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RP: Bahram Wing [Bahram Wing Pre Phase: Mission 5] Operation Midwinter

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Re: [Pre Phase: Mission 5] Operation Midwinter

An exasperated sigh rolled off Mu'Tasim's lips as he caught sight 3rd Squadron's Szemis mouthing to the infamous Khiyai. The mechanist was not someone to be argued with, especially considering that her stubbornness rivaled that of a fortress wall. The thought of stopping them did cross his mind, but then again, the mechanists had a strange knack for discipline when it came to applying their engineering equipment to the body. So, he decided to stand-by and watch the situation develop, until Zus came forth to meet him again.

He chuckled a bit at her playful attitude. The two of them couldn't have had more differences between themselves. Zus was always off and about merry and playful, flying free over the miniscule problems that bothered normal people. Oh, how Mu'Tasim envied such a free-heart. Compared to her, he seemed like a statuesque old man, appearing sincere and consolidated. The Temple Guard crossed his arms, and smiled further.

"No, nothing more than the usual." he shifted his weight on his other foot, "Why? Have people been pasting notes on your locker, too?"
Re: [Pre Phase: Mission 5] Operation Midwinter

"It's, ah... No, don't worry about it. It's nothing important." Aiaru shook her head quickly, continuing towards the hangar. "I'll just have to figure it out later, we should get going for now though." She didn't particularly want to discuss the details of her attraction to men who were already taken with someone else. She'd already decided that she was going to put off any decisions until later, so she really hoped Isha would just drop it.
Re: [Pre Phase: Mission 5] Operation Midwinter

It was when the little pad was placed in the locker that all pretenses of happiness vanished.

That pad, with all it's doodles, sketches and drawings were just a means to an end, not an end in an of itself. That is, he didn't always draw just for the sake of drawing or fun. It was to keep his mind away from the more unpleasant things in life. And with it safely tucked away in the locker room, Akjit had nothing to keep him from thinking about what was to come.

Mu'Tasim's technique. Zus' cunning. And Nightmare's efficiency. He saw it all firsthand. Had it all aimed right at and used on his very own person. But now, he wondered, could he string it all together? Akjit stepped out of the changing rooms with his suit, ready for whatever fate awaited him. Only, he didn't envy Szemis' fate, if the argument was anything to go by.

He nodded silently to Mu'Tasim and Zus in turn.
Re: [Pre Phase: Mission 5] Operation Midwinter

The topic, whatever it was, was clearly sensitive and possibly embarrassing. Isha smiled and nodded. "If you ever need anything, you can always call on me." And that was it. She swiftly changed topics.

"This may be rather out of the blue, but I've been really craving some bass-heavy electronica. Would you happen to have any?"
Re: [Pre Phase: Mission 5] Operation Midwinter

It wasn't until Szemis' section of the locker room was clear before it seemed as if the ship itself was giving him a harsh rebuke for his choice of words. If he showered, the water would've been suddenly ice cold one moment, then hot the next and vice versa. His locker would've seemed to have been stuck before suddenly swinging open of its own accord depending on the timing.

And worse yet, the localized gravity of that area seemed to be on the fritz as it would have suddenly shut off, and on at the most opportune moment of his misfortune should he continue being cheeky. Junk indeed, or so it seemed. Or the pique of a certain NI had been raised.
Re: [Pre Phase: Mission 5] Operation Midwinter

Kuzman merely stood off to the side of the conversation, amused. He was far too entertained by the banter to change the topic and was also far too busy trying to wake up to feel like saying something witty.
Re: [Pre Phase: Mission 5] Operation Midwinter

"No, no notes on my locker, though I could swear I feel somebody unconsciously watching me or something... Probably just my imagination. Still, they haven't given up on you, eh?" Zus giggled "I guess that just makes me feel better knowing that the best man in the Vanguard chose me." With that, the blonde Eyr Ranr beamed at the Sund Wakir next to her and blushed a little, looking quite happy.

After several unhappy minutes and quite a bit of shouting, a rather annoyed Szemis emerged from the locker rooms. Zus moved back a little to hide behind Mu'Tasim, in an almost playful manner, though she did honestly want to avoid her brother. However, this seemed unnecessary, as a disheveled and angered Szemis seemed too preoccupied to notice the sister he was normally so fixated on. Instead he went and found his EVII and leaned against it, grumbling about how mistreated and unappreciated he was.

"Perhaps we're being a bit harsh on my brother lately..." Zus observed, cocking an eye at the shorter, stockier sibling of hers. "Ehhh... He probably deserves it." Zus shook her head and looked back up to Mu'Tasim.
Re: [Pre Phase: Mission 5] Operation Midwinter

Mu'Tasim wrapped his arms gently around Zus as she hid behind him, his hands resting at the small of her back. He seemed a bit more calm now, being in his link-suit. Though, a small part may have had something to do with Zus' closeness. Still, it gave him no trouble thinking on just how mistreated Szemis was. In all honesty, it was easy to point at an abrasive, rude, and rough-edged person and admonish them, and punish them. The Temple Guard gave his girl a little squeeze before letting her go.

"I'm going to speak with him." said Mu'Tasim, striding forth in his confident gait. "Storhan!" He called to the blonde twin, waving at him gently.
Re: [Pre Phase: Mission 5] Operation Midwinter

Aiaru sighed mentally, feeling more than a little bit like she'd managed to dodge a potential social (and career) landmine there, at least for the time being. She had to admit though, the speed at which Isha had changed topics there didn't bode well for Aiaru. "Ah... No, I don't, sadly. I've never really been a musical person, to be honest."
Re: [Pre Phase: Mission 5] Operation Midwinter

Akjit didn't mean to eavesdrop, though he himself wasn't even sure it was considered such as they were quite out in the open and everything, he heard everything Zus and Mu'Tasim spoke of. The letters of those in need of council. Admirers. People like himself looked up to the man! And then there was Zus as well; they all counted on him! The weight on his would crush a lesser man. Akjit was glad he wasn't anybody important!

The Ivuori crossed his arms and nodded solemnly at that, lost in thought as he was.
Re: [Pre Phase: Mission 5] Operation Midwinter

"Oh," Her expression was pouty and slightly pained, "You poor soul. Music is my passion. Not saying it should be everyone's, not at all, but having no interest in music is a loss, I think." She had a look of concentration then as Isha was pondering her next step.

"Perhaps you'll let me play doctor with your soul instead of your body this time- diagnostics only, of course!" The Field Physician smiled at her own joke. "That is, if you'll spare me a couple hours of your time, I'd like to be your guide into the realm of expression."

Frankly, Isha was shocked at this turn of events. Not knowing your musical flavor didn't seem possible to Vayshirin Ragnar. On the bright side, though, it might give her a chance to make a legitimate friend aside from her dear darling known as work.

They had arrived at the locker rooms about that time, and Isha quickly changed. She moved unabashedly, which is to say she wasn't afraid to present her imperfect form, nor did she attempt to show off or make jokes. Isha changed and that was that.

When Aiaru was likewise suited, Isha proceeded into the hangar alongside her colleague.
Re: [Pre Phase: Mission 5] Operation Midwinter

"Then I'll reserve my optimism for another time." Serhan nodded back to the FIOMNI dutifully, feeling a little drained by the thought that he really was marching forces back into the fray. All of the lives essentially in his hands, whom he'd be throwing into the fire to protect the fleet and guarantee the operation.

The officer took the moment to peer at his commander, carefully studying deep lines of worry that he had started to mirror after many months outside of the cockpit. The experience was aging him a little more, but it was just another burden he'd have to swallow.

"Commence the briefing, then."


Ship PA systems and internal suit comms flickered to life as the network established itself, communicating to the ears of the runners or through more esoteric senses as many were already linked into their VANDR units. "Bahram Wing, we've come to the end of our exploration campaign. This has been a difficult mission, far from home and with only those you stand shoulder to shoulder with to count on, but it has been worth it, for soon there will be peace." The voice of the young officer came through on all internal channels.

"Before us stands the NVR homeworld, a place settled by those we exiled many centuries past and conquered by the rebels driven away from Iruotl eight years ago. It is a place of beautiful and diverse people brought under heel by an oppressive regime that exists only for the purpose of avenging itself on those who they think have wronged them- which is every one of you."

"But whether they are right or wrong is not for any of us to decide, for they have committed atrocities of the world beneath us, the world of Draseed. They have enslaved the young and fed them to the fires of an uncaring war machine, and put the old and infirm into factories where they are worked to death." The voice on communications flickered briefly as Serhan cleared his throat, perhaps briefly questioning what he was saying but forcing through with his resolve. "So we have come, not to prove that their desire for freedom was wrong, but to free these good people from slavery. For no cause is truly just if injustices are perpetrated in its name."

"Now march forward, and know why you are here." Serhan spoke carefully, but with authoritative firmness, directing his attention back to the data laid before him that would have to be relayed to the crews. "All Squadrons prepare for launch, briefing will be given as you prepare."
Re: [Pre Phase: Mission 5] Operation Midwinter

To those within the Hangar already they would see warning klaxons flashing as previously hidden compartments within the walls opened unveiling yet more panels. These too eventually retracted showing what looked like rows, upon rows of shells of varying sizes all protected by a shimmering force field. Technicians quickly made their way toward this hidden storehouse of munitions as the field shut off, and rows began to extend on prehensile tail like lines.

On their Datarods, HUDS, or nearby vid-screens, Ishtar's voice could be heard then.

"This is Ishtar speaking, by now you've likely noticed hidden munition caches being opened. These are my OMDE stores." and on each of the display types the acronym was broken down to 'Organoid Metal-Digesting Enzyme', a small chibi-ish face of Ishtar beside it, pointing.

"These have been released due to Wartime Status being enacted. Now then, OMDE rounds will be loaded into the MACD," once again broken down for those who didn't get it 'Mobile Arsenal Canister Drone'. "Replacing some of, if not all of the standardized artillery shells. The OMDE can digest metallic compounds rendering superstructures, hulls, or any manner of vehicle compromised within minutes. These are, very nearly Weapons of Mass Destruction or! As I like to say, Weapons of Mass Pacification! When firing these rounds, please be careful to avoid friendly fire, and if at all possible leaving the MACD behind to fall into enemy hands, and or allowing it to be detonated while you are within its blast radius."

"In addition for fleet-wide release of OMDE munitions and MACDs, I have a special announcement. The release of a new VANDR model. The So-M3-1A Haidan VANDR. Primarily designed as an Aquatic Armor, the Haidan is classified as a 'deep strike harassment and heavy assault platform'."

As she says this the Haidan shows up on the various displays and even demonstrating its various weapon types and defenses as she continues.

"It is more heavily armored and shielded than both the Erla II, and Raevr VANDR units, and boasts Particle, Laser, Missile and Solenoid weapon systems. As well as a new Particle Cannon, the Assault Charged Particle Accelerator Cannon, or! ACPA for short. Designed for anti-fortification and anti-ship strikes the ACPA also doubles as a wide-area bombardment weapon. After impact, the charged particle blast spreads out into a wide area inflicting further damage beyond point of impact."

"The Haidan's missile storage space is however limited but this has been overcome with the First Strike Weapons Case which holds four APaLa missile racks each with three missiles for a grand total of twelve. While still a short coming, the Haidan's particle and laser weaponry make up for this."

"Despite its impressive firepower, and defenses, the Haidan also boasts several stealth based systems for use to make it a hard target. I am sure some of you are aware of the Phantoma Sink system built into the Erla II and Raevr combine this with the Muted Resonance Shroud and Optical Distortion Emitters and the Haidan will be extremely difficult to target. If it is, the Regenerative Canister Missiles and Beacon Flares will grant the unit increased survivability. As will its VT Claw weapons."
Re: [Pre Phase: Mission 5] Operation Midwinter

This was it. The final moment that would make or break everything.

And Akjit just happened to be stuck trying to figure out if he wanted to stick with his usual frame, or try out the new and shiny one. As sad as it was to say, it was much like a girl who couldn't decide which dress to wear. 'Should I just stick to the Erla II? I'm a lot more familiar with it than this new Haidan model. After all, every training session I had with Mu'Tasim was in it.' the Ivuori thought to himself, mentally picturing the Erla VANDR II in his mind. He pulled out his rod and brought up the specs Ishtar was showing everyone in regards to the Haidan model though.

He imagined just what it would be like to be inside of one, musing over its strengths. 'But this Haidan - it's so much more heavily armed and armored! It might not have all that many missiles, but its main weapon packs a huge punch And has an area of effect!' And of course, weaknesses - that took a little longer though, as he paused at the realization. 'I'm going to know what it's like to be fat, aren't I?' Akjit asked himself. The thought was a dour one.

Sadly for him, the bad thoughts wouldn't stop there either. He imagined the NI's cacaphony of voices echoed in his mind, the most feminine of them standing out in the forefront, laughing and scolding him. The Ivuori shivered. 'And what will Nightmare think? She'd probably say I'm a coward and abandoning her for someone more well equipped. I mean, there's not enough time to transfer her core or anything, is there?' Not enough time to move Nightmare's core - maybe, just maybe there was a silver lining to the Haidan series after all! But he had to get some advice for this first.

He needed to talk to Mu'Tasim and Zus. They'd know best, right? Though the two of them were close by and close together, Zus happened to be the one closest to him. "Um, Zus? Mu'Tasim?"

He tugged the sleeves of the Eyr Ranr and Sund Wakir.
Re: [Pre Phase: Mission 5] Operation Midwinter

"As much as a shiny new VANDR sounds, I believe I stick with my Erla II. This model doesn't seem very....melee oriented. Though I'm sure my NI would highly appreciate those new, larger weapons," Kuzman chuckled. He continued, "Well, I do believe I'm awake now. Let's get this show on the road!" He fist pumped the air for good measure.
Re: [Pre Phase: Mission 5] Operation Midwinter

Mu'Tasim, not getting much response from Szemis, turned his attention to the comms being broadcasted over the loud-speaker. To the announcements, particularly the Haidan. The close-range striking machine was immensely suited to his style of combat. That, and a close-range assault vehicle was key for a battle such as this.

There was no doubting it, this last stretch of the war would be bloody. They had all seen some intense fighting thus far, and many people had already been lost. Even First Squadron had such losses, and those remembered souls weighed heavily on Mu'Tasim's shoulders. There was little he could do of that, though, as each death marked another reason to win this war. Stopping now, turning back, or even showing fear was a dishonor to the dead, and Mu'Tasim would make light of nothing here.

A tug to his linksuit made the Temple Guard turn his stark gaze on Akjit, an almost piercing and immensely judging gaze.
Re: [Pre Phase: Mission 5] Operation Midwinter

Aiaru shrugged as she suited up, showing a similar lack of caring about the possibility of someone seeing her naked form. "I've just always preferred the quietness, growing up around people like I did."

She followed Isha as the medic made her way out into the hangar, and listened closely to the announcements, first from their commander, and then to the ship's NI as well. Aiaru wasn't quite sure how to feel about the new VANDR, in all honesty. It granted more firepower, in a focused sense, and was obviously hard to hit, but at the same time, she wasn't a very experienced pilot to start with. Would it really be a good idea for her to try and change her systems when she hadn't even finished learning about the ones she was using now?

She saw one of the other pilots approaching Zus and Mu'Tasim (who she'd managed to distract herself from, at least for the moment), but decided against approaching them herself. This was a decision she had to make for herself, and while those two might have insights she didn't, it was more a matter of surety in her own mind then anything technical.
Re: [Pre Phase: Mission 5] Operation Midwinter

While others may have floundered on the decision of switching out for the new model, Vayshirin Ragnar knew full well she would surrender neither Noblisse nor Nubia to the hands of another. In fact, she intended after this battle to tattoo upon her Erla's torso those names: over the heart would be the VANDR's- Noblisse- and at the hip she would inscribe the N.I.'s. The very thought elicited a grin, and as she crossed the hangar to her VANDR Isha imagined a myriad of ways to go about her art: colors, styles, and sizes were mentally debated with passion.

Out of habit, she waved to her comrades Akjit, Zus, and Mu'Tasim as she passed them; the Field Physician would likely not even recall this event so engrossed in the aforementioned task she was.
Re: [Pre Phase: Mission 5] Operation Midwinter

"What is it, Chirimar?" Zus pondered aloud, as the sleeve of her linksuit was tugged, which, was a feat in and of itself, considering there was no slack on which to tug, but Zus didn't let that bother her. Akjit seemed to want something, and she, as Mu'Tasim, gazed directly into the Nervous Iroma's eyes with a bit of smouldering intensity.

Elsewhere, Zus' younger brother was completely engrossed in his own thing- so much so that even Mu'Tasim calling for him hadn't diverted his attention. What exactly he was doing to his Erla II was a mystery, though, but he seemed to be fiddling with something on its foot as the PA system spoke, and people did their things.
Re: [Pre Phase: Mission 5] Operation Midwinter

First, Mu'Tasim's eyes bored into Akjit like an MCPA, ablating through layer after layer of the younger Ivuori as though he were an unshielded frame. He shrunk a little at the man's stare, but had his attention snatched away as Zus spoke up. But her gaze wasn't any more forgiving either. That too penetrated Akjit, but like a kinetic penetrator, sudden and sharp in contrast to her curious, tomboyish tone. Akjit practically wilted at their combined assault.

'I mustn't run away, I mustn't run away, I mustn't run away...'

Akjit straightened his back and stood tall for once - the audible pops in his spine were surprising, but shouldn't have been. He gulped and cleared his throat, doing his best to force his nervousness away. "Sh-ould - ' He started, the first world shaky, " - I use the Erla VANDR II, or the new Haidan?" Akjit asked, the rest of his voice now solid and steady. "I'm not sure which would complement the rest of the team the most, and I'm not sure we'll be able to switch Nightmare over in time either." he explained.

Akjit had a long way to go, but he was making progress.
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