Star Army

Star ArmyⓇ is a landmark of forum roleplaying. Opened in 2002, Star Army is like an internet clubhouse for people who love roleplaying, art, and worldbuilding. Anyone 18 or older may join for free. New members are welcome! Use the "Register" button below.

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RP: Bastardpiece Theater [Bastardpiece Theater] Bastard Operations: Ghosts in the Snow

"Gun," Kira said in quick reponse, she threw her staff like a javelin at the closest guy. Then she jumped back to where was some room, rolling back over her shoulder. As she rolled backwards on her feet again, her hand went under her coat and pulled out her Styrling Silver Special, putting the safety off. Kira carried it on number two, aka cocked with safety on. She aimed it at the gangers to cover Fian while he disarmed the gunner. "Let us stop here, yes?" She said to the gangers with her pistol.
Back Alley

The loose propellant and cases flew into the unsuspecting gangster's face just as his weapon's muzzle began to clear the thick and heavy jacket. Fian moved flawlessly, the training he had easily allowing him to both disarm and send the street thug flying. At the same time Kira's staff flew fast and hard, landing square in the crowbar wielding gangster's gut. With an explosive cough, he dropped the sturdy tool as he clutched his gut, the polearm falling to the ground.

"Shit, they got guns," one of them remarked. "What a killjoy - lets just g - "

A hail of bullets from Dex and Kurt quickly cut all of the gangbangers down. The rapid fire of their pistols were only mere coughs, while the sound of bullets punching through their frames and hitting the wall echoed. With all the boys dead, Kurt quickly took the whole situation in and ran over to one of the bodies - picking up a crowbar from one, he smashed the lock open. "Change of plans - toss me it and get to the back door there," he pointed them along. Silenced or not, someone had to have heard it - the things weren't perfect unless they cost an arm or leg. Nacon quickly chimed in, adding his own direction to them all,

"Fian, Kira, you two will have to go in and get to the third floor along with Dex and Kurt - snag what we came here for and get out." With the noise, time was running out, and fast.

Condo Front:

"I would never! It's Un-Nepleslian, and something that, that one of those sick cats would do!"

The kind of person that this security guard was, began to fall into place - he was the conservative kind of person, the one that gave a bad rap to the rest by swinging around whatever power he had for fun. The kind of person that hated Neko and all the sex they got to...and was dead serious when the fighting started. He was perhaps one of the worst kinds of Nepleslian zealot. As quick, thudding pops echoed from the alleyway not too far away, his head turned on a swivel as his brow furrowed hard. Though the sound of silenced bullets hitting concrete and brick was not entirely common, it was an odd thing all on its own.

"Huh? What was that?"
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"Well that is that. Poor duraki." Kira said and picked up her staff, putting it back in her pocket. She then inserted her into the pocket of her coat, he hand remaining on it. It seemed that she will have a use for it soon. "The building, it has a back-door yes? We should use it if there be one." Kira said to comms, going back to Fian to regroup and mover out together.
"Yes, yes, you'll all have to pile in through there instead, and just start going up the stairs. I'll tell you where to go," Nacon growled at them. He was frustrated, but he understood what was happening now. They were all well trained. Individually. The Delsaurian mused that if he used only ONE of them, things would go more smoothly, but with far larger limitations on how much could be gotten done. This was the exact opposite - they could get a lot done, but, with plenty of hitches. It was just a matter of getting used to each other. Thinking it over carefully, he gave the two out in the front of the their orders.

"Kill the guard, and drag his body to the back alley. Shank it up and break it with whatever weapons are still left there. Make it look like the gangbangers did it - hell, pump the bullets in his gun into them," he quickly snapped, just as the guard told the two to stay put and began to walk towards the alley-way. "Just be quiet about it and don't be seen." By then however, a second security guard, this one taller and actually fit, came out, brow raised as his larger co-worker made his way to the alley.

The others inside were going up and up and up - it felt like an eternity, moving fast and keeping quiet, but Nacon soon broke the silence. "Stop! Listen carefully - you're all right at the doorway that leads from the stairwell emergency exit and into the Condo's kitchen. Once in, directly to your right is the dining room, and forward from your entry point is the living room. From the living room to the right is the main hall - don't go there - you need to go left into the bedroom. It's all built by damn private contractors, so I don't have schematics," he explained. A faint whirr from the door in front of them could be heard."I've unlocked it from your side - put on the silencers Mattie gave you all. I'm darkening your stairwell first so your eyes adjust, but once the door opens, move in," their boss told them. Darkness fell. "There's three guards. After you're inside and it's clear? Take the baby, and put it in Kurt's box before leaving through the stairs."

At that, the lights went out, and the door quietly swung open - the smell of sizzling steak assaulted their nostrils as a voice loudly swore. A single man a little to their left, dressed in a business suit, was at the stove. "F@#$ - I just burned myself! The hell just happened?" he asked, turning around and fumbling his way to the living room. Before them was a granite topped island, with a free standing wall, cupboards and sink past it, while to their left was the dining room, as promised. Past the island, beyond the wall directly in front of them, some groans of loud, angry annoyance could be heard.

And, further into the condo, the cries of a startled baby could be heard.
Kurt threaded the suppressor onto his pistol right before it went dark. Sudden blindness gave way to very vague shapes as his eyes adjusted to the dim lighting around them. Taking his pistol in his right hand and pulling down his balaclava over his face, Kurt very slowly rounded the corner of the open door, taking care to immediately get out of the doorway so that the rest of the team could pile in.

Stacking to the left of the doorway and inside of the kitchen, Kurt kept his night sights trained on the fumbling figure of a man in front of him, tracking him with the dim green dots on his pistol sights, keeping them leveled at where his upper back should be. Carefully walking on the edges of his feet in order to not produce a "flop"ing sound like how people normally walk in boots, and to eliminate the bounce of his pistol, Kurt advanced along the left side of the kitchen until he got close enough.

Waiting for the rest to enter, Kurt would slowly "stage" the trigger on his pistol by squeezing it and holding it just a few fractions of an inch before the trigger let the hammer fall. He would wait until everyone was in before killing the target, so that his entire force would be inside the kitchen when the guards inside responded to the muffled report of a suppressed weapon and the accompanying "thud" of a body.
Stacking up behind Kurt, Dex waited until the man was in the entryway before holding his silenced pistol in a ready position and followed his comrade through the door. Stepping carefully to avoid making unnecessary noise facing toward the angry groans. His eyes were adjusting to the light as he thought about getting a nightvision mod after they got done where they were. His biggest concern was that he had left the Styrling Tactical Rifle back at their HQ, considering he could have silenced it and had a bit more firepower in case it hit the fan.

Glancing back toward Kurt, he could make out the man's shape but that was all. Physically preparing himself in the event the source of the annoyed sounds came to check on the suited man, Dex readied to put two rounds in their chest when they showed themselves.
Advancing up the stairs, Kira saved her breath keeping herself steady. It would not help, if she was out of breath up at the destination. She also made sure to clean her boots of any snow on the way up. Sloshy sounds were last you need when you want to be silent. As Nacon gave them instruction, Kira took a silencer and screwed it properly on her pistol and took her safety off, ready to move in when the go-ahead would be given. She nodded at Kurt, Fian and Dex. She also unhooked her smg from under her comrade and let it hang on the sling, ready to be used. That weapon was not silenced though, so it was only for when shit would hit a fan. Finally she rolled down a balaclava same as Kurt.

As Kurt and Dex moved in after lights were turned off, Kira closely followed her steps as silent as possible. She aimed her handgun forward, finger on the trigger and ready to shoot her pistol. As Kurt moved lefwards, Kira went right, her iron-sights moving through the darkness looking for a shape to shoot. As she moved to the right she could perfectly see into the dining room, looking for any target for her gun.
Kurt's shot was on the mark - the sound of a silenced pistol and the thud of a body was loud, but the sorrow that was a fallen steak and pan was far sharper.

"Really man? I was starving," came the sound of a chair being pushed grated across the floor. Kira's eyes were settling into the darkness well, but what she saw was the dining table itself, the chairs, something tall and slender off to the side - possibly some decor she couldn't recognize - and something that could have been a person sitting down and looking around for that meal. Only, that slender shape off to her left moved a little. At the same time, Dex could partially see into the living room - the faint outline of a person pacing back and forward drifted in and out of the darkness. There were objects in the way, possibly a potted plant or decoration.

Kurt's ears picked up on something else though.

"So much for the kickback," came a voice from amongst the couches. "One of you check on the nanny?"
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A problem with a supressed shot, that it is supressed only to an extent. The supressor, does not make the sound magically disappear. No sire. It just changes BANG into POMF, but that POMF can still be heard. As Kira hear them talk about the sitter, she hoped that no one is right with the kid in the room. Even if he would not hear the shots, he would hear the falling bodies, especially since cutting the electricity made them alert at least to some extent.

Still there was no time to waste, every second they would just sit there, they could be made. And that would be bad. As Kira's granpa used to say. Aim at the bird for too long and it will fly away. Means no dinner. Right now, Kira had easy spot. The slender had to go first, since he or she was standing. The other one was sitting, which limited him at what he could do. She had a bit of second, so she aimed at the slender person and sent two bullet his or her way, hoping other agents would react. She could not wait for Kurt to give some kind of okay no more.

As her pistol POMFed twice, she quickly re-aimed, changing her target to the sitting bloke. She hoped he was not fast, still she sent three round his way. Chest, chest, head. Though in the darkness, the last one would probably miss, but still better to fire it and get lucky.
Carefully sliding himself to the corner of the living room, he leaned around to focus on the individual pacing in the living room. Holding his weapon steady, he squeezed two suppressed shots at center mass. Holding his position he waited to confirm the kill before moving in to clear the room. If the man wasn't dead when he got to him, he would finish him off with a quick headshot before he could make too much noise.
Speed was key.

The moment that Kira opened up with her gun, the figure fell, blood being spat out of his mouth as the rounds punched the air out of his lungs. Tumbling to the side as an arm was thrown out, he dragged across cabinets and pulled down several shelves worth of food onto the floor. The other in the living room heard the Slender Man's fall, and stood up in surprise at the new noise - just as Dex fired The POMF-POMF of his handgun was followed up with a third as the man began to keel over, the shadow of his head snapping back as a wet, sucking splash painted itself across the couch. Kira's follow up shots to the figure sitting at the table hit only cushion and wood however, the material snapping and breaking under the shots.

It was just a pair of chairs, one on one side, and the other at the other - their overlap had simply made a larger silhouette.

Making sure their marks were dead, they moved fast; Kira and Dex filed up and got ready to pile in. The noise they made earlier likely didn't go unnoticed, so Kurt got ready to breach the door. Taking aim, the door flew off its hinges and slammed into the man, sending him flying. Feathers rustling, a tall, powerful figure moved fast, slapping the gun out of Kira's hand with one, and picking her up by the belt with another. In an instant, the Lorath woman used the smaller woman to batter Dex down, keeping his gun arm locked down long enough for her to crush it with a hammering blow, numbing his hand and sending it into the dark. But Kira wasn't down and out yet - pulling a knife out, she stabbed out, only to hit the Fyuunen 'Nanny' in the gut as she moved. It only got worse, as she made to grab the weapon for herself, fighting against the redhead for the blade while she simultaneously she fought to pin the both of them to the floor by sheer, brute, inhuman strength. This Lorath woman wanted to kill them, and kill them fast.

This all happened in a blink of the eye, and she knew speed was key.
Fighting two big security guards? That had been little issue. Fighting them quietly in a confined alley? That had made things harder, but she put her natural physical advantages to good use. After that it had been a matter of using the guns among the body and placing them right to make it look like a typical no-winners ambush. Covering her tracks, Sawaka had secured a silencer on her pistol, and had headed back to the van where she retrieved her shotgun (awkwardly stuffed under her coat and into her pants to avoid cameras seeing it). She'd come in through the same door as the rest of the team and once in the security of the darkness, she'd drawn the shotgun, and headed up to the first opened door.

The carnage was easy to see for her, with the bodies, food, and wrecked furniture. And Kurt against a wall, supporting the weight of his new friend, Door. And the Fyunnen woman wrestling with two of her new-found crewmates for control of - something. Either they were fighting for a weapon or aggressively fondling. Sawaka didn't much car for most of these Nepleslians she'd found herself forced to work alongside, but she knew she wasn't going to be in the best shape if they all got killed by some angry babysitter. But they were too close for her to risk the spread of the shotgun and she didn't feel like just dropping the weapon in favor of her pistol: risking being disarmed of both firearms by the woman if the fight went wrong.

So she ran. She dashed across the room, hopped over the fallen body of one guard, and tossed her shotgun to hold it by the barrel like a gangland bat.

She didn't shout or make any sort of call for the woman's attention. Instead Sawaka swung the bat sideways, to avoid catching either of her pinned partners, and to minimize the risk of causing a headbutt. She wanted to bring the weapon down on the top of the Fyunnen's head. This would have the added benefit of making it harder for her opponent to grab for the shotgun before she pulled it away - to replace it with a high-speed foot for the side of her face with the intent of making her eat some of the wall!
"Humph," Kira sighed as she was used as a battering ram. Relfexively, she managed to breathe out and flex her muscles. Having air thrown out of you is really nasty. Before she could react, she was on Dex, pushing him in the ground with nasty Fyunnen lady holding Kira down. Without thinking a knife appeared in Kira's hand and was driven into Fyunnen's guts. Unluckily, one stab wound will hardly be a enough to bring down one of lorath warrior caste.

It was a battle fore the knife now, Kira did what she could just to point the knife away from herself. "Sod of you big ugly pizda!~" Kira spat into Fyunnens face, while using the free hand one to grab the large woman hair. She then proceeded to try pushing the enemy's head down, while Kira drove her forehead up into the lorath warriors nose in a classic, yet effective headbutt.
Attempting to pull himself from under the struggle for the blade without becoming impaled by the weapon himself, Dex reached from the length of coiled wire inside his pocket with the intention to grab the Fyunnen around the neck with it. Every intention was to kill the woman through strangulation unless he could get a good enough grip to snap her neck.
To many Nepleslians, Nekovalkyrja were freaks of un-nature, unnaturally strong.

The very fact that the shotgun shattered and bent as it smashed into the Fyuunen's head within this horrible darkness was just another reminder. Stunned by the blow, Kira's spit had her reflexively recoil where the massive woman would have normally just held her eyes open. But the headbutt was what finally had her reel back, completely dazed by one blow followed by another. Dex's initial attempt to grab and choke out the Lorath failed, but with breathing room for both him and Kira, he was able to get up and pounce onto the tall woman's back as he scrambled to get a good grip and break her neck. But Fyuunen weren't easy - feeling his grasp, the woman instinctively tucked her chin in close to her prodigious chest, flexing her neck muscles - like steel, they wouldn't budge!

Like a wounded animal, she flailed her arms around trying to strike him, before settling on just ramming into the wall, back first - drywall broke under her as she jammed Dex into it, stumbling forward and getting ready to smash him a second time!
Using her training and agility, Kira flexed her whole body and hopped back on her feet, while Dex went toe to toe with the fyunnen lady. Kira did not waste much time either, as Dex was pushed into wall, Kira charged the Fyunnen from behind, jumping on the large female warrior.

The kuznietski red-head wrapped her free arm and legs around the fyunnen. Kire then proceeded to go with fast stabs at Fyunnens sides and belly, as Dexhad his hands still around the fyunnen's neck. "Time to die! Yes?" Kira shouted as she attacked.
Sawaka bit back a sigh. What was with these Nepleslians and making everything so visceral all the time? One was trying to strangle the lady, which by itself was not a smart move as his repeatedly being beat against the wall was apt to show him, and the other was trying to stab her to death. Sawaka had met a woman who'd tried to go against a Fyunnen with a knife once. She had a very lovely tombstone. The neko drew her pistol and moved quickly to the side of the fighting trio.

This "babysitter" wasn't likely to surrender, assuming that there was an actual baby at all, and even if she did then her two "partners" had left the woman in such a state that she'd likely die anyways. It was kind of sad really. Now from her position to the group's collective side, she didn't have much blocking her shot as she stalked up, brought the pistol to bear on the side of the woman's head, and she pulled the trigger of the silenced weapon twice in rapid succession.
His eyes having adjusted to the darkness a bit more, he saw the shadowed outline of a figure bringing a weapon to bear on the woman who's back he still occupied. Before he could say anything, he was slammed into the wall. Letting go of the Fyunnen, he crashed to the floor. He wasn't sure if the two muffled shots were going to hit their mark, and he prepared himself to kick the Fyunnen in the back of her knees with his heavy boots to bring her to the ground so he could get the garrote wire around her neck and end the fight.
The way the fight ended was as unglamorous as reality.

Focused on the man at her back, the knife Kira's hand held slipped in and out of the woman with ease, the Fyuunen crying out in pain as she was repeatedly stabbed. Dex's heavy boots collided with her legs, knocking the dying woman down. And, right into Sawaka as she flailed, one last time. The Neko found her aim thrown off by the unexpected move, her entirety suddenly pancaked underneath roughly two hundred pounds of Fyuunen as her face became buried in womanhood. Air quickly began to run out as her face was squished by the motionless babysitter, blood seeping into her clothing. As silence fell, they could hear.

Their own breathing, their heartbeats. And the sound of Kurt undoing the latches to his carry case as he stood within the room, just barely out of sight. This was it.
Kira squirmed on the ground as they felt, she crawled back grasping for air as she watched the Fyunnen stop moving. It seemed the woman warrior was finally dead and it put out a hell of a fight, but there were too many against her. Kira found herself feeling a bit sorry for the babysitter, but only a little since it was an enemy at the time. The kuznietski woman reached out with her legs, braced and pushed the fyunnen off Sawaka. Kira realised, there was little time now that Sawaka fired her gun.

Hopping back to her feets, Kira picked up her pistol. "Let's get out of here, yes? Everyone good?" She said, still catching break as she turned to the doors, Fyunnen charged out off. It was time to get what they came for.