Star Army

Star ArmyⓇ is a landmark of forum roleplaying. Opened in 2002, Star Army is like an internet clubhouse for people who love roleplaying, art, and worldbuilding. Anyone 18 or older may join for free. New members are welcome! Use the "Register" button below.

Note: This is a play-by-post RPG site. If you're looking for the tabletop miniatures wargame "5150: Star Army" instead, see Two Hour Wargames.

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  • 📅 July 2024 is YE 46.5 in the RP.

[Azorea] Continued Contact

He nodded, and resumed working...he seemed to be nearly complete, as part carefully placed to the side grew, and were replaced by compressed oxygen tanks, air scrubbers, and other breathing components.

"I should be ready in a little bit...and as for the language data through your news network, I would be grateful. I use a lot of text communication, as do my people."
He nodded, and resumed working...he seemed to be nearly complete, as part carefully placed to the side grew, and were replaced by compressed oxygen tanks, air scrubbers, and other breathing components.
"I should be ready in a little bit...and as for the language data through your news network, I would be grateful. I use a lot of text communication, as do my people."

"Will you require assistance with the data? I'd be able to tell you if your translations from spoken word to text are suitable, if it's alright" Alraniss offered, her expression genuinely helpful. This person had already worked to help her people, and simply wanted to understand her people better better, from the female Azorean's thinking. And secretly, she wanted to meet the rest of the crew of this vessel by doing so, hoping to meet someone interesting and exotic. As the Commodore had said previously, it was a multicultural vessel.

"Thank you, that would be can work with Yggdrasill if you wish--it is quite capable with linguistics and symbols, and help me test it." He smiled, grateful for the assistance.

"Fantastic. Where should I go to do this?" Alraniss asked, her expression becoming slightly curious and unsure.

"Well, you can come with me to the bridge. There are stations there." he said, rising...he'd just finished the Ironman's modifications, after all.
"We'll just have to load the data to Yggdrasill, cross-reference it with the audio data, and it'll fine tune it for a few cycles before we test it."

Raytim nodded at the younger Azorean's helpfulness. He was still a little shocked from the incident with Serenity, but he tried to keep a straight face as they conversed.

"Should we go immediately?" Alraniss asked, crossing her arms beneath her bust. The thought of working on an alien interface crossed her mind, and she peered back at the Yamataian inquisitively. "I also might need some help with the use of your interfaces, even after the translation program is completed. Could you give me a quick run-through once we're done?"

"Sure!" he said, leading the way toward the bridge...he seemed to look forward to this. After all, he was an Engineer before he was a CO.

Raytim followed behind, slightly amused at the two's conversation. They left the poor, still naked, creature behind as they headed towards the bridge. He asked, "Could I also use your communications system to send a message for the Parliament to assemble as we do this?"

"Feel free." Toshiro said, beaming.
"Yggdrasill has the language data, so just tell it what and where to send."

"Yggdrasill, please send the following message to the Halls of Justice at the Edel citystate." he stated to the ship's AI along with his orders to get what's left of the Parliament assembled.

The Yggdrasill complied, sending the message.
After getting everything ready with the language data, and loading it and audio compensation programs for underwater into the Ironman, Toshiro climbed into the Power Armor.

"Yggdrasill, please transfer the program into the Azoreans' communication device. Viceroy...I will leave it up to you if you wish to send Yamatai this can translate between both languages, written AND audio."
Raytim nodded in understanding. "That will be fine. Understanding one another is very important. I'm sure that this program will benefit those at the conference as well. So, are we off, then?" He nodded, waiting for everyone to get ready to leave.


Meanwhile, the flooded halls of the Parliament bustled with activity as the judges and their assistants assembled. A slight tension still clung to their minds after recent events as temporary judges took the place of those who died or suddenly resigned.

One watched from the upper levels of the halls. He watched with a smirk. Those judges that remained were courageous, but the watcher knew that their resolve was weakened. The seeds of discord had been planted and watered. Now, it was time to see if any fruit would be bore...
Toshiro nodded, and put on the Ironman suit...

"Whenever you're ready to go, I'm prepared. Yggdrassil...I...suppose you're in command of yourself."

"Understood, Father," The sentient ship responded. "Take care and maintain contact."
Raytim led the small group back the way they had come. Once outside of the ship, the viceroy, with help from Alraniss, eased into the water and waited for the other two to join him.
Lyshana showed up right around now, clearly walking while thinking about something. "Oh! You are going to out!" She said as she noticed Toshiro "Please take me with you! You might need a medic!" Her wings flapped erratically as she spoke.
The youth looked to his Elysian crew member a moment, and her wings, before getting an idea of how to manage.

"Will you be alright in a shuttle? I can't exactly let you use a Power Armor...yur wings are an issue there. Maybe if you came up with someting to allow you to withstand the pressures...otherwise you'll need a shuttle."

He looked to the Azoreans...

"Is it alright if she tags along in a small ship? My Power Armors will not fit her.
Raytim pondered this a moment before replying, "I do not see any problems with this. It actually may help your standing as she is proof that you have other species on your ship. It may be difficult for her to interact with others, but she could witness the event. Do as you will." He nodded as his opinion had been given.
Lyshana grinned, and reached under her shirt, between her wings. She pulled out something that looked a bit like a jellyfish. "It's a prototype for my new ship defense system. Part of the emergency section, in case an accident occurs." she explained excitedly "Very flexible skin, and it can cycle carbon into oxygen, though it's not capable of maintaining an internal pressure yet: since underwaters fairly high pressure I'll just have to deal with slowly depressurizing to avoid bubbles in my joints" As she spoke, she opened an orifice on the thing, and started putting it on. It was very stretchable, and once she was wearing it was barely visible except for the tendrils that were now located around her stomach. It seemed to even cover her wings, allowing her full mobility. The short Elysian grinned wider "Useful, neh?"

(OOC: For the record: This is approved technology for the post-prototype form. Since the prototype is all around suckier... I take it it's auto approved. Further, I wonder how the Azorians would react to her use of bionics)
Toshiro nodded, quite impressed.

That could work...just be mindful of the pressure. Hopefully we won't be descending to a dangerous pressure for you, though since the Azoreans can handle the pressures, then maybe it isn't impossible...alright. Let's go. Lyshana, if it gets too deep, feel free to return to he ship."

He then dove into the water, and bobbed up, waiting for Lyshana.
Raytim and Alraniss were already waiting in the water. This device that the Elysian was going to use was strange... yet if it could help her survive underwater with the rest of the Azorean society, then all the better. It might even also aid in future visitations.
With that, Toshiro began to descend, careful not to move too far from the Azoreans guiding them. As it got a bit darker, the Ironman's headlamp activated to allow better vision.

" our society, even space is probed more deeply than our this is considered a rare experience."
Alraniss smirked as Azoreans have done exactly the opposite of what Toshiro said his own people had done. Raytim only nodded and led them down in a vertical descent. The two Azoreans had to swim slower then usual to not leave the two aliens behind. They would descend a few meters every minute or so.

After a few hundred feet, the light became less and less. Through the darkness, vague figures of underwater creatures could be seen swimming around. None of them seemed particularly dangerous as they were ignoring the four travelers. "Are you both alright?" Raytim called back to both Toshiro and Lyshana, his voice seeming much more clear then when they had heard it on the surface.
Lyshana's wings flapped lazily as she propelled herself forward... it almost looked like she was flying through the water. She seemed to enjoy swimming, streatching her small arms, legs, and large wings.

"I've stowed away on fifty meters per second squared gravity heavy world varent ships before, for weeks at a time" Lyshana said "Trust me, this pressure is nothing. I'm glad to get a chance to stretch my wings though. five meters per second squared gravity is the most comfortable, but I've got good buoyancy here. However, I'd like to take some samples of those swimming creatures... they might be useful for my studies" her eyes gleamed as she said the last bit. Her body had a grace underwater that it's nervous energy typically obscured on the land, and the difference in pressure had made her high pitched, annoying voice somewhat mellower... though telling her this would probably be a bad idea.
"All systems nominal. Fortuntely this armor was made to take a little punishment, so the pressures are tolerable. Not all space technology can be applied so easily to water."

Toshiro said looking around...
To answer Lyshana's statement, Alraniss said, "We have skin samples, among other things, of most of the creatures that inhabit this area at Edel. I'm sure we can obtain a live specimen as well if you have the proper containment for it. Some of these creatures are... volatile, to say the least..." The aide frowned as she spotted a small shadow disappear into a much larger shadow.

As the two females spoke and the gray limestone-corral spires of an Azorean citystate soon came into view, Raytim slowed down to discuss something with Toshiro. "When we arrive, the judges should be assembled. There will be a lot of discussion on recent events, but I will attempt to allow you to speak with them early on, if you wish. I'm sure that more holy knights and defensive Rill have been assembled to protect the halls by now."
"Live samples are always good... I'll get my tanks to hold them in" Lyshana said. "Volatile in what way? Dangerous? Explosive? Rapidly deteriorating volatile venoms and toxins? All the better whichever" She grins broadly "I've been researching bionics... like cybernetics, but biological. But I need more material before they can become..." She suddenly stopped gaping at the city "Wow... that's pretty" She said lamely, her eyes darting around with much curiosity. "Did you carve it, or grow it?"
Toshiro was also staring at the city, the lights reflecting off of the helmet's visor as he replied.

"I will wish to speak with all of event has occurred with another race which further complicates matters...I have PANTHEON access through Yggdrasill in this machine, thankfully...but yes, I must speak."
Alraniss tried to answer the barrage of questions, "Some have toxic spines and even some among those are able to launch them in a release of built up water pressure. Most, however, are predators of smaller creatures. They are not life threatening to larger creatures as ourselves, but... they can take a hand if they are hungry enough... or a wing, in your case. There have been also reports of... other things happening to those who venture to close to certain species.." She frowned, looking at the small Elysian and wondering if such a frail-looking thing could handle any of these beasts. "We built the frame of the citystate; however, the overall structure was grown as you see it today," the aide explained to the second question.

Raytim nodded in understanding to Toshiro. "I understand. What would this matter be, if I might ask? Has something happened to Ambassador Aqueniss?" A look of worry briefly showed on the Viceroy's face before he continued, "Or is this a completely different matter?"