crew as the corridor rang with an engineer's hearty chuckling and a pilot's softer giggling. Pausing a bit in his diatribe, he turned to glance at his shorter companion, resisting the urge to slap her back lest she be sent flying. "Enough about this old man! How about you, lass?"

Well…” Miranda fidgeted, somewhat self-conscious of all the stares that the odd pair were getting. Quashing her discomfort, she pressed on. “Dad’s job had us move over to Deleris. Dad and Mum were worried about my future in Deleris’s frontier environment, so I signed up with the air force as a bomber pilot.” As they traveled down the walkway, she absentmindedly stared at the ceiling. Somewhere out there, she could see the white gleam of Deleris Starport in her mind’s eye. “Hopefully I’ll be able to earn a scholarship after my tour of duty ends.” Snapping out of her reverie, Miranda glanced at Maximilian with a curious gaze. “How is Andrey these days?

Almost immediately, Maximilian’s mood darkened. “Not good at all,” he admitted with a sigh, his eyebrows furrowing in displeasure. “Punk ran off a few years back, said he could make a better living on his own rather than stick with my “old-fashioned ways”. Prolly joined a gang or somesuch.” Hanging his shoulders with a sigh, the older man looked at Miranda with eyes filled with sadness and frustration, his visage taking on a world-weary look. Noticing the young pilot’s sudden lapse into silence, he reached out and gently patted her shoulder in a comforting gesture. “You were his playmate back in the old days, right? Sorry you had to hear that.

…ah! No, no, it’s alright!” Slightly startled by the gesture, Miranda quickly rushed to assure the elder Murray. “I’m sure he’s fine, he should be able to take care of himself.” Sensing an opportunity, she took a quick jab to lighten up the atmosphere. “Maybe someday he’ll be back at your doorstep, begging to be taken back again. Who knows, there is a chance that he’s a successful man now!Thank goodness that worked, she muttered under her breath as she saw the engineer cheer up, worry dissolving off his face.

Hah, you’re right!” Maximilian was all smiles now, his gloomy thoughts about his son replaced with hope for the future. “Perhaps he’s even a millionaire now, you never know!” As Miranda flashed him a relieved smile, he couldn’t help but tease her a little. “By the way, lil’ Princess,” he whispered in a mischievous tone, looking over the ashen-haired girl with an appraising gaze. “you’ve grown into a fine young lady. Bit small, but I reckon Andrey won’t really mind. Maybe you and him ought to meet up sometime, eh?” Punctuating his words with a wiggle of his eyebrows, chuckling as Miranda’s face lit up like a torch. “S’alright if you’ve got someone in mind already, but this old man won’t mind having you as a daughter-in-law, you hear?

The two figures receded into the distance, a pilot’s flustered screeching interspersed with an engineer’s booming laughter.
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Author's Note: This is OOC due to it's probable irrelevance. This bears no hidden connotations whatsoever and will not affect IC proper. That said, enjoy your daily dose of diabetes.
[Dubbed by 5Children Entertainment. VA: Help]
With a crackle, the old ceiling lights switched on and illuminated a neatly kept room, as well as a small figure slipping in throught the doorway. Glancing around for any observers, the diminutive person nodded in satisfaction and brought forth an obscured bundle tucked beneath its arm. Unwrapping it from its swaddle of cloth, the figure slowly guided the object onto its resting place and stood back. Miranda took a deep breath and rolled her shoulders a few times, in preparation of what was to come. All of a sudden, her eyes snapped open and lit up with a burning fire.

"Hora, ano bakayarou~,"/"Oh, you dumb person," the young girl drawled in Yamataigo, her ashen hair billowing behind her like a cape, "anata wa uttoushiiyo desu, wakari masu ka~?"/"you are annoying, do you understand?" With a cheery grin, Miranda clapped her hands together in a begging gesture and bowed. "Onegai, shinde kudasai ne~!"/"Please go away." she chirped, her happy expression completely unsuited for her words.

The moment the last syllable left her lips, Miranda's teeth gritted and she rose to her full height, her eyes turning cold.

With an extravagant flourish, she deftly drew the weapon concealed behind her, spinning it a few times as her fist closed around its handle. Brandishing the cold steel wielded in her hand, she affixed her foe a chilling glare that promised pain. With a sadistic grin on her face, the young girl began to cackle evilly as she raised her weapon for the killing blow. "Ohohohoho~, BUKKOROSU ZO!"/"Laughing, I will be mean to you." she all but screamed as she brought the blade down in a mighty cleave, the wind screaming as the sharp edge sliced through it on the way down. "SORYAAAAAAAA!!!"/"Speaks in Yamataigoooooooooo."


"Yaaay! I can cook like Mama now!" Seven-year-old Miranda Bannings squealed as she did a little happy dance, cheering at her martial feat whilst a raw chicken sat forlornly in the background, a chopper embedded in it. In the kitchen's open doorway, Larry Bannings chuckled awkwardly as he pointedly looked anywhere but at his wife and daughter, while Koyuki Bannings groaned and buried her face in her hands.

"What have I done..." the frazzled housewife moaned.
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Name: Milo Frost
Rank: Lieutenant JG
Age: 20
Gender: Male
Callsign: Jaeger

Physical Description: African-American dude with a cybernetic right arm and an eyepatch over his right eye.
Basically Nick Fury in his younger days.

Personality: Lando Calrissian with a drinking problem.

Wiki Page

Sorry for the delay - went and saw Ant Man over the weekend, and writing Milo took a lot longer then I expected.
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@FrostJaeger That's quite okay... so far you're the only one who's viewed her this way, and I actually was hoping there would be some more distrust going on. especially because she's not only a Jiyuuian (one step away from neko enemy) but a former IPG spook to boot.
I don't know if anyone read up on Jayden, but he isn't spooked by IPG. Jiyuuians are also not an issue to him.

Might be a good chance to read up on what makes the Lt. Commander tick.
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