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[Azorea] Continued Contact


Well-Known Member
(Continued from viewtopic.php?f=63&p=18679#p18679)

Viceroy Raytim watched the Eucharis disappear into the atmosphere with its precious cargo. He whispered a small prayer for Aqueniss' safe return before turning to Toshiro. "How long shall the modifications take? Reassembling the Parliament may take hours... so you have plenty of time."
"They may take an hour or is this or I come down with mining tools such a drills, which could be considered weapons. Standard environmental suits can't take the sea pressures necessary for this...."

He said, as Yggdrasill prepared the site in which he would have to work...
Raytim nodded, understanding, "Do not worry. If all else fails, I can try to use my authority to allow you entrance." The old Azorean nodded again, knowing that this situation can be difficult.
Toshiro nodded, smiling.

"If you wish to enter the ship, you may. It may be safer than waiting out here, after all...given the attempt on your life."
Raytim thought for a moment before concurring, "I agree. Shall we then?" He crawled up onto the Ygg's hull and waved for Toshiro to lead the way.
Toshiro opened the hatch and descended...

"You can bring any guards with you you long as they are trustworthy. This ship has technology which may not be military level, but still exceeds anything on your world..."
Raytim followed, but only brought his assistant, Alraniss, with him. "You have gained my trust. You may have not done much, but I am grateful to you for many things." He nodded with a smile.
He smiled, nodding, as they entered the ship, and proceeded to the lounge.

"Thank there a place you wish to wait, or do you want to watch me work?"

Yggdrasill then spoke, directly to the Azoreans.

"My sensors detect you are an aquatic race. Should I increase the humidity?"
"Hm... I don't mind watching. I'll try to stay out of your way, of course," he said to Toshiro, then replied to the 'air', "Erm... no thank you. We are fine, thank you."
As they walked to the engineering area, Toshiro laughed a little.

"Sorry if it startled you...that's the ship's computer talking. Most military ships have an AI that can talk and think, but this one was...'born' inside my computer system from an alien intelligence...even the military doesn't know about it, nor do they know much about that race."

With that, he got his Ironman Custom, the green and white armor, and began to work on removing its weapons...
Raytim nodded with smile. "I see. Azorea has no self-thinking computers, but we have had no need for them. Our current version of Rill serve their purpose and with great effect." He also made a quick observation, "I have noticed that you seem to enjoy the color green quite a bit." Alraniss smiled as she had noticed this as well.
"Green and White are my favorite colors--"

He froze for a moment, and seemed to focus on open space, before smiling a little.

"...Those injured weren't harmed in vain...After hearing your people were harmed, I sent a document to my home government which detailed the rights of the Discovered and Discoverers in these Early Contact seems my Empress and Senate have made it law."

With that, he prepared a datapad, and handed it to the Viceroy.

"How that it's law, I am obligated to hand you this...this device will read it aloud, since I still don't know any of your written language."

Rights of Early Contact


Often in the process of interstellar exploration, worlds and peoples not known to us are revealed to exist, and we engage in contact. Some such peoples are like ourselves, with high technology and expanding borders which eventually meet our own, while others are only taking their first steps into the void of space.

Regardless of technology level or society development, race or belief, these worlds have certain rights to which we must abide, and we have certain rights they must recognize.

For the purposes of this document, Early contact is the state in which a discovered entity has not elected to join or open trade with another government in the known universe. Trade with an independent organization or person is not a consideration for Early Contact, though the organization’s activities can be governed by applicable to that entity’s native law, and the organization must recognize the rights of the society as outlined, if their native government has signed this document.

Those in a state of early contact are hereafter known as “the Discovered”, and those governments who discover them are hereafter known as “the Discoverers”.

Section 1. Rights of the Discovered

The Discovered have the right to safety, and as such the area extending from any star under their control to one-quarter of a light-year in radius is to be considered under their control. This will hereafter be referred to as an “indigenous zone”. Mobile structures that any signed government has placed within this area must be moved upon the request of the government of the discovered people or peoples, and this extends to include the atmosphere, surfaces, bodies of water, and interior of any planet in the indigenous zone.

Also, there is to be no use of stealth or weaponry in the system by any signed party within the indigenous zone, unless a clear threat to life manifests.

These people have the right to understanding. An honest effort at using the native language of the race, or giving needed language data to translate the Discoverer’s language must be made.

The Discovered have the right to information. Upon request, limited PANTHEON access is permitted, solely to allow information about the different races and governments in known space, as well as history. This does not extend to criminal files, star maps, pornography, or technological data.

The presence of ships is also required to be announced to the government of such a world or people prior to entry into the indigenous zone. If FTL communication has not yet been achieved, contact is required before entering the outermost planet’s orbit, or 5 AU of the outermost inhabited world, whichever comes first.

The Discovered have the right to unhindered deliberation, taking as much time as they wish to come to any decision without any threat or consequence. This decision should be reached through their native government’s process.

The Discovered have the right to denial, in which case they can turn away or decline early contact, or any proposal given in early contact, without fear of violence or coercion. They need not give a reason for their decision. A government turned away from first contact may not try again for another half-year, as defined as the time it takes for a half-orbit of the innermost inhabited world around their star to complete.

Even if denial is issued, and regardless of duration of denial, the indigenous zone is maintained as long as formal trade or membership with another government is not initiated.

The Discovered have the right to native control, and must give consent for a vessel to make a landing upon any of their holdings. For the purposes of communication, a vessel may enter the indigenous zone and establish orbit, but must leave upon demand.

Also, the contactor must contact the government before making their existence known en masse, and operate with the government to initiate first contact. Should any announcements or preparations to the people and society be deemed necessary, the government has the right to do so.

This can take as long as necessary, even if it lasts generations.

The Discovered have the right to their own resources, and no materials shall be taken from the indigenous zone without the consent of the native government.

The Discovered have the right to select their own representative for communicating with the Discoverer, whom will be granted diplomatic immunity save for capital offenses. Diplomatic immunity can be revoked if it is suspected that an intentional malicious effort is involved. This is so that misunderstandings of local law do not result in criminal charges.

The Discovered have the right to pursue contacts, trade agreements, and treaties which whoever they choose. They may select the government they wish to rule under by merit, and not be coerced or limited by their location in traditional expansion areas of space. They can also speak with whoever they choose.

The normal expansion areas of signing governments does not apply to indigenous worlds, and requires the establishment of a travel route between the planet and parent government, if all parties are signers.

Section 2: Rights of the Discoverer

The Discoverer has the right to safety, and can leave at any time they feel threatened. They also have the right to ask for the government’s cooperation in keeping them safe from extremists or dangerous persons.

They can use weapons and firearms ONLY if all other methods, including communication and escape, have failed.

The Discoverer has the right to their information, and cannot be told that any deal is contingent on releasing classified data or technical schematics.

The Discoverer has the right to denial, and can terminate contact at any time, for any reason.

The Discoverer has the right to appeal, and can return every half year to ask for contact if previously denied. This half year is again defined as the time it takes for a half-orbit of the innermost inhabited world around their star to complete.

The Discoverer has the right to diplomatic immunity, if contact is assented to by the discoverer. This does not extend to capital offenses. Diplomatic immunity can be revoked if it is suspected that an intentional malicious effort is involved. This is so that misunderstandings of local law do not result in criminal charges.

Section 3: Reading and Acknowledgment of Rights

Upon introduction of the Discoverer to the Discovered, and the notification of intent to engage in contact, this document must be sent to the Discovered for their consideration, so they know their rights. A Discoverer representing a sign MUST abide by this document at all times, regardless of if the Discovered sign.

The Discoverer is obligated to assist in translating and explaining the document to the discovered, and if the Discovered do not sign, the Discoverer understands that they are initiating contact at their own risk.

If the Discovered sign, they agree to acknowledge the rights of the Discoverer throughout the contact process, not just for this individual Discoverer, but all governments who have before and since signed.

Once the Discovered have selected to trade or join a government, this document no longer applies, save for the founding of the travel route between the Discovered and their new parent government. The old indigenous zone will be deemed under the joint control of the Discovered and parent government.
Raytim listened as the datapad informed him of the document's contents in his own language. After it finished, the viceroy was silent for a while before saying something, "Hm... this is interesting. Hopefully, it will benefit everyone in the long run." He stroked his chin as he mused on the possibilities.

"It can be signed now, or you can wait until you speak with your don't have to sign it, but I am obligated to abide, as is Yamatai." He said, smiling. "No other governments have signed yet that I'm aware of, but I'm hopeful..."

"I'm grateful for what you've tried to do for our people."
Alraniss said, her expression much more cheerful and pleasant than the wary facade that had presented itself during their first encounter. She found that despite being a backwards people by comparison, Toshiro was neither condescending nor hostile, and was doing his best to keep things together. Though she knew little of the situation, it was... admirable. "We can only hope that they do accept... and not just for Azorea..."

Raytim nodded, "I cannot approve of anything until the Parliament agrees. I'll take this to them and see what they say." He hoped for the best as well.

Toshiro nodded, understanding. "I don't expect a signature right away, and I recognize the rights that document gives you regardless...and you're welcome." Toshiro said to Alraniss.

"I have the unique status of having a crew which is multi-racial, and that demands tolerance and empathy. Furthermore, I believe that the more advanced peoples should be mentors or helpers in a way, and assist those just emerging into space...and it seems that it's starting to turn in that direction, little by little."
Raytim would hear the datapad that he had been given by Hanako beep that it had received a message. After a few moments of trying to figure out how to read it, he managed to get the datapad to read it aloud, which read in Azorean:

Aqueniss said:
To: Viceroy Raytim and Parliament
From: Ambassador Aqueniss
Subject: Trade and Tourism Treaty Draft

I have met many strange beings at this conference. However, we have made progress. A Trade and Tourism Treaty was suggested among the many nations of the stars, including us. If the Parliament can draft up a document suggesting what should go into this treaty, then please do so with haste. I shall remain here until I receive further orders.

"Ah... this is truly an interesting update. This will also be something to discuss when the Parliament finally gathers together again." He said this with a nod to both Toshiro and Alraniss.
"...Perhaps while i work, you can summon a linguist and a scribe up here, with samples of your written language matched with your verbal? It may be easier to learn how to red your writing as well...Yggdrasill can provide you with verbal and written translators in my language easily enough..."

Toshiro said, working with a tool that seemed completely alien to them...

While doing this, he telepathically accessed Yggdrasill, and downloaded Lorath language and writing codecs into his brain...
A loud sniffing sound could be heard from the entrance to the cargo bay. Eventually the source would become known as Serenity, the somewhat reclusive Helashio that had of late been holed up in the small room she had, seeming rather homesick for her old mistress, and oddly enough for the water.

The smell of the water, and possibly what she thought of as fish, had brought her out of her small depression and into a want to explore again. The nude Helashio was face first into the ground, sniffing the floors as she raised her rear and tail into the air. Flicking the tail back and forth she was coming ever closer to the new beings on the ship. Looking up she finally spotted the two beings in the bay.

Inside her head conflicts raged. Should she jump the two beings which smelled so intoxicatingly relaxing and joyous, giving off so many rich memories that threatened to burst forth, flooding her mind. Or should she back down, fearful of the new beings that towered over her on the floor. Her red hair hid her eyes as she finally made her decision. The two Azoreans would noticed Serenity dipping her hips down, settling back on her hind legs and wiggling her hips a little as she pressed back somewhat, ready to pounce.

And finally she did! The wait and smells to overpowering for the poor girl, Serenity pounced on the left most Azorean, clinging to him as she bore him to the ground, sniffing up and down the body, taking deeper whiffs here and there as she sucked in the smell. It helped immensely, the overpowering scents tearing memories from her. Eventually she fell to rolling onto her back and rubbing herself into the being, trying to transfer the smells back to herself. It was as if she were home again.
Raytim nodded, making a mental note to get some samples of Azorean written language for Toshiro and his... ship. They hardly used it anymore except for in the AGN. The viceroy then said, "We have a universal form of communication that we call the 'Azorean Global Network', or AGN for short. We hardly use our written language except on there. If you wish, we could figure out how to grant your ship access to the AGN. Would that be acceptable?"

Right after he said this, Raytim noticed the nude Helashio. An eyebrow arched as she looked like she was about to pounce on something. Then, she actually did. Before the viceroy could realize what had just happened, they were both on the floor and the Helashio was clinging to him apparently. A little confused, he looked over at Toshiro with a question in his eyes.
Toshiro looked shocked, and tried to move the muscular and very nude woman off of the ambassador...and began speaking in a completely different language than before...the Azoreans couldn't know it was Lorath.

"Serenity, you can't just jump on people like that! That man is elderly. What if you'd caused him harm? Being friendly is one thing, but you need to stay down...and where are your robes? Please go put them on, okay? These are guests."

He looked the the Viceroy, sighing a bit.

"I'm sorry, Viceroy...this one has a long and complicated story, but long story short; she is a former slave who we are trying to civilize, as well as teach her that she is a free woman. Unfortunately, it is complicated, as she is used to servitude, hates clothing, doesn't understand much of any language but her native one, and could be considered slightly feral...I think something about your appearance or scent got her excited...are you unharmed?"
"......" Alraniss was speechless, her shock at the situation overriding her ability to convey the surge of worry she felt. her expression, if read, would express this more than adequately, however. The fact that the odd creature hadn't attacked the Viceroy was mildly relieving, but still did nothing to improve the situation in her mind.
"That... is quite alright," Raytim said with a slight smile, "It was just... surprising. Nothing was injured, I think." He looked down and felt sorry for the poor creature. The viceroy made a mental note to perhaps give her something that smelled of his homeworld if it reminded her of something.